Installed JsZip but its not working by grunt - node.js

I used on my local machine and update all dependency by npm and used command grunt connect but this only showing web server started but on this url its not working.
$ grunt connect
Running "connect:server" (connect) task
Started connect web server on http://localhost:9999
Done, without errors.
even i have tested the app there is no error,
can anyone let me know how to get such type of projects from git-hub and run locally by npm or composer/bower.

I have used simple javascript instead of going with NodeJs and here my code is :
Here is Gist Code you can run.


How to run and work with Node.js on my remote VPS

Maybe it is dummy or noob question, but this is the first time I am trying to run / deploy my local Node.js application to the internet via my VPS hosting.
When working locally, I am using nodemon package to auto restart the server on each change.
Also, when turn off the terminal or shut down the Mac, the Node.js will be shut down too.
How these things could be handled via a remote VPS with a public domain?
Btw, another thing is how to compress/compile/hide/secure my client side code so it wont be able to be read or something.
I am asking this because when I am doing source code, It is very clear to see the whole app requests and therefore "play" with this.
check out pm2 (production node manager)
you can install like this
npm install pm2 -g
so instead of nodemon app.js you'll run
pm2 start app.js
instead. This keeps your app running even if you restart your server
check out the official site for more info on pm2

Meteor Buildpack for Cloud Foundry

I'm trying to get the meteor buildpack for cloud foundry running and its almost there except right at the end I get a node command not found error. I've confirmed that during the build I can run node and npm version commands. I get no errors until the instance fails to start.
Node gets installed into a folder called .vendor. I'm new to linux but is it possible that this folder isn't accessible at some point for some reason because of the dot? Meteor gets installed into a folder called vendor so I will try installing node there too. Can anyone think of something else to try?? I also tried changing the node folder to 777 in case it was a permissions thing. Far as I can tell the PATH variable is setup correctly.
I got the app deployed by converting to a node app and using the node buildpack but i'd prefer to use the meteor buildpack.

Cannot deploy node.js app on GAE

I'm having trouble deploying my node.js app to GAE.
It's a simple app that connects to my Firebase and updates a value. Just to get started.
Whenever I try to deploy the app it fails. Runs fine locally.
I deleted my project and started a fresh one, and deployed the default 'hello-world' app after downloading the zip and it worked fine.
I installed firebase on the project via the cloud shell.
var Firebase = require("firebase");
to the app.js file and it no longer deploys.
I am new to GAE and cannot understand why it won't deploy. I feel like if i'm having trouble just including firebase in an app, I'm in for a tough time.
This is the error I get. The only think I have added to the original hello-world app is the firebase dependency. I remove that and it deploys fine again.
Updating service [default]...failed.
ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] Timed out when starting VMs. It's possible that the application code is unhealthy. (0/2 ready, 2 still deploying).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I fixed the issue by installing the firebase npm on my local machine again. I noticed when I was installing it on the server (even with --save) it wasn't updating the package.json file for some reason and it hadn't updated it locally either. But it still ran on my local machine without the package mentioning a firebase dependency. Not sure why that would be the case.
It seems to be working now.
Before you can require the "firebase" package you need to install it.
To install the latest version of the package using the command line:
Navigate to the project root directory
Run npm install --save firebase
You will now have Firebase, and all the packages that it depends on, installed in your app.
The --save argument makes the command save the package installation configuration to the package.json file, so that the package is installed when you run the npm install command to set up the project on another computer, or when your app is deployed to Google App Engine.
You can check the logs for error. To check it goto your project at google console ( and then Menu-> Logs.
Usually this error comes when app couldn't start while deploying. 1st check if the app local environment. If it is working fine then check if any environment variable is required to set and not set properly on cloud.

heroku running gulp build

i am trying to install a node app onto heroku. My application requires both gulp build and gulp install to be called on the server upon instillation, however i am having troubles doing this.
I have tried writing this inside of the package.json:
"scripts":"gulp build && gulp install"
which works at first, but after about an hour the server must restart and recall the script causing for the contents of the server to be rebuilt. this removes all of my content such as newly written blogs or changes.
I have also tried using the heroku toolbelt
heroku run gulp build
heroku run gulp install
However, even though it produces the correct console write lines and looks asif it has made the necessary changes, it hasn't, the server produces an error which proves that the resources haven't been built meaning that the console command didnt make any changes to the actual server files.
Am i missing something out here? Thanks in advance.
So i have figured out that the problem lies with the fact that i have tried to use a LevelDB database on heroku. Apparently, heroku uses no-writable dynos, meaning that the levelDB database is unable to save.

ruining EasyRTC server using iisnode

EasyRTC is one of the best available opensource WebRTC solutions that runs in node.js! I have manged to run it on node.js on my system but my application is in so I've been trying to run it using under IIS using iisnode! but for some reason I haven't been able to make it work! running this application in node.js i use node server.js to start the server but in IIS when i set the default page to server.js to start the application it wond work!
this is result by using
nodejs result: (working properly)
looks like it's not even running it !
This error is due to lack required module for easyRTC. type in node command prompt "npm install" It will install all dependency module. And after that try to run server. I hope It will work for you.
