Elasticsearch Search query with multiple filters - node.js

Hello guys I am new to elastic search but I have gone through the basic ElasticSearch 5.1 documentation.
Problem in one line:
Search is successful but filters are not working properly.
Mapping datatypes
"properties": {
"title": {"type": "string"},
"description": {"type": "string"},
"slug": {"type": "string"},
"course_type": {"type": "string", "index" : "not_analyzed"},
"price": {"type": "string"},
"categories": {"type": "keyword", "index" : "not_analyzed"},
"tags": {"type" : "keyword"},
// "tags": {"type" : "keyword", "index" : "not_analyzed"},
"status": {"type" : "string","index" : "not_analyzed"},
As noted by #Darth_Vader I tried mapping as well. Following is my mapping
Document in index (Req-1)
"_index": "learnings",
"_type": "materials",
"_id": "582d9xxxxxxxx9b27fab2c",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"title": "Mobile Marketing",
"slug": "mobile-marketing",
"description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla eleifend hendrerit vehicula.",
"categories": [
"Digital Marketing"
"tags": [
"status": "published"
Like above I have like hundred documents in an index
SEARCH QUERY FULL that I am using
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"multi_match" : {
"query" : "mobile",
"fields" : [ "title^5", "tags^4", "categories^3" ],
"operator": "and"
"filter": {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
{"term" : {"status": "published"} }
In the above query the most important search criteria/filter is {"term" :
{"status": "published"} }. Every search result must meet this
Now from the list of results, I want to filter more. So say I want to get only documents which has mobile-marketing as a tag. My document (Req-1) has this tag (mobile-marketing)
NOW the problem is:
If I modify my Search Query and add my required filter like the following below: I get NO search result (hits = 0) even though my document (Req-1) has mobile-marketing as a tag
"filter": {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
{"term" : {"status": "published"} },
{"term" : {"tags": "mobile-marketing"} }
BUT if I change the filter {"tags": "mobile-marketing"} TO {"tags": "mobile"}, I get the required document (Req-1) as result.
I want to get the same document using this filter: {"tags": "mobile-marketing"}. So where am I doing wrong?
What modification does my search query need?

How does your mapping look for tags?
Seems like you've got your mapping for tags field as analyzed. What *analyzed` does is, from the books:
First analyze the string and then index it. In other words, index this
field as full text.
So it analyzes it first, where the value looks like mobile-marketing. Hence it'll store mobile and marketing separately because of the hyphen in the middle and it'll be tokenized into tokens. ie: it'll store mobile and marketing into two different tokens.
Whereas if it's not_analyzed:
Index this field, so it is searchable, but index the value exactly as
specified. Do not analyze it.
So this will basically store the value as it is without analyzing it, which should do the trick in your case. Maybe you should have a look at this point as well.
Hope it helps!


How to merge all results of AQL into single document with custom properties

I have an AQL query traversing graph that always should return a fixed amount of documents from a unique set of collections.
So each collection will occur only once and with one document only.
I wish to merge them all into a single document under properties that reflects document’s collection name.
Query as simple as:
FOR v IN ANY "vertex/key" edge_collection RETURN v
Returns a sample result as:
"_key": "123",
"_id": "foo/123",
"_rev": "_WYhh0ji---",
"foo_attribute": "lorem impsum"
"_key": "456",
"_id": "bar/456",
"_rev": "_WYhh2ny---",
"bar_attribute": "dolor sit amet"
That I wish to get like this:
"foo": {
"_key": "123",
"_id": "foo/123",
"_rev": "_WYhh0ji---",
"foo_attribute": "lorem impsum"
"bar": {
"_key": "456",
"_id": "calendar/bar",
"_rev": "_WYhh2ny---",
"bar_attribute": "dolor sit amet"
In order to get collection name from document use PARSE_IDENTIFIER function that gives document’s collection name and key separately
Use square brackets comprehension to generate document property dynamically
Simply merge result of the query
FOR v IN ANY "vertex/key" edge_collection
RETURN {[PARSE_IDENTIFIER(v).collection]: v}

how to implement algolia autocomplete on a single index, but i want results to show based on facets

I have an index on algolia, each document like this.
"title": "sample title",
"slug": "sample slug",
"content": "Head towards Rajinder Da Dhaba for some insanely delicious Kebabs!!",
"Tags": ["fashion", "shoes"],
"created": "2017-03-30T12:10:08.815Z",
"city": "delhi",
"user": {
"_id": "58b6f3ea884fdc682a820dad",
"description": "Roughly, somewhere between insanity and zen. Mostly the guy at the window seat!",
"displayName": "Jon Doe"
"type": "Post",
"places": [
"name": "Rajinder Da Dhaba",
"slug": "Rajinder-Da-Dhaba-safdarjung-9e9ffe",
"location": {
"_geoloc": [
"name": "Safdarjung",
"_id": "59611a2c2094b56a39afcbce",
"coordinates": {
"lng": 77.2030268,
"lat": 28.5685586
"objectID": "58dcf5a0355b590560d6ad68",
I want to implement autocomplete on this.
However, when i see the demos present in algolia dashboard, i found out that it returns the complete documents.
I want to only match on user.displayName, place.name, and title
and return only these fields as suggestions in the autocomplete results instead of complete documents, which match.
I know I can create separate indexes for users, places;
But is this possible with only a single index??
Did you had a look at http://algolia.com/doc/tutorials/search-ui/autocomplete/auto-complete/ ?
It shows how to have a custom display from an index.
To match on on user.displayName, place.name, and title
you can configure the "searchable attributes" from the algolia dashboard.

how to query nested array of objects in mongodb?

i am trying to query nested array of objects in mongodb from node js, tried all the solutions but no luck. can anyone please help this on priority?
I have tried following :
"name": "Science",
"chapters": [
"name": "ScienceChap1",
"tests": [
"name": "ScienceChap1Test1",
"id": 1,
"marks": 10,
"duration": 30,
"questions": [
"question": "What is the capital city of New Mexico?",
"type": "mcq",
"choice": [
"Santa Fe",
"answer": [
"Santa Fe",
"question": "Who is the author of beowulf?",
"type": "notmcq",
"choice": [
"Mark Twain",
"Abraham Lincoln",
"answer": [
"name": "ScienceChap1test2",
"id": 2,
"marks": 20,
"duration": 30,
"questions": [
"question": "What is the capital city of New Mexico?",
"type": "mcq",
"choice": [
"Santa Fe",
"answer": [
"Santa Fe",
"question": "Who is the author of beowulf?",
"type": "notmcq",
"choice": [
"Mark Twain",
"Abraham Lincoln",
"answer": [
Here is what I've tried so far but still can't get it to work
db.quiz.find({ chapters: { $elemMatch: {$elemMatch: { name:"ScienceChap1Test1" } } }})
db.quiz.find({name:"Science"},{chapters:{$elemMatch:{$elemMatch:{name:"Scienc‌​eChap1Test1"}}}}) ({ name:"Science"},{ chapters: { $elemMatch: {$elemMatch: { name:"ScienceChap1Test1" } } }})
Aggregation Framework
You can use the aggregation framework to transform and combine documents in a collection to display to the client. You build a pipeline that processes a stream of documents through several building blocks: filtering, projecting, grouping, sorting, etc.
If you want get the mcq type questions from the test named "ScienceChap1Test1", you would do the following:
//Match the documents by query. Search for science course
//De-normalize the nested array of chapters.
//Match the document with test name Science Chapter
//Unwind nested questions array
//Match questions of type mcq
The result will be:
"_id" : ObjectId("5629eb252e95c020d4a0c5a5"),
"name" : "Science",
"chapters" : {
"name" : "ScienceChap1",
"tests" : {
"name" : "ScienceChap1test2",
"id" : 2,
"marks" : 20,
"duration" : 30,
"questions" : {
"question" : "What is the capital city of New Mexico?",
"type" : "mcq",
"choice" : [
"Santa Fe",
"answer" : [
"Santa Fe",
$elemMatch doesn't work for sub documents. You can use the aggregation framework for "array filtering" by using $unwind.
You can delete each line from the bottom of each command in the aggregation pipeline in the above code to observe the pipelines behavior.
You should try the following queries in the mongodb simple javascript shell.
There could be Two Scenarios.
Scenario One
If you simply want to return the documents that contain certain chapter names or test names for example just one argument in find will do.
For the find method the document you want to be returned is specified by the first argument. You could return documents with the name Science by doing this:
You could specify criteria to match a single embedded document in an array by using $elemMatch. To find a document that has a chapter with the name ScienceChap1. You could do this:
If you wanted your criteria to be a test name then you could use the dot operator like this:
Scenario Two - Specifying Which Keys to Return
If you want to specify which keys to Return you can pass a second argument to find (or findOne) specifying the keys you want. In your case you can search for the document name and then provide which keys to return like so.
//Would return
"_id": ObjectId(...),
"chapters": [
"name": "ScienceChap2",
"tests: [..all object content here..]
If you only want to return the marks from each test object you can use the dot operator to do so:
//Would return
"_id": ObjectId(...),
"chapters": [
"tests: [
If you only want to return the questions from each test:
Test these out. I hope these help.

latlon format for cloudsearch

I want to do Geographic search in cloud search, i do indexing like this
when i uploading document
[{"type": "add", "id": "kdhrlfh1304532987654321987654321", "fields":{"name": "user1", "latlon":[12.628611, 120.694152] , "phoneverifiedon": "2015-05-04T15:39:03Z", "fbnumfriends": 172}},
{"type": "add", "id": "kdhrlfh1304532987654321987654322", "fields": {"name": "user2", "latlon":[12.628645,20.694178] , "phoneverifiedon": "2015-05-04T15:39:03Z", "fbnumfriends": 172}}]
i got below error
Status: error
Adds: 0
Deletes: 0
{ ["Field "latlon" must have array type to have multiple values (near operation with index 1; document_id kdhrlfh1304532987654321987654321)","Validation error for field 'latlon': Invalid latlon value 12.628611"] }
i tried multiple format for "latlon" field
please suggest what is the correct format for the lat long in cloudsearch
The correct syntax for doc submission is a single string with the two values comma-separated, eg "latlon" : "12.628611, 120.694152".
"type": "add",
"id": "kdhrlfh1304532987654321987654321",
"fields": {
"name": "user1",
"latlon" : "12.628611, 120.694152"
"phoneverifiedon": "2015-05-04T15:39:03Z",
"fbnumfriends": 172
It is definitely confusing that the submission syntax doesn't match the query syntax, which uses an array to represent lat-lon.

How to search through data with arbitrary amount of fields?

I have the web-form builder for science events. The event moderator creates registration form with arbitrary amount of boolean, integer, enum and text fields.
Created form is used for:
register a new member to event;
search through registered members.
What is the best search tool for second task (to search memebers of event)? Is ElasticSearch well for this task?
I wrote a post about how to index arbitrary data into Elasticsearch and then to search it by specific fields and values. All this, without blowing up your index mapping.
The post is here: http://smnh.me/indexing-and-searching-arbitrary-json-data-using-elasticsearch/
In short, you will need to do the following steps to get what you want:
Create a special index described in the post.
Flatten the data you want to index using the flattenData function:
Create a document with the original and flattened data and index it into Elasticsearch:
"data": { ... },
"flatData": [ ... ]
Optional: use Elasticsearch aggregations to find which fields and types have been indexed.
Execute queries on the flatData object to find what you need.
Basing on your original question, let's assume that the first event moderator created a form with following fields to register members for the science event:
name string
age long
sex long - 0 for male, 1 for female
In addition to this data, the related event probably has some sort of id, let's call it eventId. So the final document could look like this:
"eventId": "2T73ZT1R463DJNWE36IA8FEN",
"name": "Bob",
"age": 22,
"sex": 0
Now, before we index this document, we will flatten it using the flattenData function:
This will produce the following array:
"key": "eventId",
"type": "string",
"key_type": "eventId.string",
"value_string": "2T73ZT1R463DJNWE36IA8FEN"
"key": "name",
"type": "string",
"key_type": "name.string",
"value_string": "Bob"
"key": "age",
"type": "long",
"key_type": "age.long",
"value_long": 22
"key": "sex",
"type": "long",
"key_type": "sex.long",
"value_long": 0
Then we will wrap this data in a document as I've showed before and index it.
Then, the second event moderator, creates another form having a new field, field with same name and type, and also a field with same name but with different type:
name string
city string
sex string - "male" or "female"
This event moderator decided that instead of having 0 and 1 for male and female, his form will allow choosing between two strings - "male" and "female".
Let's try to flatten the data submitted by this form:
"eventId": "F1BU9GGK5IX3ZWOLGCE3I5ML",
"name": "Alice",
"city": "New York",
"sex": "female"
This will produce the following data:
"key": "eventId",
"type": "string",
"key_type": "eventId.string",
"value_string": "F1BU9GGK5IX3ZWOLGCE3I5ML"
"key": "name",
"type": "string",
"key_type": "name.string",
"value_string": "Alice"
"key": "city",
"type": "string",
"key_type": "city.string",
"value_string": "New York"
"key": "sex",
"type": "string",
"key_type": "sex.string",
"value_string": "female"
Then, after wrapping the flattened data in a document and indexing it into Elasticsearch we can execute complicated queries.
For example, to find members named "Bob" registered for the event with ID 2T73ZT1R463DJNWE36IA8FEN we can execute the following query:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"nested": {
"path": "flatData",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"term": {"flatData.key": "eventId"}},
{"match": {"flatData.value_string.keyword": "2T73ZT1R463DJNWE36IA8FEN"}}
"nested": {
"path": "flatData",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"term": {"flatData.key": "name"}},
{"match": {"flatData.value_string": "bob"}}
ElasticSearch automatically detects the field content in order to index it correctly, even if the mapping hasn't been defined previously. So, yes : ElasticSearch suits well these cases.
However, you may want to fine tune this behavior, or maybe the default mapping applied by ElasticSearch doesn't correspond to what you need : in this case, take a look at the default mapping or, for even further control, the dynamic templates feature.
If you let your end users decide the keys you store things in, you'll have an ever-growing mapping and cluster state, which is problematic.
This case and a suggested solution is covered in this article on common problems with Elasticsearch.
Essentially, you want to have everything that can possibly be user-defined as a value. Using nested documents, you can have a key-field and differently mapped value fields to achieve pretty much the same.
