Fresh install of Express.js, what port does it listen to? - node.js

Installed an Express app via the generator. I noticed there is no command in the app.js file that says which port it is listening on, though the official tutorial says its 3000? Tried it, didn't work. Then I added a custom line to tell it what port should it listen to.
Then I gen an error message which is the following:
I have the latest version of npm and node.js installed.

If you followed the instructions on the Express Application Generator page, then in the directory the express --view=pug myapp command creates, you should look at the /bin/www file.
On line 15 it says:
var port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || '3000');


Prevent "EADDRINUSE" with pm2?

I am about to switch my node application server from phusion passenger to pm2.
Most of the ports of my apps are set to 3001. With passenger that's never been a problem, but with pm2 ports collide (EADDRINUSE).
Do I have to set a different port for every app to prevent port collisions?
Yes, of course you need to have each application listen on a different and free port. It is your app that listen to port, not PM2.
You can leave the same port in source code, but in this case, start your app like this to change port when starting your app:
// Work for express and some others
PORT=3012 pm2 start -n "My Application" app.js
That's because express add this in your starter script:
var port = normalizePort( process.env.PORT || '3509' );
Notice that other package may use another name env var, like NODE_PORT for example.

how to make express port to listen to nodemailer port

I have been having issues trying to use my zoho mail account with nodemailer in my cloud 9 workspace. When i send the request all it returns back after some time is connection timeout. i contacted my dns name provider they told me to ensure that port 465 is open in my server.. but am really stuck don't know how to change it or to check it any help
how i listen to port in my express app
app.listen(process.env.PORT, function(){
how do i configure it to listen to other ports like 465 and get my nodemailer working..
Since you're listening on the port specified in your process environment variables, run your app passing it in via PORT:
On Unix:
PORT=465 node <appFile>.js
If you're on windows you can use cross-env to pass in the Environment variables, you'll just need to install it globally with npm i -g cross-env.
cross-env PORT=465 node <appFile>js

My Express Node.JS App times out

I have installed Node.js on my web server plus the dependencies for Express. When I run the command npm start and go to my web site's address using the port 3000 (which I believe the app is set to by default?), it just keeps loading and never loads. Any tipps please on how to fix this?
Try this $ PORT=8080 node app.js. Here app.js is your server config file. I suspect some background servers are running in that port 3000.

run multiple apps on different ports in nodejs express framework

I am running an application using node.js express framework on port 3000 (http://localhost:3000) in my windows machine. Also i want to run another(second) application on different port say like 3005 or 8080 etc. In my first application i didn't specified any port number and i believe expressjs by default runs on port 3000. But in second app i mentioned port number app.listen(8080) in my app.js. When i tried to start second application am getting port 3000 is already in use error. So i stopped first appliction and then only i can run second application and also it is running on both 3000 and 8080 ports. I didn't understand why it is still running on 3000 still i specified port 8080 number in app.js.
Could any one help to run both application on different ports in same instance
If you're using express generator also check the www file in the bin folder, which probably contains a part similier to this:
var port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || '3000');
app.set('port', port);
Change the '3000' part to the port you desire and it should run as intended.
Lastly to change port use "PORT=4000 node app/app.js" in cmd line.
Port no can be changed to any other port no. 5000,6000 etc ...
i believe expressjs by default runs on port 3000
It's true, but you can change it.
I think you run express default boilerplate app.
In this case you should update line var port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || '3000'); in bin/www.
It worked after changing port number in www file. www file is located in bin folder that was created during enviornment setup.

Node.js Deployment in openshift

I was trying to deploy a Node.js application to the openshift as in this link here
I understand this code
var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
res.end('Hello Http');
and there is no issue running it locally
$ node server.js // saved as server.js
However, how does this work when I commit this application in openshift? This is very simple code. I have some downloaded code that is a chat application and client-server need to configure to listen on some port (I was using port number 3000 in my localhost).
It works on port number 3000 in localhost but how can I make it to work in Openshift?
You need to listen on port process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT. So something like this should work:
server.listen(process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT || 3000);
See here for example: Error: listen EACCES on Openshift app
Hey the issue with is that you have that npm package installed local but not in openshift (dependencies don't get pushed). For that you can login thru ssh (look for "Want to log in to your application?" in right menu in openshift control panel, follow instructions and use the ssh connection provided) then login with terminal o Putty, and go to:
cd app-root/repo
and then
npm install
I've used that to install mongoose and other dependencies without trouble. Also you can use
node server.js
from command line to run the site ;)
