Cassandra time series table design for timestamp range queries - cassandra

Our problem is a bit different from a usual timeseries problem as we do not have natural partition key in our data. In our system we get not more than 5k/s messages, so following many publications (like this one) we figured out a following schema (it's more complex but the below matters most):
date TEXT,
hour INT,
createdAt TIMESTAMP,
uuid UUID,
data TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ((date, hour), createdAt, uuid)
We mostly want to query the system based on the creation (event) time; other filtering will likely be done on different engines like Spark. The problem is that we may have a query that spans e.g. two months, so ideally we should put 60+ dates and 24 hours in the WHERE-IN-part of query, which is cumbersome to say the least. Of course, we can execute queries like below:
SELECT * FROM messages WHERE createdat >= '2017-03-01 00:00:00' LIMIT 10 ALLOW FILTERING;
My understanding is that, while the above works, it will make a full scan, which will be expensive on larger cluster. Or am I mistaken and C* knows, which partitions to scan?
I was thinking to add an index, but this problem likely falls into high-cardinality antipattern, as I understand.
EDIT: the question is not that much about the data model, though suggestions are welcome, but more about feasibility of making the queries with cratedat range instead or listing all date and hour values required in WHERE-IN-part of query to avoid full scans.


Cassandra Data modelling : Timestamp as partition keys

I need to be able to return all users that performed an action during a specified interval. The table definition in Cassandra is just below:
create table t ( timestamp from, timestamp to, user text, PRIMARY KEY((from,to), user))
I'm trying to implement the following query in Cassandra:
select * from t WHERE from > :startInterval and to < :toInterval
However, this query will obviously not work because it represents a range query on the partition key, forcing Cassandra to search all nodes in the cluster, defeating its purpose as an efficient database.
Is there an efficient to model this query in Cassandra?
My solution would be to split both timestamps into their corresponding years and months and use those as the partition key. The table would look like this:
create table t_updated ( yearFrom int, monthFrom int,yearTo int,monthTo int, timestamp from, timestamp to, user text, PRIMARY KEY((yearFrom,monthFrom,yearTo,monthTo), user) )
If i wanted the users that performed the action between Jan 2017 and July 2017 the query would look like the following:
select user from t_updated where yearFrom IN (2017) and monthFrom IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) and yearTo IN (2017) and monthTo IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
Would there be a better way to model this query in Cassandra? How would you approach this issue?
First, the partition key has to operate on equals operator. It is better to use PRIMARY KEY (BUCKET, TIME_STAMP) here where bucket can be combination of year, month (or include days, hrs etc depending on how big your data set is).
It is better to execute multiple queries and combine the result in client side.
The answer depends on the expected number of entries. Thumb rule, is that a partition should not exceed 100mb. So if you expect a moderate number of entries, it would be enough to go with year as partition key.
We use Week-First-Date as a partition key in a iot scenario, where values get written at most once a minute.

Cassandra Time Series Data Modelling and Limiting Partition Size

We are currently investigating Cassandra as the database for a large time series system.
I have read through about modelling time series data in Cassandra.
What we have is high velocity timeseries data coming in for many weather stations. Each weather station has a number of "sensors" that each collect three metrics: temperature, humidity, and light.
We are trying to store each series as a wide row. However, we expect to get billions of readings per station over the life of the project, so we would like to limit the row size.
We would like there to be a single row for each (weather_station_id, year, day_of_year), that is, a new row for every day. However, we still want the partition key to be weather_station_id - that is, we want all readings for a station to be on the same node.
We currently have the following schema, but I would like to get some feedback.
CREATE TABLE weather_station_data (
weather_station_id int,
year int,
day_of_year int,
time timestamp,
sensor_id int,
temperature int,
humidity int,
light int,
PRIMARY KEY ((weather_station_id), year, day_of_year, time, sensor_id)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (year DESC, day_of_year DESC, time DESC, sensor_id DESC);
In the aforementioned document, they make use of this "limit partition row by date" concept. However, it is unclear to me whether or not the date in their examples is part of the partition key.
According to the tutorial, if we choose to have weather_station_id as the only partition, the row will be exhausted.
i.e C* has a practical limitation of 2 billion columns per partition.
So IMO, your data-model is bad.
However, it is unclear to me whether or not the date in their examples is part of the partition key.
The tutorial used
PRIMARY KEY ((weatherstation_id,date),event_time)
So, yes they considered data to be part of partition key.
we want all readings for a station to be on the same node.
I am not sure, why you wan't such a requirement. You can always fetch weather data using multiple queries for more than one year.
select * from weather_station_data where weather_station_id=1234 and year= 2013;
select * from weather_station_data where weather_station_id=1234 and year= 2014;
So consider changing your structure to
PRIMARY KEY ((weather_station_id, year), day_of_year, time, sensor_id)
Hope it helps!
In my opinion the datastax model isn't really great. The problem with this model:
They are using the weather station as partition key. All rows with the same partition key are stored on the same machine. This means: If you have 10 years raw data (100ms steps), you will break cassandras limit really fast. 10 years × 365 days × 24 hours × 60 min × 60 seconds x 10 (for 100ms steps) x 7 columns. The limit is 2 Billion. In my opinion you will not use the benefits of cassandra if you build this data model. You can also use, for each weather station, a mongo, mysql or another database.
The better solution: Ask yourself how you will query this data. If you say: I query all data per year, use the year also as partion key. If you need also query data of more than one year, you can create two queries with a different year. This works and the performance is better. (The bottleneck is maybe only the network to your client)
One little more tipp: Cassandra isn't like mysql. It's a denormalized database. This means: It's not dirty to save your data more than one time. This means: It is important for your to query your data per year, it's also important to query your data per hour, per day of year or per sensor_id, you can create column families with different partition key and parimary key order. It's okay to duplicate your data. Cassandra is optimized for write performance, not for read. This means: It's often better to write the data in the right order instead of reading it in the right order. In cassandra 3.0 there is a new feature, called materialized views, for automatic duplicating. And if you think: Ohhh no, i will duplicate the needed storage. Remember: Storage is really cheap. It's okay to buy ten HDDs with 1tb. It cost nothing. The performance is important.
I have one question to your: Can you aggregate your data? Cassandra has a column type called counter. You can create a java/scala application where your aggregate your data while they are produced. You can use a streaming framework for this: Flink or Spark. (If you need a bit more than only counting.). One scenario: You aggregating your data for each hour and day. You got your data in your streaming app. Now: You have an variable for hourly data. You count up or down or whatever. If the hour is finishes, your put this row in your hourly column family and daily column family. In your daily column family your using a counter. I hope, you understand what i mean.

Cassandra data modeling

So I'm designing this data model for product price tracking.
A product can be followed by many users and an user can follow many products, so it's a many to many relation.
The products are under constant tracking, but a new price is inserted only if it has varied from the previous one.
The users have set an upper price limit for their followed products, so every time a price varies, the preferences are checked and the users will be notified if the price has dropped below their treshold.
So initially I thought of the following product model:
However "subscriberEmails" is a list collection that will handle up to 65536 elements. But being a big data solution, it's a boundary that we don't want to have. So we end up writing a separate table for that:
So now "usersByProduct" can have up to 2 billion columns, fair enough. And the user preferences are stored in a "Map" which is again limited but we think it's a good maximum number of products to follow by user.
Now the problem we're facing is the following:
Every time we want to update a product's price we would have to make a query like this:
INSERT INTO products("Id", date, price) VALUES (7dacedd2-c09b-46c5-8686-00c2a03c71dd, dateof(now()), 24.87); // Example only
But INSERT operations don't admit other conditional clauses than (IF NOT EXISTS) and that isn't what we want. We need to update the price only if it's different from the previous one, so this forces us to make two queries (one for reading current value and another to update it if necessary).
PD. UPDATE operations do have IF conditions but it's not our case because we need an INSERT.
UPDATE products SET date = dateof(now()) WHERE "Id" = 7dacedd2-c09b-46c5-8686-00c2a03c71dd IF price != 20.3; // example only
Don't try to apply a normal model on a cassandra database. It may work but you'll end up with terrible performance and scalability.
The recommended approach to Cassandra data modeling is to first figure out your read queries against the database and structure your data so that these reads are cheap. You'll probably need to duplicate writes somewhat but it's OK because writes are pretty cheap in Cassandra.
For your specific use case, the key query seems to be able to get all users interested in a price change in a product, so you create a table for this, for example:
create table productSubscriptions (
productId uuid,
priceLimit float,
createdAt timestamp,
email text,
primary key (productId,priceLimit,createdAt)
but since you also need to know all product subscriptions for a user, you all need a user-keyed table of the same data:
create table userProductSubscriptions (
email text,
productId uuid,
priceLimit float,
primary key (email, productId)
With these 2 tables, I guess you can see that all your main queries can be done with a single-row select and your insert/delete are straightforward but will require you to modify both tables in sync.
Obviously, you'll need to flesh out a bit more the schema for your complete need but this should give you an example on how to think about your cassandra schema.
Conditional update issue
For your conditional insert issue, the easiest answer is: do it with an UPDATE if you really need it (update and insert are nearly identical in CQL) but it's a very expensive operation so avoid it if you can.
For your use case, I would split your product table in three :
create table products (
category uuid,
productId uuid,
url text,
price float,
primary key (category, productId)
create table productPricingAudit (
productId uuid,
date timestamp,
price float,
primary key (productId, date)
create table priceScheduler (
day text,
checktime timestamp,
productId uuid,
url text,
primary key (day, checktime)
products table can hold for full catalog, optionally split in categories (so that listing all products in a single category is a single-row select)
productPricingAudit would have an insert with the latest price retrieved whatever it is since this will let you debug any pricing issue you may have
priceScheduler holds all the check to be made for a given day, ordered by check time. Your scheduler simply has to make a column range query on single row whenever it runs.
With such a schema, you don't care about the conditional updates, you simply issue 3 inserts whenever you update a product price even it doesn't change.
Okay, I will try to answer my own question: conditional inserts other than "IF NOT EXISTS" are not supported in Cassandra by the date, period.
The closest thing is a conditional update, but that doesn't work in our scenario. So there's one simple option left: application side logic. This means that you have to read the previous entry and perform the decision on your application. The obvious downside is that 2 queries are performed (one SELECT and one INSERT) which obviously adds latency.
However this suits our application because every time we perform a query to enqueue all items that should be checked, we can select the items urls and their current prices too. So the workers that check the latest price can then make the decision of inserting or not because they have the current price to compare with.
So... A query similar to this would be performed every X minutes:
SELECT id, url, price FROM products WHERE "nextCheckTime" < now();
// example only, wouldn't even work if nextCheckTime is not part of the PK or index
This is a very costly operation to perform on a Cassandra cluster because it has to go through all rows that are stored randomly in different nodes by default. Another downside is that we need some advanced and specific statistics regarding products and users.
So we've decided that a relational database will serve us better than Cassandra in this particular case.
We sadly leave all of Cassandra's advantages (fast inserts, easy scaling, built in sharding...) and look towards a MySQL Cluster or master-slave implementation.

Cassandra - valid_from / valid_to query

I am trying to figure out what would be the best way to implement a valid from/to data filtering in Cassandra.
I need to have a table with records that are only valid in certain time window - always defined. Each of such records would not be valid for more than lets say: 3 months.
I would like to have a structure like this (more less ofc):
userId bigint,
validFrom timestamp ( or maybe split into columns like: from_year, from_month etc. if that helps )
validTo timestamp ( or as above )
someCollection set
All queries would be performed by userId, validFrom, validTo.
I know the limits of querying in Cassandra (both PK and clustering keys) but maybe I am missing some trick or clever usage of what is available in CQL.
Any help appreciated!
You could just select by validFrom but TTL the data by the validTo to make sure the number of records you need to filter in your app doesn't get too large. However, depending on how many records you have per user this may result in a lot of tombstones.

alllow filtering, data modeling in cql

I'm currently using and researching about data modeling practices in cassandra. So far, I get that you need have a data modeling based on the queries executed. However, multiple select requirements make data modeling even harder or impossible to handle it on 1 table. So, when you can't handle these requirements on 1 table, you need to insert 2-3 tables. In other words, you need to make multiple inserts on 1 operation.
Currently, I'm dealing with a data model of a campaign structure. I have a campaign table on cassandra with the following cql;
CREATE TABLE campaign_users
created_at timeuuid,
campaign_id int,
uid bigint,
updated_at timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (campaign_id, uid),
INDEX(campaign_id, created_at)
In this model, I need to be able to make incremental exports given a timestamp only. In cassandra, there is allow filtering mode that enables select queries for secondary indexes. So, my cql statement for incremental export is the following;
select campaign_id, uid
from campaign_users
where created_at > minTimeuuid('2013-08-14 12:26:06+0000') allow filtering;
However, if allow filtering is used, there is a warning saying that the statement have unpredictable performance. So, is it a good practice relying on allow filtering ? What can be other alternatives ?
The ALLOW FILTERING warning is because Cassandra is internally skipping over data, rather than using an index and seeking. This is unpredictable because you don't know how much data Cassandra is going to skip over per row returned. You could be scanning through all your data to return zero rows, in the worst case. This is in contrast to operations without ALLOW FILTERING (apart from SELECT COUNT queries), where the data read through scales linearly with the amount of data returned.
This is OK if you're returning most of the data, so the data skipped over doesn't cost very much. But if you were skipping over most of your data a lot of work will be wasted.
The alternative is to include time in the first component of your primary key, in buckets. E.g. you could have day buckets and duplicate your queries for each day that contains data you need. This method guarantees that most of the data Cassandra reads over is data that you want. The problem is that all data for the bucket (e.g. day) needs to fit in one partition. You can fix this by sharding the partition somehow e.g. include some aspect of the uid within it.
