MS Access database require newer version - excel

relating to MS Access, currently i'm suffering with this error every time i open the access accdb file. It says "The database you are trying to open requires a newer version of MS Access".
I am fully understand that based on that i have to update it. But the question is, everything just fine before or never happened before whenever i use this file. So it doesnt make any sense if i have to update.
My assumption so far:
it happened because some error in ODBC connection between access and excel that impact the database. because i use this access to be a database for my excel pivot.
Anyone has same experience?
Your help means a lot for me, because if i can't open this then i have to re-coding from scratch :( (the back up also has the same issue, but other access file can be opened smoothly)
Thank you,

The solution is just simply install access 2010.
Yes, it is funny that I am reinstalling the older one but it works..

This worked for me when I was making C# application and it was connected to MS Access DB.
Go to MS Access DB -> File -> Info -> Compact and Repair.
This will downgrade the version and fix this issue.


microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0 provider is not registered even already install

i just want to ask about Visual studio doesn't detect my microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0..
last month i write a code to import from excel into database using VB.NET and it worked..
but after a month i open back my coding and try the system but it said that "microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0 provider is not registered" even though i already install microsoft access database engine 2010 before..
i never change a little bit of my coding..i just left it but now it doesn't work like before
is there any particular update or something that make it doesn't work??
thank you
Try changing your target cpu in your project properties. go to solution explorer<properties<Compile uncheck the prefer 32-bit or change to x64. It works for me, if it doesn`t work try searching a bit more iirc that question is already answered but i cant remember if it is in stackoverflow or other website, which has many suggestions
The Access engine can be installed as either 32-bit or 64-bit. As the other answer notes, it is important to make sure that your application matches the bitness of Access. You can check on installed OleDB providers by checking the Windows registry; you would need to search on all of the keys in HKCR/CLSID (under Wow6432Node for 32-bit), looking for entries with a value named OLEDB_SERVICES. Keys with this value will have the provider name as the default value. This (obviously) isn't practical to do manually, but it should be fairly straightforward to do programmatically.

Power Query M - An operation that uses the database driver could not be completed

From time to time when I run some queries I get this error message :
An operation that uses the database driver could not be completed. If the driver is a Microsoft driver, make sure the driver file isn't damaged
I didn't found yet how to fix it with internet help.
this last website give a "solution" but I can't do the same.
"Well in my case it worked by giving the user access to the DB it is accessing."
I just have a worksheet who use others files from my company network, I don't use any database ...
I can't reinstall the driver or anything else, my company have a very strict politic about IT security.
May I have some help ?
I had the same issue when I try to connect Analysis service in Azure. The error message is misguiding. In actual, you are missing few client drivers that are needed to connect to Azure Analysis services. Install all the missing drivers (OLEDB, AMO and ADOMD) from and you should be good to go.
I think OLEDB installation should suffice the need but I did all three to avoid future encounters related to other admin stuff. Check if OLEDB updated # C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Analysis Services\AS OLEDB\140 by comparing msolap.dll version. Latest version as I write this is
Tip: 1) Try connecting to Analysis Service from Excel by following the steps - Data Menu --> Get Data --> From Database --> From Analysis Services. Follow the prompts by filling appropriate info. Bingo! You are in!
2) Wait for a while if still you can't connect after installing all drivers. I don't know the actual reason why but was able to connect next day.
Please mark this as an answer if it helps to solve your problem.
Good Luck!
Update - 1/5/2021
Today I face same ugly error again which made me to rethink what else could be gone wrong in the system. Later realized that I had restarted the machine and that removed the temp connection file referred by Excel file. Following the steps to reconnect under the Tip section in above instructions let me successfully in.

Excel TFS Add-In Crashes Connecting to TFS

We frequently use Excel to perform bulk updates of data in TFS. Up until very recently, the Team Foundation Add-In has worked very well. However, it has started failing in several ways:
It will connect to the server, but attempting to connect to any
project causes Excel to crash, producing a Watson report in the
Windows Application Event Log.
If I restart Excel, it reports that it is running into problems with
both the shim and the add-in, and offers to disable it. If I do not
disable it, I still can't connect to a project.
Eventually, the add-in refuses to load at all, until I use the
Options dialog to manually add the COM add-in back into the
application. Doing so produces the same results (Excel crashes when
attempting to load a project).
I have taken the following steps in an attempt to resolve the issue:
Removed and completely reinstalled Office.
Re-registered the add-in component.
Uninstalled and reinstalled Team Foundation Office Integration.
None of these have produced a fix to the issue.
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
P.S. If this is not the correct "stack" for this question, kindly point me to the correct one on the exchange. Thank you.
If you are reading the accepted answer and it still isn't working, here's an additional tip. I had the EXACT same problem and saw that same link to clear the cache from numerous sites, bit it didn't work.
Here's the thing. I don't think that article lists ALL of the places that cache can be hiding on your machine. I deleted the cache folder in two different places on my machine and had given up on that as a solution.
Then I searched my entire hard drive for any folder with "Team Foundation" in the name and found a couple more buried in other hierarchies. Deleting these FINALLY solved the problem.
Here are some folders to look for, but like I said, check the entire drive
c:\users\yourlogin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft shared\Team Foundation Server\
c:\users\yourlogin\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft\Team Foundation
The actual cache folder will be nested another level deep under a numbered folder named with something like "7.0" or "8.0" delete the cache folder from every one you find under every number.
In general cleaning the caches on your client machine will resolve such problems, including the TFS and VS caches...
To clean the caches, please see How to clear the TFS cache on client machines

Sql Schema Compare will not update after CLR object installed 'Source schema drift detected'

After installing a custom CLR object Sql Server Developer Tools (SSDT) VS2012 will not allow an update. The error is "Source schema drift detected. Press Compare to refresh. After refresh same thing happens.
In settings, I set the object to just Stored Procedures.
Settings ->General -> Block on possible data loss -> tried both on and off.
This sort of loop can also be caused by a referenced SSDT project failing to build. The referenced project may be missing, unloaded, or have an error which prevents the compare from completing.
This is not an answer but a clue to deal with this problem.
I was to update a colum from varchar[200] to varchar[MAX] and got this problem as well. So I logged in the server and tried to update the database manually via SQL Management Studio which was installed there, and I got this error:
"Saving changes is not permitted. The changes you have made require the folloing tables to be drpped and re-created. You have either made changes to a table that can't be re-created or enable the option Prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created."
Seems that re-creating table is something so dangerous that "block/unblock on possible data lose" cannot handle. So I think only if we can walk around this LOCAL warning, could we update the database REMOTELY.
But, why [200] to [max] leads to re-creating table? It does not make any sense. I tried [200] to [1000], and it did not work as well. This might be the key to this problem.
And, if you do the same update in Server explorer in VS, instead of SQL Management Studio, it works. Again, why?
This can happen when a db user "changes".
The following rather scary forum page recounts issues where foreign hackers were trying to brute-force access to the "sa" db user, with each attempt changing the sa-user's date timestamp (which is seen as a schema drift):
Here is also mentioned that you can query the sa-user a few times, to see if this is happening to you:
SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE principal_id=1
I am currently experiencing the same issue (that the sa-user is being modified; I know nothing about hackers yet) and am yet to find a solution.
Edit - I turned on logging in Windows Firewall via properties > logging, and we setup a blocking rule on port 3071, which had a lot of unexplained traffic. Then the problem went away.
I tried running VS as an administrator, it worked.

How to add Tridion site in Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager?

I am working SDL TRIDION 2011 SP1 version. Suddenly I am unable to see the Trdion site in Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager. Please tell me the procedure how to get it back again.
Remove Tridion Completely (uninstall), then run the installer again.
You won't loose any data (it's all in the database), and you're likely to get your server up and running way faster than trying to fix by hand.
As #bart suggested, your best option to get the web application back (assuming it really has gone), is to run the repair option with the installer. There are a lot of folder specific settings which would be very hard to recreate manually.
