How to get my VBA scraper to find the above row? - excel

I have some experience with VBA but I am very new to web scraping with VBA. However I am very enthusiastic about it and thought of a 1000 ways how could I use it and make my job easier. :)
My problem is that I have a website with two input fields and one button. I can write in the input fields (they have ID so I can easily find them)
My code for the input fields:
.Document.getElementById("header_keyword").Value = my_first
.Document.getElementById("header_location").Value = my_last
But I am really stuck with clicking the button.
Here is the html code for the buttons:
<span class="p2_button_outer p2_button_outer_big"><input class="p2_button_inner" type="submit" value="Keresés" /></span>
<span class="p2_button_outer p2_button_outer_big light hide_floating"><a id="tour_det_search" class="p2_button_inner" href="">Részletes keresés</a></span>
As you can see there are two different buttons near each other, and they share the same class. I am looking for the first/upper one. My problem is that it has no ID, only class, type and value. But I was not able to find getelementsbytype or getelementsbyvalue method.
Is there any solution to find the button by type or value (or both)?
Sorry if I am asking something stupid but as I said previously I am new in scraping...:)
Thank you in advance and have a nice weekend!

Fortunatelly I have worked out the solution. :)
What I did is the following. I made searched for the relevant classes and then using the getAttribute() method and looping thru the classes I searched for the specific value and clicked on it when found it.
Below is the working code:
Set my_classes = .Document.getElementsByClassName("p2_button_inner")
For Each class In my_classes
If class.getAttribute("value") = "Keresés" Then
Range("c4") = "Clicked"
Exit For
End If
Next class
Thank you!

You can use the following function. It looks for a first HTML element with the given caption. You can also limit the searching by HTML tag.
(The code is compatible with IE <9 that doesn't contain getElementsByClassName method).
Public Function FindElementByCaption(dom As Object, Caption As String, _
Optional Tag As String, Optional Nested As Boolean = True) As Object
Dim ControlsSet As Variant
Dim Controls As Variant
Dim Control As Object
Set ControlsSet = VBA.IIf(Nested, dom.all, dom.childNodes)
If VBA.Len(Tag) Then
Set Controls = ControlsSet.tags(VBA.LCase(Tag))
Set Controls = ControlsSet
End If
For Each Control In Controls
If VBA.StrComp(Control.InnerHtml, Caption, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Set FindElementByCaption = Control
Exit For
End If
Next Control
End Function
Here is how to apply it in your code:
Dim button As Object
Set button = FindElementByCaption(.Document, "Keresés", "INPUT", True)
If Not button Is Nothing Then
Call button.Click
Call MsgBox("Button has not been found")
End If

CSS selector:
Use a CSS selector to target the element of:
This says element with input tag, having attribute value with value 'Keresés'.
CSS query:
You apply the selector via the querySelector method of document.


readonly cells ... .. ......

Code is required
which type of value format is needed to enter in Excel cell, with one example
these are the coding stuff, also provided you an image where any can visualize how the problem look like. And in this problem we can't just use .SendKeys here it is more typical, because it have the Date-Month-Time, so help me out in this.
I tried, after removing "readonly" word in HTML .. then its working fine, but this is not the way can you edit in this code,
Sub google_search()
Dim row As Integer
row = 2
Dim bot As WebDriver
Set bot = New WebDriver
Dim GenderDD As Selenium.WebElement
bot.Start "chrome"
bot.Get ""
bot.FindElementbyName("sample_cdate").SendKeys "Value"
End Function
Also giving Inspect of Targeted Site, for the reference
<input type="text" class="form-control datetimepicker" name="sample_cdate" id="sample_cdate" placeholder="Date and Time of Sample Collection" **readonly**="">
I tried, after removing "readonly" word in HTML .. then its working
fine, but this is not the way can you edit in this code
You should replace .SendKeys() method:
'bot.FindElementbyName("patient_id").SendKeys Sheet1.Cells(row, 3).Value
bot.ExecuteScript "arguments[0].setAttribute('value', arguments[1])", _
Array(bot.FindElementById("sample_cdate"), _
Format(Sheet1.Cells(row, 16).Value, "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"))
As a readonly element, similar as on graphic WebBrowser, you cannot type input using .SendKeys(), but you can use JavaScript to set .Value attribute through programming.
As you show, your input id may be id="sample_rdate", not sample_cdate.

Shapes (worksheet) vs. Controls (userform)

I am trying to call a worksheet placed label, but I'd like to dynamically call it by providing name string.
I've tried many suggestions, this one gave me most hope:
Can I reference an object using a string?
I have successfully achieved desired effect in the past, but those applications were all userform based. This one has no userforms so apparently I can't use Userform.Controls?
It is suggested to use Shape instead, however whenever I want to change caption of the shape, it says that it doesn't have that property. I've tried "combining" labels and shapes in weird ways, but of course I always got mismatch.
I'm just going to use the example from the linked answer
Dim shpLabel As Shape
Set shpLabel = Sheet1.Shapes("labelnum" & i)
shpLabel.Caption = "some string"
Apparently this was working for some people (maybe older versions?) but for me it always returns that the property is missing.
I'm hoping I don't have to do something like this:
Using string as object name
The main reason why I want to do it this way is speed and size. The file is already very slow and I am concerned that recursive code like that is only going to make it worse.
It's a little buried and it depends on exactly which type of label it is:
If it's a form control label:
Sheet1.Shapes("LabelName").Textframe.Characters.Text = "Some string"
If it's an activex control label:
Sheet1.OLEObjects("LabelName").Object.Caption = "Some string"
Adding to Michael's excellent answer:
The following Function enables you to easily rename the caption of a label, whether it is an ActiveX or Form control object.
Function changename(shapename As String, newname As String, workbookname As String, sheetname As String)
With Workbooks(workbookname).Sheets(sheetname)
If .Shapes(shapename).Type = 12 Then
Set shp = .OLEObjects(shapename).Object
shp.Caption = newname
Set shp = .Shapes(shapename)
shp.TextFrame.Characters.Text = newname
End If
End With
End Function
Then you can call it as follows
Sub ChangeShapeCaption()
changename "Label1", "The caption has changed", "Book1", "Sheet1"
End Sub

VBA Excel : Populate TextBox with specific string of text when Option Button is selected

I developed a Form in Excel (2016) and I am trying (with VBA) to configure its behavior so that if the user selects a particular option button, two additional things happen:
A checkbox further down on the form is automatically checked.
A text box further down on the form automatically displays a set string of text.
More specifically, if the user selects OptionButtonABC, then ...
CheckBoxNone should become checked
TextBoxCompanyName (which does not display any text by default) should now display the string: 'ABC'.
I initially created a subroutine that just targeted condition 1, and everything worked fine. However, when I try to integrate the code required to handle condition 2, things start to unravel.
Below, you will see the code in its most current state. I have a Private Sub that initiates upon the Click event and then immediately defines a variable as a string. I then set up an if/then statement that specifies what should happen IF OptionButtonABC is true. Namely, CheckBoxNone should be selected (this works fine) AND TextBoxCompanyName should now display the string 'ABC'.
Private Sub OptionButtonABC_Click()
Dim Variable_ABC As String
Variable_ABC = ABC
If Me.OptionButtonABC.Value = True Then
Me.CheckBoxNone = True And Me.TextBoxCompanyName.Text = Variable_ABC
End If
End Sub
The desired behavior should (theoretically) be pretty easy to achieve, but my experience with VBA is still pretty limited, so I am reaching out to the community for a bit of advice. As I mentioned above, the code above works for the first condition. However, I am still unable to get the string of text ('ABC') to show up in the text box.
Thanks in advance for any advice you may offer.
Private Sub OptionButtonABC_Click()
Dim Variable_ABC As String
Variable_ABC = "ABC" 'String Values uses double quotes
If Me.OptionButtonABC.Value = True Then
Me.CheckBoxNone = True
Me.TextBoxCompanyName.Text = Variable_ABC
End If
End Sub
The operator AND must be used only in the IF statement comparison, not in what you want to do.

Edit richtext field and paste it edited in another richtext field

I'm heaving problems with a specific task on Lotus Notes. I have to copy a rich text field edit it and paste inside another rich text field. But when I edit the content the text style disappears. I've tried to use this solution:
to copy the html and then edit the content. But I got another problem with this:
java.lang.ClassCastException: lotus.domino.local.Item incompatible with lotus.domino.RichTextItem
Can anyone help me with my task?
Thank you.
You don't specify how you want to edit the richtext data. But if you by "edit" mean "programatically make changes to", you can do that in regular Lotusscript using the NotesRichTextItem class.
I wrote a mail-merge class a while back, and it is replacing content in a rich text field with other values, keeping the formatting. If you look at the code you can probably figure it out.
The relevant code is here:
Public Function MergedRichText() As NotesRichTextItem
Dim range As NotesRichTextRange
Dim cnt As Integer
Set tempbody = sourcefield
Set range = tempbody.CreateRange
Forall p In placeholder
Call p.ProcessPlaceHolder(sourcedoc, maindoc)
If p.text = "" Then
p.text = " -- "
End If
cnt = range.FindAndReplace(p.placeholderstring, p.text, 1+4+8+16)
End Forall
Call tempbody.Compact
Call tempbody.Update
Set targetfield = tempbody
Set MergedRichText = tempbody
End Function

populate combobox in VBA with array elements

I have a VBA procedure (in Excel 2007) where I aspire to set the ListFillRange property of a combobox styled as a list using an array.
I know this works if I right click the combobox and write "Sheet1!$F2:$F17" next to the "ListFillRange" property. I can also do this in code. However, I am interested in dynamically setting the value of this property by assigning it an array.
I know for sure the array works as I tested it; there is probably a syntax error here:
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects("cmbS").ListFillRange = ar
when I do this I get:
"Type mismatch" error.
The result of this action should be that the component is populated with the array elements, from element(0) ... to the last element (n-1) of the array. Any pointers, thank you very much!
I also tried:
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").cmbS.list = ar
and it says "permission denied"
Here are the combobox properties in case it helps:
After testing and trying, I found this works:
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").cmbS.ListFillRange = ""
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(ar) To UBound(ar)
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").cmbS.AddItem (ar(i))
However, I am interested in populating with all values at once for faster effect, not just adding element by element.
I know its late but maybe it is going to help someone else. At least the following code works (much faster than element for element) for me.
dim arr() as variant
arr = Worksheets("Total").Range("C2:"&lrow).Value
Worksheets("Menu").ComboBox2.List = arr
The only way you can populate a combobox with the content of an array is by doing it element by element. I find it hard to believe that it would be a notably slow process no matter how large your array is.
