Show infinite custom posts in wp admin - pagination

I need to see all custom posts on the admin list, rather than paginating at 20, like usual. Please note, this is only for a custom post type called "gallery".

Figured it out! In the top right of the posts list in wp-admin, there is a "Screen Options" button. You can modify the amount of posts shown there!


How to add links to other portlets in Liferay dockbar -> user dropdown?

I've just got stuck with the portal when it comes to editing the dockbar. What I need to do is to have the possibility to customize (in principle add new portlets to) the dockbar's user dropdown (the one most right hand side).
What I mean is that when you open the dropdown list you have these fancy buttons such as my account, my dashboard, my profile. And I'd like to add there links to my own portlets like 'SamplePortlet' 'Hello' etc.
Specifically I want to give user the possibility to manage that, and let him put the portlets he wants there to appear, but at first I'd like to know how to modify it in general.
I think I've tried some stuff from the internet, hooks or properties but none seemed to do anything at all. Have you got any ideas?

Browser add on/extension to intercept data selection then simulate link click and data entry

Background: a third party web application with a requirement on the order page to explicitly guide staff when a certain category of product is ordered.
Normal process:
select product to add order line (click on product image)
New process:
select product to add order line (click on product image)
[add on] simulate click on edit order line
[add on] simulate clear of default additional information form fields
enter additional information and click save
Note that the two steps to be performed by the add-on could be performed by the user however when things get busy or new staff begin is often the case that the order gets processed with the default value.
Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
A multi-browser solution is preferred but not essential.
I am an experienced developer, including web development, but have no experience in browser add on/extension development.
You can make an addon out of this very easily. You addEventListener to the gBrowser and if the is the product element then preventDefault so the click doesnt go thru (you will have to do mousedown and mouseup prevent as well). Then rather get the id of the "edit order line" and do .click() if that doesnt work and you really need to simulate use MouseEvent:
MDN :: MouseEvent
MDN :: Initatite/Dispatch MouseEvent
To enter aditional information get the id of the fields, and set their value. Then get the "Save" button id and then do .submit() or .click()
i said do get id in this post but you can use querySelector and go by css selector
see this page here on how to interact with content in currently selected tab:
basically just do gBrowser.contentDocument.getElementById

Display Drupal 7 Custom Menu

I created a custom menu, named "footer-link", and i created links under it.
How do i display it? Can someone help me thanks!
Some snippet i tried
menu_navigation_links('footer-link'), 'attributes' => array('class'=> array('links', 'site-menu')) ));?>
Go to "Structure" on your admin panel. And then click on "Blocks".
You should see a list of blocks available. You will also see a block for your custom menu.
There you can select the region where you want your link to be displayed.
I hope this helps. It is a very simple question you asked. Im surprised noone's answered yet.

Orchard CMS remove Home menu link when adding title of the page to the menu

I just created a new Orchard website. I added 5 articles to it and when I was done, I have 6 menu links.
See: Home and A Quick Look are the same page and same url. This was the first article I added and I just overwrote the content of the existing hello world page. I wanted the link text to be "A Quick Look" instead of "Home", so I clicked Show on main menu:
How do remove the "Home" link?
I had considered deleting the hello world page first and then adding my content, but It seems Orchard is still a bit rough around the edges and didn't want to risk anything that would crash the app like I have been seeing on a regular basis. Like, don't put a dot in table prefix or the site will crash. Don't put "http://" in the url when creating the Tenant site, ditto on the crash. Anyways, any advice would be great!
You can manage your menu through the Navigation link in the Orchard dashboard. Just delete the extra item from the menu there and your menu should look like what you want it to look like.
And of course, if you want to be safe, make a database backup before doing so, even though I don't think that would be necessary.
Make a backup first and then try it. This way, you're safe.

<a4j:include> content doesn't get change

This is what i want to achieve. I have navigation panel on left and content panel on right.
when user click links on left navigation panel , ajax calls made and content panel got rendered. With current implementation, content got change based on the link i clicked.
however i found content still don't get change when perform following steps:
1. click "display user", user list got display
2. click "add user" to add one user
3. click "display user", user list got display but content is same as the one in step 1.
i am sure data has been inserted into db.
looks like this view got cached on server. is there anyway to solve this issue?
following are my code and screenshot.
thank you,
i found answer from this link.
basically, use following line to destroy backing-bean, then problem solved.
