Macro that searches with the name a cell from a selection of items from a list and finds it in another sheet - excel

I am new in VBA and I want to write a program that when I manually select 1 or more items from a list the code searches with the name of the item and picks it from another sheet, copies the whole row and pastes it in a 3rd sheet. Is that possible? Preferably with a click of a button the selection is made. Thanks a lot!

Here is an example.
Sub FindAndMove()
Dim Finder As Range
Dim TheItem As Variant
With Sheets("Sheet1")
If Selection.CountLarge = 1 And Not Intersect(Selection, .Range("A2:A11")) Is Nothing Then
TheItem = Selection.Value
MsgBox ("Please select an item from the list")
Exit Sub
End If
End With
With Sheets("Sheet2")
Set Finder = .Range("A:A").Find(TheItem, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Finder Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Item not found!")
Exit Sub
End If
With Sheets("Sheet3")
Finder.EntireRow.Copy .Range("A" & .UsedRange.Rows.CountLarge + 1)
.Select 'Optional - show sheet 3
End With
End With
End Sub
Walking through the code:
When they click the button, if they only select 1 cell that's in our list.
Get the value of the item they selected
On Sheet2 - go find that value in column A
If you find it, copy the entire row to the end of Sheet3
You can modify the code by changing the sheet names in Sheet("Sheet1") to whatever you want.
You can also change the list range by changing .Range("A2:A11")
You can change the range to search by changing .Range("A:A")
Sheet 1:
Sheet 2:
Sheet 3: (after we select item 3 and click Find and Move)
Error Handling:
Code to find multiple occurrences using FindNext
Sub FindAndMove()
Dim Finder As Range
Dim FirstAddress As Variant
Dim TheItem As Variant
With Sheets("Sheet1")
If Selection.CountLarge = 1 And Not Intersect(Selection, .Range("A2:A11")) Is Nothing Then
TheItem = Selection.Value
MsgBox ("Please select an item from the list")
Exit Sub
End If
End With
With Sheets("Sheet2")
Set Finder = .Range("A:A").Find(TheItem, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Finder Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("Item not found!")
Exit Sub
End If
FirstAddress = Finder.Address
With Sheets("Sheet3")
Finder.EntireRow.Copy .Range("A" & .UsedRange.Rows.CountLarge + 1)
End With
Set Finder = .Range("A:A").FindNext(Finder)
Loop While Not Finder Is Nothing And Finder.Address <> FirstAddress
End With
Sheets("Sheet3").Select 'Optional - Select Sheet3 After.
End Sub


How to find the next blank column in VBA and populate it using VBA form

I am trying to set up a VBA form that will find the next empty column in a table and populate the empty cells using values entered into a form.
The current code basically finds the next empty cell in column B and resets the form after submitting it.
I will post images of the table and form I am using below.
Private Sub addButton1_Click()
If surfactantCountBox.Value = "" Or wetterCountBox.Value = "" Or causticCountBox.Value = "" Then
If MsgBox("Form is not complete. Do you want to continue?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) <> vbYes Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Call findEmpty
Call resetForm
End Sub
Sub resetForm()
surfactantCountBox.Value = ""
wetterCountBox.Value = ""
causticCountBox.Value = ""
End Sub
Sub findEmpty()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
For Each cell In ws.Columns(2).Cells
If IsEmpty(cell) = True Then cell.Select: Exit For
Next cell
End Sub
ws.Columns(2) refers to column B - your code is looking at each cell in column B, so will return the last row if anything.
Having said that, you don't have to look at each row/column. Manually you can find the last column by going to the last cell - e.g. cell XFD2 and pressing Ctrl + Left which will take you to the last column in row 2.
To do this in code:
Sub findEmpty()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Dim NextEmptyCell As Range
With ws
'This is the same as going to XFD2 and pressing Ctrl+Left and then going one cell right.
Set NextEmptyCell = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(, 1)
End With
Debug.Print NextEmptyCell.Address
End Sub
This is one way to find the next empty column in row 2.
Set rngEmpty = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToRight).Offset(, 1)
We could incorporate that into the rest of the code to add the data from the userform.
Private Sub addButton1_Click()
Dim rngEmpty As Range
If surfactantCountBox.Value = "" Or wetterCountBox.Value = "" Or causticCountBox.Value = "" Then
If MsgBox("Form is not complete. Do you want to continue?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) <> vbYes Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Set rngEmpty = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToRight).Offset(, 1)
With rngEmpty
.Value = Me.surfactantCountBox.Value
.Offset(1).Value = Me.causticCountBox.Value
.Offset(2).Value = Me.wetterCountBox.Value
End With
Call resetForm
End Sub

Go to matching cell in a row range based on drop down list

I have a list of names in a row, A2 to AAS2, I also have a drop-down list containing all of those names. I would like some VBA code that when the list is changed excel jumps to the cell matching the item in the list. Could someone please help me with this? Thank you.
The names are just text, no named ranges.
Here is what I have tried so far:
Private Sub FindTicker()
Dim MyVariable As String
MyVariable = Range("L1").Value
Application.Goto Reference:=Range(MyVariable)
End Sub
And Also
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address <> [L1].Address Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub JumpToCell()
Dim xRg, yRg As Range
Dim strAddress As String
strAddress = ""
Set yRg = Range("A2:AAS2")
For Each xRg In yRg
'MsgBox Cell.Value
If xRg.Value = ActiveCell.Value Then
strAddress = xRg.Address
End If
If strAddress = "" Then
MsgBox "The Day You Selected in Cell D4 Was Not Found On " & ActiveSheet.Name, _
vbInformation, "Ticker Finder"
Exit Sub
Range(strAddress).Offset(0, 1).Select
End If
End Sub
When I tried using both of these when I changed the drop-down list nothing happened. No errors or anything.
Lots of ways to do this and with some tweaks your code above could work but its a bit inefficient and more complicated than it needs to be. The simplest way would be to use the Find method of the Range class to locate the cell:
Lets say your drop-down list of names is in cell A1 on sheet MySheet and the long list is in column C. Use the Find method to set a range variable to equal the first cell containing the item in cell A1.
Dim rng As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("MySheet")
Set rng = ws.Range("C:C").Cells.Find(ws.Range("A1"), lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then ' the item was found
MsgBox "This item is not in the list", vbInformation
End If

Hide Multiple Sheets if Value in Column is No (50+Columns/Sheets) Using Loop

I have a master sheet (Sheet 1) that contains 50+ rows of specific items. I have a sheet corresponding to each item and named as such (ie. item 1 = "Clearing" so sheet 2 is named "Clearing"). I have a drop down menu for each item in Column D that displays "Yes" or "No".
I currently have a basic code that hides Sheets based on if my "Column D" drop down menus for 50+ rows = "No" (ie. Item 1 marked as "No" so sheet 2 is hidden).
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If [D2] = "Yes" Then
Sheets("Clearing").Visible = True
Sheets("Clearing").Visible = False
End If
If [D3] = "Yes" Then
Sheets("Grubbing").Visible = True
Sheets("Grubbing").Visible = False
End If
End Sub
I want to be able to run this in a loop for all 50+ items by using a range of cells D2:D50+ without having to enter in each sheet name as I've done above. I haven't been able to figure out how to manage this by looking at other's examples.
Any help is much appreciated.
Using the Worksheet_Change event you started out with:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range(Range("D2"), Range("D2").End(xlDown))
If Not Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing Then
If Target.Count = 1 Then
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If Target = "Yes" Then
Sheets(Target.Offset(, -1).Value).Visible = True
Sheets(Target.Offset(, -1).Value).Visible = False
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "The sheet '" & Target.Offset(, -1) & "' does not exist!"
End Sub
If your data is set up with the sheet name next to column D (or anywhere really, just adjust the script), you can just loop through.
Sub hide_Sheets()
Dim mainWS As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Set mainWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set rng = mainWS.Range("C2:C5") ' Change range as needed
Dim cel As Range
For Each cel In rng
If cel.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Yes" Then
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(cel.Value).Visible = True
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(cel.Value).Visible = False
End If
Next cel
End Sub

Be able to select next cell down every time button is clicked Excel VBA

Below is the code that I have so far I am able to click the button and every time the button is clicked the cell selection is moved down the row by 1.
What I need is to start the selection on F3 and select down until about F35 but when I range it doesn't select the cells one by one.
Here is my code:
Dim rng As Range
Dim row As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set rng = Range("F2")
For Each row In rng.Rows
For Each cell In row.Cells
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next cell
Range("G66") = ActiveCell
Next row
if you have a Form button called Button1 then attach it a sub called Button1_Click() (or whatever, but be consistent with the name of the attached Sub) and place the following code in any module:
Option Explicit
Dim notFirst As Boolean
Dim rng As Range
Sub Button1_Click()
If notFirst Then
If rng.row = 35 Then
MsgBox "Sorry: you've already reached last valid cell in column F"
Exit Sub
Set rng = rng.Offset(1)
End If
Set rng = Range("F3")
notFirst = True
End If
Range("G66").Value = rng.Value
End Sub
if you have a ActiveX button called Button1 then write the same code as above in its sheet code pane

vba#excel_highlight the empty cells

I'm creating an excel file with column A to H are mandatory cells.
This excel file will be passing around for input.
So, I would like to highlight the empty cells as a reminder.
I have written the following code...
Sub Highlight_Cell()
Dim Rng As Range
For Each Rng In Range("A2:H20")
If Rng.Value = "" Then
Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 ‘yellow
Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = 0 'blank
End If
Next Rng
MsgBox "Please fill in all mandatory fields highlighted in yellow."
End Sub
However, I would like to set the range from A2 to the last row that contains data within column A to H.
Also, display the message box only when empty cell exist.
Could you please advise how should I amend?
Million Thanks!!!
This is a VBA solution that prevents the user from saving until the desired range is filled (acknowledging Gserg's comment that that the last row is one that has at least one cell entered)
In the second portion you can either add your sheet index directly, Set ws = Sheets(x) for position x, or Set ws = Sheets("YourSheet") for a specific sheet name
The code will only highlight truly blank cells within A to H of this sheet till the last entered cell (using SpecialCells as a shortcut). Any such cells will be selected by the code on exit
Put this code in the ThisWorkbook module (so it fires whenever the user tries to close the file)
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
bCheck = False
Call CheckCode
If bCheck Then Cancel = True
End Sub
Put this code in a standard module
Public bCheck As Boolean
Sub CheckCode()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
bCheck = False
'works on sheet 1, change as needed
Set ws = Sheets(1)
Set rng1 = ws.Columns("A:H").Find("*", ws.[a1], xlValues, xlWhole, xlByRows)
If rng1 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No Cells in columns A:H on " & ws.Name & " file will now close", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set rng2 = ws.Range(ws.[a1], ws.Cells(rng1.Row, "H"))
On Error Resume Next
Set rng2 = rng2.SpecialCells(xlBlanks)
On Error GoTo 0
If rng2 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
bCheck = True
rng2.Interior.Color = vbYellow
MsgBox "Please fill in all mandatory fields on " & ws.Name & " highlighted in yellow", vbCritical, "Save Cancelled!"
Application.Goto rng2.Cells(1)
End Sub
