configure service fabrics microservices on which node to run - azure

We have an microservices application with 5 stateless services
eShopBasket and eShopPayments
We created an service fabrics cluster in azure with 3 nodes. Now we want to configure like as follows
eShopWeb and eShopOrder need to run on node 1
eShopAPI and eShopPayments needs to run on node 2
eShopOrder needs to run on node 3.
How to achieve the above configuration to rum multiple micro services on same node

You shouldn't care which node runs which service. By tying services to nodes you undermine the self-healing capabilities of SF (what if node 2 fails?). Also, you can't do rolling upgrades this way (except for eShopOrder).
I'd recommend avoiding placement constraints if you can. Unless you have multiple node types, or a large cluster.
Service affinity is for legacy services that are so chatty that they don't perform well when on separate nodes, because of latency in communication.
(And for production, you should use 5 nodes.)

You have two options here.
Placement constraints. You can get details in this question. But I would not recommend this as natural balancing ability will be useless here.
Service affinity. You can find more info here. It's when some services are on the same node as another. But be aware: this rule could be broken; read documentation carefully.
I would go with the second approach and see how it works at least in staging environment.


Node.js Cluster module vs Microservices

They both solve the same issue - scalability. When to use which?
And is there a point to integrating cluster API for node app running inside a docker container?
They're not really equivalent. Microservices solve an organizational and code management problem, scalability in a very dynamic way, reducing tight coupling, and keeping bugs isolated to one microservice). cluster solves scalability in a very limited way, by spinning out cluster workers on the same machine. If you have one large app and generally scale vertically (by increasing the amount of computing power your hosts have), cluster is great. If not, breaking things down int services (or further down into microservices) is also great.
You can also do both (your second question), for example running Node apps in containers on Kubernetes, where the Node apps use cluster. Depending on how your containers get run and how many vCPUs they're allocated, it may or may not have any effect, but it's only a couple lines of code so it doesn't hurt to add it.

Running a Windows Service as a statefull service in Service Fabric

I have three .net programs currently running as windows services. We are migrating to Service Fabric and I have a few questions. Our intent is to migrate the services to StateFul service since we need to keep track of locations of files, batch size, etc. that are currently stored in an app.config file. So we can "lift and shift" the code from the onTimer event to the RunAsync as discussed in this stackoverflow question:
How to Migrate Windows Service in Azure Service Fabric
However there are some questions I have about these services. Of course part of using SF is to have the applications in a reliable environment to keep these applications available as much as possible, so the first question is:
Should we only deploy the service to one node and use the reliable
collection to maintain the state of the process should the node go down and
have to be brought back up?
Or, should we deploy the application to say 3 nodes and just have each
application on their node check the reliable collection to see if another
application is processing files and to wait?
The application will "awake" at a determined interval and look at a folder, if there are any files in the folder, it will process them. This could take from a couple of seconds to many minutes. So if the application on was on three nodes, it is entirely possible that the other two applications on their nodes would wake up to process files. If they could check a reliable dictionary to see if one of the other instances of the application is running the file processing, they would just wait until the next time they are needed.
I know this is vague, I am looking for input on whether to launch the application on multiple nodes or a single node?
In short: statefull services have partitioned data. So you will have at least one, and probably more than one, partition. For each partition a primary instance will be up and running serving requests or doing work. Then for each primary instance there will be some secundary instances that will take over when the primairy fails. More info here.
In the configuration of the service you specify the number of partitions and the replica count:
<Service Name="Processing">
<StatefulService ServiceTypeName="ProcessingType" TargetReplicaSetSize="[Processing_TargetReplicaSetSize]" MinReplicaSetSize="[Processing_MinReplicaSetSize]">
<UniformInt64Partition PartitionCount="[Processing_PartitionCount]" LowKey="0" HighKey="25" />
The primairy and secundairy instances (replica's) will be distributed over the cluster nodes so for example, when the node running the primairy instance goes down a replica on another node will take over.
There is more to it than what I have described but this is the basic idea behind it all.
So to answer your question: you should specify enough replica's on other nodes to gurantuee high availabilty.

How do I determine the number of Node Types, Number of nodes and VM size in Service Fabric cluster for a relatively simple but high throughput API?

I have an Asp.Net core 2.0 Wen API that has a relatively simple logic (simple select on a SQL Azure DB, return about 1000-2000 records. No joins, aggregates, functions etc.). I have only 1 GET API. which is called from an angular SPA. Both are deployed in service fabric as as stateless services, hosted in Kestrel as self hosting exes.
considering the number of users and how often they refresh, I've determined there will be around 15000 requests per minute. in other words 250 req/sec.
I'm trying to understand the different settings when creating my Service Fabric cluster.
I want to know:
How many Node Types? (I've determined as Front-End, and Back-End)
How many nodes per node type?
What is the VM size I need to select?
I have ready the azure documentation on cluster capacity planning. while I understand the concepts, I don't have a frame of reference to determine the actual values i need to provide to the above questions.
In most places where you read about the planning of a cluster they will suggest that this subject is part science and part art, because there is no easy answer to this question. It's hard to answer it because it depends a lot on the complexity of your application, without knowing the internals on how it works we can only guess a solution.
Based on your questions the best guidance I can give you is, Measure first, Measure again, Measure... Plan later. Your application might be memory intensive, network intensive, CPU, Disk and son on, the only way to find the best configuration is when you understand it.
To understand your application before you make any decision on SF structure, you could simply deploy a simple cluster with multiple node types containing one node of each VM size and measure your application behavior on each of them, and then you would add more nodes and span multiple instances of your service on these nodes and see which configuration is a best fit for each service.
1.How many Node Types?
I like to map node types as 1:1 to roles on your application, but is not a law, it will depend how much resource each service will consume, if the service consume enough resource to make a single VM(node) busy (Memory, CPU, Disk, IO), this is a good candidate to have it's own node type, in other cases there are services that are light-weight that would be a waste of resources provisioning an entire VM(node) just for it, an example is scheduled jobs, backups, and so on, In this case you could provision a set of machines that could be shared for these services, one important thing you have to keep in mind when you share a node-type with multiple service is that they will compete for resources(memory, CPU, network, disk) and the performance measures you took for each service in isolation might not be the same anymore, so they would require more resources, the option is test them together.
Another point is the number of replicas, having a single instance of your service is not reliable, so you would have to create replicas of it(the right number I describe on next answer), in this case you end up with a service load split in to multiple nodes, making this node-type under utilized, is where you would consider joining services on same node-type.
2.How many nodes per node type?
As stated before, it will depend on your service resource consumption, but a very basic rule is a minimum of 3 per node type.
Why 3?
Because 3 is the lowest number where you could have a rolling update and guarantee a quorum of 51% of nodes\service\instances running.
1 Node: If you have a service running 1 instance in a node-type of 1 node, when you deploy a new version of your service, you would have to bring down this instance before the new comes up, so you would not have any instance to serve the load while upgrading.
2 Nodes: Similar to 1 node, but in this case you keep only 1 node running, in case of failure, you wouldn't have a failover to handle the load until the new instance come up, it will worse if you are running a stateful service, because you will have only one copy of your data during the upgrade and in case of failure you might loose data.
3 Nodes: During a update you still have 2 nodes available, when the one being updated get back, the next one is put down and you still have 2 nodes running, in case of failure of one node, the other node can support the load until a new node is deployed.
3 nodes does not mean the your cluster will be highly reliable, it means the chances of failure and data loss will be lower, you might be unlucky a loose 2 nodes at same time. As suggested in the docs, in production is better to always keep the number of nodes as 5 or more, and plan to have a quorum of 51% nodes\services available. In this case I would recommend 5, 7 or 9 nodes in cases you really need higher uptime 99.9999...%
3.What is the VM size I need to select?
As said before, only measurements will give this answer.
These recommendations does not take into account the planning for primary node types, it is recommended to have at least 5 nodes on primary Node Types, it is where SF system services are placed, they are responsible to manage the
cluster, so they must be highly reliable, otherwise you risk losing control of your cluster. If you plan to share these nodes with your application services, keep in mind that your services might impact them, so you have to always monitor them to check for any impact it might cause.

Recommended way for running applications per Service Fabric node

Can i know what the best practice for running applications on a service fabric node, Is it one service per node or multiple services per node? Let me know any advantages or disadvantages if there are any.
One of the goals/features of using ASF is to run many (micro)services on your nodes, to make efficient use of all the system resources.
Deploy applications at higher density than virtual machines, deploying
hundreds or thousands of applications per machine.
Read more here.

Scaling microservices using Docker

I've created a Node.js (Meteor) application and I'm looking at strategies to handle scaling in the future. I've designed my application as a set of microservices, and I'm now considering implementing this in production.
What I'd like to do however is have many microservices running on one server instance to maximise resource usage whilst they are using a small number of resources. I know containers are useful for this, but I'm curious if there's a way to create a dynamically scaling set of containers where I can:
Write commands such as "provision another app container on this server if the containers running this app reach > 80% CPU/other limiting metrics",
Provision and prepare other servers if needed for extra containers,
Load balance connections between these containers (and does this affect server load balancing, e.g., send less connections to servers with fewer containers?)
I've looked into AWS EC2, Docker Compose and nginx, but I'm uncertain if I'm going in the right direction.
Investigate Kubernetes and/or Mesos, and you'll never look back. They're tailor-made for what you're looking to do. The two components you should focus on are:
Service Discovery: This allows inter-dependent services (micro-service "A" calls "B") to "find" each other. It's typically done using DNS, but with registration features on top of it that handle what happens as instances are scaled.
Scheduling: In Docker-land, scheduling isn't about CRON jobs, it means how containers are scaled and "packed" into servers in various ways to maximize efficient usage of available resources.
There are actually dozens of options here: Docker Swarm, Rancher, etc. are also competing alternatives. Many cloud vendors like Amazon also offer dedicated services (such as ECS) with these features. But Kubernetes and Mesos are emerging as standard choices, so you'd be in good company if you at least start there.
Metrics could be collected via Docker API ( and cool blog post ) and it's often used for that.
Tinkering with DAPI and docker stack tools (compose/swarm/machine) could provide alot of tools to scale microservice architecture efficiently.
I could advise in favor of Consul to manage discovery in such resource-aware system.
We are using AWS to host our miroservices application, and using ECS (AWS docker service) to containerize the different API.
And in this context, we use AWS auto scaling feature to manage the scale in and scale out. Check this.
Hope it helps.
