Exit from State Monad Loop - haskell

I am playing around with the State monad and queues. At the moment I have the following code:
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
import Criterion.Main
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Sequence ((<|), ViewR ((:>)))
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
data Queue a = Queue { enqueue :: [a], dequeue :: [a] }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- adds an item
push :: a -> Queue a -> Queue a
push a q = Queue (a:enqueue q) (dequeue q)
pop :: Queue a -> Maybe (a, Queue a)
pop q = if null (dequeue q) then
go $ Queue [] (reverse (enqueue q))
go q
where go (Queue _ []) = Nothing
go (Queue en (x:de)) = Just (x, Queue en de)
queueTst :: Int -> Queue Int -> Queue Int
queueTst 0 q = q
queueTst n q | even n = queueTst (n - 1) (push (100 + n) q)
| otherwise = queueTst (n - 1)
(if popped == Nothing then q
else snd (fromJust popped))
where popped = pop q
pushS :: a -> S.Seq a -> S.Seq a
pushS a s = a <| s
pushS' :: a -> State (S.Seq a) (Maybe a)
pushS' a = do
s <- get
put (a <| s)
return Nothing
pushS'' :: a -> State (S.Seq a) (Maybe a)
pushS'' a = get >>= (\g -> put (a <| g)) >> return Nothing
popS :: S.Seq a -> Maybe (a, S.Seq a)
popS (S.viewr -> S.EmptyR) = Nothing
popS (S.viewr -> s:>r) = Just (r,s)
popS' :: State (S.Seq a) (Maybe a)
popS' = do
se <- get
let sl = popS'' se
put $ snd sl
return $ fst sl
where popS'' (S.viewr -> S.EmptyR) = (Nothing, S.empty)
popS'' (S.viewr -> beg:>r) = (Just r, beg)
queueTstS :: Int -> S.Seq Int -> S.Seq Int
queueTstS 0 s = s
queueTstS n s | even n = queueTstS (n - 1) (pushS (100 + n) s)
| otherwise = queueTstS (n - 1)
(if popped == Nothing then s
else snd (fromJust popped))
where popped = popS s
queueTstST :: Int -> State (S.Seq Int) (Maybe Int)
queueTstST n =
if (n > 0) then
if even n then
pushS' (100 + n) >> queueTstST (n - 1)
popS' >> queueTstST (n - 1)
else return Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
[ bench "Twin Queue" $ whnf (queueTst 550) (Queue [500,499..1] [])
, bench "Sequence Queue" $ whnf (queueTstS 550) (S.fromList [500,499..1])
, bench "State Queue" $ whnf
(runState (queueTstST 550)) (S.fromList [500,499..1])
That's a bit of code but really the only functions that are relevant here are main and queueTstST. is there a way to exit queueTstST while retaining the last "Maybe value" rather than with "Nothing"?

queueTstST :: Int -> State (S.Seq Int) (Maybe Int)
queueTstST n =
if (n > 1) then
if even n then
pushS' (100 + n) >> queueTstST (n - 1)
popS' >> queueTstST (n - 1)
else popS'

You can remember the last value if you add an argument to your recursive function.
queueTstST :: Int -> State (S.Seq Int) (Maybe Int)
queueTstST n = go n Nothing
go :: Int -> Maybe Int -> State (S.Seq Int) (Maybe Int)
go n v =
if (n > 1)
then if even n
then pushS' (100 + n) >> go (n - 1) Nothing
else popS' >>= go (n - 1)
else return v


How to terminate a computation that runs in the `IO` monad?

There is a library that provides a data type F and a function of type
ffoldlIO :: (b -> a -> IO b) -> b -> F a -> IO b
The function is similar to
foldlIO :: (b -> a -> IO b) -> b -> [a] -> IO b
foldlIO f a = \xs -> foldr (\x r (!a') -> f a' x >>= r) return xs a
I wonder whether foldlIO (and thus ffoldlIO) can run in a short-circuit fashion.
Consider this example:
example1 :: IO Int
example1 = foldlIO (\a x -> if a < 4 then return (a + x) else return a) 0 [1..5]
Here foldlIO traverses the entire list, but what if we throw an exception to stop the computation and then catch it? Something like this:
data Terminate = Terminate
deriving (Show)
instance Exception Terminate
example2 :: IO Int
example2 = do
ra <- newIORef 0
let step a x
| a' < 4 = return a'
| otherwise = writeIORef ra a' >> throwIO Terminate
where a' = a + x
foldlIO step 0 [1..] `catch` \(_ :: Terminate) -> readIORef ra
Is this reliable? Is there a better way to terminate a computation that runs in the IO monad (and no other monad) or am I not supposed to do this at all?
For example, you can use ContT monad transformer like this:
example3 :: IO Int
example3 = flip runContT return . callCC $ \exit -> do
let step a x
| a' < 4 = return a'
| otherwise = exit a'
where a' = a + x
foldM step 0 [1..]
Also, you can define you own version of foldM with posibility of termination.
termFoldM :: (Monad m, Foldable t) =>
((b -> ContT b m c) -> b -> a -> ContT b m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
termFoldM f a t = flip runContT return . callCC $ \exit -> foldM (f exit) a xs
example4 :: IO Int
example4 = termFoldM step 0 [1..]
step exit a x
| a' < 4 = return a'
| otherwise = exit a'
where a' = a + x
But this way (with ContT) has one problem. You can't easy do some IO actions. For example, this code will not be compiled, because step function must return value of type ContT Int IO Int not IO Int.
let step a x
| a' < 4 = putStrLn ("'a = " ++ show a') >> return a'
| otherwise = exit a'
where a' = a + x
Fortunately, you can solve this by the lift function, like this:
let step a x
| a' < 4 = lift (putStrLn ("'a = " ++ show a')) >> return a'
| otherwise = exit a'
where a' = a + x
My first answer was not correct. So, I'll try to improve.
I think that the use of exceptions to terminate in IO monad is not a hack but it does not look clean. I propose to define the instance MonadCont IO like this:
data Terminate = forall a . Terminate a deriving (Typeable)
instance Show Terminate where show = const "Terminate"
instance Exception Terminate
instance MonadCont IO where
callCC f = f exit `catch` (\(Terminate x) -> return . unsafeCoerce $ x)
where exit = throwIO . Terminate
Then you can rewrite your example more cleaner.
example :: IO Int
example = callCC $ \exit -> do
let step a x
| a' < 4 = return a'
| otherwise = exit a'
where a' = a + x
foldlIO step 0 [1..]
Variant with IOREf.
data Terminate = Terminate deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception Terminate
instance MonadCont IO where
callCC f = do
ref <- newIORef undefined
let exit a = writeIORef ref a >> throwIO Terminate
f exit `catch` (\Terminate -> readIORef ref)

How to parametrize a constant (in this particular recursive function)?

test1 correctly produces the following structure from the string "abcdef":
(a,(1,[0])) -- type 'a' occur 1 time in position 0
(b,(1,[1])) -- type 'b' occur 1 time in position 1
(f*,(1,[5])) -- type 'f' is the last of the list
But this result depends on the number 6, that is the length of a very particular class of string, invalid for general case.
So if the string in test1 is instead "abc" the result is wrong:
If the string in test1 is instead "abcdefgh" the result is also wrong:
(b,(1,[2])) -- Should be [1]
(c,(1,[3])) -- Should be [2]
(d,(1,[4])) -- ...
In addTrieWithCounter I'm not able to substitue this constant (6) with a parameterized function on the length of the word.
The CONTEXT of this function. The addTrieWithCounter will be placed in a special "loop" such "al alts" becames: addTrieWithCounter ... "al" 0 -> "drop the space" -> addTrieWithCounter ... "alts" 3. So the occurrences will be aligned with the initial string.
-- analyzing "all alts" should be obtained this result.
(a,(2,[4,0])) -- type 'a' occur 2 times in positions 3 and 0 (reversed order)
(l,(2,[5,1])) -- type 'l' (of seq "al") occur 2 times in positions 4 and 1 (reversed order)
(l*,(1,[2])) -- type 'l' (of seq "all") occur 1 time in positions 2
(t,(1,[6])) -- type 't' (of seq "alt") occur 1 time in positions 6
(s*,(1,[7])) -- type 's' (of seq "alts") occur 1 time in positions 7
It will be a trivial thing, but I have no idea.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.PrettyPrint as TP
import Data.Either (either)
data Trie a b = Nil | Trie (M.Map (Either a a) (b, Trie a b)) deriving Show
-- (Just a note: Trie will be a Monoid's instance. So with "Either" it is possible to distinguish the following cases: "all" and "alliance")
-- add an element to a Trie
:: Ord a =>
(Trie a (Int, [t1]), Int)
-> ((Int, [t1]) -> Int -> (Int, [t1]))
-> [a]
-> (Trie a (Int, [t1]), Int)
addTrieWithCounter (t,st) f [] = (t,st)
addTrieWithCounter (Nil,st) f xs = addTrieWithCounter (Trie M.empty, st) f xs
addTrieWithCounter (Trie m,st) f [x] =
(Trie $ M.insertWith (\(c,_) _ -> (f c st,Nil)) (Left x) (f (0,[]) st,Nil) m,st + 1)
addTrieWithCounter (Trie m, st) f (x:xs) =
case M.lookup (Right x) m of -- !!!!! PROBLEM IN THE FOLLOWING LINE !!!!!
Nothing -> let (t',st') = addTrieWithCounter (Nil, 6 - length xs ) f xs
in (Trie $ M.insert (Right x) (f (0,[]) st,t') m,st + 1)
Just (c,t) -> let (t',st') = addTrieWithCounter (t,st) f xs -- TO CHANGE
in (Trie $ M.insert (Right x) (f c st',t') m,st')
showTrieS f (t,_) = showTrie f t
showTrie :: Show a => (Either t t -> String) -> Trie t a -> Doc
showTrie _ Nil = empty
showTrie f (Trie m)
| M.null m = empty
| otherwise =
vcat $
do (k,(count,t)) <- M.assocs m
return $
vcat [ lparen TP.<> text (f k) TP.<> comma TP.<> (text . show $ count) TP.<> rparen
, nest 4 (showTrie f t)
test1 = showTrieS f1 t
f1 = (either (:"*") (:""))
t = addTrieWithCounter (Trie M.empty,0) f2 "abcdef"
f2 (cr,poss) st = ((cr + 1),(st : poss))
This will get you most of the way there. It doesn't solve your
exact problem, but shows how to remove the hard-coded length value.
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.IntSet as S
import Data.Monoid
import Text.PrettyPrint hiding ((<>))
data GenTrie a b = Trie (M.Map a (b, GenTrie a b))
deriving (Show)
emptyTrie = Trie M.empty
data Info = Info { _count :: Int, _positions :: S.IntSet }
deriving (Show)
type Trie = GenTrie Char Info
addString :: Int -> String -> Trie -> Trie
addString i cs t = go t i cs
go :: Trie -> Int -> String -> Trie
go t i [] = t
go t i (c:cs) =
let Trie m = t
pair =
case M.lookup c m of
Nothing ->
let t2 = go emptyTrie (i+1) cs
val = Info 1 (S.singleton i)
in (val, t2)
Just (info,t1) ->
let t2 = go t1 (i+1) cs
val = info { _count = _count info+1
, _positions = S.insert i (_positions info)
in (val, t2)
in Trie (M.insert c pair m)
printTrie = putStrLn . showTrie
showTrie = render . trieToDoc
trieToDoc :: Trie -> Doc
trieToDoc (Trie m)
| M.null m = empty
| otherwise =
vcat $
do (ch, (info,t)) <- M.assocs m
let count = show (_count info)
pos = show (S.toList (_positions info))
return $
vcat [ text [ch] <> space <> text count <> space <> text pos
, nest 4 (trieToDoc t)
test1 = printTrie $ addString 0 "abc" emptyTrie
test2 = printTrie $ addString 4 "alts" $ addString 0 "all" emptyTrie
addTrieWithCounter (Trie m,st) f (x:xs) =
case M.lookup (Right x) m of
Nothing -> let (t',st') = addTrieWithCounter (Nil, st + 1 ) f xs
in (Trie $ M.insert (Right x) (f (0,[]) st,t') m, st')
Just (c,t) -> let (t',st') = addTrieWithCounter (t,st + 1) f xs
in (Trie $ M.insert (Right x) (f c st,t') m,st')

SHA-1 in haskell producing wrong hashes

I wrote a program to perform SHA-1 in haskell, and while it does produce hashes, they do not match with the ones produced by other SHA-1 programs
Example: cat
hashes to: b5be86bc8bccfc24b01b093228ebb96fc92fa804 but is supposed to hash to 9d989e8d27dc9e0ec3389fc855f142c3d40f0c50
My code is:
(old code omitted)
I have no idea what is wrong. Can someone tell me where I made a mistake?
I fixed the stuff that was pointed out, however it is still not working. It works correctly up until the inner loop.
I cleaned up the code so the functions for the inner loop are available as f1, f2 and f3
cat now interestingly hashes to ebe6c9fa1afa0ef5a0ca80bab251fd41cc29127e.
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char (ord, intToDigit)
import Data.Binary (encode, decode)
import Numeric (showHex, showIntAtBase)
import System.IO (stdin)
import Data.Sequence ((<|), (|>))
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
type Quintuple32 = (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32)
addQuintuple (a, b, c, d, e) (f, g, h, i, j) =
(a + f, b + g, c + h, d + i, e + j)
shower :: Quintuple32 -> String
shower (a, b, c, d, e) = concatMap (`showHex` "") [a, b, c, d, e]
hash :: Int -> S.Seq Word32 -> Quintuple32 -> Quintuple32
hash i w h#(a, b, c, d, e)
| i < 20 = hash (i + 1) w (newhash (f1 h + k1))
| i < 40 = hash (i + 1) w (newhash (f2 h + k2))
| i < 60 = hash (i + 1) w (newhash (f3 h + k3))
| i < 80 = hash (i + 1) w (newhash (f2 h + k4))
| otherwise = h
where (k1, k2, k3, k4) = (0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xCA62C1D6)
newhash a' = (rotate a 5 + a' + e + (w `S.index` i), a, rotate b 30, c, d)
f1 :: Quintuple32 -> Word32
f1 (_, b, c, _, _) = (b .&. c) .|. (complement b .&. c)
f2 :: Quintuple32 -> Word32
f2 (_, b, c, d, _) = b `xor` c `xor` d
f3 :: Quintuple32 -> Word32
f3 (_, b, c, d, _) = (b .&. c) .|. (b .&. d) .|. (c .&. d)
starting :: Quintuple32
starting = (0x67452301
, 0xEFCDAB89
, 0x98BADCFE
, 0x10325476
, 0xC3D2E1F0)
hasher :: Quintuple32 -> S.Seq Word32 -> Quintuple32
hasher acc x = addQuintuple acc (hash 0 (extend x) acc)
process :: B.ByteString -> Quintuple32
process = foldl hasher starting . chunks . pad
extend :: S.Seq Word32 -> S.Seq Word32
extend = extend' 16
extend' :: Int -> S.Seq Word32 -> S.Seq Word32
extend' 80 a = a
extend' i a = extend' (i + 1) (a |> xored)
where xored = rotate ((a `S.index` (i - 3)) `xor`
(a `S.index` (i - 8)) `xor`
(a `S.index` (i - 14)) `xor`
(a `S.index` (i - 16))) 1
toBytes :: String -> B.ByteString
toBytes = B.pack . map (fromIntegral . ord)
splitEvery n xs
| B.null xs = S.empty
| otherwise = B.take n xs <| splitEvery n (B.drop n xs)
chunks :: B.ByteString -> [S.Seq Word32]
chunks xs
| B.null xs = []
| otherwise = x : chunks (B.drop 64 xs)
where x = fmap decode (splitEvery 4 (B.take 64 xs))
pad :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
pad xs = B.append (add0 $ add1 xs) length64
where length64 = encode (fromIntegral (8 * B.length xs) :: Word64)
add1 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
add1 = flip B.append (B.singleton 128)
add0 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
add0 xs
| modulo /= 448 = add0 $ B.append xs (B.singleton 0)
| otherwise = xs
where modulo = (B.length xs * 8) `rem` 512
Also, a small question: is something like (a, b) = (8, 9) an acceptable thing to do to set multiple variables?
Oh, another one of these!
Two errors jump out at me immediately:
pad :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
pad xs = B.append (add0 $ add1 xs) length64
where length64 = encode (fromIntegral (B.length xs) :: Word64)
Notice the length you append is supposed to be the bit length, not the byte length.
add1 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
add1 = flip B.append (B.singleton 255)
Notice 255 /= 0b10000000 and the pad is supposed to be the later.
In general you debug these by 1) going over the spec again and again. 2) Comparing to another implementation, such as Adam Wick's SHA package, and comparing for equality at as fine grained level as possible.
EDIT: There are two more bugs, basically transcription errors. Look around a bit and shout if you're still stuck.

How GHC forces evaluation in multithreaded applications?

For example: I have a quite simple memoised implementation of fibonacci sequence,
which I request in multiple threads:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.DeepSeq
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
data Tree a = Tree (Tree a) a (Tree a)
instance Functor Tree where
fmap f (Tree l m r) = Tree (fmap f l) (f m) (fmap f r)
index :: Tree a -> Int -> a
index (Tree _ m _) 0 = m
index (Tree l _ r) n = case (n - 1) `divMod` 2 of
(q,0) -> index l q
(q,_) -> index r q
nats :: Tree Int
nats = go 0 1
where go !n !s = Tree (go l s') n (go r s')
where l = n + s
r = l + s
s' = s * 2
fib :: (Int -> Integer) -> Int -> Integer
fib _ 0 = 0
fib _ 1 = 1
fib f n = f (n - 1) + f (n - 2)
fib_tree :: Tree Integer
fib_tree = fmap (fib fastfib) nats
fastfib :: Int -> Integer
fastfib = index fib_tree
writeMutex :: MVar ()
writeMutex = unsafePerformIO (newMVar ())
fibIO :: Int -> IO ()
fibIO n = let fibn = fastfib n
in deepseq fibn $ do takeMVar writeMutex
putStrLn (show n ++ " " ++ show fibn)
putMVar writeMutex ()
children :: MVar [MVar ()]
children = unsafePerformIO (newMVar [])
waitForChildren :: IO ()
waitForChildren = do
cs <- takeMVar children
case cs of
[] -> return ()
m:ms -> do
putMVar children ms
takeMVar m
forkChild :: IO () -> IO ThreadId
forkChild io = do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
childs <- takeMVar children
putMVar children (mvar:childs)
forkFinally io (\_ -> putMVar mvar ())
main' :: [Int] -> IO ()
main' = mapM_ (forkChild . fibIO)
main :: IO ()
main = do
nargs <- fmap read `fmap` getArgs :: IO [Int]
main' nargs
And when compiled with -threaded I can run it:
% time ./concur 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 +RTS -N4
10 55
10 55
10 55
10 55
10 55
10 55
10 55
./concur 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 +RTS -N4 0.00s user 0.00s system 82% cpu 0.007 total
And as expected if I have single large argument, or many, the execution time is the same.
I'm interested how evaluation of thunks in memoised tree is performed, on low-level?
When one thread evaluates a thunk, the chunk is locked, and other threads block on it (aka black hole). See Haskell on a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor paper for details.

Is it possible to get `-=` working with literals?

Today I found this post on Quora, which claimed that
factorial(n) = def $ do
assert (n<=0) "Negative factorial"
ret <- var 1
i <- var n
while i $ do
ret *= i
i -= 1
return ret
could be correct Haskell code. I got curious, and ended up with
factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial n = def $ do
assert (n >= 0) "Negative factorial"
ret <- var 1
i <- var n
while i $ do
ret *= i
i -= 1
return ret
using var = newSTRef, canonical definitions for def, assert and while, and
a *= b = readSTRef b >>= \b -> modifySTRef a ((*) b)
a -= b = modifySTRef a ((+) (negate b))
However, (*=) and (-=) have different types:
(-=) :: Num a => STRef s a -> a -> ST s ()
(*=) :: Num a => STRef s a -> STRef s a -> ST s ()
So ret -= i wouldn't work. I've tried to create a fitting type class for this:
class (Monad m) => NumMod l r m where
(+=) :: l -> r -> m ()
(-=) :: l -> r -> m ()
(*=) :: l -> r -> m ()
instance Num a => NumMod (STRef s a) (STRef s a) (ST s) where
a += b = readSTRef b >>= \b -> modifySTRef a ((+) b)
a -= b = readSTRef b >>= \b -> modifySTRef a ((+) (negate b))
a *= b = readSTRef b >>= \b -> modifySTRef a ((*) b)
instance (Num a) => NumMod (STRef s a) a (ST s) where
a += b = modifySTRef a ((+) (b))
a -= b = modifySTRef a ((+) (negate b))
a *= b = modifySTRef a ((*) (b))
That actually works, but only as long as factorial returns an Integer. As soon as I change the return type to something else it fails. I've tried to create another instance
instance (Num a, Integral b) => NumMod (STRef s a) b (ST s) where
a += b = modifySTRef a ((+) (fromIntegral $ b))
a -= b = modifySTRef a ((+) (negate . fromIntegral $ b))
a *= b = modifySTRef a ((*) (fromIntegral b))
which fails due to overlapping instances.
Is it actually possible to create a fitting typeclass and instances to get the factorial running for any Integral a? Or will this problem always occur?
The idea
Idea is simple: wrap STRef s a in a new data type and make it an instance of Num.
First, we'll need only one pragma:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Data.STRef (STRef, newSTRef, readSTRef, modifySTRef)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
Wrapper for STRef:
data MyRef s a
= MySTRef (STRef s a) -- reference (can modify)
| MyVal a -- pure value (modifications are ignored)
instance Num a => Num (MyRef s a) where
fromInteger = MyVal . fromInteger
A few helpers for MyRef to resemble STRef functions:
newMyRef :: a -> ST s (MyRef s a)
newMyRef x = do
ref <- newSTRef x
return (MySTRef ref)
readMyRef :: MyRef s a -> ST s a
readMyRef (MySTRef x) = readSTRef x
readMyRef (MyVal x) = return x
I'd like to implement -= and *= using a bit more general alter helper:
alter :: (a -> a -> a) -> MyRef s a -> MyRef s a -> ST s ()
alter f (MySTRef x) (MySTRef y) = readSTRef y >>= modifySTRef x . flip f
alter f (MySTRef x) (MyVal y) = modifySTRef x (flip f y)
alter _ _ _ = return ()
(-=) :: Num a => MyRef s a -> MyRef s a -> ST s ()
(-=) = alter (-)
(*=) :: Num a => MyRef s a -> MyRef s a -> ST s ()
(*=) = alter (*)
Other functions are almost unchanged:
var :: a -> ST s (MyRef s a)
var = newMyRef
def :: (forall s. ST s (MyRef s a)) -> a
def m = runST $ m >>= readMyRef
while :: (Num a, Ord a) => MyRef s a -> ST s () -> ST s ()
while i m = go
go = do
n <- readMyRef i
when (n > 0) $ m >> go
assert :: Monad m => Bool -> String -> m ()
assert b str = when (not b) $ error str
factorial :: Integral a => a -> a
factorial n = def $ do
assert (n >= 0) "Negative factorial"
ret <- var 1
i <- var n
while i $ do
ret *= i
i -= 1
return ret
main :: IO ()
main = print . factorial $ 1000
Making Num instances like this feels a bit hacky, but we don't have FromInteger type class in Haskell, so I guess it's OK.
Another itchy thing is 3 *= 10 which is return (). I think it is possible to use phantom type to indicate whether MyRef is ST or pure and allow only ST on the LHS of alter.
