Trello Label Id in microsoft Flow - sharepoint

i am trying to create a flow using Microsoft flow.The flow creates a card in Trello when an item is created in SharePoint list.I need to add a label to each card.The Flow gives me an option to specify the Label Id.How can i get the id of labels in Trello?I tried with #1 and also the color of the label.But dint work.If anyone knows the answer, please help!

Good question! This is actually really simple. Go to any board and add .json at the end of the url. Search for idLabels or labels. If the cards on the board have any labels the info should be right there.
Happy trelloing!

Just a kind suggestion to help any others that stumble on this. A more efficient way of doing this would be to open a card that has the label for which you are interested. Then add ".json" to the end of that URL. The label id is them much easier to find and associate. If you want all the label id's then you can add all the relevant labels to a single card and follow the sample process. Then you have all the label id's in on single chunck in the json code.


How to get description tags from an image in Python

I am familiar with EXIF Tags and how to get them as a dictionary for an image. There are abundant examples on that topic. What I get is a dictionary with many items pertaining to characteristics of an image, like focus, date and time, geo data and so on. What I DO NOT GET and want to be able to read are descriptions that I assigned to an image like: "Kindergarten, Birthday party, Sailing" or whatever. These are named "Description -> Tags" if you right-click on a picture in Windows and go to the Details tab. In Adobe Bridge they are named keywords.
How can I read them in Python?
I have not tested it but this says there is an EXIF tag named ImageDescription that might be what you're looking for.
PS: I'm not really sure about it so wanted to leave this as a comment...but reputation

Creating a new GitLab issue and assigning a label to it automatically

I am working on designing webpage UI where some experimental data is stored. This data could be inaccurate sometimes so I'm providing a button at the bottom of the page which redirects the user to the new issue webpage in GitLab. Look at the sample below.
And this button will take the user to somewhere like this:
The URL behind the button is simply
which was taken from GitLab official documentation.
As you can see here, there's an option to automatically fill the Title section directly from URL but I couldn't figure out how to do the same for Labels. Is there any way to do it this way?
For internal requirements, there must be a label automatically selected and the users can't be relied on to select it by themselves. For each webpage, a new label is assigned which makes it possible to extract all the issues related to that webpage later just by extracting all issues with that label. This might not be an optimal way to do this so if you have any other suggestions, please put them in comments. Thanks.
This does not seem yet supported, regarding pre-filling labels on issues.
That was requested in issue 63392, but without solution for now.

WxPython Feature Property Grid

I was wondering if a feature for WxPython existed or if I need to make it.
Here is a sample from a C# program I am trying to achieve with a property grid:
Sample Grid Image
I want this look with a checkbox in front of a PropertyCategory such as Group 0 or Message 0 in PropertyCategoryExample and can include the category. If you include the parent category I want the children categories to also be included.
Basically it acts as the expansion next to it but is a checkbox. I want to be able to still expand and shrink but just an extra checkbox when I go to save to see if the user wanted it included.
I have looked around in the docs and web but can’t find anything related to this. Do I need to make a custom property to do this?
I have asked on the discussion board but I haven't heard anything back
Thanks for your help in advance!!!

Azure Search suggestions setup

I've created an instance of Azure Search and I'm trying to make use of the suggesters functionality but struggling to find any useful information on how to get started (poor and out of date documentation from Microsoft).
I would like to use a suggestion on the name field below.
The issue is that fields require unique names and I'm unable to edit existing fields. I'm a little unsure of how the suggester tab differs from basic.
Does anyone have any advice on how best to add suggesters to my index? I am all for deleting the index and starting again if I've missed something critical.
I'm really sorry you're disappointed by the documentation. We take it very seriously and will make sure to address your feedback. Feel free to make suggestions.
On the screen you provided, you should specify a name for the suggester. Once you do that, checkboxes will show up next to your field names. Using the check boxes you will enable the Suggestions API on selected fields.
Use the name of the suggester as a value for the suggesterName parameter when using the Suggestions API :
Please find more details in this article about suggestions in Azure Search. It describes a sample application with code attached.
Hope that helps.

Adding Comments and ratings to Sharepoint document libraries or Picture libraires

Is there a ready made solution to allow users to add comments to an image posted in SharePoint picture library or basically any item in a document library?
What I need is allow user who are viewing an image from a picture library for example to add comment, view comments others have left and provide some sort of voting. Similar to what you get with Facebook or Youtube.
What is the easiest way to do that? preferably something free
Here you go and you can Customize as needed .
