Why is CodedUI TestMap very slow in Remote Desktop? - visual-studio-2012

I am using VSTS 2012 for UI Automation on client machine which is connected through VMware.
The problem is with UI Test map. Whenever I try to capture or locate an object, VSTS takes long time to locate it. This is terribly consuming time.
Can someone please assist on how to overcome or this is something to do with VSTS behaviour?
Please assist ASAP.

Start the remote session using this command:
mstsc /console.
You still get all the benefits like dynamic screen resolution, but control identification will be much faster.

I too came across this issue.
Im my experience, it was because of more number of controls been added in UIMap. If so, just create another UIMap and move some controls to the another UIMap.
I would like to hear from you after trying this. :)


Connections in Pyqt forms

I have been newly working on developing a desktop application and i am stuck with this topic. I have two forms and I want to connect Buttons/widgets of one form to Buttons/widgets of another. Is it even possible to do that? I know it can be done in the same form but if someone knows about it, please help. Thanks in advance

Workflow : Best way to carry my projects over to multiple computers?

I wonder if this question really fall in the topic of this site and feel free to tell me if it doesn't. But anyway, here's the situation : I'm currently in college and when I'm at school, I program on my lap top, and when I'm at home, I'd like to programm on my desktop. I was wondering, what is the best way to carry my projects over from one PC to another? I currently use Visual Studio 2015.
I tought of one solution, set my VS Workspace in my Google Drive so everytime I save a project, it's carried over.
But do you guys have a better solution? Thanks for your responses! :)
I also don't know whether this question belongs to SO. Anyway, I will try to answer your question.
In situation where you program in groups, a source code management system (version control) is absolutely necessary to synchronize code and avoid conflicts. A very popular one is Git which is used in many various projects in different programming languages. For other version control systems, look at the bottom of the wiki article.
It would be too much to explain Git (or version control in general) in this answer, but the general work flow is always the same: There is a server somewhere, an when you start coding you 'check out' your project, which means you copy the most recent updates to your local machine. When you are done, you commit the changes to the server. If you want to work on another computer, you just check your project out again. When finished, commit again.

Netsuite : First Few Actions that need to be taken for learning

I got Developer Account of Netsuite. And Know Javascript well. Downloaded SuiteCloud in Eclipse (Though my first Suitelet code is showing errors when I ran it on eclipse as shown in the help centre). Can use Help Centre and Also I have register for the Forum.
Now I need to learn Netsuite, so what should be my first few steps that needs to be taken so that I can proceed properly with learning.
Your guidance will be valuable.
Thanks in Advance.
As mentioned above you already owned a Dev account and have eclipse setup with you, so I guess you might have already learnt the essentials of using eclipse plugin for Netsuite. I would rather recommend to play with some client and user event script samples (NS help center) and the deployment process to have an idea how the whole process works in conjunction with record objects. Learning Suitelet involves a lot of learning curves. So better off you jump into Suitelet once you have enough knowledge on the script types and their usages.

NodeJS execute flow in background (server side) and grab the html

I am having a website which has many sections and multiple pages in each section.
There is a feature called "Generate PDF" which will traverse through all the sections and pages one by one and grab the HTML from the browser and then generate its PDF. This is working fine as of now.
But this is holding the user from doing anything until the PDF is generated.
I want to have some help on how I can do the same process in background (on server side) ? I have heard from someone that node-curl may help in this but I am not familiar with that.
Can anyone suggest me some ways to proceed further?
If anyone aware about node-curl and just can give hint that it may help me to resolve the issue then also it will be good. I will learn about it and invest my time to get it done.
Or else if someone came across the same kind of problem and have any idea then it will be good.
I am open to use any npm to get it done.
We are also using EmberJs so if any suggestions on that part then also welcomed.
Thank you.
Do you mean you implemented 'Generate PDF' in your client side emberjs code?
If you are running a nodejs based server, you can use node-curl to grab the HTML from intended URL. It is can be risky and you might end up in similar problem of blocking because nodejs runs on single thread. Better you fork a new process to execute 'Generate PDF' logic on separate thread. For details - https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html

How to enable Virtual ListView Control for OpenLDAP server?

I'm trying to use UnboundID's LDAP SDK to fetch contacts present on an LDAP server.
I'm using the VirtualListView(VLV) Control along with Server-side sort in my code and this code works perfectly fine when I tested with a LDAP server configured in my organization.
However, I wanted to setup a local server and add certain contacts/entries to it and test my code with that server. For this, I used OpenLDAP and configured it on Ubuntu 10.04 using instructions from this link: http://www.ghacks.net/2010/08/31/set-up-your-ldap-server-on-ubuntu-10-04/
Now, when I tried getting the contacts, my code does not work as the server I've setup is not supporting VLV. When I perform a simple search, i.e. without any VLV or other paging technique, then I am able to see the results. This means the server is working fine, but not supporting VLV control.
So what I need to know is how can I enable support for VLV or any other required controls for my server?
Please do let me know if anyone knows how to achieve this. Hors of googling hasn't lead to any promising results :(
Thanks & Regards,
Question is off topic, should be on serverfault.com, but you have to load, enable, and configure the SSSVLV overlay.
Forget that blog, and all random Internet blogs while you're at it. Have a good look at the OpenLDAP Admin Guide itself, which is where you should have started. I can also recommend a really good reference here, but only because I've used it extensively, not just because Google said so.
