Node.js modules installed through npm not recognized - node.js

So I've installed and reinstalled node.js many times and tried various installs of the npm. I am currently on node version 0.6.11. When I try to install a new module with npm I get several errors. I am extremely new to programming with node but I have tried researching this problem but haven't found a proper answer. When I install a module with npm and then try to use it in command prompt nothing happens. All I get is for example
'haraka' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
This happens to every module I install. What am I missing here. Please help. I am getting really frustrated with node

By default, npm will install packages locally, in ./node_modules. So if you are in /home/foo:
user#host:/home/foo$ npm install Haraka
Haraka will be installed in /home/foo/node_modules/Haraka. If you want to install a module globally (by default in /usr/local/lib/node_modules), supply the -g switch:
user#host:/home/foo$ sudo npm install -g Haraka
Haraka will be installed in /usr/local/lib/node_modules/Haraka, and the command haraka will be symlinked to /usr/local/bin/haraka.
It's recommended that any dependencies be installed locally. This way, you never have to bother with different packages requiring different versions of their dependencies, aka "dependency hell". I have all my projects in ~/development/projects, and each node project has it's own node_modules folder.


Install Yarn after NPM

I need some help and clarification regarding Yarn installation process.
MacOS ver. 10.14.2
I've installed Homebrew via official site (ver. 2.0.1).
I've installed NPM by downloading package from official site (ver. 10.15.1 LTS).
Now when I tried to install yarn via brew install yarn
I have the following error:
The post-install step did not complete successfully
You can try again using `brew postinstall node`
As I undertand, NPM installs node locally, when, for instance, I try to use create-react-app. When I use Homebrew to install yarn, it tries to install node globally. And we have conflict here.
I've found suggestion to use:
sudo chown -R `whoami`:admin /usr/local/
I am not entirely sure what this command does.
So, the questions are:
Why changing the owner of the folder should be a solution? How will it affect multi user system?
What is the correct way to install yarn?
Can be there any conflicts if node is installed globally and locally (app folder.)
P.S. Please correct me, if I have wrong understanding here.
As Trott points out, npm does not install Node. npm is a package manager that comes bundled with Node. If you install Node, you automatically install npm.
Why changing the owner of the folder should be a solution? How will it affect multi user system?
It's not. Changing the permissions of this folder is sometimes suggested as a workaround for when you have npm installed in a location owned by root. This can cause EACCES errors when you try to install packages globally.
What is the correct way to install yarn?
While you can install Yarn through the Homebrew package manager, I would recommend doing: npm install -g yarn.
Can be there any conflicts if node is installed globally and locally (app folder).
You can't install Node globally and locally. You can install multiple versions of Node on the same machine, however.
I'm not a big fan of having one global Node installation, as it makes it a pain to update (esp. if one application relies on an older version of Node) and, depending on how you install Node, it can lead to permissions errors.
The better way is to use a version manager. This will allow you to install multiple Node versions on your machine, avoid permissions errors and swap between these Node versions at will.
I would recommend using nvm. It works nicely on MacOS. The TL;DR for installing nvm is:
curl -o- | bash
But I would encourage you to look at the project on GitHub and read its README. There is also a good tutorial on how to use it here.
Once you have Node installed using nvm, run npm install -g yarn to install Yarn globally and you should be off to the races.
Finally, you might want to read this tutorial on using npm, as it could help to clear up some of the concepts.
I have faced a problem after install yarn by running npm install -g yarn command in my OS Windows 10 Pro. That was showing yarn' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file.
Whatever, I have found the solution:
After npm,
go to CMD from your windows PC,
write : *npm install -g yarn*
Go to Environmental Variables set up.
Edit Path and add new and paste:
Restart your terminal. And then check again in your cmd by running :
*yarn* or *yarn --version*

I can't install npm not matter what I do

So I'm trying to get myself a good Discord Selfbot and one of them requires nodejs, then it said to do npm install. But it gave me an error. I tried again again again and again but nothing worked. The latest thing I did was installing nodejs via scoop but I get this error trying to install npm. Is there a way to do this manually or something? I've tried installing different versions but nothing. I believe scoop installed the latest version.
Here's the image. (the red squares cover up just names)
You have npm already installed, seems that the problem is you don't have a package.json in that location. It says ENOENT: No such file or directory
You already have npm installed! npm is a package manager for installing nodejs packages. Try running some nonsense command (like "lkajshdflhsf") and you'll see what it looks like if you actually didn't have npm installed. What npm install does is install some package. So, for example, if you want to install a node package called Blah, you would run npm intall blah.

Doesn't npm install check for a global version first?

I just setup a test, and tried to npm install express even though express already exists globally on my system. To my surprise, instead of using the global version, it ended up re-installing a version locally!? Isn't it supposed to use the global version... Or am I suppose to use -g every time, even when I only want to use the existing global version. Otherwise, what's the point of installing anything locally!?
The answer is "NO". It isn't supposed to use your global version.
If you want to use your global version, then you doesn't need to execute npm install at all because it is already installed.
If you do it then, obviously, you are saying "I want to install it locally to my project". And more than that: "I want to install its latest version unless it is declared in my package.json with other explicitly specified version".
In fact, the actual question is: Why in the hell would you want to not install a dependency of your project locally? To have more version mismatch issues?
As #anshuman_singh says, best practice is to always do an npm install --save.
You are able to use globally installed packages, of course. It could be handy for fast testing code that you will drop just after a few hours or so.
But, anyway: If you doesn't have really hard disk or network bandwidth issues, installing all dependencies locally will avoid you too much trouble in the future.
On the other hand, uploading that modules to your code repository is also a bad idea (maybe that is what you were trying to avoid) because, with different versions of node, most native modules won't work if not rebuild. But most VCS support ignoring files and or directories that must not be uploaded.
For example, in git (.gitignore file):
In summary:
npm init (if you didn't already it).
npm install --save for all your project dependencies.
npm install --save-dev for dependencies not needed in production (testing stuff).
Don't upload node_modules to your VCS.
After new checkout: npm install or npm install --production (to not install dev-dependencies).
npm install -g only for tools you will use in console.
This way, you are sure that you will have in production (or other dev environments) the exact same version of each package.
And, finally, if you ever want to upgrade some package to its latest version, simply run:
npm install --save <pagkage_name>#latest.
If you’re installing something that you want to use in your program, using require('whatever'), then install it locally, at the root of your project.
If you’re installing something that you want to use in your shell, on the command line or something, install it globally, so that its binaries end up in your PATH environment variable.
The first option is the best in my opinion. Simple, clear, explicit. The second is really handy if you are going to re-use the same library in a bunch of different projects
Install locally-
npm install moduleName
install locally and save in package.json-
npm install moduleName --save
install globally-
npm install moduleName -g

Module async not found

I'm studying node.js
and I am making the exercises from a book
I have a problem with an example in which you invoke the module async.js
when I go to run the example I get the error
"can not find module 'async'"
in the folder where you installed node
I checked that there is a module
I also downloaded this package
and launched the test file that works properly
the first question that you do, even if it seems correctly installed the module, there is a command to verify that a module is installed and that you can recall?
the second question is, why is this wrong example?
To install a package, use npm install package_name.
When that's done, you can easily require that package and use it in your application.
const package = require('package_name');
To install a package globally (so you don't have to install it in every project you create) add -g flag
npm install package_name -g
You should be using npm, not downloading packages from github manually: npm install async.
npm will install the module into a node_modules subdirectory of the directory that you run it in. That directory must be your examples folder, or an ancestor. See:

Locally installed versus globally installed NPM modules

In my package.json file, I have bower listed as a dependency. After I run npm install, bower gets installed locally. When I try to run bower after installing it locally I get an error
"bower" is not recognized as an internal or external command
It seems the only way to resolve this is to install bower globally. Why should I have to do this? If my project contains a local copy of bower, why won't node use it?
Installing locally makes bower available to the current project (where it stores all of the node modules in node_modules). This is usually only good for using a module like so var module = require('module'); It will not be available as a command that the shell can resolve until you install it globally npm install -g module where npm will install it in a place where your path variable will resolve this command.
Edit: This documentation explains it pretty thorougly.
You can execute your local instance by typing the line below in cmd:
node_modules/bower/bin/bower <bower args>
We use both PHP and JavaScript, so we have composer and npm.
Each of the projects we work on have different packages both for runtime of the package as well as build/dev tools.
As there are version constraints in each project, installing version x of a package globally (that would be run from the command line), would cause us issues, we install all the tooling in each package. Much easier to define in the appropriate composer.json / package.json files.
But running the CLI tools is a pain if you have to constantly add an additional path to the command.
To that end, we have recommend to the team that the following paths are added to your $PATH in the appropriate .bashrc (or equivalent):
(EDIT: For Windows, the paths would be .\vendor\bin;.\node_modules\.bin;)
So, whilst in project X, we have access to the CLI tools for that project. Switch to project Y, and we get that projects tools.
Sure, you are going to get duplications, but each project is maintained by different teams (and some people are in multiple teams), so again, having 1 version in the global setup is an issue there.
Usually you install NPM modules globally if you want them included in your path to be ran from the command line. Since it is installed locally you will have to run it from the node_modules folder.
