How to install talend in silent mode (unattended mode)? - linux

I have talend installer in my directory and now i want to run talend in silent mode so it do not give me options while running it on command line
my command to execute talend in silent mode :-
./ --optionfile silentMode.txt
As soon as i run the above command i get the version and build detail but I cannot find it in the directory that i have given in me key value text file i.e /opt/talend-6.1.1. below is the result i get after executing the command.
"Talend 6.1.1 --- Built on 2015-12-14 18:02:36 IB: 9.5.3-201412111637"
Can anyone help me installing talend in silent mode ?

You are not specifying what components of Talend you are installing in unattended mode. The option file is there for that. So, let's say you would like to install TAC using included H2 DB and a JobServer, your option file (silentMode.txt that you are specifying) would probably look similar to the following:
Please notice, that you have to specify both enable-components and disable-components together. If you don't, it might try to install all components and result in an error (since it misses necessary information from the option file). Don't ask me why ...
In order to get an exhaustive list of options to put in your optionfile, simply take a look at the installer's options:
# ./ --help
The same content is available here
Please also notice that it is recommended to install Talend using root (in order to activate RC scripts, etc.), but you can then, manually change Talend Directory owner to another user and slightly modify the RC scripts to run services as that user.
Some more documentation could be read here


Possible way to create a command line tool in node.js

I am building a nodejs based small framework for my application. Say, the name of the framework is coffee-cup, situated in the folder of the same name. The folder has a structure inside. To simplify the work of developers, I want to add few command line methods. For example, consider following folder structure.
We see that inside cup1 and cup2, there is same structure. If a developer wants to add a new cup called cup3, they will need to create a folder called cup3 and add the underlying structure into that folder.
To automate this task, I am thinking of a way to build a command line utility like
$ coffee-cup new cup cup3
that can work on linux, windows or mac terminals.
Expected result of Entering this command in terminal: would create a new folder called cup3 in cups folder and will create the file index.js and folders reporting and cup-config inside the folder cup3.
I can create folder using fs.mkdirSync()and file using fs.writeFile().
I am however, unable to find a way to make the terminal identify the coffee-cup command. If terminal identifies this command, it should collect the following arguments and pass on to the nodejs file and I can continue from there. What I know is, that there exist npm packages like inquire which are useful in creating command line applications. But it does not help in building command line utilities like I mentioned above.
So I am looking for guidance on making terminal identify the coffee-cup command, collect the following arguments and pass on everything to a nodejs file. It is just like we install npm and then terminal starts identifying the npm keyword and subsequent commands like $ npm install. Any help by experts will be highly appreciated.

ATG installation in silent mode

Is there a way to install ATG commerce platform in silent mode. I need to do this for puppet module for ATG commerce environment setup.
Installation consists of two parts. Running the installers, and then configuring the instances with CIM.
Running the installers involves accepting licensing terms etc., and legally should not be scripted. However, materially, all it does is expand the compressed file into the appropriate executables and module folder structure in, say, /opt/atg/ATG/ATG10.0.3. Run it by your legal team and/or your Oracle contact, but there is nothing technically stopping you from doing this yourself with your own script that copies a pre-canned folder structure from one place to another.
CIM does support silent running by running a script that you have recorded previously. See the -record command line parameter. Note that the recorded script will only run in an situation identical (or very similar) to when it was recorded. The options CIM presents (and the sequence they are presented in) change depending on which modules and products are installed (in step 1), and their paths.
First time you will need to do the installation manually to generate the response file:
./OCPlatform11.3.2_21REL.bin -r /path/to/ocplatform.rsp
Then, you can use the next command to run the silent installation using the response file:
./OCPlatform11.3.2_21REL.bin -f /path/to/ocplatform.rsp -i silent
Usage: OCPlatform11.3.2_21REL [-f <path_to_installer_properties_file> | -options]
(to execute the installer)
where options include:
show this help text
-i [swing | console | silent]
specify the user interface mode for the installer
specify installer properties
-r <path_to_generate_response_file>
Generates response file.

silent mode installation of setup files in Windows server

I want to install some softwares such as notepad++, safari etc in silent mode using command prompt. And my OS is win2k8r2.
I placed two executables npp.6.3.3.Installer.exe and SafariStup 4.2.exe in a folder in c drive and used command line arguments as below..
c:\AllFiles>npp.6.3.3.Installer.exe -s
it executes, but shows dialog boxes that was not expected.Please help...
Each program is going to be different, some don't even support silent installations. From command line if you do yourfile.exe /? it should tell you available options.
For Notepad++, I recommend simply downloading the ZIP package (not the EXE installer), unpacking it to the desired location, and adding a Start Menu shortcut.
You don't need to install it per se.

How to add a custom tool/command to tortoisehg in linux?

I am trying to trying to execute a shell command from tortiseHg. My end goal is to run a large shell command with {REV} being a parameter. Does anyone know of a way to do this?
I tried using the custom tools option in tortiseHg and it is not working for me.
No matter what I add as the command, It always returns:
The command "my command and args" could not be executed.
"No such file or directory"
Please check that the command path is valid and that it is a valid application
How to reproduce:
In tortoiseHg (linux), go to Settings> Tools > New Tool, add a new command.
Eg. touch /path/success.txt
Add tool to list
Restart thg
Click on the tool.
As lgriZdes mentioned in his answer, custom tool seems to accept only hg commands. Got around this issue by creating an alias in hg which executes a shell command, and calling this alias from custom tools. Let me know if you guys want more detailed info.
In old prehistoric versions of tortoisehg only hg commands were working. It is said here that now shell commands should work without problem How to add a custom tool/command to tortoisehg in linux?

Can Linux Bash scripts respond to install options

I need to script the installation of a number of products on Redhat Linux
I am installing from previously downloaded tar files that each contain their own specific
My problem is that by executing the scripts a number of questions are asked such as ...
a). Accept license
b). set default path(s)
c). do i wish to start service
Can Bash detect these questions and respond correctly? or do i require another linux based product/function?
For windows based installs i have used AutoItScript.
What are my options on Linux Redhat?
To establish whether the scripts support any command line options, you can:
Read the readme file of the software, if there is one. This should explain any options.
Read the top of the script. Usually options are at least listed there.
Read the code itself, which might be a lot of work.
Once you have established that the scripts do not support options, the standard way of automating this would be with an expect script. See for example automating script using an expect script.
Depending on how the install script works, you may be able to send it commands on standard input. For example, if you press Tab once, then Enter, then y and lastly Enter again, you can try the following:
printf %s $'\t\ny\n' | ./
