Excel – locale-independent Number Format - excel

I looking for a number format that is locale-independent.
Let's say that I want that my Excel file use an a character as a thousand separator and a b character as a decimal separator on every computer (so this question is not about local Excel settings). The second wish is that the number has always two decimal places.
Can I do this only with a number format without VB code?
After some attempts, I came to this format: ###\a###\a##0\b.00.
1234567.89 > 1a234a567b.89
The problems are:
I must repeat ###\a section and I can not get rid of dot decimal separator (the decimal places are not taken into account without the dot character).

Can I do this only with a number format without VB code?
Even if you can get your separator characters inserted, you will not be able to remove the decimal separator.
The decimal separator is displayed in the cell whenever it is included in custom number display format settings.


How to remove all decimal points, but retain value In Microsoft Excel?

I need to display with no decimal, but retaining the numbers that
appear after the last decimal. For example, given `03.1037.190
I tried roundup and trunct but not sure how it works.
Try this on a string where . could be on a dynamic spot
Or when your string always follows the same pattern ##.####.####.## you could try:
The question is quite unclear as you have a value with the same thousand and decimal delimiter and also 4 numbers between the delimiters. It would help a lot if you specified the actual number without thousand delimiters.
Assuming there are no decimals ( remove "." using:
and Excel will recognize it as a number

Uipath overdrives Excel file Locale configuration

I have to process some excel files that comes with an specific Numeric format that is es-CL
that has dots as a thousand separator and comas as decimal separator.
Thousand separator = 100.000.000
Decimal= 1.000.000,1213
When i use any of the excel activities the numbers inside the excel change their format and leaves them like this
Before: 13.640
the thousand separator becomes a coma and the 0 is erased.
I already tried the “Preserve Format” option, replacing the dots with a "" and i get the same result.
Is there a way to change the locale of the excel activities, if it not, what are my options?

Replace "." with "," in Excel 2013

I have an Excel file, generated from database. It contains a column filled with number values that looks like this:
My problem is, that Excel finds numbers only when they are used with "," separator. How can I change all the "." to ",", so all values in that column would be recognized as numbers (aligned to right side of column).
Also, I have a lot of those files to maintain, so an automatic procedure would be highly appriciated.
Select the Column and Hit CRTL+H,
Enter '.' in 'Find What' and enter ',' in 'Replace with' and hit 'Replace All' button
Your data sample looks wrong. It's inconsistent.
If your system uses the comma as the decimal separator, then ALL your numbers should use the comma for the decimal.
If your database system uses a dot as the decimal separator, then ALL your numbers should use the dot for the decimal.
The numbers in your example are a random mix of comma and dot as the decimal separator.
You may want to configure your source system to apply the decimal separator in a consistent way.
It's quite inconceivable why your system would use a comma for one value, but use a dot for another value. You may need to get to the bottom of that logic before you can proceed any further.
Possibly, the "numbers" are really text values from other data sources that use either comma or dot for the decimal separator.

Why does Excel parse numbers with more than two decimal places as whole numbers?

Excel uses Windows Regional Settings to get the List Separator and Decimal Separator for csv files. I am attempting to localize some csv reports in our application for French and German users. I am using semi-colons as the csv delimiter and commas as decimal separators for the French and German versions of each csv.
I've set my local Windows Regional settings to use semi colons and commas as decimal separators. When I open the following test file in Excel, Excel parses numbers with 2 or less decimal characters correctly ... based on my Regional settings. However, numbers with 3 or more decimal places are parsed as whole numbers. So, the string 12,3000 will be parsed as 123 000 (One hundred twenty three thousand).
"Decimal Separator";"In Quotes";"Number"
Does anyone have any insight on this
You might have this issue if your Regional settings are set to use a comma as the "Digit grouping symbol". French uses a space character for Digit Grouping and Germany uses a period.
Windows --> Control Panel --> Region and Language --> Numbers --> Additional Settings --> Digit Grouping Symbol --> Set to use a space character
I'm thinking that you have the digit grouping symbol also as a comma. That's usually represented by a period (or a space) in Europe, so three thousand and twenty-two hundredths would be represented 3.000,22.
I changed the decimal character to a comma, and the digit grouping character to a period, and imported 12,3000, and Excel interpreted it as twelve and three tenths, as it should.
When I changed both to comma, the same import gave me one hundred twenty-three thousand, as you saw.

I want to edit my decimal number.How I give it pattern?

I want to give a pattern in cognos. like this
my number : 12.20
my wanted number : 12.2 i want to delet 0 how I give pattern.
If no data format is mentioned, then the default format will take care of trailing zeros.
But if you are using some data format (number, currency) then the trailing zeros will be added till the mentioned decimal places in your format.
To suppress a digit if the value is zero, you can use pattern attribute in the Data Format property.
In your example, to suppress 2nd decimal place zero, you can mention the pattern as
With this pattern, first decimal place digit will be shown even if the value is zero. Whereas, second decimal place digit will not be shown even if the value is zero.
Please refer to IBM Cognos inforcenter for Decimal Format Symbols for the Pattern. http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/c8bi/v8r4m0/index.jsp
