I can't install npm not matter what I do - node.js

So I'm trying to get myself a good Discord Selfbot and one of them requires nodejs, then it said to do npm install. But it gave me an error. I tried again again again and again but nothing worked. The latest thing I did was installing nodejs via scoop but I get this error trying to install npm. Is there a way to do this manually or something? I've tried installing different versions but nothing. I believe scoop installed the latest version.
Here's the image. (the red squares cover up just names)

You have npm already installed, seems that the problem is you don't have a package.json in that location. It says ENOENT: No such file or directory

You already have npm installed! npm is a package manager for installing nodejs packages. Try running some nonsense command (like "lkajshdflhsf") and you'll see what it looks like if you actually didn't have npm installed. What npm install does is install some package. So, for example, if you want to install a node package called Blah, you would run npm intall blah.


Npm isn't getting automatically installed on installing node.js

While hosting my webapp on heroku I got a message of some bugs in my npm package, my npm package was of version 3 and node.js was of version 8, I wrote thinking that I can update my npm version I tried to update it but the version remained same so I decided to uninstall it and wrote the command "npm uninstall " and than again tried to install npm but in vain ,finally I uninstalled my node.js and reinstalled tha npm will automatically get installed with it, but this too didn't work now I have node of version 10 with no npm which I got to know by checking version of npm which gave me message of "command not found ", now my every try to install npm has failed , may anyone suggest me what I can do to restore my losses and resume my work.
I am not sure if you have Linux or Windows. First I would check if the npm folder is in path.
You can follow one of these two to add to path if it is not done yet.
Alternatively you can install node with node version manager (nvm):
nvm linux and mac
nvm windows

Fresh install of npm and node

I have recently started working with Angular 2 and am unable to get the Angular 2 Quickstart project to run correctly due to a number of errors in my npm dependencies.
Am I able to globally uninstall everything that was previously installed with npm to allow me to do a clean install of it and any required dependencies?
Note: The errors are the same as these examples which are caused by packages needing to be installed globally, however, the errors still occur having followed these steps...
To check your global installed packages you can type:
npm ls -g --depth=0
That lists all global installed packages with depth=0. That mean that it doesn't output dependencies of the packages. You can uninstall global packages with:
npm uninstall -g package-name
Please do not uninstall the npm package itself... But you can update your npm version with npm:
npm install npm -g
As mentioned in the Article your Node.js version should be at least v4.x.x and the npm version should be v3.x.x. You can get the installed versions with these commands:
node -v
npm -v
Updating your Node.js depends on your Operating System. Assuming that you use Windows you should uninstall the current version via control panel and download an actual release from the official Node.js page. https://nodejs.org/en/download/current/
To get a great overview how npm works you should consider reading their
documentation: https://docs.npmjs.com/
Make sure you have the correct node.js version. The guide says 5.0 or greater but points you to the wrong download link.
Try this: https://nodejs.org/en/download/current/
With this node you should be able to follow the guide step by step.

running npm install unbuilds global npm

I have a project that depends on nodegit.
When I run
npm install -g .
I get this output at some point:
When npm finishes installing, I lose access to it in the path:
I end up having to run 'n', to change to a previous version of node, then run 'n' again to change to the latest version of node and in the end run 'npm install -g npm#latest' to get the latest version of npm.
It looks like you are trying to install NodeGit. (Or maybe you are installing something that depends on NodeGit?) Assuming you are installing NodeGit, that is not a CLI tool and should not be installed globally. It installs npm as a dependency. Your installation is failing for whatever reason, and as part of cleanup, it is uninstalling npm.
If you are installing NodeGit, do not install it with -g.
If you are trying to install something that isn't NodeGit, you need to either change directories to that project folder or (more likely) change your installation command line.
If you are installing something that depends on NodeGit and really should be installed globally, you'll need to identify why your installation is failing (which it appears to be failing at the pruning of dev dependencies, but I can't tell why from the output--might be file permissions, might be something else). As long as NodeGit installation fails, it will unbuild npm.
This is actually an issue with the nodegit project.
You can follow it in https://github.com/nodegit/nodegit/issues/561 which led to https://github.com/nodegit/nodegit/issues/567
Nothing i can do but wait.

NPM appears to do nothing on Linux Mint 15

searched, and did not see this specific problem.
Trying to get a MEAN stack built on my Linux Mint machine, and bumping into a bit of an unusual issue.
Got MongoDB installed, and finally got it running correctly (none of the instructions ANYWHERE mentioned having to create the /data/db/ directory and set permissions, go figure).... it works now.
Got NodeJS installed, and it appears to work correctly.
I had been told (apparently incorrectly) that NPM installs right alongside Node, with:
sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ npm
bash: /usr/bin/npm: No such file or directory
So I go ahead and install NPM separately.
$ sudo apt-get install npm
Seems to work, so far, no errors, and it looks like it is pulling down the NPM package and installing it...
$ nodejs -v
$ npm -v
?? It simply fails to respond without any error... so I try:
$ npm install grunt -g --save-dev
Same completely silent failure... in fact, NOTHING I could do gets a response out of NPM.
Looked all over the web, and saw nothing similar anywhere... found out that NPM holds its cache files in ~/.npm and noticed that this folder didn't exist (kinda like the mongo issue above), so I created it, and set permissions to 7777... still nothing.
Purged and re-installed both node and npm, tried installing them both together and separately (yes, desperation)... still no love.
WTF am I doing wrong?
I would love, eventually, to have a nice development environment setup, hopefully with Cloud9 as a local IDE.... but already pulling my hair out.
OK, after a few more headaches, this is up and built now... thank you all.
Would love to mark both as answers, but it won't let me.
npm does come with node. Where is apt-get pulling it from? I install the Mac OS X packages on my Mac for development and npm does in fact come with it. I compile from source on my CentOS server and npm comes with it.
Your package provider may be providing them separately as a (in)convenience to you.
As for why your npm command does not work after installation, I can't say for sure, but I am suspicious of your use of --save-dev and -g together.
-g means to install globally, which means 2 things:
It will be installed outside of your npm package's structure into a system location like /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
It requires root access to install. Did you use sudo to run it with root access?
Both of those requirements conflict with --save-dev which records the package as a dependency in your package.json file so that future npm install commands will install that package within the project space.
That said, I happen to know a lot about grunt. It has 2 parts, a globally installed tool and the package-specific tool. The correct way to install it is:
$ [sudo] npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install grunt --save-dev
This will install the grunt-cli package into a system location guaranteed to be in the $PATH, which turns around and looks for a package-specific grunt installed which is not system-wide.
When installing nodejs with npm, this one-liner worked for me.
sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-dev npm
I don't believe npm comes with the nodejs installation in the apt repo. Try to install npm separately using the following tutorial http://www.giantflyingsaucer.com/blog/?p=1688 'To install NPM ....'
====== Edit ====
node and npm IS separate. Follow the official wiki and everything should be fine

Node.js modules installed through npm not recognized

So I've installed and reinstalled node.js many times and tried various installs of the npm. I am currently on node version 0.6.11. When I try to install a new module with npm I get several errors. I am extremely new to programming with node but I have tried researching this problem but haven't found a proper answer. When I install a module with npm and then try to use it in command prompt nothing happens. All I get is for example
'haraka' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
This happens to every module I install. What am I missing here. Please help. I am getting really frustrated with node
By default, npm will install packages locally, in ./node_modules. So if you are in /home/foo:
user#host:/home/foo$ npm install Haraka
Haraka will be installed in /home/foo/node_modules/Haraka. If you want to install a module globally (by default in /usr/local/lib/node_modules), supply the -g switch:
user#host:/home/foo$ sudo npm install -g Haraka
Haraka will be installed in /usr/local/lib/node_modules/Haraka, and the command haraka will be symlinked to /usr/local/bin/haraka.
It's recommended that any dependencies be installed locally. This way, you never have to bother with different packages requiring different versions of their dependencies, aka "dependency hell". I have all my projects in ~/development/projects, and each node project has it's own node_modules folder.
