How is possible that a not installed application still runs in Linux? - linux

I am working with this software (rtabmap in Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS Indigo) and I was having some trouble with the installation. So I decided to remove eveything and uninstall it:
apt-get remove rtabmap
apt-get remove ros-indigo-rtabmap
cd rtabmap/build
make uninstall
And late I have removed the whole rtabmap folder.
So now I just run in the console rtabmap and it initiates, it even shows me other options like rtabmap-camera.
My question is, how is this even possible? And how can I locate the damm package in order to remove it?
Note: dpkg does not find it in any way.

So actually I found the answer myself. It turned out that the binary files of rtabmap where written in /usr/local/bin and there were 2 versions of rtabmap. This way the make was taking the incorrect version and was giving me weird errors.
I just removed the binary files and reinstall over eveything again and now it works.


Error building a script for linux

I'm trying to build a script for linux to help me each time I install linux from scratch.
The Script have to 1.- Add repositories 2.- Install software from those repositories.
Adding repositories are not the problem, the problem is when i try to install software from this repo.
For the Repo:
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java
After that, the script should make an update, so:
sudo apt-get update
It looks simple, but is not, because I receive an error:
The command Update could not be found.
And so on the rest of the softwares
apt-get -y install oracle-java8-installer
The package oracle-java8-installer couldn't be found..
I really don't know what should I do, nothing looks to work, I gave full rigths to the file and so on... always the same error.
But if I run the command apt-get install direct from the terminal, works without problem..
Any help?
actually I wrote a script in windows to use it in future Linux installations, for some reasons it doesn't work as I want it. Thinking it was a command or misspelled words, I search for a solution, wich didn't help anyways.
Debugging my script in a virtual Machine, I found that the script was giving some random errors like '/r' doesn't support and like that. Really weird because after searching in my script for that line code I didn't find it.
With that in mind, I search again for those errors, and found that for some reasons, if you write your code in a Windows maschine, it save it in a crlf type, wich in a Linux system is interpreted really wrong.
A solution of some users was converting the type from CRLF to LF, wich in linux is using the command dos2unix.
After making that and runing my script again everything works perfectly.

CentOS 7 ask for cabextract even when is installed

I wanted to install msttfonts on CentOS 7. Following this guide everything goes fine, until I got to run the command:
# rpmbuild -bb msttcorefonts-2.5-1.spec
The system then throws this message:
cabextract is needed by msttcorefonts-2.0-1.noarch
It is pretty obvious that I've to install cabextract, so I did. By Downloading source from here, extracting, and then ./config... make... make install... (you know guys: all the routine). And I confirm the installation was successful with
# cabextract --version
Which answers with
cabextract version 1.6
So, I go back with my command rpmbuild... But the system stills answer me
cabextract is needed by msttcorefonts-2.0-1.noarch
And now, the questions:
What I'm doing wrong? Do I need to reboot the server? Is there a kind of command to tell the server "hey! this cabextract thing is already installed"?
... and well, while I was writting this question, I could resolve it thanks to this post. So I just leave this question just for further reference.
Thanks in advance.
You need to install the cabextract package (by running yum install cabextract).
The message you are seeing is a dependency error: the msttcorefonts-2.5-1.spec file lists a dependency on cabextract, but because you have installed it from source there is no information about it in the local packages database.

Lua cannot find LuaRocks-installed modules on Linux

I installed the luarocks package on Linux Mint, and afterwards installed a couple of rocks such as sudo luarocks install telescope, but when running a script via lua script.lua, require cannot find the module.
Meta: Doing this Q&A style, because while questions that answer this exist, none seem to be generically titled or easily findable, and I hope that I can help someone with this.
In this specific case, the problem was simply that on my distribution, the default Lua version installed was at the time of writing this 5.2, whereas the LuaRocks package was built for 5.1, meaning that Lua 5.2 could not find the rocks due to using different paths for modules.
The solution to the problem was downloading the LuaRocks source code from its github repository, and compiling it for 5.2
./configure --lua-version=5.2
make build
sudo make install
To make sure I can also install packages for LuaJIT, which as of the moment uses 5.1 libs, I have also executed the above lines with lua-version=5.1 beforehand (if I executed them after, the default luarocks command would point at the 5.1 build.
To build LuaRocks, you need liblua5.2-dev and/or liblua5.1-dev
The solution for me is this.
I try
eval "$(luarocks path)"
and it works.
Hope it works for others.

autoconf error on ubuntu 11.04

i've been googling and installing libraries for a while, but I couldn't quite handle this problem with autoconf.
i have downloaded a program that i want to compile, made a few changes, and need to run and ./configure and make install respectively.
however, when i try to run, i get the following error; error: possibly undefined macro: AM_PATH_GTK_2_0
If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
See the Autoconf documentation.
so i went on, downloaded autoconf-2.68, automake-1.11, m4-1.4.16, and tried sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev, none of which changed the outcome. when i try aclocal, i again get the error warning: macro `AM_PATH_GTK_2_0' not found in library
i'm currently stuck, and got nowhere to go. so i'd be glad for any suggestion.
I know it's a bit late, but you just have to install the library libgtk2.0-dev:
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
If you get errors about something related to GLIB, then install libglib2.0-dev as well:
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev
Given the name AM_PATH_GTK_2_0, one makes the following sequence of observations:
1) "AM_" is in automake's namespace, so that m4 macro must come from automake.
2) Hmmm, it isn't in automake.
3) It probably comes from gtk, so the gtk developer's have made an error in naming
their m4 macro in conflict with automake. That's a bug in gtk, but I'll probably need
to download the newest version of gtk to get the macro.
The problem is that you don't have the m4 macro that gtk expects you to have. You probably need to install libgtk-devel (or something like that). If I am correct and libgtk is indeed installing an m4 macro named AM_..., please report that as a bug to the developers. They are stomping on automakes' namespace (this is, unfortunately, an extremely common error.)
Since you mention downloading automake, I think the problem is that you are running aclocal that is not looking in /usr/share/aclocal, but in a different location (ie, you installed automake in /usr/local) When you installed libgtk-dev, it probably installed the *.m4 file in /usr/share/aclocal, but you need that file in /usr/local/share/aclocal (or $prefix/share/aclocal, where prefix is what you used to install automake.) The simplest solution is to copy that file to $(aclocal --print) That is, run "aclocal --print" to see where aclocal is looking for m4 files, then find the file that libgtk-dev installed that defines the improperly named m4 macro and copy that file to the appropriate location. Alternatively (and probably a better solution) you can put a file named dirlist in $(aclocal --print) that contains the single line "/usr/share/aclocal", so that your hand installed aclocal will always look for m4 files that are installed in /usr/share.
In case of same issue on CenOS/RedHat:
sudo yum install gtk2-devel

Taglist: Exuberant ctags not found in PATH

This morning, I started getting that message when I attempt to open a file in Vim. Vim is my editor of choice for config files, git commit messages and the like, but is not my day to day code editor. I clearly did something to invite this message, but I have no idea what. I did recently uninstall an older version of XCode from /Developer-3.2.6, but that's the only thing that comes to mind that seems even tangentially related.
I'm running OSX Lion. Is Excuberant ctags part of the base install? I know I didn't install it intentionally, but if it's not native, then maybe it came along with something else? Any ideas about how to either get the plugin back or remove references to it so I don't get the warning message?
For Ubuntu and derivatives:
sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
With yum:
sudo yum install ctags-etags
FWIW I had the same error message on Ubuntu, I simply installed ctags and everything hunky dory. Thanks :)
That looks a lot like the message the taglist plugin emits when it can't find a ctags program. If you run :scriptnames, do you see plugin/taglist.vim in the list of sourced files? If you do, then you'll probably want to remove that and doc/taglist.txt under the same directory structure.
If you are using Gvim in a Windows system, you should download a ctag Windows program (that is ctag.exe) and put the ctag.exe in the vim74 file dir, then reboot Gvim, and it will find it and use it! I hope this is helpful.
Take a look at this:
Thanks, guys. I ended up reinstalling XCode and it looks like the problem has gone away. I have no idea how I got it into whatever state it was in, but it's back now and everything looks to be back to normal.
I encountered the same issue after upgrading to Mountain Lion. I fixed it by reinstalling the CLI tools from XCode preferences > Downloads. I had the CLI tools installed before upgrading. Not sure what happened, but it works now.
I encountered this issue on a host, but I didn't have permission to install any packages.
But i did find out the gctags was present on that system.
I created a softlink for the gctags binary in a location that was included in my PATH environment variable.
$ln -s /usr/bin/gctags ~/bin/ctags**
You can do the same if you find etags binary in your system, and have no way to install any packages.
