Edit richtext field and paste it edited in another richtext field - xpages

I'm heaving problems with a specific task on Lotus Notes. I have to copy a rich text field edit it and paste inside another rich text field. But when I edit the content the text style disappears. I've tried to use this solution:
to copy the html and then edit the content. But I got another problem with this:
java.lang.ClassCastException: lotus.domino.local.Item incompatible with lotus.domino.RichTextItem
Can anyone help me with my task?
Thank you.

You don't specify how you want to edit the richtext data. But if you by "edit" mean "programatically make changes to", you can do that in regular Lotusscript using the NotesRichTextItem class.
I wrote a mail-merge class a while back, and it is replacing content in a rich text field with other values, keeping the formatting. If you look at the code you can probably figure it out.
The relevant code is here:
Public Function MergedRichText() As NotesRichTextItem
Dim range As NotesRichTextRange
Dim cnt As Integer
Set tempbody = sourcefield
Set range = tempbody.CreateRange
Forall p In placeholder
Call p.ProcessPlaceHolder(sourcedoc, maindoc)
If p.text = "" Then
p.text = " -- "
End If
cnt = range.FindAndReplace(p.placeholderstring, p.text, 1+4+8+16)
End Forall
Call tempbody.Compact
Call tempbody.Update
Set targetfield = tempbody
Set MergedRichText = tempbody
End Function


Change built-in Document properties without opening

I am attempting to run the below line of code in a sub. The purpose of the sub overall is to automatically create agendas for recurring meetings, and notify the relevant people.
'Values for example;
MtgDate = CDate("11/06/2020")
Agenda ="Z:\Business Manual\10000 Management\11000 Management\11000 Communications\Operations Meetings\11335 - OPS CCAR Performance Review Agenda 11.06.20.docx" 'NB it's a string
'and the problematic line:
Word.Application.Documents(Agenda).BuiltinDocumentProperties("Publish Date") = MtgDate
Two questions:
1) Can I assign a document property just like that without opening the document? (bear in mind this vba is running from an excel sheet where the data is stored)
2) Will word.application.documents accept the document name as a string, or does it have to be some other sort of object or something? I don't really understand Word VBA.
Attempts so far have only resulted in
runtime error 427 "remote server machine does not exist or is
or something about a bad file name.
Although Publish Date can be found under Insert > Quick Parts > Document Property it isn't actually a document property. It is a "built-in" CustomXML part, a node of CoverPageProperties, and can be addressed in VBA using the CustomXMLParts collection.
The CustomXML part is only added to the document once the mapped content control is inserted.
Below is the code I use.
As already pointed out for document properties the document must be open.
Public Sub WriteCoverPageProp(ByVal strNodeName As String, ByVal strValue As String, _
Optional ByRef docTarget As Document = Nothing)
'* Nodes: Abstract, CompanyAddress, CompanyEmail, CompanyFax, CompanyPhone, PublishDate
'* NOTE: If writing PublishDate set the content control to store just the date (default is date and time).
'* The date is stored in the xml as YYYY-MM-DD so must be written in this format.
'* The content control setting will determine how the date is displayed.
Dim cxpTarget As CustomXMLPart
Dim cxnTarget As CustomXMLNode
Dim strNamespace As String
If docTarget Is Nothing Then Set docTarget = ActiveDocument
strNodeName = "/ns0:CoverPageProperties[1]/ns0:" & strNodeName
strNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/coverPageProps"
Set cxpTarget = docTarget.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace(strNamespace).item(1)
Set cxnTarget = cxpTarget.SelectSingleNode(strNodeName)
cxnTarget.Text = strValue
Set cxnTarget = Nothing
Set cxpTarget = Nothing
End Sub
You cannot modify a document without opening it. In any event, "Publish Date" is not a Built-in Document Property; if it exists, it's a custom one.
Contrary to what you've been told, not all BuiltinDocumentProperties are read-only; some, like wdPropertyAuthor ("Author"), are read-write.
There are three main ways you could modify a Word document or "traditional" property (which are the ones you can access via .BuiltInDocumentProperties and .CustomProperties):
a. via the Object Model (as you are currently trying to do)
b. for a .docx, either unzipping the .docx, modifying the relevant XML part, and re-zipping the .docx.
c. For "traditional" properties, i.e. the things that you can access via .BuiltInDocumentProperties and .CustomDocumentProperties, in theory you can use a Microsoft .dll called dsofile.dll. But it hasn't been supported for a long time, won't work on Mac Word and the Microsoft download won't work on 64-bit Word. You'd also have to distribute and support it.
But in any case, "Publish Date" is not a traditional built-in property. It's probably, but not necessarily, a newer type of property called a "Cover Page Property". Those properties are in fact pretty much as "built-in" as the traditional properties but cannot be accessed via .BuiltInDocumentProperties.
To modify Cover Page properties, you can either use the object model or method (b) to access the Custom XML Part in which their data is stored. Method (c) is no help there.
Not sure where your error 427 is coming from, but I would guess from what you say that you are trying to see if you can modify the property in a single line, using the fullname of the document in an attempt to get Word to open it. No, you can't do that - you have to use GetObject/CreateObject/New to make a reference to an instance of Word (let's call it "wapp"), then (say)
Dim wdoc As Word.Document ' or As Object
Set wdoc = wapp.Documents.Open("the fullname of the document")
Then you can access its properties, e.g. for the read/write Title property you can do
wdoc.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Title") = "your new title"
If Publish Date is the Cover Page Property, once you have a reference to the Word Application and have ensured the document is open you can use code along the following lines:
Sub modPublishDate(theDoc As Word.Document, theDate As String)
' You need to format theDate - by default, Word expects an xsd:dateTime,
' e.g. 2020-06-11T00:00:00 if you only care about the date.
Const CPPUri As String = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/coverPageProps"
Dim cxn As Office.CustomXMLNode
Dim cxps As Office.CustomXMLParts
Dim nsprefix As String
Set cxps = theDoc.CustomXMLParts.SelectByNamespace(CPPUri)
If cxps.Count > 0 Then
With cxps(1)
nsprefix = .NamespaceManager.LookupPrefix(CPPUri)
Set cxn = .SelectSingleNode(nsprefix & ":CoverPageProperties[1]/" & nsprefix & ":PublishDate[1]") '/PublishDate[1]")
If Not (cxn Is Nothing) Then
cxn.Text = theDate
Set cxn = Nothing
End If
End With
End If
Set cxps = Nothing
As for this, "Will word.application.documents accept the document name as a string", the answer is "yes", but Word has to have opened the document already. as mentioned above. Word can also accept an integer index into the .Documents collection and may accept just the name part of the FullName string.
Finally, if you do end up using a "traditional Custom Document Property", even after you have set the property and saved the document (approximately as above) you may find that the new property value has not actually saved! If so, that's down to an old error in Word where it won't save unless you have actually visited the Custom Document Property Dialog or have modified the document content in some way, e.g. adding a space at the end.

How to get my VBA scraper to find the above row?

I have some experience with VBA but I am very new to web scraping with VBA. However I am very enthusiastic about it and thought of a 1000 ways how could I use it and make my job easier. :)
My problem is that I have a website with two input fields and one button. I can write in the input fields (they have ID so I can easily find them)
My code for the input fields:
.Document.getElementById("header_keyword").Value = my_first
.Document.getElementById("header_location").Value = my_last
But I am really stuck with clicking the button.
Here is the html code for the buttons:
<span class="p2_button_outer p2_button_outer_big"><input class="p2_button_inner" type="submit" value="Keresés" /></span>
<span class="p2_button_outer p2_button_outer_big light hide_floating"><a id="tour_det_search" class="p2_button_inner" href="http://www.profession.hu/kereses">Részletes keresés</a></span>
As you can see there are two different buttons near each other, and they share the same class. I am looking for the first/upper one. My problem is that it has no ID, only class, type and value. But I was not able to find getelementsbytype or getelementsbyvalue method.
Is there any solution to find the button by type or value (or both)?
Sorry if I am asking something stupid but as I said previously I am new in scraping...:)
Thank you in advance and have a nice weekend!
Fortunatelly I have worked out the solution. :)
What I did is the following. I made searched for the relevant classes and then using the getAttribute() method and looping thru the classes I searched for the specific value and clicked on it when found it.
Below is the working code:
Set my_classes = .Document.getElementsByClassName("p2_button_inner")
For Each class In my_classes
If class.getAttribute("value") = "Keresés" Then
Range("c4") = "Clicked"
Exit For
End If
Next class
Thank you!
You can use the following function. It looks for a first HTML element with the given caption. You can also limit the searching by HTML tag.
(The code is compatible with IE <9 that doesn't contain getElementsByClassName method).
Public Function FindElementByCaption(dom As Object, Caption As String, _
Optional Tag As String, Optional Nested As Boolean = True) As Object
Dim ControlsSet As Variant
Dim Controls As Variant
Dim Control As Object
Set ControlsSet = VBA.IIf(Nested, dom.all, dom.childNodes)
If VBA.Len(Tag) Then
Set Controls = ControlsSet.tags(VBA.LCase(Tag))
Set Controls = ControlsSet
End If
For Each Control In Controls
If VBA.StrComp(Control.InnerHtml, Caption, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Set FindElementByCaption = Control
Exit For
End If
Next Control
End Function
Here is how to apply it in your code:
Dim button As Object
Set button = FindElementByCaption(.Document, "Keresés", "INPUT", True)
If Not button Is Nothing Then
Call button.Click
Call MsgBox("Button has not been found")
End If
CSS selector:
Use a CSS selector to target the element of:
This says element with input tag, having attribute value with value 'Keresés'.
CSS query:
You apply the selector via the querySelector method of document.

export Crystal report to Excel (empty rows)

I am trying to export a report to excel. When I export my report to Excel I am getting blank rows between each detail section. I assume this is because I have a context menu in form of a normal text element which overlies the "normal" text elements.
Does anybody have any advice on how I can stop the blank rows occurring? Is it possible to suppress a text element only when it is exported to Excel?
Try to make it compact.
It should be no space between each object. You should set every object on the same row has the same height and every object on column has the same width.
When there's a space between objects, it will create a cell on excel.
There are 2 articles from Ken Hamady that might be helpfull:
http://www.kenhamady.com/news0506.shtml (scroll to the bottom of the page)
Another option , if you are working with tabular data is to use a report extension like it is shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hk6FJ1dvb4
This approach will use the Crystal report as a datasource and will export the data from a grid with much better formatting. The video is using a 3rd party tool, but it is free - http://www.r-tag.com/Pages/CommunityEdition.aspx
Use This Code:
Public Shared Sub ExportDataSetToExcel(ByVal ds As DataTable, ByVal filename As String)
Dim response As HttpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response
response.Buffer = True
response.Charset = ""
response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Using sw As New StringWriter()
Using htw As New HtmlTextWriter(sw)
Dim dg As New DataGrid()
dg.DataSource = ds
response.Charset = "UTF-8"
response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Finally I've solved this issue, after a long time researching. Make the fields inside the details section fill the whole height of the section... no spaces between fields and top and bottom edges.
instead of this

How to change the alterrowcolor and Header Style using Lotus script?

My requirement is, I am having a hundreds of views. I want to make them as standard colors and UI. Simple I am using for changing the font color for column header and column values by NotesViewColumn class. But I do not know that which class is having the property for action bar and View alternate color and Heaer style and etc.,
In javascript is also welcome., But it should change its property as a designer level.
Thanks in advance
You have 3 options:
The easiest one: Go and buy ezView from Ytria. Should take you less than an hour to sort your views out
Create one view that looks the way you want your views to look and then go through all the views in a script, rename them, create a new view based on your view template and copy the view columns from the old views and adjust the view selection formulas (all in LotusScript)
Export your views in DXL and run some XSLT or search/replace to adjust the properties
Hope that helps
I just ran this agent, to change all the views in my (small) test database to having alternate row colours, and it worked.
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim exporter As NotesDXLExporter
Dim importer As NotesDXLImporter
Dim out As String
Dim infile As string
Dim pointer As long
Dim filenum As Integer
Dim altrow As integer
Dim unid As String
Dim doc As notesdocument
Set db = session.currentdatabase
Set exporter = session.Createdxlexporter
Set importer = session.Createdxlimporter
Dim count As Integer
count = 1
ForAll v In db.views
unid = v.UniversalID
Set doc = db.getdocumentbyunid(unid)
out = exporter.Export(doc)
altrow = instr(out, "altrowcolor")
If altrow > 0 Then
pointer = InStr(altrow, out, "=")
out = Left(out,pointer) & "'#f7f7f7'" & Mid(out, pointer+10)
pointer = InStr(out, "bgcolor=")
pointer = InStr(pointer, out, " ")
out = Left(out,pointer) & "altrowcolor='#f7f7f7' " & Mid(out, pointer+1)
End if
Call importer.setinput(out)
Call importer.setoutput(db)
importer.Designimportoption = 5
importer.Documentimportoption = 5
Call importer.Process()
out = ""
infile = ""
count = count + 1
End ForAll
Print count & " views processed"
End Sub
If your view designs are much bigger, you might want to use a NotesStream instead of String for "out". In that case, from the Help Files, I believe that the stream has to be closed and re-opened before you can use it for import.
For further research, I suggest writing "out" to a file, and examining the xml to find other "hidden" parameters.
Have fun, Phil
I can also recommend ezView. Makes it a piece of cake to modify views. I also use actionBarEZ to modify action bars across applications.
I blogged about a few different development tools I use in Domino Designer, you can find the entry here: http://www.bleedyellow.com/blogs/texasswede/entry/mydevelopmenttools

Adding content control throws an exception dynamically

I am fairly new to Word Addin development. Fortunately I was able to do almost everything but stuck at some simple issue I belive.
I want to insert plain text controls dynamically at the selected range. For this I am using the following:
currentDocument = application.ActiveDocument;
foreach(var field in myFieldsList)
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range rng = currentDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection.Range;
object oRng = rng;
var contentControlPlain = application.ActiveDocument.ContentControls.Add(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdContentControlType.wdContentControlText, ref oRng);
contentControlPlain.Tag = formField.FormFieldId.ToString();
contentControlPlain.SetPlaceholderText(null, null, " <" + formField.FormFieldName + "> ");
contentControlPlain.LockContentControl = (formField.TypeName.Trim() == "Blank");
Code seems to be working fine but when I try to insert the second field it complains saying:
This method or property is not available because the current selection partially covers a plain text content control.
I understand that addin is trying to insert next content control into the previously inserted plain text control. But I tried giving some other range and could not fix it.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
After adding every content control use
Application.Selection.Start = lastControl.Range.End+1
