Used disk space difference in cassandra - cassandra

I am using Cassandra 2.2.4.In these i have a table with replication factor 3 but i have only 2 node .The used disk space of these 2 nodes is different(1st node has 10 GB size and 2nd node has 14 GB ) . What is the reason for these difference.
Can anyone please help me?

Even if you had replication factor 1, the disk space might have been different still. This is because some partitions are stored in one node, and others in the other.
If you have more data belonging to partition A, then the node that has partition A will have more data.
The partition is determined from the primary key. This is why it's so important to have a good primary key.
You can watch the tutorials on the datastax website for details on how to choose the best data model and primary key: .


Cassandra compaction: does replication factor have any influence?

Let’s assume that the total disk usage of all keyspaces is 100GB before replication. The replication factor is 3. Making the total physical disk usage = 100GB x 3 = 300GB.
We use the default compaction strategy (size-tiered) and let’s assume the worse case where Cassandra needs as much free space as the the data to complete the compaction. Does Cassandra needs 100GB (before replication) or 300GB (100GB x3 with replication)?
In other words, when Cassandra needs free disk space for performing compaction, does the replication factor has any influence?
Compaction in Cassandra is local to a Node.
Now let's say you have a 3 node cluster, replication factor is also 3, and the original data size is 100GB. This means that each node has 100GB worth of data.
Hence on each node, I will need 100GB free space to compact the data present on that node.
TLDR; Free space required for Compaction is equal to the total data present on the node.
Because data is replicated between the nodes, every node will need to have up to 100Gb free space - so it's total of the 300Gb, but not on one node...

uneven data size on cassandra nodes

I am struggling to understand why my Cassandra nodes have uneven data size.
I have a cluster of three nodes. According to nodetool ring, each node owns 33.33%. Still disk space usages are uneven.
Node1: 4.7 GB (DC: logg_2, RAC: RAC1)
Node2: 13.9 GB (DC: logg_2, RAC:RAC2)
Node3: 9.3 GB (DC: logg_2, RAC:RAC1)
There is only one keysapce.
keyspace_definition: |
CREATE KEYSPACE stresscql_cass_logg WITH replication = { 'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'logg_2' : 2, 'logg_1' : 1};
And there is only one table named blogposts.
table_definition: |
CREATE TABLE blogposts (
domain text,
published_date timeuuid,
url text,
author text,
title text,
body text,
PRIMARY KEY(domain, published_date)
AND compaction = { 'class':'LeveledCompactionStrategy' }
AND comment='A table to hold blog posts'
Please help me to understand it why each node has uneven datasize.
Ownership is how much data is owned by the node.
The percentage of the data owned by the node per datacenter times the
replication factor. For example, a node can own 33% of the ring, but
show 100% if the replication factor is 3.
Attention: If your cluster uses keyspaces having different replication
strategies or replication factors, specify a keyspace when you run
nodetool status to get meaningful ownship information.
More information can be found here:
NetworkTopologyStrategy places replicas in the same datacenter by walking the ring clockwise until reaching the first node in another rack.
NetworkTopologyStrategy attempts to place replicas on distinct racks because nodes in the same rack (or similar physical grouping) often fail at the same time due to power, cooling, or network issues.
Because you only have two racks(RAC1 and RAC2), you are placing node 1 and node 3's replicas in node 2, which is why it is bigger.

How to design a big scale VoltDB cluser with dozens of nodes and hundreds of partitions?

If I have 32 phsical servers which have 32 cores CPU and 128G memory inside, I want to build a VoltDB cluster with all of those 32 servers with K-Safefy=2 and 32 partitions in each server, so we will get VoltDB cluster with 256 available partitions to save data.
Looks there are too many partitions to split tables especially when some tables don't have a lot of records. But there will be too many copies of table if we choice replica of table.
If we build a much smaller cluster with a couple of servers from the beginning, there's a worry that the cluster will have to scale-out soon along with the business grows. Actually I don't konw how the VoltDB will re-organize data when a cluster expand to more nodes horizontally.
Do you have comments? Appreciated.
It may be more optimal to set the sitesperhost to less than 32, so that some % of cores are free to run threads for subsystems like export or database replication, or to handle non-VoltDB processes. Typically somewhere from 8 - 24 is the optimal number.
VoltDB creates the logical partitions based on the sitesperhost, the number of hosts, and the kfactor. If you need to scale out later, you can add additional nodes to the cluster which will increase the number of partitions, and VoltDB will gradually and automatically rebalance data from existing partitions to the new ones. You must add multiple servers together if you have kfactor > 0. For kfactor=2, you would add servers in sets of 3 so that they provide their own redundancy for the new partitions.
Your data is distributed across the logical partitions based on a hash of the partition key value of a record, or the corresponding input parameter for routing the execution of a procedure to a partition. In this way, the client application code does not need to be aware of the # of partitions. It doesn't matter so much which partition each record goes to, but you can assume that any records that share the same partition key value will be located in the same partition.
If you choose partition keys well, they should be columns with high cardinality, such as ID columns. This will evenly distribute the data and procedure execution work across the partitions.
Typically a VoltDB cluster is sized based on the RAM requirements, rather than the need for performance, since the performance is very high on even a very small cluster.
You can contact VoltDB at or ask more questions at if you'd like to get help with an evaluation or discuss cluster sizing and planning with an expert.
Disclaimer: I work for VoltDB.

Add new data center to cassandra cluster

I have the following datacenter-aware configuration:
Primary Datacenter: 3 node cluster, RF=3
Data size is more than 100GB per node
I would lite to add new data center (Secondary Datacenter: 3 node cluster, RF=3)
I know how do that.
But the problem is: How sync data from primary to secondary quickly?
I tried "nodetool repair" (with various keys) and "nodetool rebuild" but it takes much time near 10 hours.
I used cassandra 2.1.15 version
nodetool rebuild is usually the fastest way to sync new nodes.
To speed it up you could try a couple things:
If you have a lot of network bandwidth between the data centers, try increasing the cassandra.yaml parameter inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec. This defaults to 200 Mbs, so you could try a higher value.
You could also use a smaller replication factor than 3 in the new data center, for example start with 1 to get it up and running as quickly as possible, then later alter the keyspace to a higher value and use repair to create the extra replicas.

how to achieve even distribution of partitions keys in Cassandra

We modeled our data in cassandra table with partition key, lets say "pk". We have a total of 100 unique values for pk and our cluster size is 160. We are using random partitioner. When we add data to Cassandra (with replication factor of 3) for all 100 partitions, I noticed that those 100 partitions are not distributed evenly. One node has as many as 7 partitions and lot of nodes only has 1 or no partition. Given that we are using random partitioner, I expected the distribution to be reasonably even. Because 7 partitions are in the same node, thats creating a hot partition for us. Is there a better way to distribute partitions evenly?
Any input is appreciated.
I suspect the problem is the low cardinality of your partition key. With only 100 possible values, it's not unexpected that several values end up hashing to the same nodes.
If you have 160 nodes, then only having 100 possible values for your partition key will mean you aren't using all 160 nodes effectively. An even distribution of data comes from inserting a lot of data with a high cardinality partition key.
So I'd suggest you figure out a way to increase the cardinality of your partition key. One way to do this is to use a compound partition key by including some part of your clustering columns or data fields into your partition key.
You might also consider switching to the Murmur3Partitioner, which generally gives better performance and is the current default partitioner on the newest releases. But you'd still need to address the low cardinality problem.
