How to create a print area that increase with data - excel

I've been scouring the internet this morning to find an answer to this to no avail.
Problem: We have a workbook that I've built that is populated using an OData feed from our database software.
As we enter more information into our database the reports that I've built in Excel grow and expand.
So here is my question. Without having to go in and manually correct the print area, is there a way to make it "grow" automatically as more data is entered?
I realize that the obvious solution would be just to go in and.correct them manually myself, but I never know when my boss is going to pull the reports and our data is populated all hours.


ArcGIS excel add-on not picking up data updates in excel table

I used a few months ago ARCGis MAPS to produce maps from excel data. One of the things that annoyed me back then was that whatever change happened to the data affected the produced layer in the excel add-on of ArcGIS in Excel (not the webclient, I wasn't using it yet at that point). Like, filtering the table containing the data would make it so all filtered values would disappear from the map and so on, changing a zipcode/city name would move the dot, etc.
While it did cost me lots of credits back when I wasn't aware about it, now that I want to make use of it to correct a few mistakes, it won't update the layer! I have billing addresses that don't match the delivery addresses that I couldn't spot ahead of creating the layer. So I thought of just updating them and be done with it, just like the tool itself does when it can't find a location due to wrong zipcodes/city names etc. Recreating the layers (there are a few) would cost me a lot of credits so I'd like to avoid it.
I looked around in the webclient parameters, but couldn't find anything. I did not upload the map and layers yet, and the data format used is table (not designated/named range).
Can anyone help me?

Is there a way to select cells in an Excel row to auto-populate into cells in a separate Workbook each time a new row is added?

I need to send RFQs to various vendors using their specific forms which are Excel formatted. I need specific information from my co-workers in order to properly fill out the vendor's forms. I was thinking about using MS Forms to gather the specific info I need from my co-workers, then hoping some how that data could easily/automatically be transferred to the vendor's specific Excel form based on the MS Forms responses. The responses received determine which vendor form, and in most cases multiple vendor forms, to use. Then each completed form saved as its own file.
I was looking at different MS Flows, PowerApps, and Power Automate templates that have already been created, but I'm sure one matches my needs or if any of those are the best solution. I did watch some videos about how to create your own MS Flow/PowerApp, but I wasn't sure it was going to be a viable solution. I am hoping to streamline the action of copying & pasting the data, but I'm not sure how I would go about setting up a way, if there is one. Or if there is a "dummies" how to way or if the way would be over my head.
Background knowledge/experience: I have zero experience or base knowledge of coding. I can record macros, but cannot edit the coding, I have to re-record it from scratch. I can do simple IF formula's & Pivot Tables in Excel. I tried for a minute to teach myself PowerBi, but think knowing SQL first would be better from my understanding. Haven't dived down rabbit hole of trying to teach myself SQL, if that's even possible without some base coding knowledge. I want to learn these things and how to do more, but lack of time is a factor. I piece and squeeze in micromillimeters of knowledge in when I can from Googling and YouTube. I haven't had much luck Googling this, because what I'm typing in the search bar isn't producing helpful results as far as I can tell.

Auto Updating an Excel Spreadsheet/Graph in One Note (In Real Time?)

So here is what we are trying to do:
My boss has a bunch of monitors and wants to display our monthly metrics in real time. I've built a database in MS Access that pulls the data from a list in SharePoint and then that linked table is in turn linked to an Excel Spreadsheet. The datasheet is then setup on a second sheet that has a 3-D pivot table showing the data in graph form. I then have added this graph to One Note for display. The problem is One Note won't update the Excel Spreadsheet. Is there a way to have one note update the spreadsheet/Graph in real time or update it periodically (say every hour?)
I've been looking around via Google search and found "Some" info but nothing directly to what I'm looking for or explaining how to do it.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!!!

developing a front end app using excel spread sheets

We get at least 20 queries a day on an average from our clients, where in we have to open and look at data on 4 to 5 Excel sheets to answer them. questions such as what is my available balance, am i eligible for this etc. All our clients are connected to our intranet and have access to internet. I was wondering is there a way where we can develop a front end app (do not have budget for MS VB or any other) either in excel or any other to connect these 4 to 5 excel sheets to retrieve the data in response to queries (e.g. using perhaps some if and true/false queries). I am not an advanced Excel user but would be great for an advice from tech experts.
Yes, i wouldn't call it an app but consider a worksheet like a dashboard. You can have a cell for entering client name, and then use formulas to look up relevant information of the name entered. The cosmetic and arrangement of the information retrieved and published on the dashboard is up to you and of course do consider investing some time in the looks and feel if you want to enjoy using it.
Things you may consider are:
Place the files are kept and file name convention
because your dashboard will look for information in external workbooks, ensure that the files are saved in a fixed directory and have a specific file name. if the external files are updated from time to time by other folks, let them know too that they have to save it in a particular folder with a specific name format.
Properly structure the source of data
Format you data source into tables so that it is easier for use with formulas. Throw away titles if any in the data source worksheet. Use tools like "Table" under the INSERT tab. When data are properly organized, they can be easily looked up using formulas such as VLOOKUP, SUMIFS, MATCH-INDEX, and COUNTIF.
Be good with formulas
Since we have no budget for VB, then good formulas will be needed. There are plenty of help on the internet for this I think you'll have no problem in it.
Employ sanitary check measure
It is difficult to tell if our formula isn't functioning properly when we have no counter check measure. Certainly you want to give your clients accurate information. One way to check is, think of alternative ways to get the information wanted and check if it matches to the first way. Another way is to retrieve a sequence of related information to be put on the dashboard, then do simple calculation to check if the numbers add up. Use conditional formatting to highlight errors if necessary.
I think these are key consideration, there may be more, but this is what i can think of for the moment.

Exporting Access data to pre-existing and pre-formatted Excel spreadsheets

Good day all,
I am very new to Access and VBA, so some of these questions may seem elementary, but any help offered would be greatly appreciated... I am a member of a recruiting organization, and am trying to build a database system that will greatly increase our administrative efficiency and quality of life. My organization insists on the use of Excel spreadsheets that are supplied to us to document our efforts and for our reports, thus ruling out the possibility of using the reports from Access. I have the underlying database pretty well ironed out, but what I need help with is taking that data and putting it in specific cells within an existing excel spreadsheet. Specifically, what steps do I need to tell access to do, how to select the appropriate worksheet, and how to select individual cells to send data to. I also need to link all of this to a button on a form labeled, say, "Generate Applicant Log"... Additionally, I would like both the database and all applicable template spreadsheets we would need to be located in the same folder that I can lock, so that I can send the whole folder to another user and all necessary files are included, but they can't get into the folder to mess with stuff. I am concerned this will affect whatever coding I would use due to the changing file path names from user to user, so any help in figuring out a way to tell access how to find the spreadsheets relative to where the database is so it always works no matter who's computer the folder is on or where it is at in the same computer, would also be greatly appreciated... I apologize in advance for the length of this inquiry, and graciously appreciate any help in this matter! Thank you for your time!
Rather than send data from Access to Excel, it is easier to pull data into Excel from Access. In Excel, on the "Data" tab select "from other sources" and build a Microsoft Query. I like to put the data into a spreadsheet and link the data into the sheet the user will see - I hide the original sheet. This way you can put all of the data into the hidden sheet, and then move things for the reports you need.
Using this method, I bring measurement data from a database, show it to users that need to review it, and run VBA routines to evaluate the data and highlight the interesting / important data. I also keep the users out of the original database.
I have my database on a server and I cannot offer help on sending the database and files to the user. I just send the file - they have access to the server and the data is refreshed each time the spreadsheet opens.
