Meteor application hangs up after creating bundle - node.js

I am trying to run meteor app after deploying but it hangs up and never responds I have already set all the env varibales. Please help
node main.js
Note: you are using a pure-JavaScript implementation of bcrypt.
While this implementation will work correctly, it is known to be
approximately three times slower than the native implementation.
In order to use the native implementation instead, run
meteor npm install --save bcrypt
in the root directory of your application.
... no response


Is there a way to RUN multiple versions of Node.js simultaneously on Windows?

So, to be clear, I'm not asking about the possibility of INSTALLING multiple versions of Node, or the capability of switching between multiple versions with something like nvm.
(The original nvm package for Mac/Linux has an "exec" command that lets you run a command under a particular version of node. I think this would be a solution--but the nvm for Windows package doesn't have that "exec" command.)
I have an Azure function app API that must run under Node 14.0.0 (a requirement of Azure Function Core Tools version ~3, which itself is a customer requirement).
I also have a basic React app (using Parcel bundler) that runs under Node 11.14.0. I can't update the Node version to 14.0.0 because of an error ("Cannot locate the bindings file...").
For testing purposes, I need to run both simultaneously, so I can hit my API with my React app.
I have tried starting my API under Node 14.0.0, then using nvm to switch to 11.14.0 to run the React app, but it causes the API to fail with an "unsupported Node version" error. I haven't tried the converse approach because this error (along with the UAC prompt) tells me that the Node version in use is global.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to run two versions of Node on Windows? Or can anyone suggest another practical work-around?
Thanks in advance.

Node package dependencies on IBM Cloud Foundry - require/module is not defined (Package not loading)

I am working on an application via the toolchain tool on IBM Cloud and editing the code via the Eclipse Orion IDE. As I am not accessing this through my local cli, my understanding is that in order to so call npm install {package}, I would just need to include the package in the package.json file under dependencies and require it in my app. However, when I load the application, I get the require is not defined indicating that the package has not been installed. Moreover, the require() is being used in the app.js file with the application being launched but not from files in my public directory.
After playing around further, it seems it might have to do with the way the directory tree is being traced as the error is only thrown in subdirectories. For example, require('express') works in app.js which is in the main directory ./ but fails when it is called in test.js in ./subdirectory/test.js. I feel like I'm missing something painfully simple like configuration of endpoint or something.
I've been searching around but I can't seem to find how to get the packages loaded, preferably without using the cli. Appreciate any pointers. Thanks!
Update: After playing around further, I am also getting module is not defined error when trying to require from another file in the same directory. For example module.exports = 'str' returns this error. While trying to require('./file') returns the require is not defined. It might have to do with how node is wrapping the functions?
Update 2: Tried "start": "npm install && node app.js" in package.json but no luck. Adding a build stage which calls npm install before deployment also does not work
Update 3: After adding npm install build stage, I am able to see that the dependencies have been successfully built via the logs. However, the require is not defined error still persists.
Update 4: Trying npm install from my CLI doesn't work as well even though all packages and dependencies are present
Update 5: Running cf restage or configuring cache via cacheDirectories does not work as well
Opened a related question regarding deployment here
Found out my confusion was caused due to me not realizing that require() cannot be used on the client side unless via tools such as Browserify.

How does NPM start an Angular and Typescript application?

Would it be possible to get an explanation of how npm start works?
I have an Angular 2 application written in Typescript. I enter npm start in the console and this both compiles and launches the application using Node's built in web server.
However what is the starting point for this? Which files does the npm start command read in order to compile and start the application? Also why do I use npm start and not e.g. node start? I understood that NPM was just the package manager for node itself.
What I understand so far:
I have a tsconfig.js file which tells the TypeScript compiler what to do.
I have a packages.json file which tells node which packages to download.
Where do the following files fit into this:
app/app.module.ts - which I understand is the starting point for my application.
How do all of these components fit together to form the application?
npm start is just an alias for npm run start, which runs whatever command is in scripts.start in your package.json.
It neither knows nor cares about TypeScript, or Angular, or anything like that - it just executes whatever script it's given on the command line.

Adding a custom Node JS version to openshift doesn't work for my app

I have written an application which needs Node.js >= 4.2.6
I'm using the OpenShift service and the default Node.Js version is 0.10. Installing this is supposed to resolve this problem. So I followed the instructions and created a new application using:
rhc app create nodeapp nodejs --from-code=git://
So far so good. Next step - copy my project to the cloned git repository. Here's where I'm unsure if my approach is right (new to Node js). Because the cloned git already has a JSON package and because my app has its own JSON package in its root directory, I enriched the JSON package that came with nodejs-custom-version-openshift.git with my dependencies and set the engines to 4.2.6. The main is set to server.js. To run my app, I'm using "var variable = require('./myapp-master/test/test');" as the last line in my server.js. I copy the content of my app to the cloned repository (including node modules etc.) careful not to overwrite any existing config files like the JSON Package and then I use git push. The node version is installed properly according to the logs (upon build), servers.js is executed and it invokes my test.js. I can see in the app logs (app-root/logs) that test.js throws a specific error that indicates that the node js version is not >= 4.2.6.
When I log-in with PUTTY and write node -v, I get 4.2.6. When I navigate to my test.js and start it manually with node test.js, it runs normally. What am I doing wrong? I suspect I'm not handling the JSON packages properly (or my approach with starting my app from server.js is flawed). Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time.
Ok, I found the solution to this:

ruining EasyRTC server using iisnode

EasyRTC is one of the best available opensource WebRTC solutions that runs in node.js! I have manged to run it on node.js on my system but my application is in so I've been trying to run it using under IIS using iisnode! but for some reason I haven't been able to make it work! running this application in node.js i use node server.js to start the server but in IIS when i set the default page to server.js to start the application it wond work!
this is result by using
nodejs result: (working properly)
looks like it's not even running it !
This error is due to lack required module for easyRTC. type in node command prompt "npm install" It will install all dependency module. And after that try to run server. I hope It will work for you.
