Adding 0's In the middle of a cell? - excel

I know how to add leading 0's, but I was wondering if it is posible to add them in a middle of a cell to = 12 characters. The first two characthers are always going to be letters. and then nummbers.
AB45686 = AB0000045686
DS456 = DS0000000456

Parse the string with LEFT and MID, then use text to add the needed 0s:
=LEFT(A1,2) & TEXT(--MID(A1,3,LEN(A1)),"0000000000")

Here is the other way to get the result.


Remove all text and characters except some

I have here some text strings
"16cg-301 -request","16cg-3368 - for review","16cg-3684 - for process"
what i would like to do is to remove all the text and characters except the number and the letters "cg" and - which is within the reference code.
If the string you want to extract is always before the first space in the full string then you can use SEARCH and LEFT to extract your reference code:
=LEFT(A1,SEARCH(" ",A1)-1)
This formula would take 16cg-3368 from 16cg-3368 - for review.
I suggest using something like suggested here
How to use Regular Expressions (Regex) in Microsoft Excel both in-cell and loops
With a replace regex similar to this
or a match regex like this
^([0-9cg- ]+).*
else you could also work with a strange formule similar to this
only works by now for less than 33 signs.
problem here will be that you will get unexpected behavior like this:
123cg-123 - Process => 123cg-123-c
after rereading , I think you should try an other approach than described in the question ;-)
If you want to return everything up to and including the last digit, then try:
seq is a named formula: Formula ► Define Name
Name: seq
Refers to: =ROW(INDEX($1:$65535,1,1):INDEX($1:$65535,255,1))
seq returns an array of sequential numbers from 1 to 255.
returns an array consisting of the individual characters in the string in A1. The leading minus sign converts the digits from strings to numbers.
The lookup function will then return the position of the last digit

Extracting decimal numbers from a string in Excel

I've tried lots of searches for this but I'm still not coming up with anything that works.
I have a range of strings in Column A
As you can see, the numbers always start in the same place, after the underscore "_" at position 13.
I need to extract the decimal numbers from these strings into a new column so I'm left with 1.1, 1.13, 1.14, 4.26 etc.
I've tried all sorts of combos of MID, LEFT, LEN, RIGHT but to no avail, trying to find the position of the last period.
Could anyone explain how to accomplish this? Ideally I'd like to do this without VBA.
Here you are:
Here's what inside =VALUE(MID(...)):
A1 - the whole string itself
SEARCH("_",A1)+1 - find the number starting position - right after "_".
SEARCH(".",A1,SEARCH(".",A1,SEARCH("_",A1)+1)+1)-(SEARCH("_",A1)+1) - find number length - position of second "." after first "." minus number starting position.
Try with three functions:
Try this - If the position of _ is not necessarily 13.
Or this if the _ is always 13
Use This:
assuming value is in A1
Far from ideal, but with a shorter formula than the solutions offered so far:
Catch is that formulae would then need to be converted to values, parsed with delimiter _ (being careful to ensure Column data format is Text) and surplus columns deleted.
When the string Amend.Clause_1.1.AddMCQ is in A1
will give the position of the second decimal point, then you should be able to extract the decimal number.
The syntax is
FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num])

Return the characters after Nth character in a string

I need help! Can someone please let me know how to return the characters after the nth character?
For example, the strings I have is "001 baseball" and "002 golf", I want my code to return baseball and golf, not the number part. Since the word after the number is not always the same length, I cannot use = Right(String, n)
Any help will be greatly appreciated
If your numbers are always 4 digits long:
=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-5) //'0001 Baseball' returns Baseball
If the numbers are variable (i.e. could be more or less than 4 digits) then:
=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(" ",A1,1)) //'123456 Baseball’ returns Baseball
Mid(strYourString, 4) (i.e. without the optional length argument) will return the substring starting from the 4th character and going to the end of the string.
Alternately, you could do a Text to Columns with space as the delimiter.
Since there is the [vba] tag, split is also easy:
str1 = "001 baseball"
str2 = Split(str1)
Then use str2(1).
Another formula option is to use REPLACE function to replace the first n characters with nothing, e.g. if n = 4

Excel copying part of a string between characters

Is there a way of returning part of a string between certain characters in excel? For example my string looks like this:
`switchrefid` = {switchrefid: }
I need to cut the part of the string between the ' (apostrophes) so it just returns switchrefid
I'm sure there must be a formula for this i just cant think of the one to use.
Thanks in advance.
As long as the ``` characters occur exactly twice in your data, you can do:
=LEFT(RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("`", A1)), FIND("`",RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("`", A1)))-1)
Although it is pretty horrible!
(Edit: this assumes your data is in A1, of course.)
Just two more options, if the word always starts at the second Character and ends just before the last you could simply use :
=MID(A1,2,LEN(A1)-2) ' Minus 2 for the 2 ticks
And the second option would be to substitute the tick with nothing like so:
With the substitute is also supports a number of substitutes. So if you had `switchrefid`` for some reason and only want to get rid of 2 of the three ticks you could use:
and this would return switchrefid`
although it would not work for ''switchrefid' as it would STILL return switchrefid' because it only removes the 1st 2 instances of the text to remove

Substring in excel

I have a set of data that shown below on excel.
R/V(208,0,32) YR/V(255,156,0) Y/V(255,217,0)
R/S(184,28,16) YR/S(216,128,0) Y/S(209,171,0)
R/B(255,88,80) YR/B(255,168,40) Y/B(255,216,40)
And I want to separate the data in each cell look like this.
R/V 208 0 32
R/S 184 28 16
R/B 255 88 80
what is the function in excel that I can use for this case.
Thank you in advance.
kennytm doesn't provide an example so here's how you do substrings:
=MID(text, start_num, char_num)
Let's say cell A1 is Hello.
=MID(A1, 2, 3)
Would return
Because it says to start at character 2, e, and to return 3 characters.
In Excel, the substring function is called MID function, and indexOf is called FIND for case-sensitive location and SEARCH function for non-case-sensitive location. For the first portion of your text parsing the LEFT function may also be useful.
See all the text functions here: Text Functions (reference).
Full worksheet function reference lists available at:
    Excel functions (by category)
    Excel functions (alphabetical)
Another way you can do this is by using the substitute function. Substitute "(", ")" and "," with spaces.
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1, "(", " "), ")", " "), ",", " ")
I believe we can start from basic to achieve desired result.
For example, I had a situation to extract data after "/". The given excel field had a value of 2rko6xyda14gdl7/VEERABABU%20MATCHA%20IN131621.jpg . I simply wanted to extract the text from "I5" cell after slash symbol. So firstly I want to find where "/" symbol is (FIND("/",I5). This gives me the position of "/". Then I should know the length of text, which i can get by LEN(I5).so total length minus the position of "/" . which is LEN(I5)-(FIND("/",I5)) . This will first find the "/" position and then get me the total text that needs to be extracted.
The RIGHT function is RIGHT(I5,12) will simply extract all the values of last 12 digits starting from right most character. So I will replace the above function "LEN(I5)-(FIND("/",I5))" for 12 number in the RIGHT function to get me dynamically the number of characters I need to extract in any given cell and my solution is presented as given below
The approach was
=RIGHT(I5,LEN(I5)-(FIND("/",I5))) will give me out as VEERABABU%20MATCHA%20IN131621.jpg . I think I am clear.
Update on 11/30/2022
With new excel functions, you can use the following in cell C1 for the input in A1:
=TEXTJOIN(" ",,TEXTSPLIT(A1,{"(",",",")"}))
Here is the output:
What about using Replace all?
Just replace All on bracket to space.
And comma to space. And I think you can achieve it.
