AzureAD - add permission error by showing raining cloud icon - azure

I am trying AzureAD trial in order to use APIs provided by microsoft product (I am also registered in premium trial).
I've successfully registered my iOS app, but whenever I try to add permission, it shows raining cloud icon at "select permissions".
I tried browsers such as IE, safari, edge, and chrome but none worked.
Anyone who knows how to solve this issue, please help me out... Appreciated.

There was a temporary problem with the Azure portal when trying to add delegated permissions to certain resources. It has since been resolved.

To anyone new to AzureAD, this can be avoided by:
Create quickApp
Get url to app (either native or not)
Put the url to in the field in permission.


Azure AD B2C - How to see user's extensions

I followed the tutorial here to be able to ask user's consent and store it in the AD as custom extension (from what I did understood...)
The custom flow seems to work well (consents are asked during signup process) but then I want to verify them in the AD (and maybe delete them from the admin console for new tests) I did not found where I can see them...
I tried to retrieve them through MS Graph API explorer (I started in on my tenant on the URL and I try to call the endpoint but I get no extensions back...
Am I doing things right ? Is there another way to verify what are the current user's custom extensions ?
I think those extensions are well stored, because when I try to login again with the same user, no consents is asked anymore...
Thanks in advance for your help!
Try It will return their extension attributes in the response.

Azure Application Insight Work items authorization error

My purpose is to create bug in Azure DevOps directly from Azure Application Insight, I am doing to attach the work item (bug) feature available in Azure Application Insight but on clicking Authorize button it give me following error
Authorization token provided through OAuth does not have access to read/write work items for requested uri/project collection/project
for reference please find the below image.
I didnt understand what you meant by private browser, and I have full admin access over Azure Portal.
basically I have the link in which is the devop url
HealthTechnologies is the organization
ReportItNow is the Project
so in Azure insight workitem section, URL I am putting and in project I am putting ReportItNow, I dont know what i am doing wrong.
Still waiting for this glitch to solve.
Oky let me make it more simple, if I want to automatically create bug in Azure DevOps when ever any new exception came in to the Azure
Application Insight How I can get this into real practical.
I solve this when I took a detailed look at the error message url. It's saying that the missing authorization is for https://uri/Project Collection/Project. Based on that, I changed my url from to and it worked,

Unable to add permissions to App on Azure Portal

I have created an app on Azure Portal to access some information via Microsoft Graph API but I am not able to add any permissions to it. It was working earlier but not any more. I also tried to register a new app, the app gets register but yet again the permissions could not be added.
As soon as I press the button to add the selected permissions these two popup notifications come up ..
1. Your session will end in a few minutes. You will have to refresh your browser to start a new session.
2. The portal is having issues getting an authentication token. The experience rendered may be degraded.
Additional information from the call to get a token:
Extension: Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps
This is happening since last 3 days now. I also searched on Google and found that people had similar issues earlier as well. Though I have raised a ticket on the portal for this but haven't received any reply yet.
Any help here would be very much appreciated. Also is there any way to check any logs on the portal itself. I did try to check the network logs via browser developer tools but they aren't much help.
It seems to be an issue with the Azure Portal for your region.
As #Hury Shen suggested, you should contact Azure Support for further investigation.
See how to open a support ticket on Azure portal.
Seems like there was an issue with my account address. I changed the address to one of US and it worked for me.
#Allen Wu Thanks for the suggestions. I had already asked them about it but no one replied.

"Access Denied: You do not have access" error in Azure Portal

I am trying to do some experimentation with MSAL JS and ADAL JS libraries. I was able to get MSAL JS working fine by doing configuration at Azure Active Directory => "App Registrations (preview)". However when I switched to ADAL JS I get an error about needing version 2.0, so I think I need to use the regular "App Registrations" screen.
However, when I click on the regular "App Registrations" button I get:
Access Denied
You do not have access
Looks like you don't have access
to this content. To get access, please contact the owner.
I think it's odd that I can access the "preview" app registrations screen but not the regular one.
I saw somewhere online somebody suggested making changes at "User Settings", but that screen gives me the same error message. Going to "Users" I see 0 users, and it won't let me add any (the plus is greyed out).
The account I am using is just a personal account, it is not tied to any organization so there is no admin. I assume I should have full permission or be able to give it to myself, but can't figure out how.
Getting a Trial Azure account fixed this problem, so it appears one is needed to use the "App Registrations" section.
It is still a little unclear why an account is not needed for the preview mode, however.
Also, it would be nice if Azure would show a proper message saying an account is needed instead of a error message, but that is a minor point.

Azure Powershell cannot login

I am trying to log into Azure from PowerShell using the command
And it opens a popup window where I enter my email, then click personal account and then I get the error
"Because you're accessing sensitive info, you need to verify your password."
But then there is no action to perform. There's no button to click or anything. I'm logged into Azure in both Chrome and Edge. What is going on here? This seems like a bug with the Azure website. Please help! Thanks!
I think something was broken with their site. I was also using a third party console, cmder. When I used the built-in PowerShell console, I was able to login. Also, I can no longer reproduce the issue, so it seems like they fixed the issue.
