Spark-java multithreading vs running individual spark jobs - apache-spark

I am new with Spark and trying to understand performance difference in below approaches (Spark on hadoop)
Scenario : As per batch processing I have 50 hive queries to run.Some can run parallel and some sequential.
- First approach
All of queries can be stored in a hive table and I can write a Spark driver to read all queries at once and run all queries in parallel ( with HiveContext) using java multi-threading
pros: easy to maintain
Cons: all resources may get occupied and
performance tuning can be tough for each query.
- Second approach
using oozie spark actions run each query individual
pros:optimization can be done at query level
cons: tough to maintain.
I couldn't find any document about the first approach that how Spark will process queries internally in first approach.From performance point of view which approach is better ?
The only thing on Spark multithreading I could found is:
"within each Spark application, multiple “jobs” (Spark actions) may be running concurrently if they were submitted by different threads"
Thanks in advance

Since your requirement is to run hive queries in parallel with the condition
Some can run parallel and some sequential
This kinda of workflows are best handled by a DAG processor which Apache Oozie is. This approach will be clearner than you managing your queries by code i.e. you will be building your own DAG processor instead of using the one provided by oozie.


Differences in Execution betwen Hive and Spark

All: I am looking for someone with more knowledge to check my understanding of Hive and Spark
I have been researching different large scale database solutions and I am trying to understand the difference in execution between Hive and Spark. I attempted to install Hadoop, Hive, and Spark to see how they perform. I was able to get Hadoop and Spark to work. I was unable to get Hive to work.
When I ran queries in Spark after they passed through the optimizer, it seems that the biggest advantage is that only the relevant table data is selected from the source at the earliest inception. So if I only needed Table1.columns(A,B,C) in the final answer, but told the system to JOIN Table1 & Table2 on (Table1.A=Table2.B) it immediately reduces the carried table to only the relevant items...I do not think Hive performs that way. I believe it will do the full join and perform the reduction later.
There are also differences in the memory storage (Hive going back the the HDFS frequently, vs Spark keeping things in RAM). This has both advantages and disadvantages depending on the data set/query.
Unfortunately because I cannot get Hive to run, my theory is based off of reading outputs of other people running things in Hive.
I Think hive and spark originally have different goals, and their execution styles are based on those goals.
Apache spark is a framework that allows you to do calculations on big datasets. stored on hdfs
Hive is an SQL interface to retriev data stored in an hdfs, and other clusterized and object store filesystems (S3 is an example) in a structured way.
Spark keeps things on ram because its more focused on making calculations with the data sets. Hive is more focused on retrieving data in a structured way, so it does not focus on speed that much (that being said, there have been improvements in hive, like llap that are meant to improve performance).
I like to use analogies with traditional software tools. On one side, you can have a relational database, and on the other side, a programming language. They both overlap in some functionality (you can write and read to disk with the programming language, and you can do some calculations with the sql engine. However, if the task at hand requires intensive and complex calculations you would probably use the programming language. If you are looking for a system that lets you store data in a structured way, you would go for the sql engine.
Hive on Tez and Spark both use Ram(memory) for operating on data . The number of partitions computed which will be treated as individual tasks would be quite different from Hive on Tez vs Spark . Hive on Tez by default tries to use combiner to merge certain splits into single partition . Hive one Tez seem to handle autoscaling of clusters in a better way than spark and does work most of the time.Spark doesn't work with autoscaling it would have lot of shuffle errors and will fail when there are multiple stages . But given a fixed size of cluster Spark seems to perform better over Hive on TEZ this could be attributed to some of the optimizations done and also how the shuffle ,serialization etc are implemented .

how to submit to spark for many jobs in one application

I have a report stats project which use spark 2.1(scala),here is how it works:
object PtStatsDayApp extends App {
Stats A...
Stats B...
Stats C...
someone put many stat computation(mostly not related) in one class and submit it using shell. I find it has two problems:
if one stat stuck then the other stats below can not run
if one stat failed then the application will rerun from the beginning
I have two refactor solutions:
put every stat in a single class ,but many more script needed. Does this solution get many overhead for submit so many?
run these stat in parallel .Does this issue resource stress, or spark can hand it appropriately?
Any other idea or best practice? thanks
There are several 3d party free Spark schedulers like Airflow, but I suggest to use Spark Launcher API and write a launching logic programmatically. With this API you can run your jobs in paralel, sequentially or whatever you want.
Link to doc:
Efficiency of running your jobs in parallel mostly depends on your Spark Cluster configuration. In general Spark supports such kind of workloads.
First you can set the scheduler mode to FAIR. Then you can use parallel collections to launch simultaneous Spark jobs on a multithreaded driver.
A parallel collection, lets say... a Parallel Sequence ParSeq of ten of your Stats queries, can use a foreach to fire off each of the Stats queries one by one. It will depend on how many cores the driver has as to how many threads you can use aimultaneously. By default, the global execution context has that many threads.
Check out these posts they are examples of launching concurrent spark jobs with parallel collections.
Cache and Query a Dataset In Parallel Using Spark
Launching Apache Spark SQL jobs from multi-threaded driver

How to achieve vertical parallelism in spark?

Is it possible to run multiple calculations in parallel using spark?
Example cases that could benefit from that:
running column-wise tasks for large columns. Applying StringIndexer to 10K columns can benefit from having calculation only on a single worker and having as many workers working on single columns as possible.
running numerous atomic tasks for small datasets. For example:
for in_path, out_path in long_ds_list:'column').distinct().write(out_path)
The closest equivalents I can think of would be SparkR.lapply() or .Net Parallel.ForEach(), but for a cluster environment rather than simpler multi-threading case.
I'd say that Spark is good at scheduling distributed computing tasks and could handle your cases with ease, but you'd have to develop their solutions yourself. I'm not saying it'd take ages, but would require quite a lot of effort since it's below the developer-facing API in Spark SQL, Spark MLlib, Structured Streaming and such.
You'd have to use Spark Core API and create a custom RDD that would know how to describe such computations.
Let's discuss the first idea.
running column-wise tasks for large columns. Applying StringIndexer to 10K columns can benefit from having calculation only on a single worker and having as many workers working on single columns as possible.
"column-wise tasks for large columns" seems to suggest that you think about Spark SQL's DataFrames and Spark MLlib's StringIndexer Transformer. They are higher-level APIs that don't offer such features. You're not supposed to deal with the problem using them. It's an optimization feature so you have to go deeper into Spark.
I think you'd have to rewrite the higher-level APIs in Spark SQL and Spark MLlib to use your own optimized custom code where you'd have the feature implemented.
Same with the other requirement, but this time you'd have to be concerned with Spark SQL only (leaving Spark MLlib aside).
Wrapping up, I think both are possible with some development (i.e. not available today).

Is it possible to run multiple aggregation jobs on a single dataframe in parallel in spark?

Is there any way to run multiple independent aggregation jobs on a single RDD in parallel? First preference is Python then Scala and Java.
The course of actions in order of preference are -
Using Threadpool - run different functions doing different aggregations on different threads. I did not see an example which does this.
Using cluster mode on yarn , submitting different jars. Is this possible , if yes then is it possible in pyspark?
Using Kafka - run different spark-submits on the dataframe streaming through kafka.
I am quite new to Spark , and my experience ranges on running Spark on Yarn for ETL doing multiple aggregations serially. I was thinking if it was possible to run these aggregations in parallel as they are mostly independent.
Consider your broad question, here is a broad answer :
Yes, it is possible to run multiple aggregation jobs on a single DataFrame in parallel.
For the rest, it doesn't seem to be clear what you are asking.

Baseline for measuring Apache Spark jobs execution times

I am fairly new to Apache Spark. I have been using it for several months, but this is my first project that uses it.
I use Spark to compute dynamic reports from data, stored in a NoSQL database (Cassandra). So far I have created several reports and they are computed correctly. Inside them I use DataFrame .unionAll(), .join(), .count(), .map(), etc.
I am running a 1.4.1 Spark cluster on my local machine with the following setup:
I have also populated the database with test data which is around 10-12k records per table.
By using the driver's web UI (http://localhost:4040/), I have noticed that the jobs are taking 40s-50s to execute, so lately I have been researching ways to tune Apache Spark and the jobs.
I have configured Spark to use the KryoSerializer, I have set the to lzf, I have optimized the jobs as much as I can and as much as my knowledge allows me to.
This led to the jobs taking 20s-30s to compute (which I think is a good improvement). The problem is that because this is my first Spark project, I have no baseline to compare the jobs times, so I have no idea if the execution is slow or fast and whether there is some problem in the code or with the Spark config.
What is the best way to proceed? Is there a graph or benchmark that shows how much time an action with N data should take?
You have to use hive . On top of hive you can put spark . After doing this create temp table in hive for Cassandra table you can perform all type of aggregation and filtering . After doing this you can use hive jdbc connection to get result . It will give fast result .
