images,js, css not loaded when using htaccess - .htaccess

First what I want to note it for you is
I use appserv.
I create the .htaccess file in direct file, so .htaccess file is in the folder /web.
All I want is use RewriteRule for all web links except (.css)-(.js)-(all types of images and .txt)-(and all files name).
I use this code:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^content/([0-9]+)/$ content.php?pid=$1 [L]
but when I open this page as web/content/2, the css, js, images are not loaded.
I do not know what's the problem :(


Is there any way to open another file when accessing an image via htaccess?

I would like when accessing the url, which is an existing file on the server, open the php file
Which htaccess rule do I use?
I tried to use:
RewriteRule ^(.+)\.jpg image.php [L,QSA]
But as it is an existing file, it opens the image and not the .php file
RewriteRule ^(.+)\.jpg image.php [L,QSA]
This is the right idea and should "work", although it could be simplified a bit. And it is rather generic, so matches every .jpg request.
If this is not working then either:
You have a conflict with other directives in the .htaccess file (the order of directives can be important).
You have a front-end proxy that is serving your static content. This is a problem if the URL being requested maps to a physical file as the application server (ie. .htaccess) is then completely bypassed.
If this is the case then see my answer to the following related question:
WordPress: can't achieve direct image access redirection via .htaccess

.htaccess redirect subfolder but don't show subfolder in address bar

I have a folder in my public_html directory named landingPages which obviously holds all our Landing Pages.
The problem is all the URLs on Google AdWords etc. are set to the public_html folder, for example:
Putting all the files in the new landingPages directory was done to clear up the public_html directory and seperate everything a bit but changing all the URLs is something we want to avoid.
I want that if you go to to in the browser that it actually loads whats inside the landingPages folder so it calls in the background.
I have tried a few things but can't seem to find a catch all version to determine if whatever is requested in the browser is present in the landingPages folder and if so to re-direct or if this sort of catch all request is at all possible.
If not, I guess I would have to manually create rules for each file I want re-directed including any future created Landing Pages which is what I am trying to avoid here.
put this code in your .htaccess under the website root directory, this will check if the file exists in landingPages folder, if so, it will load the content of that file.
Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/landingPages/$1 -f [NC]
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)$ /landingPages/$1 [L,QSA]

Pretty URL via separate folder and index.html file inside or rule in .htaccess

I have static site (html + css) generated by nanoc.
It works under Apache.
I want use pretty url instead of .html suffix at the end. Like this:
instead of
So, the 1st way is to create the separate folders with names page1 and page2 and place inside index.html files with corresponding content. When client does request: is loaded file page1/index.html
The 2nd way is to have such files structure:
page (folder)
- page1.html (file)
- page2.html (file)
and create rule for .htaccess file in root of the site:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.+)/$ /$1.html
So, the question is which way is better ? May be there are some additional costs of using
rewrite rules or pitfalls? May be there are some good practices for this questions for static generated sites.
In any way i use .htaccess file: i need switch on utf-8 encoding, enable 404 error handling , disallow browse folders
Thanks and sorry for bad english :)
I prefer to use index.html in directories, because it is server -independent. I don’t think there’s a good reason not to do it that way.

CodeIgniter Path Issue

I am use Codeigniter to creat my site. it is a huge site with a lot of contents.
i use the default welcome controller for all pages.
the path is like this now
and my folder structure is like this
/codeigniter Application folder
because i am doing the content first, so all the images are set to absolute patch (
now when i use the rewrite to remove "inde.php" and "welcome"
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|robots\.txt|system|pdf|sitemap\.xml|profile.htm|^([A-z,0-9,_,-]+).asp|(.*)\.pdf|phpadmin)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/welcome/$1 [L]
all css and image file are not accessible anymore. I have nearly a thousand pages with images. I don't have the time to change the page one by one. the deadline is coming, please help.
Have you tried adding the css-folder to your excluded rewriteconditions?
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|robots\.txt|system|pdf|sitemap\.xml|profile.htm|^([A-z,0-9,_,-]+).asp|(.*)\.pdf|phpadmin)
Does not seem to exclude the folder css from rewriting (see images is excluded).
Try something like
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|css|robots\.txt|system|pdf|sitemap\.xml|profile.htm|^([A-z,0-9,_,-]+).asp|(.*)\.pdf|phpadmin)
Good luck
I think the problem lies with your .htaccess file. We have a similar setup, and that url living outside of the application directory is available just as you have it with a direct url relative to its path. Check out the wiki at for the correct way to set up your .htaccess file.
Edit to clarify: The url should work. something about your .htaccess file is wrong.
RewriteCond $1 !^(static|index.php|images|robots.txt|system|pdf|sitemap.xml|profile.htm|^([A-z,0-9,_,-]+).asp|(.*).pdf|phpadmin)

.htaccess rewriting - URLs with multi level directories

I have a page deals.php which is placed at root directory that is being accessed by number of internal URLs with multi directory levels. for example this page would be accessed by both following urls.
I am using this code in .htaccess to redirect to deals.php
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^flights/asia/([^/]+)/?$ deals.php?country=$1 [NC]
RewriteRule ^flights/([^/]+)/?$ deals.php?country=$1 [NC]
Now the problem here coming is that on deals.php all the images, script and style sheet files are not opening properly. If I try to fix it against one URL by placing ../../ in addresses of all images, script and css, it dont work for other URL.
How to solve this problem? what are the options?
Easy: DO NOT use ../ in links to any resources (images/css/js/etc) -- always use URL that is relative to the WEBSITE ROOT -- that is a "requirement" when you dealing with nice/not-real/rewritten URLs as such URL rarely points to the physical file location.
Lets assume you have a logo that is located at
Now, instead of ../images/logo.png and/or ../../images/logo.png ALWAYS use /images/logo.png.
i think what you want is placing an baseurl in html page, so all the relative path will related to the baseurl, not the current URL in the navigator bar
