Can I install multiple bots on a single Facebook fanpage - bots

We are having two teams building two bots for our Facebook fanpage. One is for customer service and the other one is for a quiz campaign. Can we have the two bots on the same fanpage? Will there be any conflicts such as the custom menu?

The short answer is YES!
However unless managed correctly there will be conflict.
I know it is possible to use one chatbot built on ManyChat and another on Flowxo.
I need to ensure that I LIMIT the "keywords" in ManyChat so that ManyChat does not respond and allows FLOWXO to respond.
In my situation, I am using the Pro version of MC to get users subscribed and to further broadcast to them or subscribe them to a sequence. I pass over the conversation to Flowxo for integrations to third party software and for the basic conversational aspect of the chatbot.
Passing the conversation over from one chatbot to the other takes some manipulation of the use of keywords and Flowxo's "unrecognised phrase" flow.
I will post the link to a blog post when I get around to writing about how I did it.
Another issue as you pointed out is the Greeting and Welcome text. I have not figured out a way to control this and as it turns out with my chatbot, users always appear to enter into the chatbot via ManyChat which fortunately for me is exactly what I need.


How to brodcast custom messages using python-telegram-bot

I am new to Python. I want to broadcast a custom message to the users who registered my bot in a group or in private / personal.
How to do that function? Please help me - thank you
basically, you'll have to keep track of all the user/chat_ids of the groups/chats you bot is a member in. Then for broadcasting, you'll have to iterate over all of them and send a message to each.
The bot API offers neither a functionality to send messages to a bunch of chat_ids at once nor to get all chat_ids where your bot is currently a member in.
In fact, we have some information about such use cases over at the wiki of python-telegram-bot.
However, the logic is mainly implementation independent, i.e. you'd have to apply the same logic if you were to implement your bot with another python library or even a completely different programming language :)
Disclaimer: I'm currently the maintainer of python-telegram-bot.

Google Hangouts Chatbot Create Room

I am writing service for messaging between rooms using Hangouts chatbot. Is it possible to create a room with Hangouts chatbot?
If it were generally possible to create a new room programmaticaly with the Hangous API, you could do it with the chatbot.
For example, if you implement the chatbox with Apps Script, you can create a function onMessage(event) and establish was will to happen in case of a certain event.message.text (e.g. create a new chat room if the message text contains the string create new room.
However, for the moment it is not possible to create a new chat room programmatically.
There is a feature request asking for this functionality, but given the potential of abuse, it is controversial either it will be implemented.
See comment #2:
Hello, thank you for the feature request! At the moment rooms cannot
be created via the API to prevent abuse such as a bot or script
spamming room creation. However, this kind of feature has been
discussed internally and may be coming in the future (with
limitations). I will update this issue if more information is
And comment #25:
Thanks for the input. It's great to see some real life use cases. We
fully acknowledge the importance of a CreateRoom(DM) API and we are
actively looking into the right permission model to allow bots to do
so. Please continue to follow this bug as we will post updates here
when appropriate.

trigger AWS Lambda function via MS teams

Is there a way we can trigger AWS Lambda function from Microsoft Teams. what I wanted to achieve is that stakeholders be able to approve merge requests from MS teams or maybe give an approval on Production rollout.
Is this connection possible at all?
Please help
Yes, this is definitely possible, but there are a bunch of things you need to do to get a full working solution, so it's hard to give it all in one answer here. Here are some guidelines to get started though:
You need a something for the user to actually "Approve", and way to do this. A common approach is to send a "Card" to Teams, which can have an "Approve" button. There are a few different kinds of cards, and different ways to send them to Teams, including a Bot, Flow/PowerAutomate (which uses it's own Bot behind the scenes) and incoming Webhooks.
When the user clicks the "Approve" (or "Reject") buttons, you need a way to handle the action (to link the button click to AWS).
If you've built Bots before, this might be the easiest option. If you want to use Flow/Power Automate, that's another option (see here for more information about important changes due "this quarter" - I'm not sure if they're released yet). If you've not used any of these, your best bet might be:
Configure an Incoming Webhook
Send a Connector Card with a "Post" button
Set the POST url to be your AWS Lambda

How to end bot conversation and let real person handle responses in Dialog Flow?

I am developing a bot for business using Dialogflow. I want to keep an option "Talk to real person". When my customer wants to talk to real person, bot should stop and someone from my support staff will take care of that user.
How is it possible?
How can I pause/stop my bot and let real person handle conversation?
While searching for answer, I send an email to Dialogflow support and got this reply next day.
At this moment, you'll need to handle the task of passing conversations from bot to humans in your custom implementation. You can take a look at the following sample:
Hope this may help someone else having similar issue.
By native google, Dialogflow doesn't support bot to human handoff or provide any Web interface to achieve this, but in dialogflow normally the action “input.unknown” used to hand off the conversation to a Human. The “input.unknown” action is built into Dialogflow and used with the default fallback intent. When none of the intents is matched, the default fallback intent is triggered and action associated with it is added in the response also you need to write a logic what bot should do after that.
But to make things easier you can integrate dialogflow with any third-party tool like Kommunicate. As they provide pre-built chat widget user interface and bot to human handoff can be enabled on a click of a button, Please click here for more detailed information
PS: I work for Kommunicate
The issue is related more to the external software that implements Dialogflow than Dialogflow itself.
You can use the PHP code of Support Board as a starting point, or you can use the Support Board software for that directly. It has the feature that asks the user if he/she wants to contact a human agent when the bot does not understand the question. If the user accepts the bot is automatically disabled and an email is sent to the agents.
More details at
PS: I work for Support Board

How to implement a chatbot to human executive switch using Microsoft Bot Framework?

The exact point being, that I've created a bot that can take inputs from users in free form text and return relevant web links. Now the problem being, that in case the bot is not able to understand the user query, the control of the conversation has to be passed on to the human executive.
I've researched for over 2 days but could not find any such implementations. The closest I came was third party applications like ChatFuel, provide such a provision. So, there should be a way only that I am not able to find such a thing.
Any help on this would be appreciated.
one possible way is you can make a bridge, idea is as follow:
user send something that the bot cannot reply (conv-1)
make a new conversation with your human executive (conv-2)
forward user message to conv-2
human executive replied to the bot (conv-2)
capture the message and forward back to (conv-1)
See this link on how to start a new conversation:
Hope it helps,
Maybe you can create some APIs in a WebApplication that will be used by your bot.
If the LUIS Intent "None" is called, you make a call to that API and start a new conversation with a human.
You can use this same process to manage all conversations in a WebApplication Chat Control
