How to using BUILDMCS and propagate an FMID to another SMP/E zone - mainframe

We've just upgraded to z/OS V2.2 which comes with Java 8. We have a product that doesn't work with Java 8 and so we want to take Java 7 out of out z/OS V1.13 zone and put it into it's own zone.
I've done a BUILDMCS for Java 7, defined a new zone, added the necessary DD DEFS (as identified by the BUILDMCS) and received HJVB710 into the new zone. SMP built the relfiles using the datasets specified by the FROMDS parms of my MCS.
Thinking about APPLYing HJVB710 to my target zone and I realise that applying it will simply copy from the relfiles into my target libraries, which are the same libraries that the relfiles were built from and which already have all of the Java 7 elements in them.
Question - when using BUILDMCS to move an FMID from one SMP/E environment to another, should I specify a new set of target libraries? If not, should I then delete the FMID from the 'old' SMPE/E environment to prevent maintenance being applied to it, causing the target libraries to be updated and thus invalidating the information in the 'new' CSI?


In which order are Shopware 6 plugins loaded?

Is the composer dependency chain honored or is is still the installation date as written here?.
Update Jul 2022: It is now possible for plugins to define the template priority. Below is still true for other things like translation priority.
According to a changelog entry in Nov 2019, plugins are loaded in the order of installation date.
The order of the loaded plugins has changed. Before, the plugins has been sorted by the ID column. Because of the UUIDs stored here, the order was random and changed on every (re)installation of Shopware.
From now on, the plugins are loaded in the order of their installation date. So the first installed plugin is the first, which is initialised on kernel boot.
This is temporary solution, as this will not fully resolve dependencies problems between plugins. There are already tickets open, which have the goal to improve the whole plugin loading process.
This is still true in the latest revision (25 Feb 2021),
protected function loadPluginInfos(): void
$sql = <<<SQL
# dbal-plugin-loader
FROM `plugin`
ORDER BY `installed_at`; <---- here the sort order is defined
So even the solution was not that temporary, at least a consistent loading order is currently established.
Remark: When it comes to the priority of Theme overrides, see How to do a template multiple inheritance in Shopware 6? and Override twig template from plugin
Future: There is a core issue to tackle this.
Alex already answered the question but here is a small hint if you want to have more control how plugins are loaded. You can define the order in your theme in src/Resources/theme.json.
For example to load plugin X before plugin Y:
"views": [

Nothing provides error - adding new Yocto layer and new machine

I had a question about adding a new machine in Yocto.
I am trying to add both a new layer in Yocto, and a new machine. The machine is based on Atmels SAMA5D27-SOM1-EK-SD evaluation board. I want to enable another UART for this board.
I cloned the kernel source for this board (linux-at91) and added another DTS file based off of at91sama5d27-som1-ek-sd.dts file. I made the changes to enable UART0. I then added this new DTS file to the Makefile in linux-at91/arch/arm/boot/dts . I made a patch to save these changes.
I'm using meta-atmel layer and was following instructions outlined here to build the image for this board.
I have defined another layer that will act as the new Yocto layer that defines my custom machine. I have added some .bbappend files in recipes-kernel to add a patch (which adds a new dts file to the linux at91 kernel source) and to add our custom machine as a compatible machine. My understanding was that we could continue to use the definitions in the meta-atmel layer, but add .bbappend files in the meta-axon layer in the same path, and that would apply the changes that we want.
I have done the same for the recipes-bsp directory. In the meta-axon layer, all the .bbappend files in recipes-bsp only add our custom machine to the list of compatible machines.
However, when I go ahead and build, I get this error:
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'at91bootstrap-sam-ba'
at91bootstrap-sam-ba was skipped: incompatible with machine axon-ft3-sp-machine (not in COMPATIBLE_MACHINE)
I'm confused because the recipe file that defines at91bootstrap-sam-ba in meta-atmel does not mention any compatible machines, so I would want to use it from the meta-atmel layer without changing it at all. (edited)
It actually does mention compatible machines.
In at91bootstrap-sam-ba recipe[1], you can find the following line:
require at91bootstrap_${PV}.bb
Let's check out in this recipe then[2]:
COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = '(sama5d3xek|sama5d3-xplained|sama5d3-xplained-sd|at91sam9x5ek|at91sam9rlek|at91sam9m10g45ek|sama5d4ek|sama5d4-xplained|sama5d4-xplained-sd|sama5d2-xplained|sama5d2-xplained-sd|sama5d2-xplained-emmc|sama5d2-ptc-ek|sama5d2-ptc-ek-sd|sama5d27-som1-ek|sama5d27-som1-ek-sd|sama5d2-icp-sd|sam9x60ek|sam9x60ek-sd|sama5d27-wlsom1-ek-sd)'
Using bitbake at91bootstrap-sam-ba -e would show you that, indeed, COMPATIBLE_MACHINE is set and would even tell you where it was set.
P.S.: In some cases, it might actually be a good idea for your custom machine to require the original machine on which it is based (e.g. sama5d27-som1-ek-sd) and make the name of the original machine part of MACHINE_OVERRIDES so that you don't have to add a bbappend for each recipe with a COMPATIBLE_MACHINE. Be careful with the order in MACHINE_OVERRIDES, it is evaluated from right to left with rightmost OVERRIDES being of the highest priority. (Use bitbake -e <recipe> to be sure it's correctly set).

Clone a entire Document/Excel/Presentation on specific Version

Is There any Options to Clone a Word / Excel / Presentation Based on document version number
for Ex:
version - 4
version - 3
version - 2
version - 1
Here I need to clone Version 4 In Onlyoffice Document Integration Server
and without any mismatch of editor contents
here I uploaded the image in that 7 version are there, I need to clone a 4'th version (which means version 4,3,2,1 and I don't want 5,6,7) it's not like rollback, original document should not get change while cloning.
Please describe the case more detailed, we need more information about the whole process, i.e. are you going to just copy the file or start a new conversion process?
Could you please specify if the versioning already works in your environment.
If yes, how is it organized.

How can I add some selective features/ subfeatures to a new release build through Automation Interface

I am using Install Script in Install Shield 2013 on Windows 7, Lang Used C#.
I have a project and it has some features and sub features added to it. Now I want to build a new release using Automation Interface need to add some selective features/ subfeatures to this release so that the original features remains unaltered.
We can pass the New release name and features required in this release using Command Line.
How can I add selective features supplied as command line arguments to my release. Is there any predefined Object/function/Method for this. Please advise.
Need to achieve this in Install Script only.
We can do so by using IncludeInBuild() property of ISWiFeature. It alters the default IncludeInBuild value of a feature.
To make it temp store the current values of the features to be altered in a list , then build a new release. After making new release, once again assign the value stored in list to the altered features.

Ensuring installation/filesystem is properly in place

I have installed RedHawk 1.10.0 using Ubuntu 14.0.4LTS as described in appendix F of the RedHawk documentation. I also installed standalone IDE from SourceForge
again, as specified in appendix F, chapter 2.5. The IDE comes up looking ok, but here are the problems:
The components list is empty (there are supposed to be a set of pre-defined components). The directory is empty as well on the file system.
When attempting to generate C++ component, I get:
"Exception running "/bin/redhawk-codegen" /bin/redhawk-codegen - template=redhawk.codegen.jinja.cpp.component.pull --checkSupport
In detail, it said: bin/redhawk-codegen":error=2 no such file or directory. The /bin/redhawk-codegen is there under OSSIEHOME. The "pull" template is under: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/redhawk/codegen/jinja/cpp/component.
If I attempt to start Domain Manager I get an error "no domain configuration available".
So for all these problems it is obvious that I need to get a better picture of the expected file layout of all IDE and core RedHawk components. This is not clear from the documentation. Is there a starting point where I can begin debugging "where to find things"?
Regarding your first issue:
When installing for CentOS using the RPMs, a number of components, and devices are pre-packaged into the yum repository. When installing from source, as one must do for Ubuntu in 1.10, the pieces of Redhawk are modular and are installed individually.
The directions from Appendix F walk the user through installing each of the parts that make up the framework. The core, a GPP, bulkio, bustio, and the code generator. This does not include any components or devices (other than the GPP). To install these, you'll need to clone them from their respective git repositories and build and install from source either from the command line, or through the REDHAWK IDE. Building and installing the components from the command line follows the same pattern as the framework, there is a reconf script, which creates the configure script which creates the makefile script. eg. ./reconf; ./configure; make; sudo make install
Regarding your second issue:
These symptoms seem to point to the OSSIEHOME and SDRROOT variables not being set. Make sure that the OSSIEHOME and SDRROOT variables are set in the terminal using "echo $SDRROOT" and "echo $OSSIEHOME" prior to running the IDE. Keep in mind that the environments are unique to each session so, for example, having them set in one bash terminal does not guarantee they are set when launching the IDE from a desktop shortcut. Confirm they are set in your terminal, then launch the IDE from the same terminal.
Regarding your last issue:
This is likely also caused by your second issue. However, if it is not resolved following the above steps, take a look within $SDRROOT/dom/domain There should be two files. One DomainManager.dmd.xml.template and one DomainManager.dmd.xml. If all you have is the template then you need to create the DomainManager.dmd.xml file by copying the template. Then edit it and fill in the id and name fields. The default name is generally REDHAWK_DEV and the id should be a UUID.
