How to parametrize a constant (in this particular recursive function)? - haskell

test1 correctly produces the following structure from the string "abcdef":
(a,(1,[0])) -- type 'a' occur 1 time in position 0
(b,(1,[1])) -- type 'b' occur 1 time in position 1
(f*,(1,[5])) -- type 'f' is the last of the list
But this result depends on the number 6, that is the length of a very particular class of string, invalid for general case.
So if the string in test1 is instead "abc" the result is wrong:
If the string in test1 is instead "abcdefgh" the result is also wrong:
(b,(1,[2])) -- Should be [1]
(c,(1,[3])) -- Should be [2]
(d,(1,[4])) -- ...
In addTrieWithCounter I'm not able to substitue this constant (6) with a parameterized function on the length of the word.
The CONTEXT of this function. The addTrieWithCounter will be placed in a special "loop" such "al alts" becames: addTrieWithCounter ... "al" 0 -> "drop the space" -> addTrieWithCounter ... "alts" 3. So the occurrences will be aligned with the initial string.
-- analyzing "all alts" should be obtained this result.
(a,(2,[4,0])) -- type 'a' occur 2 times in positions 3 and 0 (reversed order)
(l,(2,[5,1])) -- type 'l' (of seq "al") occur 2 times in positions 4 and 1 (reversed order)
(l*,(1,[2])) -- type 'l' (of seq "all") occur 1 time in positions 2
(t,(1,[6])) -- type 't' (of seq "alt") occur 1 time in positions 6
(s*,(1,[7])) -- type 's' (of seq "alts") occur 1 time in positions 7
It will be a trivial thing, but I have no idea.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.PrettyPrint as TP
import Data.Either (either)
data Trie a b = Nil | Trie (M.Map (Either a a) (b, Trie a b)) deriving Show
-- (Just a note: Trie will be a Monoid's instance. So with "Either" it is possible to distinguish the following cases: "all" and "alliance")
-- add an element to a Trie
:: Ord a =>
(Trie a (Int, [t1]), Int)
-> ((Int, [t1]) -> Int -> (Int, [t1]))
-> [a]
-> (Trie a (Int, [t1]), Int)
addTrieWithCounter (t,st) f [] = (t,st)
addTrieWithCounter (Nil,st) f xs = addTrieWithCounter (Trie M.empty, st) f xs
addTrieWithCounter (Trie m,st) f [x] =
(Trie $ M.insertWith (\(c,_) _ -> (f c st,Nil)) (Left x) (f (0,[]) st,Nil) m,st + 1)
addTrieWithCounter (Trie m, st) f (x:xs) =
case M.lookup (Right x) m of -- !!!!! PROBLEM IN THE FOLLOWING LINE !!!!!
Nothing -> let (t',st') = addTrieWithCounter (Nil, 6 - length xs ) f xs
in (Trie $ M.insert (Right x) (f (0,[]) st,t') m,st + 1)
Just (c,t) -> let (t',st') = addTrieWithCounter (t,st) f xs -- TO CHANGE
in (Trie $ M.insert (Right x) (f c st',t') m,st')
showTrieS f (t,_) = showTrie f t
showTrie :: Show a => (Either t t -> String) -> Trie t a -> Doc
showTrie _ Nil = empty
showTrie f (Trie m)
| M.null m = empty
| otherwise =
vcat $
do (k,(count,t)) <- M.assocs m
return $
vcat [ lparen TP.<> text (f k) TP.<> comma TP.<> (text . show $ count) TP.<> rparen
, nest 4 (showTrie f t)
test1 = showTrieS f1 t
f1 = (either (:"*") (:""))
t = addTrieWithCounter (Trie M.empty,0) f2 "abcdef"
f2 (cr,poss) st = ((cr + 1),(st : poss))

This will get you most of the way there. It doesn't solve your
exact problem, but shows how to remove the hard-coded length value.
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.IntSet as S
import Data.Monoid
import Text.PrettyPrint hiding ((<>))
data GenTrie a b = Trie (M.Map a (b, GenTrie a b))
deriving (Show)
emptyTrie = Trie M.empty
data Info = Info { _count :: Int, _positions :: S.IntSet }
deriving (Show)
type Trie = GenTrie Char Info
addString :: Int -> String -> Trie -> Trie
addString i cs t = go t i cs
go :: Trie -> Int -> String -> Trie
go t i [] = t
go t i (c:cs) =
let Trie m = t
pair =
case M.lookup c m of
Nothing ->
let t2 = go emptyTrie (i+1) cs
val = Info 1 (S.singleton i)
in (val, t2)
Just (info,t1) ->
let t2 = go t1 (i+1) cs
val = info { _count = _count info+1
, _positions = S.insert i (_positions info)
in (val, t2)
in Trie (M.insert c pair m)
printTrie = putStrLn . showTrie
showTrie = render . trieToDoc
trieToDoc :: Trie -> Doc
trieToDoc (Trie m)
| M.null m = empty
| otherwise =
vcat $
do (ch, (info,t)) <- M.assocs m
let count = show (_count info)
pos = show (S.toList (_positions info))
return $
vcat [ text [ch] <> space <> text count <> space <> text pos
, nest 4 (trieToDoc t)
test1 = printTrie $ addString 0 "abc" emptyTrie
test2 = printTrie $ addString 4 "alts" $ addString 0 "all" emptyTrie

addTrieWithCounter (Trie m,st) f (x:xs) =
case M.lookup (Right x) m of
Nothing -> let (t',st') = addTrieWithCounter (Nil, st + 1 ) f xs
in (Trie $ M.insert (Right x) (f (0,[]) st,t') m, st')
Just (c,t) -> let (t',st') = addTrieWithCounter (t,st + 1) f xs
in (Trie $ M.insert (Right x) (f c st,t') m,st')


Composing arbitrarily many maps in Haskell

How is it possible to compose n maps in Haskell?
I've tried doing it recursively:
composeMap 0 f = (\x -> x)
composeMap n f = (.) f (composeMap (n-1) f)
And iteratively:
composeMap' n k f g =
if n == k then g
else composeMap' n (k+1) f (f . g)
composeMap n f = composeMap' n 0 f (\x -> x)
But to no avail. Haskell thinks I am constructing an infinite type.
This is obviously false as the function defined is finite for any
n >= 0.
Any suggestions?
Some have posted solutions treating f as having the following type signature:
f :: a -> a
However, I want this to work for f s.t. f is polymorphic in the following way:
f :: a -> a'
f :: a' -> a''
In particular, I want a function that works for the function map, with possible type signatures:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (polymorphic) :: ([a] -> [b]) -> [[a]] -> [[b]]
The function compiles perfectly fine, but Haskell infers the following type signature, which is not what I want:
composeMap'' :: Int -> (b -> b) -> b -> b
I've even tried wrapping map in a monad, but Haskell still thinks I'm constructing an infinite type:
composeMap n f = foldl (>>=) f (replicate n (\x -> return (map x)))
I got what I want with the following template Haskell code. Pretty sweet.
This is for declaring the composed map functions:
composeMap :: Int -> Q Dec
composeMap n
| n >= 1 = funD name [cl]
| otherwise = fail "composeMap: argument n may not be <= 0"
name = mkName $ "map" ++ show n
composeAll = foldl1 (\fs f -> [| $fs . $f |])
funcs = replicate n [| map |]
composedF = composeAll funcs
cl = clause [] (normalB composedF) []
This is for inlining the composed map. It is more flexible:
composeMap :: Int -> Q Exp
composeMap n = do
f <- newName "f"
maps <- composedF
return $ LamE [(VarP f)] (AppE maps (VarE f))
composeAll = foldl1 (\fs f -> [| $fs . $f |])
funcs = replicate n [| map |]
composedF = composeAll funcs
Also, the guys who put the question on hold didn't even understand the question in the first place...
I am afraid I am missing something. Your first implementation compiles and works fine for me (ghc 8.0.2).
Your second implementation failed to compile because you forgot the ' in the else clause. Here is my complete source file:
composeMap1 0 f = (\x -> x)
composeMap1 n f = (.) f (composeMap1 (n-1) f)
composeMap2' n k f g =
if n == k then g
else composeMap2' n (k+1) f (f . g)
composeMap2 n f = composeMap2' n 0 f (\x -> x)
And some tests
λ: :l question.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( question.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
λ: doubleQuote = composeMap1 2 (\x -> "'" ++ x ++ "'")
λ: doubleQuote "something"
λ: doubleQuote = composeMap2 2 (\x -> "'" ++ x ++ "'")
λ: doubleQuote "something"
λ: plusThree = composeMap1 3 (+1)
λ: plusThree 10
λ: plusThree = composeMap2 3 (+1)
λ: plusThree 10

How to know in Haskell in what row and column of a table ([[a]]) you are

I want to make a sudoku solver in Haskell (as an exercise). My idea is:
I have t :: [[Int]] representing a 9x9 grid so that it contains 0 in an empty field and 1-9 in a solved field.
A function solve :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]] returns the solved sudoku.
Here is a rough sketch of it (i'd like to point out i'm a beginner, i know it is not the most optimal code):
solve :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
solve t
| null (filter (elem 0) t) = t
| t /= beSmart t = solve (beSmart t)
| otherwise = guess t
The function beSmart :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]] tries to solve it by applying some solving algorithms, but if methodical approach fails (beSmart returns the unchanged sudoku table in that case) it should try to guess some numbers (and i'll think of that function later). In order to fill in an empty field, i have to find it first. And here's the problem:
beSmart :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
beSmart t = map f t
where f row
| elem 0 row = map unsolvedRow row
| otherwise = row
where unsolvedRow a
| a == 0 = tryToDo t r c --?!?!?!?! skip
| otherwise = a
The function tryToDo :: [[Int]]] -> Int -> Int - > Int needs the row and column of the field i'm trying to change, but i have no idea how to get that information. How do i get from map what element of the list i am in at the moment? Or is there a better way to move around in the table? I come from iterative and procedural programing and i understand that perhaps my approach to the problem is wrong when it comes to functional programing.
I know this is not really an answer to your question, but I would argue, that usually you would want a different representation (one that keeps a more detailed view of what you know about the sudoku puzzle, in your attempted solution you can only distinguish a solved cell from a cell that is free to assume any value). Sudoku is a classical instance of CSP. Where modern approaches offer many fairly general smart propagation rules, such as unit propagation (blocking a digit in neighboring cells once used somewhere), but also many other, see AC-3 for further details. Other related topics include SAT/SMT and you might find the algorithm DPLL also interesting. In the heart of most solvers there usually is some kind of a search engine to deal with non-determinism (not every instance must have a single solution that is directly derivable from the initial configuration of the instance by application of inference rules). There are also techniques such as CDCL to direct the search.
To address the question in the title, to know where you are, its probably best if you abstract the traversal of your table so that each step has access to the coordinates, you can for example zip a list of rows with [0..] (zip [0..] rows) to number the rows, when you then map a function over the zipped lists, you will have access to pairs (index, row), the same applies to columns. Just a sketch of the idea:
mapTable :: (Int -> Int -> a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [[b]]
mapTable f rows = map (\(r, rs) -> mapRow (f r) rs) $ zip [0..] rows
mapRow :: (Int -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapRow f cols = map (uncurry f) $ zip [0..] cols
or use fold to turn your table into something else (for example to search for a unit cell):
foldrTable :: (Int -> Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> [[a]] -> b
foldrTable f z rows = foldr (\(r, rs) b -> foldrRow (f r) b rs) z $ zip [0..] rows
foldrRow :: (Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldrRow f z cols = foldr (uncurry f) z $ zip [0..] cols
to find which cell is unital:
(\x y v acc -> if length v == 1 then Just (x, y) else acc)
by using Monoid you can refactor it:
import Data.Monoid
foldrTable' :: Monoid b => (Int -> Int -> a -> b) -> [[a]] -> b
foldrTable' f rows = foldrTable (\r c a b -> b <> f r c a) mempty rows
unit :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> Maybe (Int, Int)
unit x y c | length c == 1 = Just (x, y)
| otherwise = Nothing
firstUnit :: [[[a]]] -> Maybe (Int, Int)
firstUnit = getFirst . foldrTable' (\r c v -> First $ unit r c v)
so now you would do
firstUnit [[[1..9],[1..9],[1..9]],[[1,2],[3,4],[5]]]
to obtain
Just (1, 2)
correctly determining that the first unit cell is at position 1,2 in the table.
[[Int]] is a good type for a sodoku. But map does not give any info regarding the place it is in. This is one of the ideas behind map.
You could zip together the index with the value. But a better idea would be to pass the whole [[Int]] and the indexes to to the function. So its type would become:
f :: [[Int]] -> Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
inside the function you can now access the current element by
t !! x !! y
Already did this a while ago as a learning example. It is definitely not the nicest solution, but it worked for me.
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
data Position = Position (Int, Int) deriving (Show)
data Sodoku = Sodoku [Int]
insertAtN :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
insertAtN n y xs = intercalate [y] . groups n $ xs
groups n xs = takeWhile (not.null) . unfoldr (Just . splitAt n) $ xs
instance Show Sodoku where
show (Sodoku s) = (insertAtN 9 '\n' $ map intToDigit s) ++ "\n"
convertDigit :: Char -> Int
convertDigit x = case x of
'-' -> 0
x -> if digit>=1 && digit<=9 then
where digit=digitToInt x
convertSodoku :: String -> Sodoku
convertSodoku x = Sodoku $ map convertDigit x
adjacentFields :: Position -> [Position]
adjacentFields (Position (x,y)) =
[Position (i,y) | i<-[0..8]] ++
[Position (x,j) | j<-[0..8]] ++
[Position (u+i,v+j) | i<-[0..2], j<-[0..2]]
u=3*(x `div` 3)
v=3*(y `div` 3)
positionToField :: Position -> Int
positionToField (Position (x,y)) = x+y*9
fieldToPosition :: Int -> Position
fieldToPosition x = Position (x `mod` 9, x `div` 9)
getDigit :: Sodoku -> Position -> Int
getDigit (Sodoku x) pos = x !! (positionToField pos )
getAdjacentDigits :: Sodoku -> Position -> [Int]
getAdjacentDigits s p = nub digitList
digitList=filter (\x->x/=0) $ map (getDigit s) (adjacentFields p)
getFreePositions :: Sodoku -> [Position]
getFreePositions (Sodoku x) = map fieldToPosition $ elemIndices 0 x
isSolved :: Sodoku -> Bool
isSolved s = (length $ getFreePositions s)==0
isDeadEnd :: Sodoku -> Bool
isDeadEnd s = any (\x->x==0) $ map length $ map (getValidDigits s)$ getFreePositions s
setDigit :: Sodoku -> Position -> Int -> Sodoku
setDigit (Sodoku x) pos digit = Sodoku $ h ++ [digit] ++ t
field=positionToField pos
h=fst $ splitAt field x
t=tail$ snd $ splitAt field x
getValidDigits :: Sodoku -> Position -> [Int]
getValidDigits s p = [1..9] \\ (getAdjacentDigits s p)
-- Select numbers with few possible choices first to increase execution time
sortImpl :: (Position, [Int]) -> (Position, [Int]) -> Ordering
sortImpl (_, i1) (_, i2)
| length(i1)<length(i2) = LT
| length(i1)>length(i2) = GT
| length(i1)==length(i2) = EQ
selectMoves :: Sodoku -> Maybe (Position, [Int])
selectMoves s
| length(posDigitList)>0 = Just (head posDigitList)
| otherwise = Nothing
posDigitList=sortBy sortImpl $ zip freePos validDigits
validDigits=map (getValidDigits s) freePos
freePos=getFreePositions s
createMoves :: Sodoku -> [Sodoku]
createMoves s=
case selectMoves s of
Nothing -> []
(Just (pos, digits)) -> [setDigit s pos d|d<-digits]
solveStep :: Sodoku -> [Sodoku]
solveStep s
| (isSolved s) = [s]
| (isDeadEnd s )==True = []
| otherwise = createMoves s
solve :: Sodoku -> [Sodoku]
solve s
| (isSolved s) = [s]
| (isDeadEnd s)==True = []
| otherwise=concat $ map solve (solveStep s)
s=convertSodoku sodoku2
readSodoku :: String -> Sodoku
readSodoku x = Sodoku []

Representing Types And Occurrences: (so) easy to understand, (so) difficult to code

A brief introduction to the types and occurrences through examples.
Ex1. abbacb
a, b, c are the types.
a occurres 2 times; b occurres 3 times; c occurres 1 times.
This can be represented more concisely as [('a',2),('b',3),('c',1)] (Indeed, the order doesn't matter).
Ex2. abbacb
ab, bb, ba, ac, cb are sequences of types
Each sequence occurs only once.
This can be represented as [("ab",1),("bb",1),("ba",1),("ac",1),("cb",1)]
The following graphical structure has the same informative content of the previous two:
('a',2) -- 'a' occurs 2 times
('b',1) -- "ab" occurs 1 times
('c',1) -- "ac" occurs 1 times
('b',2) -- 'b' occurs 2 times
('a',1) -- "ba" occurs 1 times
('b',1) -- "bb" occurs 1 times
('c',1) -- 'c' occurs 1 times
('b',1) -- "cb" occurs 1 times
In Haskell: [(('a',2),[('b',1),('c',1)]),(('b',2),[('a',1),('b',1)]),(('c',1),[('b',1)])]
For occurrences of sequences of 3 elements:
('a',2) -- 'a' occurs 2 times
('b',1) -- "ab" occurs 1 times
('b',1) -- "abb" occurs 1 times
('c',1) -- "ac" occurs 1 times
('b',1) -- "acb" occurs 1 times
In Haskell:
(('a',2), [(('b',1),[('b',1)]),(('c',1),[('b',1)])]),
(('b',2), [(('a',1),[('c',1)]),(('b',1),[('a',1)])])
with type [((Char, Int), [((Char, Int), [(Char, Int)])])]
Even considering only the sequences of two and three elements, the comprehensibility of the graphical representation is much greater than that in Haskell.
In addition, lists are not very efficient, so I used the Data.Map library and consequently a slightly different representation.
The following examples are based on Pi's digits. Interesting results can be obtained using the words of a novel.
My questions are:
Functions dedicated to the sequences of the three types are very complicated. It is possible to drastically simplify them?
I cannot even imagine how it is possible to generalize the functions for sequences of arbitrary length. Someone has an idea of how it could be done?
Using the following data type recursion should be easier to implement:
data TuplesTypesOccurences a = L (M.Map a Int) | B (M.Map a (Int,TuplesTypesOccurences a))
In this way however does not lose access to all of the functions in Data.Map library?
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (sortBy)
piDigits = "31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756"
type TypesOccurrences a = M.Map a Int
toTypeOccurrences :: Ord k => [k] -> TypesOccurrences k -> TypesOccurrences k
toTypeOccurrences [] mp = mp
toTypeOccurrences (x:xs) mp = toTypeOccurrences xs $ M.insertWith (+) x 1 mp
-- ex. toTypeOccurrences piDigits M.empty
pprintTO :: Show a => TypesOccurrences a -> IO ()
pprintTO = mapM_ putStrLn . map (\(xs,n) -> show xs ++ " " ++ (show n)). sortBy (\x y -> compare (snd y) (snd x)) . M.toList
-- ex. pprintTO . M.filter (> 22) . toTypeOccurrences piDigits $ M.empty
type Seq2TypeOccurrences a = M.Map a (Int,TypesOccurrences a)
toSQ2TO :: Ord a => [a] -> Seq2TypeOccurrences a -> Seq2TypeOccurrences a
toSQ2TO [] mp = mp
toSQ2TO [x] mp = mp
toSQ2TO (x:y:xs) mp = toSQ2TO (y:xs) $
case M.lookup x mp of
Nothing -> M.insert x (1,M.singleton y 1) mp
Just (_,mp2) -> case M.lookup y mp2 of
Nothing -> M.update (\(n,mp2) -> Just (n+1,M.insert y 1 mp2)) x mp
Just _ -> M.update (\(n,mp2) -> Just (n+1,M.update (\m -> Just (m+1)) y mp2)) x mp
-- ex. toSQ2TO piDigits M.empty
pprintSQ2TO :: Show a => Seq2TypeOccurrences a -> IO ()
pprintSQ2TO = mapM_ putStrLn . map (\(x,(n,mp)) -> "(" ++ (show x) ++ "," ++ (show n) ++ ")\n\t" ++ (drop 2 . concatMap (("\n\t" ++) . show) . M.toList $ mp)) . M.toList
-- ex. pprintSQ2TO (toSQ2TO piDigits M.empty)
greaterThanSQ2TO :: Ord a => Int -> Seq2TypeOccurrences a -> Seq2TypeOccurrences a
greaterThanSQ2TO n = M.filter (\(_,mp2) -> not . M.null $ mp2) . (\(o,mp2) -> (o,M.filter (> n) mp2)) . M.filter (\(m,mp) -> m > n)
-- ex. pprintSQ2TO . greaterThanSQ2TO 4 . toSQ2TO piDigits $ M.empty
descSortSQ2TO :: Ord a => Seq2TypeOccurrences a -> [([a], Int)]
descSortSQ2TO = sortBy (\xs ys -> compare (snd ys) (snd xs)) . concatMap (\(x,ys) -> zipWith (\x (y,n) -> ([x,y],n)) (repeat x) ys ) . map (\(x,(_,mp2)) -> (x,M.toList mp2)) . M.toList
-- mapM_ print . descSortSQ2TO . greaterThanSQ2TO 4 . toSQ2TO piDigits $ M.empty
unionSQ2TO :: Ord a => Seq2TypeOccurrences a -> Seq2TypeOccurrences a -> Seq2TypeOccurrences a
unionSQ2TO = M.unionWith (\(n1,mp1) (n2,mp2) -> (n1+n2, M.unionWith (+) mp1 mp2))
type Seq3TypeOccurrences a = M.Map a (Int,Seq2TypeOccurrences a)
toSQ3TO :: Ord k => [k] -> Seq3TypeOccurrences k -> Seq3TypeOccurrences k
toSQ3TO [] mp = mp
toSQ3TO [x] mp = mp
toSQ3TO [x,y] mp = mp
toSQ3TO (x:y:z:xs) mp = toSQ3TO (y:z:xs) $
case M.lookup x mp of
Nothing -> M.insert x (1,M.singleton y (1,M.singleton z 1)) mp
Just (_,mp2) -> case M.lookup y mp2 of
Nothing -> M.update (\(n,mp2) -> Just (n+1,M.insert y (1,M.singleton z 1) mp2)) x mp
Just (m,kns3) -> case M.lookup z kns3 of
Nothing -> M.update (\(n,_) -> Just (n+1,M.update (\(m,mp3) -> Just (m+1,M.insert z 1 mp3)) y mp2)) x mp
Just _ -> M.update (\(n,_) -> Just (n+1,M.update (\(m,mp3) -> Just (m+1,M.update (Just . (+1)) z mp3)) y mp2)) x mp
-- ex. toSQ3TO piDigits M.empty
pprint3 :: Show a => Seq3TypeOccurrences a -> IO ()
pprint3 = mapM_ putStrLn . map (\(x,(n,mp)) -> "(" ++ (show x) ++ "," ++ (show n) ++ ")" ++ (concatMap (\(x2,(n2,mp2)) -> "\n\t(" ++ (show x2) ++ "," ++ (show n2) ++ ")" ++ (f mp2)) . M.toList $ mp)) . M.toList
f = concatMap (\(x,n) -> "\n\t\t(" ++ (show x) ++ "," ++ (show n) ++ ")") . M.toList
-- pprint3 . toSQ3TO piDigits $ M.empty
pprint3B :: Show a => Seq3TypeOccurrences a -> IO ()
pprint3B = mapM_ putStrLn . map (\(xs,n) -> show xs ++ " " ++ (show n)) . concatMap (\(xs,mp) -> zipWith (\ys (z,n) -> (ys ++ [z],n)) (repeat xs) mp) . concatMap (\(x,mp) -> zipWith (\y (z,mp2) -> ([y,z],mp2)) (repeat x) mp) . map (\(x,(_,mp)) -> (x, map (\(y,(_,mp2)) -> (y, M.toList mp2)) $ M.toList mp)) . M.toList
-- pprint3B . toSQ3TO piDigits $ M.empty
greaterThan3Q2TO :: Ord a => Int -> Seq3TypeOccurrences a -> Seq3TypeOccurrences a
greaterThan3Q2TO n = M.filter (\(_,mp) -> not . M.null $ mp)
. (\(m,mp) -> (m,M.filter (\(o,mp2) -> not . M.null $ mp2) mp))
. (\(m,mp) -> (m, (\(o,mp2) -> (o,M.filter (>n) mp2)) mp))
. M.filter (\(_,mp) -> not. M.null $ mp)
. (\(m,mp) -> (m,M.filter ((n <) . fst) mp))
. M.filter (\(m,mp) -> m > n)
-- ex. pprint3B . greaterThan3Q2TO 2 . toSQ3TO piDigits $ M.empty
unionSQ3TO :: Ord a => Seq3TypeOccurrences a -> Seq3TypeOccurrences a -> Seq3TypeOccurrences a
unionSQ3TO = M.unionWith (\(n,mp2a) (m,mp2b) -> (n+m,unionSQ2TO mp2a mp2b))
You need to define a recursive data structure like this:
data Trie = Nil | Trie (Map Char (Int, Trie))
This allows the show and add functions to be defined recursively.
Here is an implementation. Run test3 to see an example of how it works.
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Data.List
data Trie = Nil | Trie (M.Map Char (Int, Trie))
showTrie :: String -> Trie -> Doc
showTrie _ Nil = empty
showTrie prefix (Trie m) =
vcat $
do (k,(count,t)) <- M.assocs m
let prefix' = prefix ++ [k]
return $
vcat [ lparen <> char '"' <> text prefix' <> char '"' <> comma <> int count <> rparen
, nest 4 (showTrie prefix' t)
-- add an element to a Trie
addTrie :: Trie -> String -> Trie
addTrie t [] = t
addTrie Nil xs = addTrie (Trie M.empty) xs
addTrie (Trie m) (x:xs) =
case M.lookup x m of
Nothing -> let t' = addTrie Nil xs
in Trie $ M.insert x (1,t') m
Just (c,t) -> let t' = addTrie t xs
in Trie $ M.insert x (c+1,t') m
test1 =
let t1 = addTrie Nil "abcd"
t2 = addTrie t1 "abce"
in putStrLn $ render $ showTrie "" t2
test2 n str =
putStrLn $ render $ showTrie "" $
foldr (flip addTrie) Nil (map (take n) (tails str))
test3 = test2 4 "31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756"

Memoisation with auxiliary parameter in Haskell

I have a recursive function f that takes two parameters x and y. The function is uniquely determined by the first parameter; the second one merely makes things easier.
I now want to memoise that function w.r.t. it's first parameter while ignoring the second one. (I.e. f is evaluated at most one for every value of x)
What is the easiest way to do that? At the moment, I simply define an array containing all values recursively, but that is a somewhat ad-hoc solution. I would prefer some kind of memoisation combinator that I can just throw at my function.
EDIT: to clarify, the function f takes a pair of integers and a list. The first integer is some parameter value, the second one denotes the index of an element in some global list xs to consume.
To avoid indexing the list, I pass the partially consumed list to f as well, but obviously, the invariant is that if the first parameter is (m, n), the second one will always be drop n xs, so the result is uniquely determined by the first parameter.
Just using a memoisation combinator on the partially applied function will not work, since that will leave an unevaluated thunk \xs -> … lying around. I could probably wrap the two parameters in a datatype whose Eq instance ignores the second value (and similarly for other instances), but that seems like a very ad-hoc solution. Is there not an easier way?
EDIT2: The concrete function I want to memoise:
g :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int
g xs n = f 0 n
where f :: Int -> Int -> Int
f _ 0 = 0
f m n
| m == length xs = 0
| w > n = f (m + 1) n
| otherwise = maximum [f (m + 1) n, v + f (m + 1) (n - w)]
where (w, v) = xs !! m
To avoid the expensive indexing operation, I instead pass the partially-consumed list to f as well:
g' :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int
g' xs n = f xs 0 n
where f :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> Int
f [] _ _ = 0
f _ _ 0 = 0
f ((w,v) : xs) m n
| w > n = f xs (m + 1) n
| otherwise = maximum [f xs (m + 1) n, v + f xs (m + 1) (n - w)]
Memoisation of f w.r.t. the list parameter is, of course, unnecessary, since the list does not (morally) influence the result. I would therefore like the memoisation to simply ignore the list parameter.
Your function is unnecessarily complicated. You don't need the index m at all:
foo :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int
foo [] _ = 0
foo _ 0 = 0
foo ((w,v):xs) n
| w > n = foo xs n
| otherwise = foo xs n `max` foo xs (n - w) + v
Now if you want to memoize foo then both the arguments must be considered (as it should be).
We'll use the monadic memoization mixin method to memoize foo:
First, we create an uncurried version of foo (because we want to memoize both arguments):
foo' :: ([(Int, Int)], Int) -> Int
foo' ([], _) = 0
foo' (_, 0) = 0
foo' ((w,v):xs, n)
| w > n = foo' (xs, n)
| otherwise = foo' (xs, n) `max` foo' (xs, n - w) + v
Next, we monadify the function foo' (because we want to thread a memo table in the function):
foo' :: Monad m => ([(Int, Int)], Int) -> m Int
foo' ([], _) = return 0
foo' (_, 0) = return 0
foo' ((w,v):xs, n)
| w > n = foo' (xs, n)
| otherwise = do
a <- foo' (xs, n)
b <- foo' (xs, n - w)
return (a `max` b + v)
Then, we open the self-reference in foo' (because we want to call the memoized function):
type Endo a = a -> a
foo' :: Monad m => Endo (([(Int, Int)], Int) -> Int)
foo' _ ([], _) = return 0
foo' _ (_, 0) = return 0
foo' self ((w,v):xs, n)
| w > n = foo' (xs, n)
| otherwise = do
a <- self (xs, n)
b <- self (xs, n - w)
return (a `max` b + v)
We'll use the following memoization mixin to memoize our function foo':
type Dict a b m = (a -> m (Maybe b), a -> b -> m ())
memo :: Monad m => Dict a b m -> Endo (a -> m b)
memo (check, store) super a = do
b <- check a
case b of
Just b -> return b
Nothing -> do
b <- super a
store a b
return b
Our dictionary (memo table) will use the State monad and a Map data structure:
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map.Strict
mapDict :: Ord a => Dict a b (State (Map a b))
mapDict = (check, store) where
check a = gets (lookup a)
store a b = modify (insert a b)
Finally, we combine everything to create a memoized function memoFoo:
import Data.Function (fix)
type MapMemoized a b = a -> State (Map a b) b
memoFoo :: MapMemoized ([(Int, Int)], Int) Int
memoFoo = fix (memo mapDict . foo')
We can recover the original function foo as follows:
foo :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int
foo xs n = evalState (memoFoo (xs, n)) empty
Hope that helps.

modify edge label in Haskell package fgl

I've wrote the following code to increment the label of a given edge of a graph with FGL package, if the edge does not exist, it is created before being incremented :
import Data.Graph.Inductive
incrementEdge :: Edge -> Gr a Int -> Gr a Int
incrementEdge edge g = gmap (increment edge) g
increment :: Edge -> Context a Int -> Context a Int
increment (a,b) all#(p,n,x,v) = if a /= n then all else (p,n,x,v'')
v' = let (r,_) = elemNode b v in if r then v else ((0,b):v)
v'' = map (\(x,y) -> if y == b then (x+1,y) else (x,y)) v'
a :: Gr String Int
a = ([],1,"a",[]) & empty
b = ([],2,"b",[]) & a
while testing I got the following result :
*Main> incrementEdge (1,1) b
*Main> incrementEdge (1,2) b
*Main> incrementEdge (2,2) b
But ...
*Main> incrementEdge (2,1) b
*** Exception: Edge Exception, Node: 1
what is the problem here ?
elemNode ys [] = (False,0)
elemNode ys ((m,xs):xss) = if ys == xs then (True,m) else elemNode ys xss
I want to write a function which will add an edge to a graph from two nodes labels, the function checks that the two nodes exist, if not it create them :
- if nodes already exists the label of the edge between them is increment,
- if there is no edge between those node it is create before being incremented
Thanks for your reply
I don't think you're supposed to add edges with gmap: it folds over all the contexts in the graph in an arbitrary order and builds up the new graph by &ing the new contexts together. If a new context has a link to or from a node that hasn't been &ed yet, you get the Edge Exception.
Here's a simple example:
*Main> ([], 1, "a", [(0, 2)]) & empty :: Gr String Int
*** Exception: Edge Exception, Node: 2
I've only used FGL for a couple of little projects and am certainly no expert, but it probably makes more sense just to add new edges (with label 1) using insEdge and then do all the counting when needed:
import Data.Graph.Inductive
import qualified Data.IntMap as I
incrementEdge :: Edge -> Gr a Int -> Gr a Int
incrementEdge (a, b) = insEdge (a, b, 1)
count :: Gr a Int -> Gr a Int
count = gmap $ \(p, n, x, v) -> (countAdj p, n, x, countAdj v)
swap (a, b) = (b, a)
countAdj = map swap . I.toList . I.fromListWith (+) . map swap
This seems to work as desired:
*Main> count $ incrementEdge (2, 1) b
*Main> count $ incrementEdge (2, 1) $ incrementEdge (2, 1) b
1) A quick grep for Edge Exception in the fgl package:
cabal unpack fgl
cd fgl*
grep "Edge Exception" * -R
yields the file Data/Graph/Inductive/Tree.hs. Looking there we have the call updAdj that will throw this exception any time elemFM g v is false.
2) Could you provide runnable code? What you posted is missing elemNode (when using fgl
3) Could you provide what version of fgl you're using? If it's old an upgrade might fix the issue.
Mapping over the graph doesn't seem like quite the right kind of traversal. The following works with the extracted context of the edge's source node.
edgeLookup :: Node -> [(a,Node)] -> Maybe ((a,Node), [(a,Node)])
edgeLookup n = aux . break ((== n) . snd)
where aux (h, []) = Nothing
aux (h, t:ts) = Just (t, h ++ ts)
incrementEdge :: Edge -> Gr a Int -> Maybe (Gr a Int)
incrementEdge (from,to) g = aux $ match from g
where aux (Nothing, _) = Nothing
aux (Just (i,n,l,o), g') = Just $ (i,n,l,checkEdge o) & g'
checkEdge outEdges =
maybe ((1,to):outEdges) incEdge $ edgeLookup to outEdges
incEdge ((cnt,n), rst) = (cnt+1,n):rst
I would probably also use a helper to go from (Maybe a, b) -> Maybe (a,b) then fmap aux over the helper composed with match. That would help to distill things down a bit better.
To support node addition based on labels, one needs to track the bijection between labels and Node identifiers (Ints). This can be done by using a Map that is updated in parallel to the graph.
import Data.Graph.Inductive
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-- A graph with uniquely labeled nodes.
type LGraph a b = (Map a Int, Gr a b)
-- Ensure that a node with the given label is present in the given
-- 'LGraph'. Return the Node identifier for the node, and a graph that
-- includes the node.
addNode :: Ord a => a -> LGraph a b -> (Int, LGraph a b)
addNode label (m,g) = aux $ M.lookup label m
where aux (Just nid) = (nid, (m,g))
aux Nothing = (nid', (m', g'))
[nid'] = newNodes 1 g
m' = M.insert label nid' m
g' = insNode (nid', label) g
-- Adding a context to a graph requires updating the label map.
(&^) :: Ord a => Context a b -> LGraph a b -> LGraph a b
c#(_, n, label, _) &^ (m,g) = (m', g')
where m' = M.insert label n m
g' = c & g
-- Look for a particular 'Node' in an edge list.
edgeLookup :: Node -> [(a,Node)] -> Maybe ((a,Node), [(a,Node)])
edgeLookup n = aux . break ((== n) . snd)
where aux (h, []) = Nothing
aux (h, t:ts) = Just (t, h ++ ts)
-- Increment the edge between two nodes; create a new edge if needed.
incrementEdge :: Edge -> Gr a Int -> Maybe (Gr a Int)
incrementEdge (from,to) g = fmap aux $ liftMaybe (match from g)
where aux ((i,n,l,o), g') = (i,n,l,checkEdge o) & g'
checkEdge outEdges =
maybe ((1,to):outEdges) incEdge $ edgeLookup to outEdges
incEdge ((cnt,n), rst) = (cnt+1,n):rst
liftMaybe :: (Maybe a, b) -> Maybe (a, b)
liftMaybe (Nothing, _) = Nothing
liftMaybe (Just x, y) = Just (x, y)
-- Increment an edge in an 'LGraph'. If the nodes are not part of the
-- graph, add them.
incrementLEdge :: Ord a => (a, a) -> LGraph a Int -> LGraph a Int
incrementLEdge (from,to) g = (m', fromJust $ incrementEdge' (from',to') g')
where (from', gTmp) = addNode from g
(to', (m',g')) = addNode to gTmp
-- Example
a' :: LGraph String Int
a' = ([],1,"a",[]) &^ (M.empty, empty)
b' = ([],2,"b",[]) &^ a'
test6 = incrementLEdge ("c","b") $ incrementLEdge ("b","a") b'
*Main> test6
(fromList [("a",1),("b",2),("c",3)],
