How to use header group with 2 different datasets in stimulesoft? - stimulsoft

I have a header group with one dataset in stimulesoft.Now I want to add another dataset with that header group.How to make a relation between two datasets and header group?

Only one DataSource could be used with a Data Band.
The Header band is connected to a certain band.
So you could use a connection to access another Data Source.


Spotfire Personalized link with just one table

I have a table with usernames, country and the sales data, all this in one table.
How can we restrict access for users based on country using personalized information link.
I saw some tutorials with multiple lookup tables, but unable to locate one which uses only one table data.
In your information link, use %CURRENT_USER% as the Value under the Filters box for the column which contains the username. Or, if you are using a procedure, it would be for an input parameter.

Docusign: Create template to display dynamic list of text

I'm looking for a way to build a table in a docusign template where the rows could be bound dynamically using the input data. For example, in the sample below the "Selected Options" is the table and the rows are dynamic user inputs :
**Selected Options**
2 bedroom
lake facing
DocuSign does not support generic "tables" in the documents, so if you want to use a table it will have to be created at the document layer then uploaded into DocuSign.
One possible option is to create a the layout for a table in your document and leave spaces where the data will eventually go, then read or otherwise designate those locations on the document where the fields are, then finally you can place DocuSign tabs at those locations and that would in turn populate your table.
As Ergin says, DocuSign doesn't support dynamic creation of tables in a Document, such that the length (size) of the table will automatically vary according to how much data (i.e., how many rows) are specified. Your Create Envelope request specifies a (static) document, and you use DocuSign tabs to overlay data on top of that static document in specific locations.
That said, few options you might consider:
Create the table in your (static) document to contain the maximum number of columns/rows that it could ever possibly contain. Then, place tabs in every cell -- but in the Create Envelope request, only populate the tabs that correspond to the data the user provides. The down side of this approach would be that you could end up with a table that has several blank/empty rows, if the user doesn't specify much data.
A more complex approach would be not define the Document in the Template itself, but rather, have the Create Envelope API request dynamically specify the Document, based on how much data the user provides. For example, if the table could contain between 1-3 rows, you could create 3 static documents -- the first with a one-row table, the second with a 2-row table, and the third with a 3-row table. Then, include logic in your code to determine how much data the user provides (1 row, 2 rows, or 3 rows), and specify the appropriate Document in the Create Envelope request. (Hint: you'd need to use 'Composite Templates' structure in the API request to accomplish this -- there's lots of info about that here on StackOverflow.) Biggest upside of this approach would be that the table in the document would always be the right size to exactly accommodate the user-provided data -- but obviously this approach could be challenging to implement and maintain if your document contains multiple tables and/or a large number of max potential rows in each table.
Finally, in the same spirit as option #2 above -- if there's just a small number of variations of table size (for example: the table will always contain 1, 2, or 3 rows), you could simply create 3 Templates via the DocuSign web UI -- the first Template containing a Document with a one-row table, the second Template containing a Document with a 2-row table, and the third Template containing a Document with a 3-row table. Then, include logic in your code to dynamically choose the right template to use in the Create Envelope request, based upon how much data the user provides (1 row, 2 rows, or 3 rows).

Cassandra - join two tables and save result to new table

I am working on a self-bi application where users can upload their own datasets which are stored in Cassandra tables that are created dynamically. The data is extracted from files that the user can upload. So, each dataset is written into its own Cassandra table modeled based on column headers in the uploaded file while indexing the dimensions.
Once the data is uploaded, the users are allowed to build reports, analyze, etc., from within the application. I need a way to allow users to merge/join data from two or more datasets/tables based on matching keys and write the result into a new Cassandra table. Once a dataset/table is created, it will stay immutable and data is only read from it.
user table 1
employee id
user table 2
employee id
I need to merge data in user table 1 and user table 2 on matching employee id and write to new table that is created dynamically.
new table
employee id
What would be the best way to do this?
The only option that you have is to do the join in your application code. There are just few details to suggest a proper solution.
Please add details about table keys, usage patterns... in general, in cassandra you model from usage point of view, i.e. starting with queries that you'll execute on data.
In order to merge 2 tables on this pattern, you have to do it into application, creating the third table (target table ) and fill it with data from both tables. You have to make sure that you read the data in pages to not OOM, it really depends on size of the data.
Another alternative is to build the joins into Spark, but maybe is too over-engineering in your case.
You can have merge table with primary key of user so that merged data goes in one row and that should be unique since it is one time action.
Than when user clicks you can go through one table in batches with fetch size (for java you can check query options but that is a way to have a fixed window which will be loaded and when reached move to next fetch size of elements). Lets say you have fetch size of 1000 items, iterate over them from one table and find matches in second table, and after 1000 is reached place batch of 1000 inserts to new table.
If that is time consuming you can as suggested use some other tool like Apache Spark or Spring Batch and do that in background informing user that it will take place.

How to create m2m relationship in PowerPivot

So I am trying to link an employee metrics pivot chart with an employee project table with one slicer. I want an employee slicer that manipulates all charts but the data is coming from 2 different places (SQL, Sharepoint). When I try to create a relationship based on Employees I get the following error: "The relationship cannot be created because each column contains duplicate values. Select at least one column that only contains unique values."
So one chart has quantitative items while the table has qualitative items and I want one slicer to manipulate both at the employee level.
I want to see all the data on both charts for the selected employee, and not just single items linked by unique values. I can use unique values, and have created relationships that one slicer can manipulate however I only get one record at a time that way and therefore the slicer has thousands of buttons (one for each record).
I wouldn't think this would be that difficult and I hope it's really not.
Please Help!
M2M relationships in PowerPivot will most likely cause more headaches than solutions unless you are aware of what you are doing. After some thought, I realized that I really do not want an m2m relationship because it would result in junk data for what I wanted. I just wanted to start my answer off acknowledging that I did not achieve an m2m.
So if you want to link SharePoint data to Excel here is what you need to do:
Export SharePoint data as an RSS feed. If this is something others will need to refresh then the rss file will need to be stored on a shared drive.
Add PowerPivot if you have not already done so. In PowerPivot get external data from other sources (rss feed) then add your file. To link data you will need a Unique ID to join tables on.

Managing dates in Section Headers with Core Data

I have conceptual issue with using core data. My app lists events by title in the main tableview then navigates to a tableview which is unique to the event. Here it's supposed to display in the section headers of the tableview an event date, a list of dates that expand a range (requires calculation) or list of unique dates.
I have arranged this in the model with 3 entities. Event & Date have a one to one relationship. Date to Menu have a one to many relationship. Menu contains the data for events that have unique dates, Dates contains events that either have a start date or in some cases when it's a range an end date.
Ok if the above is clear my question is how do I do create a list of section headers unique to an event? Bear in mind that NSFetchedResultsController only provides the ability to return a section name from a managedObject. I think this is what's throwing me.
Do I fetch the data unique to the event then use FRC to create arrays to populate the section headers and live with the table not being managed? Or is there a smarter way?
I don't really understand your model but I think it looks something like this:
If this isn't correct, you might try editing the question with the data model in this format it can be better understood. (if you can't edit, just fold the format into a comment and I will add it. Alternatively, send it me in an email.)
I'm not clear on what data you want in your Event table section titles. Sections are intended to be groupings of managed objects based on some attribute of those objects. The canonical example would be's contact list. The contacts are grouped based on alphabetical value of the first letter of the last name.
Once common mistake is to think of a section table as representing hierarchal objects with the section titles representing superior objects and the rows representing inferior e.g. yo have a model to simulate a file system so you have a Directory entity and a File entity. You try to set the section titles to the name of the Directory and the rows to the names of the related File entities. That would not work smoothly and would not really mesh with the interface grammar that the user has learned for section titles. Instead, you should have a hierarchy of tableviews with a table showing all Directory objects and then a second table view showing all the File objects related to the selected `Directory object.
So, if the section titles you want come from any object besides Event you are probably approaching the problem from the wrong angle.
