cant get biterr function to work in octave - linux

I am using octave 4.0.3 in a fedora 24 system.
I wanted to use the function biterr, but it was not there along with octave, so i obtained it from octave communication package and copied to location of other already available .m files.
I have faced this issue with other functions as well but the above procedure always saved me. But with biterr function I am facing one more issue, it displays the error
'errcore' undefined
I obtained file also but don't know where to copy it so that biterr function works, ( I tried in same path but didn't help)
Where is the location i should copy ?
Thanks in advance


ENSDFSTATE.dat file not found error while running exampleB1.exe using Geant4

I am new in Geant4. i installed and build GEANT4 using cmake and visual stdio 17 on windlows 10 and now i am trying to practice its given basic exapmles, So, I build first example using cmake by following the toturial given here. The example build successfully and created the exampleB1.exe file. I have set up all environment variables to data installed as given in screen shot
but facing the problem of still relating to environment vairiable is the screenshots of error
I looked this ENSDFSTATE.dat file but could not be able to solve the problem. Any suggestions/ support is highly appreciated.
It looks like your "G4ENSDFSTATEDATA" environmental variable is pointing to the wrong data set. Edit this variable to point to G4ENSDFSTATE2.2 location (i.e. D:\GEANT4\share\Geant4-10.5.1\data\G4ENSDFSTATE2.2 instead of D:\GEANT4\share\Geant4-10.5.1\data\G4PARTICLEXS1.1) and should work fine for that one. Double check your other environmental variables are correct also. Looks like G4ABLADATA should be G4ABLA3.1 for example.
Here is the list of all variables from the getting started manual (
Good luck!

Octave: xlsread function undefined + causes octave crash

I'm new to this, so I'll try to explain clearly.
I'm using Octave (4.x) to process data and I want to import an Excel file. Excel is installed on my laptop as well.
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread(input.rootdir);
When the function is called, the following message appears:
warning: Functions for spreadsheet style I/O (.xls .xlsx .sxc .ods .dbf .wk1
etc.) are provided in the io package. See <>.
Please read <> to learn how you can
contribute missing functionality.
warning: called from
__unimplemented__ at line 524 column 5
CreateInvoices at line 18 column 3
error: 'xlsread' undefined near line 18 column 5
error: called from
CreateInvoices at line 18 column 3
The warning appears that the I/O package is not installed. However, the package is listed when I call 'pkg list' in command line, so it seems to be installed correctly.
pkg list
There are some other topics on stack overflow with a similar content, but they seem to be solved with proper installation of the I/O package.
If I try to call 'pkg load io', Octave crashes immediately.
I tried to use other functions to import data (csv, textread, ...), but I always lose my text data. So that is not really helpful.
Does anyone have some advice for me?
Thanks in advance for the reply!
Best regards,
I've just done this, but in Linux (Xterm windows with bash). I had to install liboctave-dev package first, then the io octave package. Then the call to 'pkg load io' before using it. But need to make sure to install with root privileges or the package won't be found by a shared Octave installation. Of course, this was not on windows but might provide some clues.

Octave xlswrite seems to work but I can't find the file

I am trying to use xlswrite in Octave to write to an excel file. The xlswrite command seems to work fine but I don't find the excel file in the current working directory after xlswrite is executed. In fact, I can't find it anywhere on my machine.
For example, I tried the following code to write data to a file:
A = eye(5,5);
status = xlswrite('myA.xlsx',A)
Detected XLS interfaces: status = 1
The write operation seems to have been successful but I can't find myA.xlsx anywhere. Any help in resolving this issue will be much appreciated.
FYI, I am using Octave 4.0.0 and io 2.2.9. The OS is linux mint 17.2.
PS: The problem seems to occur when the working directory is on the cloud (Google Drive in the present context). If I change the working directory to a local directory, xlswrite seems to work fine.

mcc -mv in linux machine R2013a

When I am trying to make executable files of my .m-files on a Linux machine, some of the the .m-files are working absolutely fine.
However, one file which has camera input inside the .m-file is giving me this error:
Depfun error: 'Unexpected Standard exception from MEX file. What() is: ..' Error using mcc Error executing mcc, return status = 1 (0x1).
But when I use the same .m-file on Windows and R2012a it is working properly without any error.
I found a bug report here - is this a similar problem?
How do I solve it?
Here is the simple code of my .m-file:
function yuv()
vid1 = videoinput('linuxvideo', 1, 'YUYV_1280x960');
I was getting the same Depfun error, "What() is: ..", under R2013a on Linux but no errors when using a different OS or an older MATLAB version to compile my code. Following the bug report you linked to fixed it for me.
In the zip file linked to in the bug report you'll find a depfun.opts file. Rename or move your original depfun.opts file that's located in [matlabroot]/toolbox/compiler and copy the new one in its place.
Putting the new depfun.opts file in place is all it took for me to be able to compile using R2013a on Linux.
Also note, the bug report says that it could be caused by the importdata function or the Parallel Computing Toolbox but I'm not using either of those.

Issues running FSL command in Linux environment

I am new to FSL, using version 4.1.8. I am trying to run a script that reads and generates *.nii files, which format is normally supported by FSL. I am calling an FSL function, probtrackx from within Matlab. However, I get the following error message seemingly unable to generate or recognize *.nii files:
** ERROR (nifti_image_read): failed to find header file for '~/Documents/fMRI_data/../DTI/fsl_dti/masks/target_mask_001'
** ERROR: nifti_image_open(~/Documents/fMRI_data/../DTI/fsl_dti/masks/target_mask_001): bad header info
ERROR: failed to open file ~/Documents/fMRI_data/../DTI/fsl_dti/masks/target_mask_001
ERROR: Could not open image ~/Documents/fMRI_data/../DTI/fsl_dti/masks/target_mask_001
The files do exist but FSL fails to recognize them. Any help as to how to correct the issue and get FSL to work properly would be most appreciated. I suspect it's a Linux settings issue, just not sure how to fix it. A solution to a related problem in a previous posting suggested adding ls='ls --color=auto'. I've tried it to on avail.
Some FSL tools assume that the $FSLDIR unix unvironment variable is set, which might not be the case in your MATLAB environment. You can fix that with something like setenv('FSLDIR', '/usr/local/fsl') (modified of course if your FSL installation is in a different place). Some also need the regular FSL setup script to be executed as well: system('. ${FSLDIR}/etc/fslconf/'). See also:
Instead of the more complicated probtrackx script, another thing to try first is simply:
system('fslhd ~/Documents/fMRI_data/../DTI/fsl_dti/masks/target_mask_001')
If this fails with the same error, then you know that you entered the path to the data incorrectly. For example, do you mean to have the .. in there?
Also, in the future, the best place to get FSL support is on their mailing list at:
Does MATLAB have access to run other fsl commands? If you are able to run a command from the command line but not through MATLAB, the MATLAB user may not have access to run fsl or may be looking for some FSL variables.
You might have to do the equivalent of this for a linux system
