IIS server problem please have a glance - iis

after deploying my web site to IIS
server when i brows my web site kept
under default web site it's displaying
error message "You are not authorized
to view this page"...please solve this

Sounds like you don't have the default document set correctly. You may need to add Default.aspx to the list.
Other things to look at:
That you're targetting .Net Framework 2.0
That the permissions on the actual files on the server are adequate for the identity the website is running as
That you have enabled anonymous access if you don't want Windows authentication


Troubles to configure my IIS server

I made up a web application for a customer, and I would need your help as my application has some huge troubles to run correctly on client machines with the Internet explorer 11 browser.
This is how my web application is shown by running it on the web server (it's the identification page) :
And this is how my web application is shown on a client machine :
The IIS server has only 1 web application installed, the application uses the defaultAppPool authentication to tun, a technician of my customer said the windows user defined for the identification has full rights on the folder of the web application.
Do you have any idea of what I have to do to solve my problem? I already added the url of the application into the trusted sites list and nothing changed. One last thing, the client machines are on 2 different domains.
PS: I used Webdev 22 to make my web application.
a technician at my customer finally found the solution.
Open Internet explorer 11, Tools --> Compatibility View settings, in the pop-up, uncheck Display intranet sites in Compatibility View

Add security to IIS Web Server

I'm developing some web site that run on IIS 7 and can connect to SQL server via php. The problem is I think its not safe because everyone that know my public IP address can freely access my site (the site is not for public, but I need it to be accessible to some people). How can I add security to this website of mine?
I have search for some type of security like authentication in IIS, but I don't know what should be used. Can I just add id and password like when we try to open page for configure router ( .
You can easily disable anonymous authentication and enable basic authentication in IIS 7 using IIS manager.
Here is a Technet link and an SO post with details:
Is it a standalone server or do you run the IIS server on a desktop?
If your the only one who should access your site you could also use Intergrated windows authentication (IWA). IWA is a feature of the IIS Server, so if you wan't to use is you should enable it first.

IIS 7.5 + MVC 5 + NInject + PostSharp - Suddenly 401 on remote machine

I have a web application developed in VS2013
NInject for IoC
Sql Server 2008 R2 for a backing store (ADO, not Entity Framework, for DAL)
IIS 7.5 (Not a web garden, max processes = 1)
I have been developing and deploying on my local machine this application to a development server for months with not too many issues.
App Pool is .Net 4.0 Integrated, using the ApplicationPoolIdentity
Anonymous and Forms authentication are enabled. Anonymous is set to use the App Pool identity
File permissions are set for the application folder to give IIS AppPool\[mypool] read, list, execute access. (I tried full access, once, and it didn't help)
Last week, the development server reports a 401 (sc-status:401 sc-substatus:0 sc-win32-status:0) instead of showing me any forms from a remote connection. Local connections, that is, when I access the app on the sandbox, or if I log on to the development server and access it locally, work as expected. Any request from a remote machine fails.
401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
I tried recreating the app pool and re-assigning the app to it. I tried aspnet_iisreg -ir. I went through most of the "Similar Questions" to the right of this edit box, trying to find something close to my issue. I erased the application from the server and redeployed to a new app, with new name and a new physical folder. KB2545850 hotfix didn't help.
My deployment strategy is an xcopy of everything but the web.config(s) I maintain the web.config separately. Please help diagnose.
In ASP.NET MVC Deploying an app with forms authentication to IIS 7.5 it says:
If you have a path leading to an eventual [Authorize] attribute, that will cause this -
removing the RenderAction or allowing that action to render without [Authorize] fixes it.
That was similar to my issue. I have a global filter to Authorize. I recently added a partial view in a controller to display a serial number. I added that partial to the _Layout, without the AllowAnonymous. Since the login form used the layout, which used this partial, I couldn't log in until I logged in.
Adding an [AllowAnonymous] to the action resolved this issue. I am thinking about how to more easily detect this for when it happens to me again.

Asp.Net MVC 5 Host on IIS 7.5

can anyone please tell me whether a asp.net mvc 5 web application can be hosted on IIS 7.5?seems has this issue:HTTP Error 503.
and the IIS application pool was stopped when request this web.
it's very strange,when I change website application pool named "A" to another named "B"("B" is an app pool for an asp.net mvc4 web application), then the site run well."A" is the same setting as "B".not really know what had happened.is related section of the web.config ?please help.
I had the same problem and found it was caused by permission problems creating the user profile in C:\Users. I gave ApplicationPoolIdentity full permissions to the C:\Users folder, started the site and everything worked, the profile must have been created properly, and my site worked as it should. I then removed access to C:\Users from ApplicationPoolIdentity.
Site wont start on local using ApplicationPoolIdentity, only when using NetworkService: "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable."

Implementing SSL for SharePoint High trust Apps

I have been struggling to configure an SSL Certificate based environment for hight trust apps in SharePoint 2013. I have on-premises installation of SharePoint 2013 (Enterprise). Following google and msdn articles, I figured out that high trust apps require Client SSL authentication. My app is a provider hosted app and requires an "https" url to be hit when triggered (there is no option for setting "http" url). Any help would be appreciated.
I highly recommend Kirk Evans' blog post on the subject to get you started:
I was able to walk through this to get 90% to where I needed to be, including creation of a self-signed certificate for the PHA server.
What Kirk's blog didn't cover for me:
Setting up a dedicated PHA server. Kirk's post finishes with running the app
from IIS Express inside Visual Studio. I wound up needing a modified
web.config for non-dev builds, i.e. for code deployed to a dedicated
IIS instance.
Setting up for App lifecycle event receivers. If you want to handle
App lifecycle events from your PHA, then you may have even more
tweaking to do in the web.config file. To this point I've had to
enable Anonymous authentication in my service bindings in web.config
in order for SharePoint to call those handlers.
Please visit this for bindings :
and In the publishing profile, modify the "SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish" and the "publishUrl"
SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish --> https://YourServerName:PortNumber/VistualDirectoryFolderName
& publishUrl --> Path where you publish your web
before this uncheck the "Use IIS Express" from your provider hosted web properties and select "Use local IIS web server". Pass the address of your simple http://YourServerName:PortNumber/.. url and create virtual directory.
