Remote debugging Azure website a Visual Studio 2017 Project - azure

I recently installed Visual Studio 2017 and my problems began with remote debugging.
So, this is the message error.
And on Azure, they are lagging behind the official release of VS Remote Debugging for this VS version.
Any idea on how to make this work?

If you use Cloud Explorer within Visual Studio 2017 to initiate the Remote Debugging it'll set the VS Version on the Web App correctly. Currently, the portal doesn't include UI to allow you to set 2017 as the version, but using the Cloud Explorer to initiate remote debugging will do it behind the scenes. We just need to wait for the Azure Portal to be updated and get caught up with VS.

Visual Studio 2017 is now listed as a Remote Debugging Version in Azure.
There has however been some change on what is possible on Cloud Explorer. To access the 'Attach Debugger' option, you need to use the Server Explorer.


Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugger. Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x80004005

I have deployed the following API as is to an Azure App Service from Visual Studio.
I have made sure that I have Remote Debugging and Visual Studio version 2022 selected in General settings in the App Service Configuration.
When I try and attach process from Visual Studio to my App Service I get thefollowing error:
In VS 2022, We have an easy and direct way to attach debugger.
After publishing your WebApp, In Hosting settings we will find an option to Attach Debugger.
Once debugger is attached, Remote debugging is enabled in Portal => Configuration Settings automatically.
Place a break point in any of the form which you want to debug.
Visual Studio finds the process, all the symbols will be loaded, and debugger is attached.

Azure Stream Analytics Tool for Visual Studio in 2019 preview

I am just creating an Azure Stream Analytics using Azure Stream Analytics Tool for Visual Studio in 2019 preview version, but it is saying that the version of Visual Studio is not supported. I am sure that I have installed the required workloads and extensions.
I am also sure that I have connected to my Azure Subscription using the Server Explorer.
Any idea why? Is it really not supported yet or I am missing something?
We do not support Visual studio 2019 currently and will figure out how to adapt to the latest vs version.
Keep using VS2107 should be a better choice
Well, it seems like the extensions are not supported in the new Visual Studio yet. But it is not a blocker, we can still use the option "Provide data source settings manually" and complete the configuration.
Note: After configuring the Input, Output, Query when I try to Submit to Azure, the Visual Studio is getting closed. It seems like it is a bug.
You can also consider using Visual Studio 2017 till the new release of the extension.

Azure remote debugging with VS 2015 not connecting

I have just upgraded to VS2015 and when I try to connect the Remote Debugger to an Azure web app, I get this error:
The following error occurred while launching remote debugging: Unable
to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugger named
''. The remote debugger is older than this
version of Visual Studio 2015, and Visual Studio is no longer
compatible with it. Please upgrade your remote debugger to match
Visual Studio.
I have checked the Azure Web App settings and Remote Debugging is on, and VS2015 is selected as the remote debugger.
The Azure App Service Support - Event Viewer is reporting this warning
Msvsmon was unable to start a server named ''. The
following error occurred: An instance of the remote debugger is
already running on this computer, or another process is already bound
to the specified TCP/IP port. View Msvsmon's help for more
information. 08005E80
I guess this is problem but how do I resolve it?
Make sure you deploy a 'DEBUG' build of your application to Azure App Service from Visual Studio 2015. If the debugger still won't connect, you could try making sure to have the latest updates installed to your local Visual Studio 2015, then try it again.

TF400324: Team Foundation services are not available from server

I have updated visual studio 2012 last night, this was Visual Studio 2012 Update 4. It was working fine before but now i am unable to connect with tfs server. Please let me know what i am doing wrong?
This is the error:
TF400324: Team Foundation services are not available from server
Technical information (for administrator):
Unable to connect to the remote server
try clearing your cache folder?
C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation
TFS3 is VS2010, TFS4 is VS2012, TFS5 is VS2013
Stop all instances of Visual Studio.
Zip/Rar all the files as a backup, then delete all files except for the backup zip/rar.
Restart Visual Studio and it will recreate all the files and you should be able to connect as shown here:
I followed this steps to get rid of this issue:
Close all instances of Visual Studio.
Open the Task Manager and check if any TFS Services are running. Select each of them and click on End Process Tree.
Browse to the folder below and delete all the contents and folders in
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Cache
and in
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\5.0\Cache
Restart Visual Studio and try triggering build.
If you are switching from one version of TFS to another, you may require repeating this solution again. If you are using older version of TFS, you may have to navigate to
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\
and find out the version folder instead of navigating directly. It would be
TFS3 if using VS2010, TFS4 if using VS2012, TFS5 if using VS2013.
Source: TF400324: Team Foundation Services are not available from server
In my case clearing of cache folders didn't work out.
What I also did is enabling SSL in IIS for Team Foundation Server.
Hopefully, can offer it for free.
Step by step:
On server side:
Cleare cache folders like it described above;
Get the SSL following procedure described here;
Enable SSL for Team foundation server in IIS (netmgr);
Check if your TFS server is available over https (check link https://tfs.your-server, the certificate should be valid and page opened without any warnings);
On client side:
Remove all TFS servers in Visual Studio;
Add your TFS server connection with HTTPS (not HTTP).
Now you are able to work with VS-TFS link.
If the above methods don't work, and in the Output tab shows you have to contact the server administrator, then the TFS is actually down and you are disconnected to it.
I know this is an old thread but the problem still appeared in VS 2013 and TFS 2013.
In my case the IIS on the server side was not running. After starting it VS could immediate connect again.

Azure Emulator error: Operation is not supported on this platform

I'm having trouble starting Azure Emulator on my Windows 8.1 laptop. I use Visual Studio 2013. The error I'm getting is:
Windows Azure Tools: Failed to initialize Windows Azure storage emulator. Operation is not supported on this platform.
The project I'm trying to build was developed first in VS 2012 so VS 2013 changed some files for me for compatibility reasons.
I tried searching for this issue, but I haven't found any page regarding this error.
Anyone have any other ideas?
It looks like a problem of Azure storage. You may want to check what version of Sql is installed on your laptop. Find this post can be helpful
