Auto Updating an Excel Spreadsheet/Graph in One Note (In Real Time?) - excel

So here is what we are trying to do:
My boss has a bunch of monitors and wants to display our monthly metrics in real time. I've built a database in MS Access that pulls the data from a list in SharePoint and then that linked table is in turn linked to an Excel Spreadsheet. The datasheet is then setup on a second sheet that has a 3-D pivot table showing the data in graph form. I then have added this graph to One Note for display. The problem is One Note won't update the Excel Spreadsheet. Is there a way to have one note update the spreadsheet/Graph in real time or update it periodically (say every hour?)
I've been looking around via Google search and found "Some" info but nothing directly to what I'm looking for or explaining how to do it.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!!!


How to create a print area that increase with data

I've been scouring the internet this morning to find an answer to this to no avail.
Problem: We have a workbook that I've built that is populated using an OData feed from our database software.
As we enter more information into our database the reports that I've built in Excel grow and expand.
So here is my question. Without having to go in and manually correct the print area, is there a way to make it "grow" automatically as more data is entered?
I realize that the obvious solution would be just to go in and.correct them manually myself, but I never know when my boss is going to pull the reports and our data is populated all hours.

Updating a sharepoint list from Excel

I know this is a little backwards, but unfortunately this is what I have to do based on what I have to work with. Essentially we are getting data from one place, putting it into Excel and then running some pivot tables and then copying and pasting the results to Sharepoint. There is no way of getting the data into SharePoint from its initial source.
So here are the steps I have to do on a daily basis:
Go into 3 lists on sharepoint and delete the current data in there
Copy the data from each excel table and then paste it into the associated SharePoint list
Go into the Titles, etc part of SharePoint and update the file name to append the current date to it(ie change it from Data05032017 to Data 05042017)
I would like a way of automating this on a daily basis from Excel by simply pressing a button via VBA or if there is a way I can accomplish this wia linking somehow that would work too(not sure if its possible, I know you can link from SharePoint to Excel but unsure if you can go in the reverse direction).
So I first would like to know if this is possible and then if it is, how I go about doing it.

Looking for guidance on VB Code for Excel that will create action between two dynamic tables in each sheet.

I am trying to create a spreadsheet that allows me to keep track of a customer with general details (name, phone number, address...) bu then also keep a very specific list of all the products they have ordered. I want to be able to run reports on frequency of all details including what has been ordered. I have a bit of programming experience but not a whole lot of Excel experience so I know how I would write a program but not exactly how to do it in Excel. My thought is to have one sheet dedicated to the general specifications of the customer and then a second sheet that keeps track of the orders per customer. I want to be able to click on a hyperlink or something of the sort that will take me to the second sheet and automatically fill in the customer name. I want the first sheet to have the guest information running horizontally in rows but then the second sheet would have the names running horizontally on the top row and the orders would go down each column under the names. This way it keeps all of my sheets tidy and allows for me to run the type of reports I'm looking for. The main issue I'm having is figuring out a way to create a link that will do the action I want. I understand how to program but don't know Visual Basic very well but if someone was able to offer a similar code I would be able to decipher it and change it to my needs. Or if someone has a more efficient thought on how to set up the spreadsheet I'm all ears! Thanks a ton!
what you need is to create a pivot table with a data model.
The instructions are longer then what it actually takes!
here are few tutorials about the subject:
youTube video
MSDN instructions
PS don't write code in Excel unless strictly necessary. If it's a data issue, use data model

Generate Automated Google Analytics Excel Reports

I want to be able to create reports in Excel which read data from Google Analytics
How do I go about doing this? I find a lot of information about using Google Spreadsheets but my team is more familiar with Excel
I'd like them to be able to pivot data from google analytics/create graphs and i'd like to be able to create graphs which refresh when the data refreshes
You can easily convert a Google Spreadsheet to Excel format by downloading it as "xlsx".
I'm doing pretty much the same.
First of all, you need to have 2 separate sheets, 1 for your core data and one for your visual part (ur graphs).
In raw data sheet, get insert the data from GA
In graphs sheet, create ur graphs using the raw data.
Now, if you import new data and replace the old one, it should automatically update your graphs as well (unless you deleted some references).
In general, this could be automated, but typically you need additional tool to so so. I hope this helps

Creating Excel dashboards from info stored on SQL

I'm creating an Excel dashboard that imports a variable number months' worth of financial/accounting information from a database to an Excel sheet. Using this information I have a Calculations sheet that computes some financial indicators, again, month by month. Finally, this information is displayed in graphs on a separate sheet (one indicator per graph, with the monthly information plotted to see the tendencies). Currently I have written VBA code that formats the sheets to accomodate the number of months requested, pull the data from the SQL server, and update the graphs. Since there are 53 indicators for each operation (6 operations), this process takes about 3 minutes.
Does anyone recommend a better way to do this? The current way 'works' but I've often thought that there must be a more efficient way to do this.
You could look at skipping out the excel part and using SQL server reporting services (SSRS). If you have ever used business objects or crystal reports its kind of the same thing and I would imagine would offer better performance than doing things in excel.
