Deserialize Object Hierarchy in YAMLDotNet - yamldotnet

I am using YamlDotNet and it works pretty well. I have a quick question about serializing object trees though. For example, I have
class A {
[YamlMember(Alias = "p1")]
public string P1 { get; set; }
Then I want to inherit from A like so:
class B : A {
[YamlMember(Alias = "p2")]
public string P2 { get; set; }
Finally, I created a document object like this:
class D {
[YamlMember(Alias = "a")]
public A InputA { get; set; }
[YamlMember(Alias = "b")]
public B InputB { get; set; }
I deserialized the following Yaml:
p1: foo
p1: foo
p2: bar
Using the following code:
var ds = new Deserializer();
var d = ds.Deserialize<D>(reader);
Surprisingly, I found that:
d.InputB.P1 == null
This will work fine in JSON (although I have only used Jackson in Java). Is this simply not supported or am I missing something?


Automapper: map an anonymous/dynamic type

I need some help to map an anonymous object using Automapper. The goal is combine Product and Unity in a ProductDto (in which unity is a product's property).
Autommaper CreateMissingTypeMaps configuration is set to true.
My Classes:
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public class Unity
public int Id { get; set; }
public class ProductDto
public int Id { get; set; }
public UnityDto Unity{ get; set; }
public class UnityDto
public int Id { get; set; }
Test Code
Product p = new Product() { Id = 1 };
Unity u = new Unity() { Id = 999 };
var a = new { Product = p, Unity = u };
var t1 = Mapper.Map<ProductDto>(a.Product);
var t2 = Mapper.Map<UnityDto>(a.Unity);
var t3 = Mapper.Map<ProductDto>(a);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ProductId: {0}", t1.Id)); // Print 1
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("UnityId: {0}", t2.Id)); // Print 999
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Anonymous ProductId: {0}", t3.Id)); // Print 0 <<< ERROR: It should be 1 >>>
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Anonymous UnityId: {0}", t3.Unity.Id)); // Print 999
There are two maps added to the profile:
CreateMap<Product, ProductDto>();
CreateMap<Unity, UnityDto>();
The problem is how Automapper map anonymous objects. I haven't time to check out Automapper source code but I got the desired behaviour with minor changes on my anonymous object:
var a = new { Id = p.Id, Unity = u };
By doing this, I might even delete previous mappings because now it is using only CreateMissingTypeMaps.
Note: As matter of fact I'm not sure if it is really an issue or I it was just my unreal expectations.

Contra variance with interfaces

I have an interface iExportColumn and a class ExportColumn implementing the interfce. ExportColumnCollection class should be generic for all the classes that implements IExportColumn interface.
public interface IExportColumn
string Header { get; set; }
string ColumnName { get; set; }
public class ExportColumn : IExportColumn
public ExportColumn(){}
public string Header { get; set; }
public string ColumnName { get; set; }
public class ExportColumnCollection<T> where T: IExportColumn
private List<T> cols;
public ExportColumnCollection (List<T> c)
cols = c;
public T Columninfo (string colname)
I am getting run time error saying could not load type ExportColumnCollection.
I am looking for something to achieve somthing like
List<IExportColumn> = new List<ExportColumn>();
I have two classes implementing the interfaces IExportColumn and I need to hold a GenericCollection to handle List
The proper usage for your class would be:
List<IExportColumn> list= new List<IExportColumn>();
// you may add to the collection any class which implements IExportColumn
list.Add(new ExportColumn1() { ColumnName = "Id" });
list.Add(new ExportColumn2() { ColumnName = "Value" });
ExportColumnCollection<IExportColumn> collection = new
var colInfo = collection.ColumnInfo("Id");

Initializing Nested strongly typed objects in LINQ to Entities

Consider this Example
public class FooWrapper
public FooWrapper() { }
public Foo FooObject { get; set; }
public Bar BarObject { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<FooWrapper> ListFoosWithBars(int userID)
IEnumerable<Bar> tempBar = ListBarsByUserID(userID);
IEnumerable<FooWrapper> results = (
from f in _entities.FooSet
join b in tempBar on f.ID equals b.foos.ID
select new FooWrapper
FooObject = f,
BarObject = b
return results;
what if my Foo type class has Properties like
public class Foo(){
FProperty1{get; set;}
FPorperty2{get; set;}
public class Bar(){
BProperty1{get; set;}
BProperty2{get; set;}
and now i want to initialize my object in query like this
select new FooWrapper
FooObject.FProperty1 = f,
BarObject.BProperty2 = b
can I do this?
How will this work?
What you want is:
select new FooWrapper
FooObject = new Foo { FProperty1 = f },
BarObject = new Bar { BProperty2 = b }

Automapper and Custom Type Converter with Parent/Child

How can I covert am object to a certain type based on a property of the parent object holding the current object with automapper?
Below I have a class that contains a property called Type of enum type EventAssetType. I want to convert the property Asset to a type called DocumentModel or ImageModel that both inherit from AssetModel by using the Type property. Right now it is just mappering from Asset to AssetModel.
public class EventAssetModel
public EventAssetModel()
Event = new EventModel();
Asset = new DocumentModel();
Type = Enums.EventAssetType.Other;
public int Id { get; set; }
public bool Active { get; set; }
public Enums.EventAssetType Type { get; set; }
public EventModel Event { get; set; }
public AssetModel Asset { get; set; }
One way to accomplish this is the ConvertUsing extension method when creating a map. I've included an example for you below:
namespace Some.Namespace
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Mapper.CreateMap<Source, Animal>().ConvertUsing(MappingFunction);
Source animal = new Source() {Type = Source.SourceType.Animal, Name = "Some Animal"};
Source dog = new Source() {Type = Source.SourceType.Dog, Name = "Fido"};
Animal convertedAnimal = Mapper.Map<Source, Animal>(animal);
Console.WriteLine(convertedAnimal.GetType().Name + " - " + convertedAnimal.Name);
// Prints 'Animal - Some Animal'
Animal convertedDog = Mapper.Map<Source, Animal>(dog);
Console.WriteLine(convertedDog.GetType().Name + " - " + convertedDog.Name);
// Prints 'Dog - Fido'
private static Animal MappingFunction(Source source)
switch (source.Type)
case Source.SourceType.Animal:
return new Animal() {Name = source.Name};
case Source.SourceType.Dog:
return new Dog() {Name = source.Name};
throw new NotImplementedException();
public class Source
public enum SourceType
public string Name { get; set; }
public SourceType Type { get; set; }
public class Animal
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Dog : Animal
// Specific Implementation goes here

AutoMapper failing to map a simple list

I have used automapper for mapping lists in the past, for for some reason it won't work in this case.
public class MyType1 {
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public class MyType2 {
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public void DoTheMap() {
Mapper.CreateMap<MyType2, MyType1>();
var theDto1 = new MyType2() { Id = 1, Description = "desc" };
var theDto2 = new MyType2() { Id = 2, Description = "desc2" };
List<MyType2> type2List = new List<MyType2> { theDto1, theDto2 };
List<MyType1> type1List = Mapper.DynamicMap<List<MyType1>>(type2List);
List<MyType1> type1List2 =type2List.Select(Mapper.DynamicMap<MyType1>).ToList();
Change this:
To this:
Mapper.Map<List<MyType1>, List<MyType2>>(type2List);
DynamicMap is only if you don't know the type at compile time - for things like anonymous types.
