Replace all \\ with / in files and subdirs [duplicate] - linux

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How to insert strings containing slashes with sed? [duplicate]
(11 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
i need a quick command (linux or windows) to replace every \\ with a /, and all tries with sed failed because of the /.
(I already tried find . -name '*.*' -exec sed -i 's/\\///g' {} \;, but i think it failed with the "/".

find . -name '*.*' -type f -exec sed -i 's:\\\\:/:g' {} \;
You need to escape each backslash, and using a colon or comma as separators is generally recommended when making replacements with forward-slash. However, escaping the forward slash works too:
find . -name '*.*' -type f -exec sed -i 's/\\\\/\//g' {} \;
As pointed out in comments the OS module is probably what you really need to look at.
Edit: thanks to #tripleee for reminding me of the -type f line, which limits it to files, rather than including the current directory.
Also, I copied the syntax *.* from the OP but in general it isn't helpful. * alone is usually what you want, since files aren't guaranteed to have a dot in their name. Assuming you were happy to include files not containing a dot, the simplest thing to do here is have no -name at all:
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's:\\\\:/:g' {} \;


What does this strange construction "{} \;" means?

Why do we use this strange construction {} \; in linux terminal for exec command?
For example,
find . -type f -name *.jpeg -exec rm {} \;
From the man page of find (emphasis mine):
find . -type f -exec file '{}' \;
Runs `file' on every file in or below the current directory. Notice that the braces are enclosed in single quote marks to protect them from interpretation as shell script punctuation. The semicolon is similarly protected by the use of a backslash, though single quotes could have been used in that case also.
Looking for info I found this post in AskUbuntu which I think is family from StackOverflow where an User ask the same as you.
Hope It is useful.

Use of "{}" and "\;" in sed command [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Unix find command, what are the {} and \; for?
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I've been googling this, but although I see people using them, I see no explanation for it. I've also tried "find and sed" searches, but again no explanation on these. The sed man and other sed guides out there also don't include it.
Now, I'm using the find command to find several files and then using sed to replace strings whithin the files. I believe that these "{}" and "\;" at the end of the sed are what allows sed to take each file name from find and search through its text. But I'd rather not guess and know for sure what they are and why they're there. Here's my current command:
output=$(find . -type f -name '*.h' -o -name '*.C' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name "*.cc" -exec sed -n -i "s/ARG2/ARG3/g" {} \;)
I'm also concerned that the ";" at the end may not be necessary since I'm wrapping it also and throwing it into a variable. Could someone clarify what those curlies and backslash are doing and whether I need them?
EDIT: It turns out that they're properties of find -exec, not sed. So I've been looking in the wrong place. Thanks!
find has two versions of the -exec action:
-exec ... {} +
...runs the command ..., with as many filenames from the results as possible added at the end.
-exec ... {} ';'
...runs the command ... once per file found, with the filename substituted in place of the {} sigil; it's not mandatory that the sigil be at the end of the line in this usage.
Thus, either a + or ; needs to be passed as a literal argument to find for it to accept the action as valid.

Centos find replace including spaces and $ in string

I need to recursively replace a string in some files but I cannot get it to work for my particular string(s).
If I use something simple like:
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's,functions,functions2,g' {} \;
Then this works fine but if I use:
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's#\$name = \$_POST\['name']#\$name2 = \$_POST\['name']#g' {} \;
then it does not work - I don't get any errors thrown and the file system shows that the file has changed in that the modified date changes but the actual string is not replaced.
Is there a special consideration for strings containing spaces, $ or '? I have tried / and \ to no avail
I figured this out in the end - I used:
find . -type f -name '*.php' -exec sed -i -e "s#\$name = \$_POST\['name']#\$name2 = \$_POST\['name']#g" '{}' \;
The $ and [ needed to be escaped and changing to the # as the delimiter from , in my case made it work.
I always thought as long as the delimiter was not in your string to find or replace then anything could be used but then I read that # has some special meaning though I cannot find the SO article I read it on right now.

Want to find any reference in any file to a certain string in linux [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
how to find files containing a string using egrep
(7 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am trying to search All .PHP files or ALL .SH files for any reference that contains:
'into tbl_free_minutes_mar'
I have command line access to the server but the files may be scattered in different directories.
For all directories everywhere,
find / -type f \( -name '*.php' -o -name '*.sh' \) \
-exec fgrep 'into tbl_free_minutes_mar' {} \+
For fewer directories elsewhere, just give a list of paths instead of /. To just list the matching files, try fgrep -l. If your file names might not always match the wildcards in the -name conditions, maybe scan all files.
find / -type f \( -name \*.php -o -name \*.sh \) -exec grep 'into tbl_free_minutes_mar' {} /dev/null \;
Change find / ... to to something less all-encompassing if you know the general area that you want to look in, e.g. find /home ...
Provided /base/path is the path where you want to start looking this will get you a list of files:
find /base/path -type f -iregex '.*\.\(php\|sh\)$' -exec grep -l 'into tbl_free_minutes_mar' '{}' \;

Sed replacement not working when using variables [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Replace a string in shell script using a variable
(12 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
something strange is happening when trying to replace string with sed. This works :
find /home/loni/config -type f -exec sed -i 's/some_pattern/replacement/g' {} \;
So it works when I manually type the strings. But in the case below replacement doesn't occur :
find /home/loni/config -type f -exec sed -i 's/${PATTERN}/${REPLACEMENT}/g' {} \;
When I echo these two variables PATTERN and REPLACEMENT they have the correct values.
I'm trying to replace all occurences of pattern string with replacement string in all files in my config directory.
find /home/loni/config -type f -exec sed -i "s/${PATTERN}/${REPLACEMENT}/g" {} \;
instead. The ' quotes don't expand variables.
Not sure if I got this right, but if you want to replace the ${PATTERN} with ${REPLACEMENT} literally you have to escape the dollar and maybe the braces, those are reserved characters in regular expressions:
find /home/loni/config -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/\$\{PATTERN\}/\$\{REPLACEMENT\}/g' {} \;
