Connections in Pyqt forms - pyqt

I have been newly working on developing a desktop application and i am stuck with this topic. I have two forms and I want to connect Buttons/widgets of one form to Buttons/widgets of another. Is it even possible to do that? I know it can be done in the same form but if someone knows about it, please help. Thanks in advance


Is there a way to deploy my app on a hosted platform?

Dear Stackoverflow people,
I am facing the following problem:
For an internship in a company I have created a leaflet map with several custom features such as custom popups, markerstyle etc. The thing is, in the end they are supposed to manage the whole thing. Since they don´t know anything about code they asked for the easiest possible way for them to add data to the map.
So I came across the serverside tutorial by CodingTrain using Node.js and thought its perfect for me. Now I created basically a webform that takes up all information, converts it into a geoJSON feature, stores it in a database and sends it to the map to be displayed, great easy GUI to add new features...
Now comes the bummer which I didnt know would be a problem: The website is on a hosted service called Bitrix. I uploaded my project and it does not recognize the routes and cant write to the database or anything. I actually dont know whether I can run node on this platform?
I had the idea to launch the whole thing on a Service like Heroku or Glitch and just take the map from there and include it into the other website via an Iframe or something like that. Do you guys think thats feasible? Are there any other better ways?
Sorry for my obvious cluelessness but I´m completely new to serverside programming and thought I´d found an easy way out... I am grateful for any kind of suggestions or help!

NodeJS execute flow in background (server side) and grab the html

I am having a website which has many sections and multiple pages in each section.
There is a feature called "Generate PDF" which will traverse through all the sections and pages one by one and grab the HTML from the browser and then generate its PDF. This is working fine as of now.
But this is holding the user from doing anything until the PDF is generated.
I want to have some help on how I can do the same process in background (on server side) ? I have heard from someone that node-curl may help in this but I am not familiar with that.
Can anyone suggest me some ways to proceed further?
If anyone aware about node-curl and just can give hint that it may help me to resolve the issue then also it will be good. I will learn about it and invest my time to get it done.
Or else if someone came across the same kind of problem and have any idea then it will be good.
I am open to use any npm to get it done.
We are also using EmberJs so if any suggestions on that part then also welcomed.
Thank you.
Do you mean you implemented 'Generate PDF' in your client side emberjs code?
If you are running a nodejs based server, you can use node-curl to grab the HTML from intended URL. It is can be risky and you might end up in similar problem of blocking because nodejs runs on single thread. Better you fork a new process to execute 'Generate PDF' logic on separate thread. For details -

Why is CodedUI TestMap very slow in Remote Desktop?

I am using VSTS 2012 for UI Automation on client machine which is connected through VMware.
The problem is with UI Test map. Whenever I try to capture or locate an object, VSTS takes long time to locate it. This is terribly consuming time.
Can someone please assist on how to overcome or this is something to do with VSTS behaviour?
Please assist ASAP.
Start the remote session using this command:
mstsc /console.
You still get all the benefits like dynamic screen resolution, but control identification will be much faster.
I too came across this issue.
Im my experience, it was because of more number of controls been added in UIMap. If so, just create another UIMap and move some controls to the another UIMap.
I would like to hear from you after trying this. :)

Drag and Drop from Silverlight OOB to another App

Well, here is another question that I think has been answered, but I need to ask it anyway. Is it possible to create a customized Silverlight 5 control that can be dragged from one application to another? The behavior I would like to emulate is like the Spy++ Crosshair Icon.
Thanks guys!
So after much research and deliberation, we abandoned the idea of using Silverlight to achieve our goal. The resulting application is a Windows Forms desktop application.
Since no one here decided to help answering this particular question, I will answer it with this: It is not possible to use Silverlight to create a control that you can drag over to an external application and find the Window Handle information for that external app.

Animation in Youtube Application for Android Tablets

Here is the screen shot of Youtube Application that we see in tablets.
I like this animation very much and want to try it in my application. So, I want to know about it. Can anyone tell me about it. What this animation is called and where I can find some knowledge and guide/tutorial for this?
Secondly what control is used in here? I have few things in my mind e.g. Gallery, GridView etc. Kindly share your knowledge.
Any help is much appreciated.
YouTube uses a custom component we call the "carousel," written in Renderscript.
