I'm trying to use the "readCollection" function, but I get an Error:
The "options" parameter must be of type "object". Actual type is:
my code:
docDbClient.readCollection(docUrl, function (err, collection) {
}, function(err){
The docUrl var is equal to my document._self path.
This code was working before, but for some reason it not anymore without me making any changes.
From what the error says the 'option' parameter needs to be an object instead of a function, but from what I read on the documentation the 'option' parameter is optional which I don't have it with in my function.
I'm also getting the same error when I use the replaceDocument function.
The problem is that you have an error handling function in your parameter list, which causes it to think that the second parameter is options. Remove the error handling function, and add code inside your main handler to process it if err does not come back null.
I am new learning to create rest API's using Node, Express and MySQL. I have my function removeAll that takes no parameters, it passes the result object into an arrow function which then runs a sql function which then takes another function as a parameter (err, res). Inside of the nested arrow function if we do not have any errors and the affected rows does not equal 0 we get to the result which returns (null, res). Now my confusion is as to why result contains (null, res) rather than just res. I am also confused as to how res is actually being assigned, I see that it is being passed into the arrow function but we dont explicitly set what res is.
sql.query("DELETE FROM customers", (err, res) => {
if (err) {
console.log("error: ", err);
result(null, err);
if (res.affectedRows == 0) {
// customer not found with the id
result({ kind: "not_found" }, null);
console.log("deleted customer with id: ", id) {
result(null, res);
result is a node-style callback, where the first parameter is the error (if any; if no error, first parameter is null), and the second parameter is the result (if no error is encountered).
The general approach is very similar to the sql.query callback you're using:
sql.query("DELETE FROM customers", (err, res) => {
Just like how its callback defines the error parameter first, and the result second, you similarly want to call result with the error as the first parameter, or else with the result as the second parameter.
That said, result is a pretty confusing variable name - it's a callback, not a result which contains data, so you might want to rename it to something more appropriate, so as to reduce potential confusion.
I am also confused as to how res is actually being assigned
It's handled by the internals of sql.query. When the query resolves successfully, it will do something like callback(null, results). When the query fails, it will do something like callback(someError). callback is the callback that you pass to sql.query.
Now my confusion is as to why result contains (null, res) rather than just res.
That's the standard way old-style Node.js callbacks work: The first argument is an error or null, and if the first argument isn't an error, the second argument contains the data "returned" by the call.
These days, you'd use a promise, but that's how the old-style callbacks work.
I am also confused as to how res is actually being assigned, I see that it is being passed into the arrow function but we dont explicitly set what res is.
The sql.query function is what calls the callback you pass into it. That's where res comes from, it's the result of the database operation. sql.query also follows the standard old-style Node.js callback pattern.
I am trying to call a custom function based on this documentation:
.addFunctionEmoji(":regional_indicator_v:", deleteUser())
Function deleteUser() {
I get the following error message:
Failed to send message
TypeError: Callback for :regional_indicator_v: must be a function type.
How can I call my function here?
addFunctionEmoji expects a function as the second parameter.
In order to invoke deleteUser, the best thing is to wrap it in a function:
.addFunctionEmoji(":regional_indicator_v:",() => deleteUser())
I am reviewing a sample nodejs server code, which is working fine. but could not understand the following code:
var handlers = {};
// Creating a sample handler
handlers.sample = function(data,callback){
callback(406,{'name':'sample handler'}); // How is this line of code working??
// Creating a not found handler
handlers.notFound = function(data,callback){
callback(404); // How is this line of code working??
In the entire code there is no implementation of "callback" function then how
callback(406,{'name':'sample handler'});
are working?
Please suggest. Thanks.
callback isn't implemented in the code you posted; it's a named parameter.
To call one of the functions that requires a callback, you'll need to pass it in as an argument, like:
handlers.sample("some data", () => console.log("I'm in a callback!));
The first argument ("some data") goes in the data parameter, and the second argument (() => console.log("I'm in a callback!)) goes in the callback parameter. When callback(404) is run, it executes the callback function (in the above example, it would do console.log("I'm in a callback!)).
Basically, when you call handlers.sample, you should pass a function as your second argument, and that function will be called, usually asynchronously, and presumably after something is done with the data you pass as the first argument. For example, based on the code you provided:
handlers.sample(dataObject, (number, object) => {
would yield this result in the console:
sample handler
I’m curious if this is a public library you are seeing this code in, so we can take a closer look?
I did a further digging in into this and found that
in the following code (this is not mentioned in the question) is getting resolved into handlers.sample or handlers.notFound variable names based on some logic (which is not mentioned here)
// somelogic with the status and payloadData
And second parameter of this function which is a complete function in itself
// somelogic with the status and payloadData
is going as the second parameter in handlers.sample or handlers.notFound which is a Callback. So execution of Callback in the current context is execution of this function (this function is anonymous because it has no name and getting executed as Callback)
It is a convention in node to pass an error parameter to asynchronous operations:
async.someMagicalDust(function(callback) {
// some asynchronous task
// […]
}, function(err) {
// final callback
if(err) throw err;
// […]
Maybe I'm too naive, but I've never been a big fan of the if(variable) notation — probably inherited from C, for reasons that have already been discussed many times in the past.
On the other hand, I have sometimes encountered a null parameter and this error check:
if(typeof err !== 'undefined' && err !== null)
is a bit too verbose.
Another solution would be
if(err != null)
but I think the non-strict check can be tricky, even though I consider it normal when comparing with null.
What's the best way to check error parameters in node?
Use if(err).
It is designed to be used in this fashion. Node-style callbacks are supposed to set the error to a non-falsy value only in case of actual error. You won't find any sane example of setting err to '' or 0 to signify error.
Just like YlinaGreed has noted, if module conventions cnahge from null to undefined to 0 to maybe even NaN, you are still safe. I've never been hit by this having only used if(err).
On the other hand, you may want to use coffescript, which would translate for you
unless err? then...
if (typeof err === "undefined" || err === null) {
mimicking the most common pattern.
Some links to corroborate the if(err) approach:
http://caolanmcmahon.com/posts/nodejs_style_and_structure/ (by Caolan McMahon, author of async)
The convention seems to be passing an error object as the first argument and null for no error so even if you pass an empty object, it's still an error.
If you use the popular express framework, you should have used the next callback to return from middleware, which follows the errback convention.
I believe that most people prefer more concise next() than next(null), which means that the first argument will evaluate to undefined rather than null, and this is certainly perfectly normal usage.
To me, the best way to handle error is the "if (err == null)"
This is the only case I am using the non strict operator, for these reasons:
The only over solution which always works is very verbose, as you said before
You could also check only on "null" or "undefined", but I did this once, and a few month later, I just updated my dependencies and... The convention changed, and the module was sending null instead of undefined.
This is mostly a matters of "convention", I have mine, and you certairnly have your's too... Just be careful to chose one of the two "good" ways.
Node's primary callback convention is to pass a function with err as the first parameter. In my experience its always been safe to check if error is truthy - in practice if your error comes out null when there IS an error then the problem lies more with the implementation. I would always expect if err is null that no error occured. It may be confusing due to the use of separate functions for errors and successes, something that is more in the style of JQuery.Ajax and promises. I tend to find double callbacks to be a bit too wordy to call.
Given your example it seems you're using the async library which is excellent. If I am looking to perform a parallel option this is how I set it up:
function doAThing(callback) {
var err;
// do stuff here, maybe fill the err var
function doAsyncThings(callback) {
var tasks = [function(done) { // stuff to do in async
doAThing(function(err) {
async.parallel(tasks, function(err) { // single callback function
callback(err); // I send the error back up
Note that instead of throwing the error I bubbled it back up the request chain. There are few instances which I'd want to actually throw an error since you're basically saying "crash the whole app".
I find it to be simpler and reduces the amount of parameters you have to use to call your functions. When you use this convention throughout you you can simplify by simply passing the callback as a parameter instead of creating a new anonymous function, like so:
function doAThing(callback) {
var err;
// do stuff here, maybe fill the err var
function doAsyncThings(callback) {
var tasks = [function(done) { // stuff to do in async
async.parallel(tasks, callback); // the error is sent back to the original function
I find that generally you want to handle those errors in the functions they are called in. So in this case the caller of doAsyncThings can check if there is an error and handle it appropriate to its own scope (and perhaps provide better information to the user if it is say an API).
I'm using Meteor.require('npmPackage') to use a NPM package. However I seem to be getting an error when writing to mongo in npm package's callback function.
Error: Meteor code must always run within a Fiber. Try wrapping callbacks that you pass to non-Meteor libraries with Meteor.bindEnvironment.
npmPackage.getInfo(function(err, data) {
key: 'info',
value: data
I tried wrapping the code within Fiber but the same error message is still shown:
Fiber(function() {
npmPackage.getInfo(function(err, data) {
key: 'info',
value: data
Question: How should Meteor.bindEnvironment be used to get this to work?
Try using wrapAsync e.g
npmPackage.getInfoSync = Meteor._wrapAsync(npmPackage.getInfo.bind(npmPackage));
var data = npmPackage.getInfoSync();
key: 'info',
value: data
You can add params into npmPackage.getInfoSync() if you want (if it takes any).
The thing is the callback needs to be in a fiber which is where the error comes from. The best way to do it is with Meteor.bindEnvironment. Meteor._wrapAsync does this for you and makes the code synchronous. Which is even better :)
Meteor._wrapAsync is an undocumented method that takes in a method who's last param is a callback with the first param as error and the second as a result. Just like your callback.
It then wraps the callback into a Meteor.bindEnvironment and waits for it then returns the value synchronously.