cassandra - simple/basic data modeling to retrieve all employees - cassandra

Creating the following employee column family in Cassandra
Case 1:
CREATE TABLE employee (
name text,
designation text,
gender text,
created_by text,
created_date timestamp,
modified_by text,
modified_date timestamp,
From UI, if i wanted to get all employee, it is not possible to
retrieve. is it true?
select * from employee; //not possible as it is partitioned by name
Case 2:
I was told to do this way to retrieve all employees.
We need to design this with a static key, to retrieve all the employees.
CREATE TABLE employee (
static_name text,
name text,
designation text,
gender text,
created_by text,
created_date timestamp,
modified_by text,
modified_date timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (static_name,name)
static_name i.e.) "EMPLOYEE" will be the partition key and name will the clustering key. Primary key, combination of both static_name and name
static_name -> every time you add the employee , insert with the static value i.e) EMPLOYEE
now, you will be able to do "select all employees query"
//this will return you all the employees
select * from employee where static_name='EMPLOYEE';
is this true? can't we use case 1 to return all the employees?

Both approaches are o.k. with some catches
Approach 1:
When you say UI I guess you mean to use simple select * ... it's correct that this won't really work out of the box if you want to get every single one of them out. Especially if the data set is big. You could use pagination on a driver (I'm not 100% sure since I hadn't had a case in a while to use it) but when I needed to jump over all the partition I would use the token function i.e.:
select token(name), name from employee limit 1;
system.token(name) | name
-8839064797231613815 | a
now you use the result of the token and put it into next query. This would have to be done by your program. After it would fetch all the elements that are greater than ... you would also need to start for all lower than the -8839064797231613815.
select token(name), name from employee where token(name) > -8839064797231613815 limit 1;
system.token(name) | name
-8198557465434950441 | c
and then I would wrap this into a loop until I would fetch all the elements out. (I think this is also how spark cassandra does it when retrieving wide rows out from a cluster).
Disadvantage of this model is that it's really bad because it has to go all over the cluster and is more or less to be used in analytical work loads. Since you mentioned UI, It would take the user too long to get the result, so I would advise not to use approach 1 in UI related stuff.
Approach 2.
Disadvantage of the second one is that it would be what is called a hot row. Meaning every update would go to a single partition and this is most of the time bad model.
The advantage is that you could easily paginate over the one partition and get your data out by pagination functions built into the driver.
This would how ever behave just fine if you have moderate load (tens or low hundreds updates per second) and relatively low number of users, let's say for 100 000 this would work just fine. If your numbers are greater you have to somehow split up the users into multiple partitions so that the "load" gets distributed more evenly.
One possibility is to include letter of alphabet into "EMPLOYEE" ... so you would have "EMPLOYE_A", "EMPLOYEE_B" etc ... this would work relatively well. Not ideal again because of the lexicographical distribution and some partitions may get relatively larger amounts of that which is also not ideal.
One approach would be to create some artificial columns, let's say by design you say there are 10 buckets and when you insert into "EMPLOYEE" partition you just add (random bucket to the static prefix) "EMPLOYEE_1" and so on ... but when retrieving you go over specific partition until you exhaust the result.


Cassandra partion Key

Currently, I am exploring cassandra and having an special use case to design an support view of an application
My access patterns.
To fetch specific transaction
select * from purchase_by_user where userid='Tom' and transaction_date='1/20/22'
select * from purchase_by_user where userid='Jerry' and transaction_date <=1/21/22 and transaction_date >= '1/16/22'
select * from purchase_by_user where userid='Tom' and amount="100"
select * from purchase by user where user='Jerry' and amount>='50'
Create table purchase_by_user (
order_id uuid,
amount decimal,
transaction_ts timestamp,
user_id text,
Primary key((user_id), uuid)
Lets say Tom is making millions of orders, With this above partion key the data will not be evenly spread against the cluster and also the search will be expensive here.
Can anyone help, what would be better partion key here.
I'd go with a PRIMARY KEY definition like this:
PRIMARY KEY((user_id, transaction_year), transaction_date, order_id)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (transaction_date DESC, order_id ASC)
This makes use of the "bucketing" concept that Manish mentioned. In this case, if Tom is creating an order every single day, there will only be 365 in each partition.
Lets say Tom is making millions of orders
In fact, even if Tom placed two orders per day, it's still only be 730. So while thinking about throughput extremes is a good exercise, a single user placing even one million orders is probably not realistic.
Also, some of the queries above are using transaction_date in a range query. I've added transaction_date as the first clustering key to support those queries. And if transaction_date is in DESCending order, the most-recent transactions will be at the "top" of the partition (they'll be read first), which is usually how most date/time-driven applications tend to function.
You can use the concept of bucketing to reduce the number of rows in a single partition. For example you can create a key like (user_id int, bucket_number int). Here you can identify the max value of bucket_number on your expected data size. IF you expect this user can make millions order then you can have bucket value till 1000. The main idea is to focus that you dont end up creating partition with large number of rows.

How to select data in Cassandra either by ID or date?

I have a very simple data table. But after reading a lot of examples in the internet, I am still more and more confused how to solve the following scenario:
1) The Table
My data table looks like this (without defining the primayr key, as this is my understanding problem):
CREATE TABLE documents (
uid text,
created text,
data text
Now my goal is to have to different ways to select data.
2) Select by the UID:
SELECT * FROM documents
WHERE uid = ‘xxxx-yyyyy-zzzz’
3) Select by a date limit
SELECT * FROM documents
WHERE created >= ‘2015-06-05’
So my question is:
What should my table definition in Cassandra look like, so that I can perform these selections?
To achieve both queries, you would need two tables.
First one would look like:
CREATE TABLE documents (
uid text,
created text,
data text,
and you retrieve your data with: SELECT * FROM documents WHERE uid='xxxx-yyyy-zzzzz' Of course, uid must be unique. You might want to consider the uuid data type (instead of text)
Second one is more delicate. If you set your partition to the full date, you won't be able to do a range query, as range query is only available on the clustering column. So you need to find the sweet spot for your partition key in order to:
make sure a single partition won't be too large (max 100MB,
otherwise you will run into trouble)
satisfy your query requirements.
As an example:
CREATE TABLE documents_by_date (
year int,
month int,
day int,
uid text,
data text,
PRIMARY KEY ((year, month), day, uid);
This works fine if within a day, you don't have too many documents (so your partition don't grow too much). And this allows you to create queries such as: SELECT * FROM documents_by_date WHERE year=2018 and month=12 and day>=6 and day<=24; If you need to issue a range query across multiple months, you will need to issue multiple queries.
If your partition is too large due to the data field, you will need to remove it from documents_by_date. And use documents table to retrieve the data, given the uid you retreived from documents_by_date.
If your partition is still too large, you will need to add hour in the partition key of documents_by_date.
So overall, it's not a straightforward request, and you will need to find the right balance for yourself when defining your partition key.
If latency is not a huge concern, an alternative would be to use the stratio lucene cassandra plugin, and index your date.
Question does not specify how your data is going to be with respect user and create time. But since its a document, I am assuming that one user will be creating one document at one "created" time.
Below is the table definition you can use.
CREATE TABLE documents (
uid text,
created text,
data text
PRIMARY KEY (uid, created)
WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (created DESC) can help you get the data order by created for a given user.
For your first requirement you can query like given below.
SELECT * FROM documents WHERE uid = 'SEARCH_UID';
For your second requirement you can query like given below
SELECT * FROM documents WHERE created > '2018-04-10 11:32:00' ALLOW FILTERING;
Use of Allow Filtering should be used diligently as it scans all partitions. If we have to create a separate table with date as primary key, it becomes tricky if there are many documents being inserted at very same second. Clustering order works best for the requirements where documents for a given user need to be sorted by time.

Cassandra for storing click logs

I work in ad tech and our current infrastructure uses MySQL for storing clicks and conversion logs. So far, MySQL has been useful to us for running ad hoc queries against click data.
We are considering switching to Cassandra as we receive huge traffic spikes during peak times. Not only that, we are growing at a very fast rate and we get about 500-1000 clicks per second every now and then(for an extended duration,sometimes for 20-30 minutes).
I have been the options available, and so far, my research has let me to believe that nothing beats Cassandra in terms of write performance.
I'm currently in the process of creating a data model to store clicks.
The major component of any clicks are as follows:
Campaign id
Pub id
Creative id
Event code (whether it is a valid click or an invalid click.This is an int value. For example, event_code=0 is a valid click)
Now, I need to support the following queries:
1. SELECT * FROM clicks WHERE campaign_id=?
2. SELECT * FROM clicks WHERE campaign_id=? AND date_time>=? AND date_time <=?
3. SELECT * FROM clicks WHERE campaign_id=? AND pub_id=? AND AND date_time>=? AND date_time <=? AND event_code=?
This is simple enough to do with MySQL, after which I just get all the data from these queries in a CSV file.
However, if I were to model my tables based on the first query, this would mean that I would require to create a table in Cassandra like the following:
CREATE TABLE clicks_by_campaign(
camp_id int,
pub_id int,
date_time timestamp,
creative_id int,
event_code int,
//other fields like ip, user agent ,device etc,
PRIMARY KEY(camp_id,pub_id,date_time,event_code,creative_id))
But there are campaigns that can have millions of rows. For example, we have campaigns with a particular id, say id=3, that have more than 7 million clicks.
Wouldn't this create a wide rows problem? From what I understand, all of this campaign data would be stored as one partition on one physical machine. Is my thinking here correct or am I missing something? Please note that other queries have to be supported as well. For example, I might have to share the click logs for a particular publisher(irrespective of the campaign id). In which case, the query would look like:
SELECT * FROM clicks_by_publisher WHERE pub_id=?
This obviously would mean that I would have to create another table by the name 'clicks_by_publisher' etc.
I would also like to point out that I would be using Apache Flink that would analyze, aggregate and group clicks info on a time window of 1 minute. These results will further be stored into MySQL to provide as much support for ad-hoc queries as possible.
Can someone point me out in the right direction.
Is there any other strategy that I can use? Am I missing something?
You have a few options. Three that i feel i can describe. The first is specifying the columns as follows
campaign_id = PRIMARY_KEY
event_code = CLUSTER_KEY
date_time = CLUSTER_KEY
Running greater than or equal queries on cluster keys is possible. Your queries will run.
You're right in saying this would create a single partition for each campaign id. To solve your rows being stored on one physical machine you could create a different table that links campaign ids to row ids in your clicks table. This would reduce the overall data stored on a single machine.
Another solution would be to prefix each campaign id with a machine id. That splits the number of rows between each machine equally. It would mean creating a query prefixed with each machine id for each query but allows for growth.
This leads onto spark. Spark will handle running your query on multiple machines and concatenating the results for you automatically, essentially doing what i described above without the development overhead.
Working with Cassandra myself, i opted for a combination of the first and second solution because it fit with the data structure i was working with. Remember that Cassandra is very efficient at writes so don't be too conservative about creating tables to help filter queries and more sparsely store your data.
Perhaps storing clicks by a hash of campaign id's prefixed by the date will work for you.
Edit : Unless disabled, Cassandra will automatically hash your primary keys using the Murmur3 algorithm.
To model your requirement for fast reads and distributed right, use below table definition -
CREATE TABLE clicks_by_campaign(
camp_id int,
createdon bigint,
pub_id int,
creative_id int,
event_code int,
//other fields like ip, user agent ,device etc,
PRIMARY KEY((camp_id,createdon),event_code))
This will help to distribute data evenly across the partitions. This will also solves our second and third query -
2. SELECT * FROM clicks WHERE campaign_id=? AND date_time>=? AND date_time <=?
Query will be -
SELECT * FROM clicks_by_campaign WHERE token(camp_id, createdon) > token(100, '1111111111111') AND token(camp_id, createdon) <= token(100, '22222222222222')
3. SELECT * FROM clicks WHERE campaign_id=? AND pub_id=? AND AND date_time>=? AND date_time <=? AND event_code=?
The query will be -
SELECT * FROM clicks_by_campaign WHERE token(camp_id, createdon) > token(100, '1111111111111') AND token(camp_id, createdon) <= token(100, '22222222222222') AND event_code=10
First query -
1. SELECT * FROM clicks WHERE campaign_id=?
This is really a anti pattern in cassandra. What I would do , process campaign data batch wise, hourly- daily - weekly - yearly. Think about campaign id again, do we have to process the all the data at a time. Same goes for the 'clicks_by_publisher' .
Edit 1
Could you elaborate on what you mean by 'token' ?
Cassandra partitions rows using partition key. In above table definition we have combined camp_id and createdon values (camp_id and createdon think like composit primary key in RDBMS) to form a partition key. The cassandra partitioner calculates hash value combining camp_id and createdon , and decides which partition the row goes. To retrieve same row, partitioner need to recalculate the hash value. The function toke(), does that.
The time stamp represent the time at click event happened, this value is in milliseconds. Using createdon (type long), will help to evenly distribute the rows across the partitions.
For example for insert statement
1. INSERT INTO clicks_by_campaign (camp_id,createdon ,....) values 100,1111111111111,......) the calculated hash, lets say 111 (combining values 100,1111111111111 ) -- this will go in partition 1
2. INSERT INTO clicks_by_campaign (camp_id,createdon ,....) values (100,2222222222222,......) the calculated hash, lets say 222 (combining values 100,2222222222222 ) -- this will go in partition 2
Java has API to convert a date in to milliseconds. Date represented in milliseconds can be converted to any format using any time zone.
In fact , your use case is right candidate to design a time series data model.

Why use a compound clustered key in Cassandra tables?

Why might one want to use a clustered index in a cassandra table?
For example; in a table like this:
key text,
a text,
b timestamp,
c double,
PRIMARY KEY ((key), a, b, c)
The clustered part is the a, b, c part of the PRIMARY KEY.
What are the benefits? What considerations are there?
Clustering keys do three main things.
1) They affect the available query pattern of your table.
2) They determine the on-disk sort order of your table.
3) They determine the uniqueness of your primary key.
Let's say that I run an ordering system and want to store product data on my website. Additionally I have several distribution centers, as well as customer contracted pricing. So when a certain customer is on my site, they can only access products that are:
Available in a distribution center (DC) in their geographic area.
Defined in their contract (so they may not necessarily have access to all products in a DC).
To keep track of those products, I'll create a table that looks like this:
CREATE TABLE customerDCProducts (
customerid text,
dcid text,
productid text,
productname text,
productPrice int,
PRIMARY KEY (customerid, dcid, productid));
For this example, if I want to see product 123, in DC 1138, for customer B-26354, I can use this query:
SELECT * FROM customerDCProducts
WHERE customerid='B-26354' AND dcid='1138' AND productid='123';
Maybe I want to see products available in DC 1138 for customer B-26354:
SELECT * FROM customerDCProducts
WHERE customerid='B-26354' AND dcid='1138';
And maybe I just want to see all products in all DCs for customer B-26354:
SELECT * FROM customerDCProducts
WHERE customerid='B-26354';
As you can see, the clustering keys of dcid and productid allow me to run high-performing queries on my partition key (customerid) that are as focused as I may need.
The drawback? If I want to query all products for a single DC, regardless of customer, I cannot. I'll need to build a different query table to support that. Even if I want to query just one product, I can't unless I also provide a customerid and dcid.
What if I want my data ordered a certain way? For this example, I'll take a cue from Patrick McFadin's article on Getting Started With Time Series Data Modeling, and build a table to keep track of the latest temperatures for weather stations.
CREATE TABLE latestTemperatures (
weatherstationid text,
eventtime timestamp,
temperature text,
PRIMARY KEY (weatherstationid,eventtime),
By clustering on eventtime, and specifying a DESCending ORDER BY, I can query the recorded temperatures for a particular station like this:
SELECT * FROM latestTemperatures
WHERE weatherstationid='1234ABCD';
When those values are returned, they will be in DESCending order by eventtime.
Of course, the one question that everyone (with a RDBMS yes, everyone) wants to know, is how to query all results ordered by eventtime? And again, you cannot. Of course, you can query for all rows by omitting the WHERE clause, but that won't return your data sorted in any meaningful order. It's important to remember that Cassandra can only enforce clustering order within a partition key. If you don't specify one, your data will not be ordered (at least, not in the way that you want it to be).
Let me know if you have any additional questions, and I'll be happy to explain.

Cassandra data modeling

So I'm designing this data model for product price tracking.
A product can be followed by many users and an user can follow many products, so it's a many to many relation.
The products are under constant tracking, but a new price is inserted only if it has varied from the previous one.
The users have set an upper price limit for their followed products, so every time a price varies, the preferences are checked and the users will be notified if the price has dropped below their treshold.
So initially I thought of the following product model:
However "subscriberEmails" is a list collection that will handle up to 65536 elements. But being a big data solution, it's a boundary that we don't want to have. So we end up writing a separate table for that:
So now "usersByProduct" can have up to 2 billion columns, fair enough. And the user preferences are stored in a "Map" which is again limited but we think it's a good maximum number of products to follow by user.
Now the problem we're facing is the following:
Every time we want to update a product's price we would have to make a query like this:
INSERT INTO products("Id", date, price) VALUES (7dacedd2-c09b-46c5-8686-00c2a03c71dd, dateof(now()), 24.87); // Example only
But INSERT operations don't admit other conditional clauses than (IF NOT EXISTS) and that isn't what we want. We need to update the price only if it's different from the previous one, so this forces us to make two queries (one for reading current value and another to update it if necessary).
PD. UPDATE operations do have IF conditions but it's not our case because we need an INSERT.
UPDATE products SET date = dateof(now()) WHERE "Id" = 7dacedd2-c09b-46c5-8686-00c2a03c71dd IF price != 20.3; // example only
Don't try to apply a normal model on a cassandra database. It may work but you'll end up with terrible performance and scalability.
The recommended approach to Cassandra data modeling is to first figure out your read queries against the database and structure your data so that these reads are cheap. You'll probably need to duplicate writes somewhat but it's OK because writes are pretty cheap in Cassandra.
For your specific use case, the key query seems to be able to get all users interested in a price change in a product, so you create a table for this, for example:
create table productSubscriptions (
productId uuid,
priceLimit float,
createdAt timestamp,
email text,
primary key (productId,priceLimit,createdAt)
but since you also need to know all product subscriptions for a user, you all need a user-keyed table of the same data:
create table userProductSubscriptions (
email text,
productId uuid,
priceLimit float,
primary key (email, productId)
With these 2 tables, I guess you can see that all your main queries can be done with a single-row select and your insert/delete are straightforward but will require you to modify both tables in sync.
Obviously, you'll need to flesh out a bit more the schema for your complete need but this should give you an example on how to think about your cassandra schema.
Conditional update issue
For your conditional insert issue, the easiest answer is: do it with an UPDATE if you really need it (update and insert are nearly identical in CQL) but it's a very expensive operation so avoid it if you can.
For your use case, I would split your product table in three :
create table products (
category uuid,
productId uuid,
url text,
price float,
primary key (category, productId)
create table productPricingAudit (
productId uuid,
date timestamp,
price float,
primary key (productId, date)
create table priceScheduler (
day text,
checktime timestamp,
productId uuid,
url text,
primary key (day, checktime)
products table can hold for full catalog, optionally split in categories (so that listing all products in a single category is a single-row select)
productPricingAudit would have an insert with the latest price retrieved whatever it is since this will let you debug any pricing issue you may have
priceScheduler holds all the check to be made for a given day, ordered by check time. Your scheduler simply has to make a column range query on single row whenever it runs.
With such a schema, you don't care about the conditional updates, you simply issue 3 inserts whenever you update a product price even it doesn't change.
Okay, I will try to answer my own question: conditional inserts other than "IF NOT EXISTS" are not supported in Cassandra by the date, period.
The closest thing is a conditional update, but that doesn't work in our scenario. So there's one simple option left: application side logic. This means that you have to read the previous entry and perform the decision on your application. The obvious downside is that 2 queries are performed (one SELECT and one INSERT) which obviously adds latency.
However this suits our application because every time we perform a query to enqueue all items that should be checked, we can select the items urls and their current prices too. So the workers that check the latest price can then make the decision of inserting or not because they have the current price to compare with.
So... A query similar to this would be performed every X minutes:
SELECT id, url, price FROM products WHERE "nextCheckTime" < now();
// example only, wouldn't even work if nextCheckTime is not part of the PK or index
This is a very costly operation to perform on a Cassandra cluster because it has to go through all rows that are stored randomly in different nodes by default. Another downside is that we need some advanced and specific statistics regarding products and users.
So we've decided that a relational database will serve us better than Cassandra in this particular case.
We sadly leave all of Cassandra's advantages (fast inserts, easy scaling, built in sharding...) and look towards a MySQL Cluster or master-slave implementation.
