mongoose dynamic enum values - node.js

I have mongoose schema as below.
'use strict';
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var UserSchema = new Schema({
role: {
type: String,
enum: ['user', 'admin']
mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
I want to set role enum values dynamically from database instead of hard coding, How can I do that?

Use "validate" on your field. E.G.:
//My field is called "status" inside my schema. So "validate" will check if can pass or not.
status: { type: String, default: 'Abierta', validate: (v) => {
return customEnum(v, 'Status');
And this is my "customEnum" module
// This is the collection where I store the data. I don't want to use only, status, so
// I made it dynamic, to choose what I want to retrieve.
const SingleValue = require('../models/SingleValue');
module.exports = async (v, type) => {
return !!await SingleValue.findOne({ typeOf: type, deleted: false, value: v });
Totally working, I'm using it.


Removing an element from the array in MongoDB through mongoose

I've defined a MongoDB model using mongoose in my NodeJS application as:
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
email: {
type: String,
required: true
password: {
type: String,
required: true
rToken: [String]
module.exports = mongoose.model("User", userSchema);
Every rToken is unique. I want to remove an element from the rToken array specified by the user in the request body, therefore, I've created a route below:
module.exports.logout = async (req, res) => {
const token = req.body.token;
User.updateOne({}, {$pull: {$in: [token]}});
But it isn't removing the element and I'm still getting 204 status. Please help.
If rToken is an object you can remove element like that, assuming you remove a password key:
const { password, ...rTokenWithoutPassword } = rToken;
Then use rTokenWithoutPassword to do anything.
If you want to remove more than one key, salt and password for example:
const { password, salt, ...rTokenWithoutPassword } = rToken;
If you need to remove from within mongoDB, assuming rToken is an array of strings, you need to modify your Mongoose model because actually it is a String, not an array.
Then, according to mongodb documentation:
Modify your update request, assuming "abcd" is the value to pull off:
User.updateOne({}, { $pull: { rToken: { $eq: 'abcd' } } });
Here is a playground:

How do I update the existing documents' schema?

I'm using mongoose to do some MongoDB operations.
At the beginning the category was number,
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const sampleSchema = new Schema({
category: {
type: Number,
module.exports = mongoose.model("SampleSchema", sampleSchema);
Now the category changed to String, So I changed the model like this
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const sampleSchema = new Schema({
category: {
type: String,
module.exports = mongoose.model("SampleSchema", sampleSchema);
The problem is, I have already inserted 200 records into this collection. Is there any way to update the category value with a string and change its type to string?
Please get All data by query and update it one by one in loop.
db.tableName.find( { 'status' : { $type : 1 } } ).forEach( function (val) {
val.status = new String(val.status);;
I changed the category to mixed, that's working fine with numbers and string.
Thanks for the help #prasad_

How to get a list of available Mongoose Discriminators?

Given a situation where you have a User Scheme that you use to create a base model called User. And then for user roles, you use mongoose discriminators to create inherited models called Admin, Employee and Client. Is there a way to programmatically determine how many discriminations/inheritances/roles of the User model are available, as well as the available names?
My question in terms of code:
File: models/user.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var options = {discriminatorKey: 'role'};
var userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
email: String,
password: String,
var User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
var Client = User.discriminator("Client", mongoose.Schema({
Address : String,
Tax_identification : String,
Phone_number : String,
Internal_Remarks : String,
CRM_status : String,
Recent_contact : String,
var Employee = User.discriminator("Employee",mongoose.Schema({
Staff_Id: String,
module.exports = {User: User, Client: Client, Employee: Employee };
File: controllers/usersController.js
var User = require('../models/user.js').User;
module.exports = {
registerRoutes: function(app){
userCreateCallback: function(req,res){
//Get Available User Roles - The function below doesn't exist,
//Just what I hypothetically want to achieve:
I hope I managed to express what I want to do. Alternative approaches are also welcome.
Since v4.11.13, mongoose model has model.discriminators which is an array of models, keyed on the name of the discriminator model.
In your case if you do console.log(User.discriminators) you will get:
Client: {
Employee: {
As far as I can see, this is not documented anywhere.
Line 158 in lib.helpers.model.discriminators.js is where this is created.
I think you want to fetch the names and values of all the discriminators as for the names you can simply use
but for finding values you can use this
return Promise.all(Object.keys(discriminators).map(i =>
discriminators[i].find({ userId: this._id }))
).then(promiseResults =>
promiseResults.reduce((arr, el) => arr.concat(el), [])
you need to put userId under each discriminators for that.

MongoDB : Missing the key _id in the item

I have been given some code to modify. It is a Node.js app using Mongoose to interact with a MongoDb instance. In Mongoose several schemas were already set up and I've added a few. Among those are these two schemas which break apart a previously existing schema (which was working fine with small data):
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var MapConvertedProjectSchema = new Schema(
project_id : {
type: String,
default: ""
dataset_id : {
type: String,
default: ""
type: {},
default: {}
MapConvertedProjectSchema.pre('save', function(next) {
mongoose.model('MapConvertedProject', MapConvertedProjectSchema);
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var MapConvertedLayerSchema = new Schema(
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId
type: String,
default: 'MapLayer',
trim: true
type: {},
default: {}
//Hook a pre save method to clean date
MapConvertedLayerSchema.pre('save', function(next) {
mongoose.model('MapConvertedLayer', MapConvertedLayerSchema);
I use the MapConvertedLayer schema like so:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var LayerConverted = mongoose.model('MapConvertedLayer');
var newLayer = new LayerConverted();
//newLayer._id is automatically populated with a value
//... add other properties
This works without any issues that I can discern. However if I try similar code with MapConvertedProject I get an error:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var ProjectConverted = mongoose.model('MapConvertedProject');
var map_converted = new ProjectConverted();
//map_converted._id is undefined
//I tried adding the comment below to create an _id manually, but it didn't make a difference when I tried to save
//map_converted._id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId();
console.log("Project Converted ID: " + map_converted._id);
//... fill out the other properties on the schema
The save generates this error:
ValidationException: One or more parameter values were invalid: Missing the key _id in the item
Does anyone know what is causing this?
I figured this out. There was another place in the code that had a dynamoose model with the same name that was messing things up. I was able to remove all references to dynamoose since it doesn't appear to be used anymore and that cleared up this issue.

How to set ObjectId as a data type in mongoose

Using node.js, mongodb on mongoHQ and mongoose. I'm setting a schema for Categories. I would like to use the document ObjectId as my categoryId.
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema,
ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId;
var Schema_Category = new Schema({
categoryId : ObjectId,
title : String,
sortIndex : String
I then run
var Category = mongoose.model('Schema_Category');
var category = new Category();
category.title = "Bicycles";
category.sortIndex = "3"; {
if (err) { throw err; }
Notice that I don't provide a value for categoryId. I assumed mongoose will use the schema to generate it but the document has the usual "_id" and not "categoryId". What am I doing wrong?
Unlike traditional RBDMs, mongoDB doesn't allow you to define any random field as the primary key, the _id field MUST exist for all standard documents.
For this reason, it doesn't make sense to create a separate uuid field.
In mongoose, the ObjectId type is used not to create a new uuid, rather it is mostly used to reference other documents.
Here is an example:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema,
ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId;
var Schema_Product = new Schema({
categoryId : ObjectId, // a product references a category _id with type ObjectId
title : String,
price : Number
As you can see, it wouldn't make much sense to populate categoryId with a ObjectId.
However, if you do want a nicely named uuid field, mongoose provides virtual properties that allow you to proxy (reference) a field.
Check it out:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema,
ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId;
var Schema_Category = new Schema({
title : String,
sortIndex : String
Schema_Category.virtual('categoryId').get(function() {
return this._id;
So now, whenever you call category.categoryId, mongoose just returns the _id instead.
You can also create a "set" method so that you can set virtual properties, check out this link
for more info
I was looking for a different answer for the question title, so maybe other people will be too.
To set type as an ObjectId (so you may reference author as the author of book, for example), you may do like:
const Book = mongoose.model('Book', {
author: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, // here you set the author ID
// from the Author colection,
// so you can reference it
required: true
title: {
type: String,
required: true
My solution on using ObjectId
// usermodel.js
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const Schema = mongoose.Schema
const ObjectId = Schema.Types.ObjectId
let UserSchema = new Schema({
username: {
type: String
events: [{
type: ObjectId,
ref: 'Event' // Reference to some EventSchema
UserSchema.set('autoIndex', true)
module.exports = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema)
Using mongoose's populate method
// controller.js
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const User = require('./usermodel.js')
let query = User.findOne({ name: "Person" })
query.exec((err, user) => {
if (err) {
} = events
// is now an array of events
The solution provided by #dex worked for me. But I want to add something else that also worked for me: Use
let UserSchema = new Schema({
username: {
type: String
events: [{
type: ObjectId,
ref: 'Event' // Reference to some EventSchema
if what you want to create is an Array reference. But if what you want is an Object reference, which is what I think you might be looking for anyway, remove the brackets from the value prop, like this:
let UserSchema = new Schema({
username: {
type: String
events: {
type: ObjectId,
ref: 'Event' // Reference to some EventSchema
Look at the 2 snippets well. In the second case, the value prop of key events does not have brackets over the object def.
You can directly define the ObjectId
var Schema = new mongoose.Schema({
categoryId : mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
title : String,
sortIndex : String
Note: You need to import the mongoose module
Another possible way is to transform your _id to something you like.
Here's an example with a Page-Document that I implemented for a project:
interface PageAttrs {
label: string
// ...
const pageSchema = new mongoose.Schema<PageDoc>(
label: {
type: String,
required: true
// ...
toJSON: {
transform(doc, ret) {
// modify ret directly = ret._id
delete ret._id
) = (attrs: PageAttrs) => {
return new Page({
label: attrs.label,
// ...
const Page = mongoose.model<PageDoc, PageModel>('Page', pageSchema)
Now you can directly access the property 'id', e.g. in a unit test like so:
it('implements optimistic concurrency', async () => {
const page ={
label: 'Root Page'
// ...
const firstInstance = await Page.findById(
const secondInstance = await Page.findById(
firstInstance!.set({ label: 'Main Page' })
secondInstance!.set({ label: 'Home Page' })
await firstInstance!.save()
try {
await secondInstance!.save()
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error:', err)
throw new Error('Should not reach this point')
