Change version of Visual Studio from 2015 to 2005 - visual-c++

I use SFML library version2.4 on Visual Studio(VS) 2015. Now, I want to use VS 2005 instead and SMFL(2.4) does not support it. I want to use some functions in SFML(2.4). How can I solve this problem?

Is there any specific reason you're going back?
Besides that, it should most likely work. All you have to do is compile SFML yourself (and possibly the dependencies as well) to get the right files for your version.


Can we convert an Android Studio project for Unity3D?

May be this question not fit here, but I didn't find any other medium to ask. I have a project in Android studio or eclipse, I want to open in unity.. because I don't want to rewrite again in unity.. any help or suggestion..
As i know they are two different compilers and you can't convert their projects to each other.maybe you can just copy some code if needed but work spaces are separate.
I think this can't be done, because both things are different libraries too (as one of the errors).

Platform Toolset change on VS 2015

I need to do some Assembly coding on VS 2015 and for it I need to use an include file that uses certain C functions. The file worked perfectly on VS 2012 and 2013, but due to some library changes on VS 2015 (as far as I understand), it gives an error on the linking process. So, I was advised to set my Platform Toolset back to VS 2012 or lower, but the only ones that appear on the changing menu are the 2015 ones. I tried to download and install the said toolkits, but even then they don't appear in the drop-out menu. Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is there another way to do this? (eg. an include file with basic print and _getch functions that works on VS 2015) Here is a screenshot of the Toolset selection screen, if it helps:

Visual Studio 2012 - Locals not shown

I am using Visual Studio 2012 with the Intel Fortran Compiler XE 13.0 (from Parallel Studio 2013) to code in Fortran.
When debugging a project, the "Locals" and "Auto" windows don't show any variable. Similarly, when hovering over a variable name in the code, I don't get any datatip showing its value. Lastly, when trying to evaluate a variable or expression in the Watches I always get an "Unable to evaluate expression". So, as far as I understand, there's some problem involving debugger symbols or something like this.
Here's what I tried:
restarting VS and Windows
creating a new solution with default configuration
checking the Debugging options for any obvious setting which could case this
followed this answer, even if it looks like it's for a slightly different problem (VS recognizes a local variable, but saying it's out of scope)
repairing my Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 installation
I never enabled optimization. Here's a screenshot so that you can clearly see what it's going on here.
P.S: as a last hint, I found a similar bug affecting VS2010, but 1) yeah, I've got VS2012 and I suppose it should have been fixed 2) it affects C++ (don't know if this matters though) 3) the patch is not directly available online.

Find installed MSVC with NSIS Installer?

I would like to find out if any kind of a Microsoft Visual package is installed during my Nsis installation (I need the Compiler from those Microsoft packages (C,C++ Compiler))
One possibility could be to have a look in the registry...but it would always be a different entry.
So far I´ve got no good solution to detect a MSVC maybe anyone else does?
Your best bet is probably to look in the registry. You could take a look at some open source build tools and see how they do it. (SCons etc.)
The other alternative would be to search all drives for cl.exe with FindFirst and friends but that could be slow and you would probably have to check the version information to filter out false positives...

Loading Boost 1.40.0 into Intellisense in Visual Studio 2005?

Is there any way to get Intellisense in Visual C++ for Visual Studio 2005?
I'm trying to get the Boost libraries to load up with intellisense and in the object browser/class view.
I installed the binary for Windows with the BoostPro installer (BoostPro 1.40.0 Installer).
I'm not certain that it comes with the source code however, which may be required to make Intellisense work in VS2005.
Boost is open source, and mostly header only. Just make sure IntelliSense knows the directory where boost resides so it can explore it.
As an un-answer, you might try out Visual Assist X, which works far better and has more features that Visual Studio's IS.
To make sure Intellisense can find boost, just make sure Boost is in the include directories (under Project Properties->C/C++->Additional Include Directories). Maybe move it to the top. After that, close your instance of Visual Studio, and search the a *.ncb file near your project, and delete it. This will cause IntelliSense to refresh. This should hopefully be enough for it to assist you. (You have to include boost headers into your source files with #include for IntelliSense to consider it)
Keep in mind boost has some very complex parts that IS will choke on, but should still provide the names.
Intellisense scans the headers #included in source files in Visual C++ projects.
So create a project with a single source file that includes the top level header of the boost library that you're interested in. Some of the boost code can't be parsed by intellisense though, and the boost code contains a lot of code to workaround language or compiler limitations that's just noise to someone wanting to see the user facing structure of the libraries.
