web configuration changing effects on hosted application - iis

Is it mandatory to refresh the application pool and website hosted on IIS 7.5 when are changes made to the web application's web configuration ?

It does it automatically, so no it's not mandatory to do it a second time, it just happens. :)


How to configure warm-up of web-service application within Microsoft Azure

On IIS I can configure my web-service with Application Initialization, AlwaysRunning and Preload enabled to make sure the first request is fast enough. Now I am trying to create a similar web-service within Microsoft Azure. However, the first request is exteremely slow. I tried to speed it up using "Always on", but this doesn't work. What configuration is needed to make sure the warm-up works correctly in Azure?
I would like to make Azure react the same way as IIS when restarting the application or refreshing the web.config. Besides the "Always on" functionality, I can't find the settings that are needed to do this. I have searched on other pages, but most solutions are about the warm-up of a website page. Is there a (simple) configuration to use for the warm-up of a web-service within an Azure app service?
Have you enabled Preload?
When you create the Web Service Application in azure...
Under Settings, Configuration, Path Mappings..

Will deployment of web application that is under main site in IIS cause take down of the main site?

I have main website hosted in my IIS and under that I have multiple applications (another web apps) that run on a separate application pool. I know that if you will change some files of site that is hosted in IIS it will result into application pool recycling. However I am not sure what will happen in my scenario, from one hand they have different app pools, but from another hand application is hosted under main website.
Is it possible to deploy application that is hosted under web site without disrupting main site operation?
Thanks in advance.
No it wont. If you have your main site and applications running under different application pool, you should be fine.
Application Domains and application pool ensure isolation with respect to applications on IIS. Changes made to application will cause specific application domain to refresh and will not have an impact on other applications.

IIS Restart on Updating a Web Application

I have deployed multiple Web Applications in IIS, When I am deploying a modified Dll for any of this Web Application, I need to restart the IIS to get the effect of the new dll. This impacts other Applications. All of these Applications get restarted as I have restarted IIS. Is there any way by which I can restart the specific Application, for which the modified Dll has been deployed?
Yes. Create a different "Application Pool" for your app (in IIS). Make sure your app is assigned to the new pool.
When your app is deployed, the app pool is automatically restarted (affecting all of the other apps in that pool). By default, everything gets deployed to the default app pool.

IIS server problem please have a glance

after deploying my web site to IIS
server when i brows my web site kept
under default web site it's displaying
error message "You are not authorized
to view this page"...please solve this
Sounds like you don't have the default document set correctly. You may need to add Default.aspx to the list.
Other things to look at:
That you're targetting .Net Framework 2.0
That the permissions on the actual files on the server are adequate for the identity the website is running as
That you have enabled anonymous access if you don't want Windows authentication

ASP.NET 3.5 Permissions on IIS 6

I have an asp.net page which changes passwords in the OU. Where do I set the user which actually runs my code?
In the virtual directory security settings, is it the application pool user? Or is it in Web.config? Which one of the configurations actually configures the user that runs the asp.net code?
The identity of the user under which a web application runs is defined by the application pool which the web application uses. All of this can be seen and set in Internet Information Server (IIS) Manager.
As far as I know the Identitiy with which a aps.net application is run is set in the properties for the web application.
