With Azure App Service Easy Auth + Azure AD B2C is it possible to secure a single Web API and have multiple native apps consume it? - azure

We have a Web API intended to serve multiple business partners, each of which will be customizing a white label version of our native app client.
We also have a Web API offering common functions to different apps.
We would like to use AD B2C as the identity and auth system, but cannot see how or if it is possible to use AD B2C to secure a common API for multiple apps. Is this achievable?

It depends on how you want to your partners usig the account login-in. If you expected that the partners login-in using the consumer account or local account in the Azure AD B2C you own, the answer is yes.
The Azure AD B2C supports the Access Tokens from March 23, 2017(refer here). And it supports many types of clients, including web apps, desktop and mobile apps, single page apps, server-side daemons, and other web APIs.
It is same to develop an web API server for one native app or multiples apps, you only need to register the multiple apps in your B2C tenant. More detail about acquring the access token for the Azure AD B2C, you can refer the link below:
Azure Active Directory B2C: OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow


Azure AD B2C authenticate with API key

I'm investigating Azure AD B2C as a possible auth service, which we want to use for user management and authentication. We have a web application, Web API which we can easily integrate with AAD B2C and migrate our current authentication and user management.
However, I did not find any solution how to authenticate mobile applications and integrate it with azuere ad b2c. Our mobile app communicates also with web api but it does not need any user login. These applications are tied to a tenant and every mobile app instance has an API key that is used to authenticate the mobile app on the backend.
Is it possible with azure ad b2c to achieve that kind of authentication, that we will generate API keys for our mobile apps and will use the same ad in azure like the normal users? Is possible with azure ad b2c or we should use another azure service?
What are the best practices in this area? It is similar to the backend to backend communication where API keys are used. Thx.
The normal way for such a scenario would be to use the client credentials flow, where you use your ClientID + ClientSecret for a silent login in order to get a non-personalized AccessToken.
Although it seems that this type of flow is currently not supported by AD B2C. Have a look here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/application-types#current-limitations
As an alternative, that page is refering to the client credentials flow of the Microsoft Identity Platform (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-client-creds-grant-flow).
I guess it now depends on the detailed requirements of your application whether it could be an option for you to use.

Is it possible to use Azure AD B2C authentication via its API?

I've successfully created and configured a Azure B2C tenant and a ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web Application which uses AD B2C built in workflows to authenticate users.
In the application described above the login forms (even they have customized design by me) are provided and hosted by Azure AD B2C infrastructure.
Is it possible to use my entirely custom login form (hosted in my web app), get the typed credentials from the uses, then call Azure AD B2C API to do the authentication, and get the token?... or it is not a supported scenario and asking for the credentials form is always must be hosted by the Azure AD B2C infrastructure...
From a web app this is not supported. We do support an ROPC flow from mobile apps.

Azure API: Grant Permissions to Users in Different Tenant

We have a client that owns two separate Azure Cloud tenants: ACloud and BCloud.
ACloud contains their regular SaaS and Azure AD users log in with userName#clientACloud.onmicrosoft.com
BCloud contains only IT/sysadmin users managing cloud PaaS resources and users log in with userName#clientBCloud.onmicrosoft.com
We have deployed an API to BCloud which requires Azure AD authentication. The API is being called from a mobile app written in React. There, users are presented with a login screen and must login using username#clientBCloud.onmicrosoft.com
However, we want users to be able to log in using their normal userName#clientACloud.onmicrosoft.com
Is there a way to configure the API in BCloud to use ACloud’s Azure AD for authentication to an API hosted in BCloud?
One resource from Microsoft recommended using the graph API. I think the graph API would allow the mobile app to authenticate the user’s ACloud account, but that SAML token won’t work against BCloud’s API. We are looking for some way that the API in BCloud can accept user tokens from ACloud, so I suspect there is some configuration we need to make in BCloud to trust ACloud’s Azure AD.
Thanks in advance!

Choosing the right Azure AD auth version when calling Microsoft Graph

I'm new to the Microsoft Graph API and Azure. I'd like to seek advises to which Microsoft Graph API version I should go with and whether I should be using the "Web API on-behalf-of flow" for my scenario.
I'm building a web services which can store access tokens of multiple Office 365 users from different organisations. This web services can then create web hooks via the Microsoft Graph API to get notifications about calendar appointment changes in these users' accounts, in order to sync these changes to the corresponding appointments stored on our own server.
So it's a mass Office 365 calendar syncing web service in a nut shell.
I have gone through a lot of their GitHub sample projects and managed to create web hooks with the v1 graph subscription API and was able to interact with the calendar of my dev account, all in a sample APS.NET MVC project.
But I'm very confused about the following parts:
Because this web service does not directly provide a UI, so the login UI would be presented by a separate desktop (WPF) client, and I believe when this is done on the client side, I can forward the authenticated access token to my web service to create the web hooks? This sounds like the "Web API on-behalf-of flow" scenario Microsoft described here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-au/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-limitations.
Because this web service needs to create web hooks to multiple Office 365 accounts from different organisations. I'm not sure if this counts as the a multi-tenant scenario. If this is the case, it looks like I can only use the v1 API because the v2 API only allows the web service to receive tokens from an application that has the same application ID (also described in the page linked above).
Microsoft Graph and Azure AD developers could you please shed some light on this part for me? Microsoft isn't doing the best job when it comes to documenting these parts.
Because this web service does not directly provide a UI, so the login UI would be presented by a separate desktop (WPF) client, and I believe when this is done on the client side, I can forward the authenticated access token to my web service to create the web hooks? This sounds like the "Web API on-behalf-of flow" scenario Microsoft described here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-au/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-limitations.
Yes, the scenario is on-behalf-of flow and this flow is not supported for the v2.0 endpoint at present.
Because this web service needs to create web hooks to multiple Office 365 accounts from different organisations. I'm not sure if this counts as the a multi-tenant scenario. If this is the case, it looks like I can only use the v1 API because the v2 API only allows the web service to receive tokens from an application that has the same application ID (also described in the page linked above).
You can only use Azure AD V1 endpoint, because the V2.0 endpoint doesn't support on-behalf-of flow. And here are some steps for using V1 endpoint for your reference:
register 2 apps, one for the WPF(native app) and one for your web service(web app)
enable the multi-tenant for the app for web service
grant the relative Microsoft Graph permission to the web app
set the knownClientApplications for the web app using the clientId of the native app
grant the relative Microsoft Graph permission and web app to the native app
After that, when the users login-in in WPF first time in different tenant, the users can conesent the two apps at same time. And then the service principals of two apps will be register to users' tenant. After that the web service can use the on-behalf-of flow to get the access_token for Microsoft Graph based on the token from native app.
More detail about multi-tenant developing, please refer below:
How to sign in any Azure Active Directory (AD) user using the multi-tenant application pattern
And the code sample below also be helpful:
Calling a downstream web API from a web API using Azure AD

multiple-tenant, multiple-platform, multiple-services single sign-on using Azure Active directory

I have the following services
I have a Web application that has a client side script that will talk directly to each of the above services to retrieve information
I also have Native Mobile client applications which also will talk directly to each of the above services
Windows/Windows Phone
Now this application will be a SaaS solution where customers can sign-up online create their own tenant and then create user accounts for there employees and add the employees to groups and change permissions of those groups.
Now i need a solution that a user can log on to a mobile application or Web and it be allowed to gain access to the above mentioned services depending on there groups permissions, but i want strong separation of each tenant
Looking at the tags it seems you are considering Azure AD. Good choice. Azure AD allows developers to secure their SAAS APIs and Web/Mobile Apps. Azure AD satisfies all the requirements that you've described - it even has client SDKs for the popular platforms.
The following should see you through:
Authentication scenarios supported by AAD (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn499820.aspx): will answer questions like - how can my mobile app access my multi-tenant web api on behalf of the user, or how can my web app sign-in the user as well as receive a delegated token to access my web api
AAD integrated multi-tenant SAAS application sample (https://github.com/AzureADSamples/WebApp-MultiTenant-OpenIdConnect-DotNet): covers special techniques for multi-tenant apps
Authorization using group membership (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-authentication-authorization/): describes how you can perform authorization in your application per the group membership of users.
Hope this helps.
