Cannot dismiss modally presented AVPlayerViewController while hotspot is active - fullscreen

My app presents an AVPlayerViewController full screen, using modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationOverFullScreen. Normally, everything works fine, and the AVPlayerViewController can be dismissed by the Done (here: Fertig) button in the top status bar of the AVPlayerViewController:
However, when I have an active hotspot connection, the hotspot status bar hides the top status bar of the AVPlayerViewController including the Done button, and the AVPlayerViewController can no longer be dismissed while the hotspot is active:
How do I have to configure the AVPlayerViewController correctly?

The bottom bar has an exit full-screen mode button at the lower right corner.
So the user can simply use that to exit the full-screen mode when the hotspot is active.


My web page moves back and forth automatically while open magnifier with 200%

I have a web page, when I click one button(by both using mouse click or using keyboard with tab and press), it will show some items, normally, it works perfect.
However, if I
1> open windows magnifier with 200%,
2> use keyboard with tab and press
to trigger the button,
the items still shows correctly,
but the whole page moves back and forth in horizon automatically until I move mmouse or press any key.
I got the root cause:
As I input the follow code
{ console.log('focused: ', document.activeElement)
in console to monitor the focused element,
it shows the focus are switch between two elements,
however, I try to set the two element with tabindex = 0 or -1,
and all the 4 combinations,
but it doesn't work.
Are you using "docked", "full screen", or "lens" view for the magnifier?
I'm guessing "full screen" because in that mode, as you tab through a page, the magnifier will try to keep the keyboard focus within view. You might have an issue where your focus is moving between two elements that both can't be displayed in the magnifier at the same time. Usually it will just move the magnifier to the element that has focus.
I'd suggest trying "Docked" and "Lens" view first to see if you still have an issue.

Xcode 10 - how to pin UI element library window?

I'm laying out UI on a storyboard using the new, controversial library button which has been moved up.
This is driving me crazy - I want to be able to "PIN" this window to a secondary monitor so I can always see available components as opposing to having to click that button every single time I need an element. Currently it disappears, even on secondary monitor once I shift focus to the view controller on screen.
How do I pin the UI Elements library to be able to always see it ?
You can press the option button in keyboard and click in the library window, it's will hold
Picture of library windown

Coded UI Test Builder not recognizing buttons on the pop-up window

When I click the crosshairs icon on the Coded UI Test Builder and drag it over to the pop-up window buttons (Run and Cancel), it is unable to locate and find the Properties of them on the pop-up window.
Does any one know how I can know the properties of the Run button on the pop-up window?
That window appears to be a Java window, which is not supported by Coded UI.
You may be able to extend your tests to interact with the Window:
Alternatively, if you can detect if the window is present, you may be able to emulate the keypresses required to dismiss/approve the window (e.g Enter, or Tab + Enter). Or, if the window's location is predictable, emulate a click at the desired location.

iOS 8: UIAlertController text field losing focus when presented over UIWebView

When a user taps on a portion of a webpage in a UIWebView, I trigger a native UIAlertController asking for a password. This communication is done via the JavaScriptCore framework, so the creation and presentation of the alert is native.
Unfortunately, once the UIAlertController with the text box is presented, the keyboard briefly appears and is immediately dismissed. The user can still tap the text box to get the keyboard back. This does not happen when the alert is presented over a normal UIViewController without a UIWebView that has focus.
I suspect the UIWebView is stealing back first responder status after the alert is presented, but I don't know how to stop it.
The alert was previously a UIAlertView, and exhibited the same behavior on iOS 8. It functioned as expected in iOS 7, and the keyboard was not dismissed upon presentation. I updated to UIAlertController in the hopes of eliminating this bug, but it looks like it's specific to the UIWebView + iOS 8.

Samsung smart tv browser in fullscreen mode

Can I start browser in fullscreen mode on Samsung Smart TV (LED TV series 5) ?
Here is how to do it on the TV Samsung UE32H4510 :
In the browser click in the upper right corner on the gear icon
Go to "Browser Settings"
Go to the "General" sub-menu
And then you have an option called "Hide menu" ("Masquer menu" in French) that you need to enable
Finally you need to restart the browser application to have the menu hidden
No you can't. I have requested this feature from Samsung, but they have not answered me. Top navigation will be always visible in Samsung TV's.
New information for this old question.
On a 65" Samsung TV purchase in the U.S.A.
Open the WebBrowser
Navigate to the streaming event you want to watch.
Only takes 20 seconds to go full screen.
Using the remote's simple navigation ring and center Ok button:
Click the 'Hamburger' button upper right
Click Settings
Under the top option 'Hide Tabs and Menu Bar' click "Use"
Click on the tab just left (your streaming event)
Click on the 'Refresh' icon (the over under circle icon just left of the bookmark star)
Wait 15 seconds and BOOYA! Joy! Your stream is full screen. Get the popcorn, a drink and enjoy.
Later) Force the browser's Tabs and Menu to re-appear buy using the remote in the same way to simply navigate to the top of the screen.
