Unable to install postgresql on oracle linux with yum - linux

When i try to install the package it says package is already installed, But when i try to install then it says that no package is available.
Downloads $ sudo rpm -i pgdg-oraclelinux91-9.1-7.noarch.rpm
package pgdg-oraclelinux91-9.1-7.noarch is already installed
Downloads $ sudo yum -y install postgresql91 postgresql91-contrib postgresql91-devel postgresql91-libs postgresql91-plperl postgresql91-plpython postgresql91-pltcl postgresql91-docs postgresql91-server
Loaded plugins: langpacks, ulninfo
Repository google-chrome is listed more than once in the configuration
No package postgresql91 available.
No package postgresql91-contrib available.
No package postgresql91-devel available.
No package postgresql91-libs available.
No package postgresql91-plperl available.
No package postgresql91-plpython available.
No package postgresql91-pltcl available.
No package postgresql91-docs available.
No package postgresql91-server available.
Error: Nothing to do
Thanks in Advance.

Use yum list postgresql91\* to find this package first and then use full name to install a package

I have facing same issue when downloading postgres in linux.
As i have followed some step from surfing some site.
I have download repository RPM first and its downloaded successfully.
then after in next step i have run below command
yum install postgresql10-server postgresql10
then getting below error
No package postgresql10-server available.
No package postgresql10 available.
in resolution of that i have run yum list command. and you can find out list of available software where postgres also mentioned so used specific name of postgres in command like
sudo yum install postgresql-server.x86_64
And it is working fine.


can't install httpd-devel rpm by using yum without internet access

I tried to install httpd-devel rpm package by using yum without internet access.
I downloaded dependencies rpm packages by using --downloadonly option of yum on other coumptuer,
and then I move rpm packages what I downlaoded to the machine what I want to install httpd_devel.
this is centos 6.8 release version.
I expect to install currently. but the machine showed error message bellow.
yum install -y httpd-devel-2.2.15-69.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm
gives this output:
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Setting up Install Process
Examining httpd-devel-2.2.15-69.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm: httpd-devel-2.2.15-69.el6.centos.x86_64
Marking httpd-devel-2.2.15-69.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm to be installed
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Could not retrieve mirrorlist http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=6&arch=x86_64&repo=os&infra=stock error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 6 - "Couldn't resolve host 'mirrorlist.centos.org'"
Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base
yum tries to refresh its repositories which won't work without internet. I see two solutions:
1) tell yum not to look at any of its configured repositories:
yum --disablerepo="*" install -y httpd-devel-2.2.15-69.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm
2) use rpm directly; don't use yum:
rpm -Ivh httpd-devel-2.2.15-69.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm

RHEL6: Zabbix server/web mysql package not available

Trying to install zabbix-server-mysql and zabbix-web-mysql through:
yum install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-web-mysql
After installing the repository by:
rpm -ivh http://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/3.0/rhel/6/x86_64/zabbix-release-3.0-1.el6.noarch.rpm
But keep getting following error:
No package zabbix-server-mysql available.
No package zabbix-web-mysql available.
Error: Nothing to do
Same issue even when trying to install the package from its repo directory, such:
yum install http://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/3.0/rhel/6/x86_64/zabbix-server-mysql-3.0.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
Any advise?
Solved by changing the repo directories.

How to resolve dependencies while installing application on linux (CentOS 7.1)

When I tried install deluge on my CentOS 7.1 I was facing dependecy problems due to some el6 which are not meant for CentOS 7.1. So, I found this page:
His instructions:
Centos 7.1
yum -y install wget wget hxxp://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el7/x86_64/nux-dextop-release-0-5.el7.nux.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh nux-dextop-release-0-5.el7.nux.noarch.rpm
yum -y install deluge-web
systemctl start deluge-web
systemctl stop firewalld
check it
yum install deluge-console
And my question is: Why he installed "nux-dextop-release-0-5.el7.nux.noarch.rpm" from li.nux.ro (if I'm not wrong it's a repository, correct me if I'm)? Because I had this dependency problem earlier when I tried installing deluge. But when I used his instructions it resolved all the dependencies automatically for me. So does this rpm file he installed on the first place was for resolving dependencies? If not then how can one work around with dependencies while installing a piece of software/application. Than You in advance.
P.S. I asked the same question in comments there too. But I'm uncertain of receiving reply there (no offence for the guy/girl - dasgoll).
Third party package repos will often use a *-release package to contain both a yum repo definition and a rpm signing public key so that end users can install packages directly from the repo using yum instead of having to find and then download them one by one.

xz compression install on centos

Any installation or update using yum command I ended up error: Error: xz compression not available. On website I read that Python library is missing. When you try to install a library (sudo yum update pyliblzma) again failed with error. Do not know how? Thanks.
This problem comes if you installed a wrong epel release on your machine. If so, then you need to remove the epel release by
yum remove epel-release
Sometimes that is not enough, you need to remove the cache as well by:
rm -rf /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/epel
Then you can install the epel-release again
yum -y install epel-release
You need install the EPEL repository by downloading the appropriate RPM package for your system and installing it. For example, for CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x:
wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
sudo rpm -Uvh epel-release-6*.rpm
If you get a File Not Found error message when trying to download the package, the version number might have changed. You can access the latest version of the RPM installer from the Fedora EPEL wiki page. The wiki page also includes additional instructions for Red Hat Network subscribers who are installing the EPEL repository.
Finally, install the Python library:
yum install pyliblzma
This works perfecly in my CentOS 6.x.
I've found a solution on this page of stackexchange, working in CentOS 6.X:
sudo rpm -e epel-release-7-5.noarch
wget http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
sudo rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
sudo yum clean all
sudo rpmdb -v --rebuilddb
sudo yum -y install libselinux-python
I was also suffering from this issue..
If you are installing packages but it is already available on your system.
Remove existing packages and then try to install new.
It will work properly...
I was able to solve this problem by installing pyliblzma using rpm instead of yum as yum is not working.
Find pyliblzma rpm package according to your architecture and install it using the command.
rpm -Uvh pyliblzma-version-release.architecture.rpm
I used the following command to install pyliblzma for my 64 bit Redhat 6.8 machine. Please check URL in the command and make changes accordingly.
rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/pyliblzma-0.5.3-3.el6.x86_64.rpm
In my case the issue was caused by missing modules in python's site-packages directory. Here's what I did:
$ rpm -Va
to get a list of all files belonging to all rpms that do not verify. I got a bunch of messages about missing modules:
missing /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/...
Luckily, I had an identical CentOS version elsewhere with all these packages present, so I just copied them over and ran
$ rpmdb -v --rebuilddb
to rebuild rpm database.

how to install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall

just completed installing oracle linux 6 update 2 on my virtual box and i have been trying to install oracle 11gr2 on the same operating system i am following the installation guide but i have encountered some problems when i run this command on my terminal
yum install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall
i am getting an error
no package oracle-rdbms-server-11gr2-preinstall available
error nothing to do
is there any way i am doing this wrongly??how can i install the oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall
It seem you don't have oracle repository configured, do following:
As an authorized user (for example, root), retrieve the file that configures repository locations:
$sudo cd /etc/yum.repos.d
$sudo wget http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol6.repo
Using a text editor, modify the file, changing the field enabled=0 to enabled=1 to reflect repositories that correspond to the machine's operating system release.
Next, install the oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall RPM using the yum install command.
The output in Listing 1 shows how the installation checks dependencies and then downloads and installs the required packages.
$sudo yum install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall
mv /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle-ol6.repo /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle.repo
I've given :
yum install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall.x86_64
and works perfectly
