ace:chart set fraction values for axes - jsf

I am using IceFaces, ace:chart to display chart in my application.On my y-axes, I have values in fractions (61.3, 62.1 etc). But, when graph is rendered values are rounded off to whole number (61,63 etc)
Is is possible to display values in fractions ?

Found the answer finally !!! we have to put setFormatString while setting y axes.
private Axis[] yAxes = new Axis[] {
new Axis() {{
setLabel("Power level (dBuV)");


Displaying multiple values in Altair/Streamlit tooltips on a bar chart

My DataFrame looks similar to this:
reached points
Jose Laderman
William Kane
I am currently displaying the aggregated count of students reached points of an assignment on an Altair bar chart within Streamlit like this:
brush = alt.selection(type='interval', encodings=['x'])
interactive_test = alt.Chart(df_display_all).mark_bar(opacity=1, width=5).encode(
x= alt.X('reached points', scale=alt.Scale(domain=[0, maxPoints])),
y=alt.Y('count()', type='quantitative', axis=alt.Axis(tickMinStep=1), title='student count'),
upper = interactive_test.encode(
alt.X('reached points', sort=alt.EncodingSortField(op='count', order='ascending'), scale=alt.Scale(domain=brush, domainMin=-0.5))
lower =
concat_distribution_interactive = alt.vconcat(upper, lower)
Which produces this output and everything looks fine
The information I want my tooltip to show is a list of students that reached the specific amounts of reached points I'm hovering over. When adding something like:
the way my bar chart seems to display values has now been altered to this
When adding something like
tooltip='reached points'
The data seems to be displayed normally but without a tooltip that gives me the necessary information. Is it possible to display tooltip data that isn't used in my x or y axis but still part of the DataFrame I'm putting into the chart?

noUISlider - Any way to place labels within the connect segments

I have a noUiSlider with several handles to allow specifying several contiguous date periods (example = Feb to Apr, May to July, and Aug to Sept). Ideally I would like to have labels that appear centered on the connect divisions to describe what each period relates to (ex. "Current Period", "Next Period"). I was thinking I could do this by setting a centered background image on the noUi-connect divisions.
However, the noUi-connect divisions use transform (translate/scale) styling which results in my background images being scaled which I do not want.
I also thought maybe I could revise the javascript to generate an outer division around each nonUi-connect division, and I would apply the background onto the outer division instead - but I was unable to get the background from the outer division to appear.
Any other ways I could accomplish this? The only other thing I can think of it to have floating divisions defined outside of the noUiSlider object which I would need to reposition whenever I detect changes in the handle positions.
You can add an element outside of the connects and absolutely position it.
A quick version for a slider with two handles (showing the value for the first handle):
var origin = slider.querySelector('.noUi-connects');
var node = document.createElement('div'); = 'center'; = 'absolute'; = '10'; = '10px';
slider.noUiSlider.on('update', function(values, handle, unencoded, tap, positions) { = positions[0] + '%'; = (100 - positions[1]) + '%';
node.innerText = values[0];
Just realized another approach is to set the innerHtml of the specific noUi-connect divisions to my label values. Simpler than playing with background images.
But the transform styling still affects the labels, so the end result is not better. Maybe I can load the innerHtml with an inner division that somehow ignores the transform settings but I haven't figure out how to do that yet. transform: none does not make any difference.

How To change Color in pie chart with the using of pykcharts library?

I Need 10 different Colors in Pie chart Using the Library of pykcharts.
Is it possible Because As per the Documentation they Provide only one shade_color.
Go through this link
#Tkingovr chart_color is for all charts but One dimensional. You can use shade_color for One dimensional charts
var selector = "pieContainer", // selector of your chart
colors = ["red","blue","green","yellow","orange"];
setTimeout(function() {
d3.selectAll("#" + selector + "_svg path.pie")
.attr("fill",function(d, i) {
return colors[i];
setTimeout is required since the chart may take time to render and there is no provision in the current version to run a piece of code on chart render complete.
According to the documentation you should be able to pass in values like this:
"chart_color": ["blue","green","Yellow"]
The chart also accepts any of the following:
Color Names (Eg: "red")
Hex values (Eg: "#B0171F")
RGB values (Eg: "rgb(176,23,31)" )

jQuery Flot: Change xaxis when zooming

Is there a way I can get the x-axis to switch from showing hour, to e.g. week days, months .. when zooming out?
Currently my x-axis is configured as such:
xaxis: {
mode: "time",
minTickSize: [1, "second"],
timeformat: "%H:%M:%S",
My default the graph looks nice, but when I zoom out enough times, the labels on the xaxis just display "00:00". How can I change the timeformat so that the date is included also? E.g. Tue 27 00:00 or similar.
Here's an example of when the graph is zoomed out a lot (obviously I need to remote some datapoints to make it look smoother..)
You can add a date using the standard specifiers, like %Y-%m-%d. A full list can be found in the API docs under the Time Series Data section.
To get the format to update based on the range, i.e. show HMS when zoomed in but YMD when zoomed out, is trickier. You'll need to listen for the 'plotzoom' event and check the range to see whether the format needs to change. If so, use getOptions() to retrieve and update the plot's options, then call setupGrid & draw to redraw the plot using the new format.
I solved this by making a custom tickFormatter for the X-axis:
In your xaxis options put:
xaxis: {
mode: "time",
tickFormatter: customXAxisFormatter,
Then your customXAxisFormatter could be eg. :
function customXAxisFormatter(val, axis)
var d = new Date(val);
// If time difference is more than 24 hours
if ((axis.max - axis.min) > (24*3600*1000))
return d.strftime("%a<br>%H:%M");
return d.strftime("%H:%M");
I hope this helps :)

Displaying decimal places on primefaces pie chart

I would like to check how do I display decimals for primefaces ver 3.3 pie chart label?
Currently, there are two proportions in my chart. Label A and Label B. Label A has a very big number like 100000 but label B has 100. Therefore, in the pie chart, Label A is not 100%. However, primefaces converts this to 100% which is wrong. Is there any way I can show the decimal places instead of whole numbers as labels on the pie chart?
Define an extender function like:
function ext() {
this.cfg.seriesDefaults.rendererOptions.dataLabelFormatString = '%.4s%%';
this.cfg.seriesDefaults.rendererOptions.dataLabelThreshold = 0;
This will format your output labels to show percentage up to 4 digits after the decimal point. Also jqPlot by default, for areas smaller than 3% won't display any labels. You have to overwrite this value with dataLabelThreshold = 0.
Finally attach this extender function on your p:pieChart:
<p:pieChart id="sample" value="#{testClazz.pieModel}"
extender="ext" showDataLabels="true"/>
Define an extender function like:
function ext() {
this.cfg.seriesDefaults.rendererOptions.dataLabelFormatString = '%#.4f';
this.cfg.seriesDefaults.rendererOptions.dataLabelThreshold = 0;
in my case '%.4s%%' (PF 4.0) is not working so instead of I used'%#.4f' that work fine.
