ruining EasyRTC server using iisnode - node.js

EasyRTC is one of the best available opensource WebRTC solutions that runs in node.js! I have manged to run it on node.js on my system but my application is in so I've been trying to run it using under IIS using iisnode! but for some reason I haven't been able to make it work! running this application in node.js i use node server.js to start the server but in IIS when i set the default page to server.js to start the application it wond work!
this is result by using
nodejs result: (working properly)
looks like it's not even running it !

This error is due to lack required module for easyRTC. type in node command prompt "npm install" It will install all dependency module. And after that try to run server. I hope It will work for you.


Ng serve for angular application is not starting the server

We are using node server to start our angular application using npm run. Due to strange reasons application is taking lot of time to render on browser whenever there is a change and angular build runs.
If there are no changes/ no angular build is run, if we reload the page it loads fast.
We are suspecting the issue is with node and want to run the angular application standalone using ng serve. But running this command is just building but not starting the server.
Need guidance on how we can keep node and run the angular application fast on browser. If not, please suggest where to look if I had to fix ng serve command to start the angular server as standalone

Can I run Node.js on cPanel without CloudLinux?

I'm trying to deploy a node.js app on my server.
I've followed the instructions laid out by cPanel in their documentation here: Guide to Node.js Installations and here: How to Install a Node.js Application. I want to do this without CloudLinux and given Apache's Node.js module it seemed to be possible.
However, even though deploying the app in the backend seems fine, I'm getting this error when trying to access the app in my browser:
The Phusion Passenger application server tried to start the web application through a Passenger-internal helper tool called the SpawnEnvSetupper. But that helper tool encountered an internal error.
Error Details: Failed to initialize LVE library: : init_lve error [2]
The stdout/stderr output of the subprocess so far is: Error: Failed to initialize LVE library: : init_lve error [2]
I don't know much about LVE but I do know that it's a part of CloudLinux. So, do I still need to have CloudLinux installed after all? Thanks.
Tried deploying the same node.js app on a subdomain and had the same error. Then I tried to deploy it on another server that I manage (following the same steps) and was able to do so successfully. My hosting company seems to think there was an issue when I uninstalled CloudLinux from my server. (I had previously set it up to run Node and then had it removed once I discovered that I wouldn't need it.)
To answer my own question ...
Yes, Node.js can run on cPanel without CloudLinux.
By following the instructions in the cPanel documentation here (Guide to Node.js Installations) and here (How to Install a Node.js Application), a Node.js app can be deployed successfully.
In my particular situation above, I had installed CloudLinux on my server originally to deploy Node.js apps before cPanel came out with their own module for Apache. Given that I was paying extra for the CloudLinux software, I wanted to remove it from my hosting account and leverage the Apache module. During the uninstall, it turns out that LVE and other libraries related to CloudLinux were not removed correctly causing the error (not sure why yet). By simply removing those and restarting my server the Node app started functioning properly again.

How to run and work with Node.js on my remote VPS

Maybe it is dummy or noob question, but this is the first time I am trying to run / deploy my local Node.js application to the internet via my VPS hosting.
When working locally, I am using nodemon package to auto restart the server on each change.
Also, when turn off the terminal or shut down the Mac, the Node.js will be shut down too.
How these things could be handled via a remote VPS with a public domain?
Btw, another thing is how to compress/compile/hide/secure my client side code so it wont be able to be read or something.
I am asking this because when I am doing source code, It is very clear to see the whole app requests and therefore "play" with this.
check out pm2 (production node manager)
you can install like this
npm install pm2 -g
so instead of nodemon app.js you'll run
pm2 start app.js
instead. This keeps your app running even if you restart your server
check out the official site for more info on pm2

Create-react-app npm run build too slow

I am relatively new to using React and am following create-react-app tutorials. I am creating a simple webchat service using, React, and Express in a Node environment.
I've finished writing the majority of the features for the React app and am now working on the server end to connect the apps via Working on the front-end was each because I could just run "npm start" to serve a dev version of my app. However, now that I am working on the server side, implementing, whenever I find an issue on the front-end, I have to rerun "npm run build" which takes ~15-30 seconds each time.
I am sure there is a faster way to debug issues like this without having to compile my react app into static files every time. Please advise.
You should run the front end using npm command on cmd panel npm start and debug the backend server side using VSCode Debugger using the node js extension. This way you can run both on dev easily. Plus it give you advance debugging features.

Installed JsZip but its not working by grunt

I used on my local machine and update all dependency by npm and used command grunt connect but this only showing web server started but on this url its not working.
$ grunt connect
Running "connect:server" (connect) task
Started connect web server on http://localhost:9999
Done, without errors.
even i have tested the app there is no error,
can anyone let me know how to get such type of projects from git-hub and run locally by npm or composer/bower.
I have used simple javascript instead of going with NodeJs and here my code is :
Here is Gist Code you can run.
