How to zip a nodejs server app? - node.js

I have to create a zip file of my whole nodejs server app.
I should be able to unzip it and run it, without installing dependencies and apps.
It should not be a binary file.
The dependencies should be flattened.
How to do this thing ?

Generally, a Node.js app has its dependencies installed in the node_modules directory in the project root.
So, after running npm install (or npm install --production), you should be able to zip up the project directory and that should be all you need.
If any of your dependencies in node_modules are native addons, then you will not be able to install them on a different architecture or OS. If there are native addons, you will also want to make sure your target machine has the same version of node installed as the machine where you created the zip file. (It's a good idea anyway, if you can, to make sure the node version on the target machine is the same as the source machine.)
One obvious requirement of the target host if you do as I describe above is that node is already installed there. Not sure if that's OK for your use case or not, but sounds like it probably is?

Thank you, all of you for your help.
I got the solution for my question.
I am using npm pack to pack the nodejs app.
To pack nodejs app with some dependencies like morgan, express we need to use npm bundle it helps to include the other module required for node js app.
With this, we don't need to perform npm install.
We just have to install bundle and then include bundleDependencies field including the name of required module in package.json.
And then perform then run the command npm pack. It will create a tar file just copy this file in other folder and uncompress it and run the server starting file.
The place where you are going to run the nodejs file, there nodejs app should be installed

I think you might be looking for this:
Nexe is a command-line utility that compiles your Node.js application into a single executable file.


Install mongo by CLI and for a project only inside project directory

Is there a way to install MongoDB only inside a directory through some sort of a script?
An idea is to use it as a dependency in a node.js project. After npm install on the project, npn would download mongo binaries, and install them into project's folder. Later this binaries could be accessible from node.js script which would control them like start the database. This should run on standard platforms (Win, Linux, Unix) and should be hidden from user.
I found a way for unattended install. But this would be installed for whole system and I'm not sure what changes It'll make to windows. Also this is platform dependent solution. I'd welcome some sort of unified node, like npm package.
This runs MongoDB servers, and is used for driver testing.
You'd need to download the binary which you could do via m. You could also do this by hand.

NPM versions during development and production

From what I have read it is a good idea to use the same version of Node.js throughout the development and production phases of an app.
Is this also true of NPM? It looks as if NVM is keeping specific versions of NPM together with specific versions of Node.js inside the .nvm directory. However, although I can see from the NVM documentation how to make sure you run an app with a particular version of Node.js, I can not see how to make sure that a particular version of NPM is used for a particular app. For example if I run the command npm install package from the root directory of an app I think it will use the default version of NPM not the specific version associated with the Node.js version specified in the .nvmrc file of the app.
Do I need to be consistent in the version of NPM I use during app development and production? If the answer is yes how do I achieve that?
When we start a Project using Nodejs a file named package.json is created automatically and it keeps track of all the dependencies in the ongoing Project. So you do not need to worry about the versions, you just have to start the project and all the dependencies will be taken care of.
Suppose you need to share your codes(like Git) then you just need to share your codes and package.json file that will do the trick.

How to set global node modules so that all application can use same

I am new to node, i have made few small application using node, but everytime i have to use npm install for every application which download the required dependencies in node_modules folder. There are many libraries which are common.
I tried installing using npm install express -g but i was not sure how to use this dependency in other application which is in some other folder.
Is there any way i can have only one folder like in D:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules from where my all applications can have the module which they need ?
Can anyone let me know how to do the settings for the same ?
Any help would be highly appreciated !!
Every node application that has a package.json has a specific set of rules for using specific versions of it's modules. You can install globally only one version of a specific module, but if you happen to have an application that needs an older / newer version that is not installed globally on your dev environment, then it will fail to work.
The recommended way of using node modules ( packages ) is to have a local directory inside your project, which contains all libraries that the project needs. This practice is everywhere and so you should follow it.
There are some ways to mitigate the slow npm install, though.
There is a new npm-replacement, created and maintained by Facebook, called yarn.
What yarn does is it creates a local cache of all installed packages and then symlinks them to your project folder from your local computer cache. This way the npm install procedure becomes very fast.

meteor deploy npm packages

I use multiple npm packages in my meteor application, for instance the 'knox' package for amazon s3 access.
On my local system I don't have any problems, because I have the 'knox'- npm package installed on my system. But on the server this is obviously not the case.
I have read different suggestions what I could do:
Install the npm module into the /public folder of my application
- unfortunately I don't know how to do that.
I followed this tutorial:
NPM Deploy Tutorial
I created packages/knox/package.js packages/knox/knox.js and I am pretty sure I did everything as described in the tutorial but this is not even working locally
Use npm package from Atmosphere. See details on how to use it.
Did you remember to add the knox package to the .meteor/packages file?
The link you shared is pre Meteor 0.6.5, which loaded all packages in packages/ automatically. Now, you need to specify them individually.

cannot find module express, how to install it to make it globally available?

I want to experiment with some node.js stuff and I installed it yesterday following someone's instructions on the web which got it up and running, and I got the standard Hello World web page up on the screen.
I now went to move onto another example, but in order to not clutter my home directory, I created a directory off of it (~/node) and created the files I needed in there. Low and behold, when it came time to run the service, I got no joy stating the express module couldn't be found.
The instructions told me to install express using the -g flag, but that didn't help. I even ran it again without any luck.
Now I've found this:
Cannot find module `express` | [node.js]
and it appears I have to install it again under the current directory. I have done that and it works. Is it the case it has to be installed under each directory that I want services running from? It seems an unnecessary duplication.
Not knowing much about js I thought I would go digging and found
app.use(express['static'](__dirname ));
and have realised this is probably the cause of my problem. Further research has found this: and if I install it once in a higher level directory, that should 'solve' my problem. I'm not going to bother about uninstalling the module, but for my next project I will try it and see how it goes.
I don't know why the original author suggested the -g flag when installing express, since it hasn't seemed to work for me.
NPM is a really nice tool, allowing you to install node.js modules locally and globally.
Local module installation
If you want to use a module for your project, you have to install it locally.
That's why npm creates a subdirectory called node_modules inside your project directory.
If you use the same module for two different projects, npm will download the module and install it twice. That's perfectly normal, it helps you manage different versions of the same dependency.
The best way to manage dependencies and install modules for a specific project is to fill the package.json with your dependencies and install them using
npm install
inside your project directory.
To access your modules in your code, use the require() function.
For example, with expressjs :
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
Global module installation
npm allows you to install modules globally as well. But remember that installing a module globally only provides more commands in your terminal, as with expressjs and express(1).
In order to install expressjs globally, run this in your terminal
npm install -g express
If you want to use a globally installed module in a specific project, you also have to install it locally (in your project directory, without -g).
I hope this answers clearly your question.
Express is capable of generating a simple app structure when installed globally. See this link and scroll to Using express(1) to generate an app section. It's a good way to get you started easily.
Take a look into package.json, package.json in nodejitsu
All npm packages contain a file, usually in the project root, called package.json - this file holds various metadata relevant to the project. This file is used to give information to npm that allows it to identify the project as well as handle the project's dependencies
a package.json example:
"name": "CRUD",
"description": "A simple CRUD",
"author": "Only for learn",
"dependencies": {
"express": "*",
so for install the dependencies go to level that package.json is, and run npm install this one will install all the dependencies you need for the project.
a package.json interactive guide
I have found that when setting up node.js projects and dependencies, using Grunt [] has a lot of advantages. Although there are lots of different ways to setup a node and express project there is a lot to be said for using the Douglas Crockford approach and 'going with the grain'. In this case Grunt is the grain as it is becoming the de-facto standard for setting up a node project and there are existing templates for the most common types of node.js projects. You can find Grunt Express here [].
In this case Grunt would provide you with a project structure consistent with others, setup dependencies file for the node package manager and auto generate the express project for you. Packages are kept in a node_modules directory. If you are familiar with maven you might recognize the 'convention over configuration approach'.
