Running into errors while trying to move signal to external module - verilog

I have two modules namely main.v and signal.v.
In main.v, I have a few lines of code that update 16 bit reg tx with a value corresponding to a square wave.
reg [1:0] counter;
reg [15:0] tx;
always #(posedge clk) begin
counter = counter + 1;
if (counter[1] == 1) begin
tx[15:0] <= 16'b1010101010101010;
tx[15:0] <= 16'b0000000000000000;
This works fine. Eventually, though, I want to move this signal over to another file signal.v, because the signal that I pass to tx will grow steadily more complicated. I ran into errors when I try to do this. Initially, I tried to move all the above code to the file signal.v. Then used a wire between the two files as shown.
module signal(clk, get_tx);
input clk;
output reg get_tx;
reg [1:0] counter;
always #(posedge clk) begin
counter = counter + 1;
if (counter[1] == 1) begin
get_tx[15:0] <= 16'b1010101010101010;
get_tx[15:0] <= 16'b0000000000000000;
Then in main.v, I tried to add
wire get_tx;
reg [15:0] tx;
signal my_signal(.clk(clk), .get_tx(get_tx));
always #( get_tx ) begin
tx <= get_tx;
Based on what I see in the output oscilloscope, this method isn't working, and I'm not certain why this is. The first case seems to work fine, so I don't know why it is failing when I move to the second case (the signals just look completely different).
I would appreciate any help/advice!

First of all will be better to understand your connections and simulate your code if you add full code with modules declarations. The problems are in the signal types. Try to change output to wire. As well you need to declare bus, not just 1 bit signal. And give an initial value to your counter (in other case it will do follow operation 'X' +1 which gives 'X' in result and your condition if (counter[1] == 1) will never be achieved).
module signal(clk, get_tx);
input clk;
output [15:0] get_tx;
reg [15:0] tx_out;
reg [1:0] counter = 2'd0;
always #(posedge clk) begin
counter = counter + 1;
if (counter[1] == 1)
tx_out[15:0] <= 16'b1010101010101010;
tx_out[15:0] <= 16'b0000000000000000;
assign get_tx = tx_out;
Next error in upper module, there you also need to declare bus rather than just one bit wire [15:0] get_tx;. Try to fix this errors and your modules will work.


Assign multiple values to one latch

I need a latch which can take multiple bus with one enable signal for each and when this signal is high, the latch takes the value of the associated bus, something like this :
I tried this :
module Test (
input [1:0] load,
input [15:0] bus,
output reg [7:0] value
wire [7:0] temp;
assign temp = (load[0]) ? bus[7:0] : (load[1]) ? bus[15:8] : 8'bZZ;
always #(load or temp) begin
// Latch value
if (load) begin
value <= temp;
and this :
module Test (
input [1:0] load,
input [15:0] bus,
output reg [7:0] value
always #(load or bus) begin
// Latch value
if (load[0]) begin
value <= bus[7:0];
if (load[1]) begin
value <= bus[15:8];
And this same warning appears on both (repeated for each bit) :
Warning (13012): Latch Test:test|value[0] has unsafe behavior
Warning (13013): Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal load[0]
The only way that I found to avoid these warnings is like this :
module Test (
input [1:0] load,
input [15:0] bus,
output [7:0] value
reg [15:0] temp;
reg index;
always #(load or bus) begin
if (load[0]) begin
index <= 0;
if (load[1]) begin
index <= 1;
// Latch value
if (load) begin
temp <= bus;
assign value = temp[8*index+7 -:8];
But it's a waste of memory because it saves the two buses instead of one, is it possible to do it with one reg and avoiding these warnings ?
I don't think you can get rid of the warnings in the first two examples—you have a bonafide race condition between the latch enable and the data feeding the latch. It is more obvious in your first example.
When load goes to 0, temp will be changing to Z ( a don't care most likely 0) at the same time the latch enable goes to 0. Which one happens first is clearly a race.

How can I use display or monitor in verilog to check a register

I have 2 Modules. One is Register_File_Rf which is a file of 32 Registers I have created. I want to be able to see what every single register is storing.
Can I do this with $display or $monitor somehow?
Where these should be? In actual code or in Testbench, and how do I get the value in testbench when the stored Data is neither input or output?
module Register(
input Clk,
input [31:0] Data,
input WE,
output reg[31:0] Dout
reg [31:0] stored;
// With every Positive Edge of the Clock
always #(posedge Clk)begin
// If Write is Enabled we store the new Data
if (WE)begin
stored <= Data;
Dout <= stored;
end else
Dout <= stored;
module Register_File_RF(
input [4:0] Adr1,
input [4:0] Adr2,
input [4:0] Awr,
output reg[31:0] Dout1,
output reg[31:0] Dout2,
input [31:0] Din,
input WrEn,
input Clk
integer j;
genvar i;
wire [31:0]Temp_Dout[31:0];
reg W_E [31:0];
// Writing only in the first time R0 Register with 0
initial begin
W_E[0] = 1;
// Creating the R0 Register
Register register (.Clk(Clk),.WE(W_E[0]),.Data(0),.Dout(Temp_Dout[0]));
// Creating 30 Registers
for(i = 1; i < 32; i = i + 1)begin:loop
Register register (.Clk(Clk),.WE(W_E[i]),.Data(Din),.Dout(Temp_Dout[i]));
// Assigning to Dout1 and Dout2 the Data from a spesific register
always #(Adr1, Adr2) begin
Dout1 = Temp_Dout[Adr1];
Dout2 = Temp_Dout[Adr2];
// Wrting Data to a specific register
always #(posedge Clk)begin
//Reseting Write Enable of the register to 0
for (j = 0; j < 32; j = j + 1)begin:loop2
W_E[j] = 0;
W_E[Awr] = WrEn;
Yes, you can do this with either $display or $monitor.
Typically, $monitor would be called inside an initial block since it should only be called at one time in your simulation. It automatically displays values whenever one of its argument signals changes value.
Unlike $monitor, $display only displays values when it is called; it must be called whenever you want to display a signal value. It can be called in an initial block, but it is often called in an always block.
Regarding when to use either one, it is up to you to decide what you require.
If you are not planning to synthesize your modules, you could place monitor/display inside your design module directly. However, if you plan to synthesize, it might be better to place them in the testbench.
You can use hierarchical scoping to view internal signals from the testbench module. For example, assume you named the instance of the Register_File_RF module in the testbench as dut:
Register_File_RF dut (
// ports
always #(posedge Clk) begin
$display($time, " dout='h%x", dut.register.Dout);
initial begin
$monitor($time, " dout='h%x", dut.register.Dout);
$monitor will display a value every time Dout changes value, whereas $display will show the value at the posedge of the clock.
If your simulator supports SystemVerilog features, you can also use bind to magically add code to your design modules.

Verilog How to change wire by bit with clock?

module clks(
input clk,
output [15:0] led
wire div2, div4, div8;
reg [2:0] count = 0;
assign div2 = count[0];
assign div4 = count[1];
assign div8 = count[2];
always #(posedge clk) count = count + 1;
How can I turn on each led (I have 15 leds) using clock?
I'm really having trouble finding helpful resources online
initial begin
led = 15'b000000000000001;
led = 15'b000000000000010;
This didn't work.
Or could I do something like this?
led = led + 1;
In your sample code above, you defined count as 3 bits, but your case statements are 2 bits wide. Also, you don't want the initial statement, rather use an always statement.
always # (count)
3'b000 : led = 15'b000_0000_0001;
3'b001 : led = 15'b000_0000_0010;
I guess that 'by using clock' means changing the led every clock cycle, right? Also it looks like you are trying to encode the led sequentially. In this case you can do the following:
you need to reset your lead to an initial value, sey 15'b1;
every clock cycle you can just shift it left by one. You should not do it in an initial block (though there is a technical way to do so). Use always blocks:
Here is an example:
module clks(
input clk,
input reset,
output reg [15:0] led
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1)
led <= 15'b1;
led <= led << 1;
In the above case '1' will travel through all bits of led over 15 clock cycles once. 'led' will become '0' after this. You have to make sure that it becomes '1' again if you want to continue in cycles.
Another possibility is to initialize 'led' in the always block, but it is not always synthesizable. YOu do not need a reset signal here.
initial led = 15'b1;
always #(posedge clk) led <= led << 1;

Verilog: wait for module logic evaluation in an always block

I want to use the output of another module inside an always block.
Currently the only way to make this code work is by adding #1 after the pi_in assignment so that enough time has passed to allow Pi to finish.
Relevant part from module pLayer.v:
Pi pi(pi_in,pi_out);
always #(*)
for(i=0; i<constants.nSBox; i++) begin
for(j=0; j<8; j++) begin
x = (state_value[(constants.nSBox-1)-i]>>j) & 1'b1;
pi_in = 8*i+j;#1; /* wait for pi to finish */
PermutedBitNo = pi_out;
y = PermutedBitNo>>3;
tmp[(constants.nSBox-1)-y] ^= x<<(PermutedBitNo-8*y);
state_out = tmp;
Modllue Pi.v
`include "constants.v"
module Pi(in, out);
input [31:0] in;
output [31:0] out;
reg [31:0] out;
always #* begin
if (in != constants.nBits-1) begin
out = (in*constants.nBits/4)%(constants.nBits-1);
end else begin
out = constants.nBits-1;
Delays should not be used in the final implementation, so is there another way without using #1?
In essence i want PermutedBitNo = pi_out to be evaluated only after the Pi module has finished its job with pi_in (=8*i+j) as input.
How can i block this line until Pi has finished?
Do i have to use a clock? If that's the case, please give me a hint.
Based on Krouitch suggestions i modified my modules. Here is the updated version:
From pLayer.v:
Pi pi(.clk (clk),
.rst (rst),
.in (pi_in),
.out (pi_out));
counter c_i (clk, rst, stp_i, lmt_i, i);
counter c_j (clk, rst, stp_j, lmt_j, j);
always #(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
state_out = 0;
end else begin
if (c_j.count == lmt_j) begin
stp_i = 1;
end else begin
stp_i = 0;
// here, the logic starts
x = (state_value[(constants.nSBox-1)-i]>>j) & 1'b1;
pi_in = 8*i+j;
PermutedBitNo = pi_out;
y = PermutedBitNo>>3;
tmp[(constants.nSBox-1)-y] ^= x<<(PermutedBitNo-8*y);
// at end
if (i == lmt_i-1)
if (j == lmt_j) begin
state_out = tmp;
module counter(
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire stp,
input wire [32:0] lmt,
output reg [32:0] count
always#(posedge clk or posedge rst)
count <= 0;
else if (count >= lmt)
count <= 0;
else if (stp)
count <= count + 1;
From Pi.v:
always #* begin
if (rst == 1'b1) begin
out_comb = 0;
if (in != constants.nBits-1) begin
out_comb = (in*constants.nBits/4)%(constants.nBits-1);
end else begin
out_comb = constants.nBits-1;
always#(posedge clk) begin
if (rst)
out <= 0;
out <= out_comb;
That's a nice piece of software you have here...
The fact that this language describes hardware is not helping then.
In verilog, what you write will simulate in zero time. it means that your loop on i and j will be completely done in zero time too. That is why you see something when you force the loop to wait for 1 time unit with #1.
So yes, you have to use a clock.
For your system to work you will have to implement counters for i and j as I see things.
A counter synchronous counter with reset can be written like this:
`define SIZE 10
module counter(
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
output reg [`SIZE-1:0] count
always#(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
count <= `SIZE'd0;
count <= count + `SIZE'd1;
You specify that you want to sample pi_out only when pi_in is processed.
In a digital design it means that you want to wait one clock cycle between the moment when you are sending pi_in and the moment when you are reading pi_out.
The best solution, in my opinion, is to make your pi module sequential and then consider pi_out as a register.
To do that I would do the following:
module Pi(in, out);
input clk;
input [31:0] in;
output [31:0] out;
reg [31:0] out;
wire clk;
wire [31:0] out_comb;
always #* begin
if (in != constants.nBits-1) begin
out_comb = (in*constants.nBits/4)%(constants.nBits-1);
end else begin
out_comb = constants.nBits-1;
always#(posedge clk)
out <= out_comb;
Quickly if you use counters for i and j and this last pi module this is what will happen:
at a new clock cycle, i and j will change --> pi_in will change accordingly at the same time(in simulation)
at the next clock cycle out_comb will be stored in out and then you will have the new value of pi_out one clock cycle later than pi_in
First of all, when writing (synchronous) processes, I would advise you to deal only with 1 register by process. It will make your code clearer and easier to understand/debug.
Another tip would be to separate combinatorial circuitry from sequential. It will also make you code clearer and understandable.
If I take the example of the counter I wrote previously it would look like :
`define SIZE 10
module counter(
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
output reg [`SIZE-1:0] count
//Two way to do the combinatorial function
//First one
wire [`SIZE-1:0] count_next;
assign count_next = count + `SIZE'd1;
//Second one
reg [`SIZE-1:0] count_next;
count_next = count + `SIZE'1d1;
always#(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
count <= `SIZE'd0;
count <= count_next;
Here I see why you have one more cycle than expected, it is because you put the combinatorial circuitry that controls your pi module in you synchronous process. It means that the following will happen :
first clk positive edge i and j will be evaluated
next cycle, the pi_in is evaluated
next cycle, pi_out is captured
So it makes sense that it takes 2 cycles.
To correct that you should take out of the synchronous process the 'logic' part. As you stated in your commentaries it is logic, so it should not be in the synchronous process.
Hope it helps

Verilog count odd and even numbers in ram

I'm using quartus 2 9.1 .I have a program of Single-Port RAM on verilog, i added reg
to check is number odd or even by first bit, its 1 or 0 in sumulation. I need to enter 16 numbers in ram by data input, then count how many odd and even numbers. But i tried something like:
output wire [4:0] count;
count = count + data[0]; //to count odd numbers, then i could take away from 16 and get even number - in simulation its just 0 or 1..
or something like that:
output wire [4:0] count;
always #*
count = count + 1;
But count dont want show in sumaliton number of odd or even numbers.. My code:
module kok
input [7:0] data,
input [5:0] addr,
input we, clk,
output [7:0] q,
output reg even
// Declare the RAM variable
reg [7:0] ram[63:0];
// Variable to hold the registered read address
reg [5:0] addr_reg;
always # (posedge clk)
// Write
if (we)
ram[addr] <= data;
addr_reg <= addr;
always #(posedge data)
even = data[0];
// Continuous assignment implies read returns NEW data.
// This is the natural behavior of the TriMatrix memory
// blocks in Single Port mode.
assign q = ram[addr_reg];
My understanding of your question is you want an output count signal that counts how many times you have an even value.
Create a top_level
module top (
input [7:0] data,
input [5:0] addr,
input we
reg clk= 1;
initial begin
forever #5 clk = ~clk;
reg reset_count = 0;
initial begin
#5 reset_count = 1'b1;
#20 reset_count = 1'b0;
kok u_kok (.clk(clk),
Add this to module_kok:
module kok
input reset_count,
input [7:0] data,
input [5:0] addr,
input we, clk,
output [7:0] q,
output reg even,
output reg [4:0] count
// Declare the RAM variable
reg [7:0] ram[63:0];
// Variable to hold the registered read address
reg [5:0] addr_reg;
always # (posedge clk)
// Write
if (we)
ram[addr] <= data;
addr_reg <= addr;
always #(posedge clk)
even <= data[0];
always #(posedge even or posedge reset_count)
if (reset_count) begin
count <= 'h0;
else begin
count <= count+1'b1;
// Continuous assignment implies read returns NEW data.
// This is the natural behavior of the TriMatrix memory
// blocks in Single Port mode.
assign q = ram[addr_reg];
Note that you can only count to 2**5=32 before the counter overflows.
Here is a working example:
The counter needs to be in a clocked process (i.e. inside an always #posedge clk). The counter therefore also needs to be a reg (instead of wire). You also need to figure out which condition(s) should restart your counter, and if you need to accound for overflow conditions etc. This depends on your actual use.
