Display Drupal 7 Custom Menu - menu

I created a custom menu, named "footer-link", and i created links under it.
How do i display it? Can someone help me thanks!
Some snippet i tried
menu_navigation_links('footer-link'), 'attributes' => array('class'=> array('links', 'site-menu')) ));?>

Go to "Structure" on your admin panel. And then click on "Blocks".
You should see a list of blocks available. You will also see a block for your custom menu.
There you can select the region where you want your link to be displayed.
I hope this helps. It is a very simple question you asked. Im surprised noone's answered yet.


How to implement PXFormulaCombo or Formula Builder control?

As per title. I need to customise AM207500 - Configuration Maintenance screen to add another custom field that will allow me to enter formula similar to QtyRequired field.
I got as far as displaying the correct dialog. But its missing the fields selection.
I believe I'm missing the OnRootFieldsNeeded property. But every time I try to edit the ASPX and manually add this. Its being cleared by Acumatica.
Am I in the right direction ? And how do I force this property in my ASPX ?
A bit unconventional, but have you tried updating the ASPX page on the custom pages and then clicking on the files section to update the file? This will then ensure the file update occurs before publish and hold the configuration

Drupal 8 Twig Template - Show menu if node has a menu item

I am creating custom twig templates for a Drupal 8 theme. I want to render a menu in a region only if the node has a menu link (i.e. when editing the node the menu settings on the right has been configured so the “provide a menu link” box has been checked).
Ideally I would like to create this in the twig template so I can change the layout accordingly, but any pointers greatly appreciated!
Usually this issue is handled differently(by creating a separate content type and set visibility) but for the sake of the question I'll give some solutions.
Solution 1: Block Visibility Groups.
If that is not enough.
Solution 2: hook_block_view_alter(or any other hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view_alter) where you can deactivate the access to menu block after you check if condition is met with Drupal::routeMatch() to check what node is displayed.

Acumatica T100(Setting ComboBox at Runtime) enable property not available for edstatus

I'm having an issue following this lesson exercise here's an image of the instructions. When I have the edStatus field selected the enable property is not available for me to change.Here is an image of the layout editor with edStatus selected. Other fields have the enable ExtProperty but this specific field I can't locate it to complete the exercise. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Just realized that you can set the enabled property even if not listed via the layout editor through the source code. Hopes this helps anyone else stuck on this issue.

Android googledocs app component name

I am planning to provide menus for my app similar to the sliding menu shown in the below image when clicking on the button in the list view. Could you give me some pointers on, how it can be achieved. Is it SubMenu ?
I got it, the behavior or pattern name is QuikActions.
Useful introductory article for the beginners like me is available in the following link

<a4j:include> content doesn't get change

This is what i want to achieve. I have navigation panel on left and content panel on right.
when user click links on left navigation panel , ajax calls made and content panel got rendered. With current implementation, content got change based on the link i clicked.
however i found content still don't get change when perform following steps:
1. click "display user", user list got display
2. click "add user" to add one user
3. click "display user", user list got display but content is same as the one in step 1.
i am sure data has been inserted into db.
looks like this view got cached on server. is there anyway to solve this issue?
following are my code and screenshot.
thank you,
i found answer from this link.
basically, use following line to destroy backing-bean, then problem solved.
