visual studio code resource collector - resources

I'm working on a website with Visual Studio Code.
Is there a way to save only the files being used by a project into a separate folder?
Basically what I'm looking for is a tool which would scan all the local resources linked by all html files (meaning linked images, videos, files), and then it would save them all in a separate folder.
The reason why I'm asking this is because at the moment I'm testing things out, meaning I'm using image A, then image B, C and so on so forth. These images live in subfolders, so now I ended up with some images which I'm actually using in the html pages and some which I'm not. The thing is, is not simple to check which images I'm using.
You'll find the same principle in 3d applications, such as 3ds Max for instance, where, once you're done with the project, you can use a Resource Collector tool to strip out all the unused assets and save only the ones used by the project.
I've looked for an extension or a solution to this without any luck, so I guess an extension does not exist yet, but I think it would be a nice tool.

I don't understand why someone downvoted my post.
Either what I'm asking is already possible, although like I said I searched and I didn't find anything, or who downvoted consider my request stupid.
Whatever the reason, I believe it would be more mature to give a proper answer, even if whoever downvoted did it for either one of the two possible reason above.
In fact:
The solution already exists: like I said, I didn't find it, so if someone knows the solution why not simply posting it here?
The solution doesn't not exist but someone thinks it's a stupid idea. Well, it is not and it would be polite and civilized to discuss it.
In the current era it became so easy to express opinions without actually doing anything, by simply pressing a button to say nothing valuable, as a "I like".
I never stop feeling amazed where the social media behavior it's taking us.


Catching resource filename errors at compile time

I'm doing my first iOS App with Monotouch and I'm loading quite a lot of images from my resources directory. Every now and then I get a typo in a filename and the app will then crash on me spewing out some unintelligible error message. (I'll try adding deciphering stack traces to my skill set any day now ...)
I was thinking that there must be a smarter way to handle this. For example one could have a utility script that goes through the resources directory and constructs a list of global constants based on its contents. Each file in the resources gets an entry.
So that MyResources/Icons/HomeIcon.png will be represented by the constant MyResources.Icons.HomeIcon_png. Then one could have something like Inotify (don't know what that would be on Mac) watch the resources directory and regenerate the constants file on every change.
This would of course also give nice autocompletion for resources.
Maybe there's already something like this is already in Monodevelop or online somewhere? Otherwise how would I go about setting it up?
Or maybe there's some other smart way of mitigating the problem?
Your primary problem is typos in resource names are not caught early, and only cause crashes when the app is actually ran.
Your proposed solution of a list of global constants generated based on the available resources is kind of neat, but as far as I know this does not exist yet.
In the mean time, you could manually construct this list of global constants, and create a unit test that verifies all the elements in this list are valid resources (by looping through them automatically, of course - adding a resource to the list should not require a change to the test).
This way you can catch typos earlier (when you run the unit test rather than when you run the app), which is your primary concern. Additionally, if you ever find/write the script you envision, your application code is already prepared.
I filed an enhancement bug on Xamarin bugzilla for you:
So I spent four precious hours to cook up this little python script that sort of solves my problem. For now it's the best solution to my problem.

Memcached on NodeJS - node-memcached or node-memcache, which one is more stable?

I need to implement a memory cache with Node, it looks like there are currently two packages available for doing this:
node-memcached (
node-memcache (
Looking at both Github pages it looks like both projects are under active development with similar features.
Can anyone recommend one over the other? Does anyone know which one is more stable?
At the moment of writing this, the project 3rd-Eden/node-memcached doesn't seem to be stable, according to github issue list. (e.g. see issue #46) Moreover I found it's code quite hard to read (and thus hard to update), so I wouldn't suggest using it in your projects.
The second project, elbart/node-memcache, seems to work fine , and I feel good about the way it's source code is written. So If I were to choose between only this two options, I would prefer using the elbart/node-memcache.
But as of now, both projects suffer from the problem of storing BLOBs. There's an opened issue for the 3rd-Eden/node-memcached project, and the elbart/node-memcache simply doesn't support the option. (it would be fair to add that there's a fork of the project that is said to add option of storing BLOBs, but I haven't tried it)
So if you need to store BLOBs (e.g. images) in memcached, I suggest using overclocked/mc module. I'm using it now in my project and have no problems with it. It has nice documentation, it's highly-customizable, but still easy-to-use. And at the moment it seems to be the only module that works fine with BLOBs storing and retrieving.
Since this is an old question/answer (2 years ago), and I got here by googling and then researching, I feel that I should tell readers that I definitely think 3rd-eden's memcached package is the one to go with. It seems to work fine, and based on the usage by others and recent updates, it is the clear winner. Almost 20K downloads for the month, 1300 just today, last update was made 21 hours ago. No other memcache package even comes close.
The best way I know of to see which modules are the most robust is to look at how many projects depend on them. You can find this on's search page. For example:
memcache has 3 dependent projects
memcached has 31 dependent projects
... and in the latter, I see connect-memcached, which would seem to lend some credibility there. Thus, I'd go with the latter barring any other input or recommenations.

Code archive? what do people use?

I have loads of notepad , js , .cs in a folder that I use to refer back to when I'm developing. They are just in a folder on my laptop. Is anyone aware of a better way of storing all this guff in a more stuctured way? Thinking some kind of cloud website or something?
You can use a wiki for this kind of thing. There are wikis that are local, such as TiddlyWiki.
One way or another, to keep things safe, you should use source control, and/or backup to the cloud.
I keep my code samples that aren't project-specific in a revision-controlled directory tree, based on the language they're in; actual projects are also kept in revision control, but are kept separately. I have tons of them now.
For smaller idioms and snippets that are useful or that I forget as I switch between languages for a period of time, I pop them into a wiki, with different pages also based on which language they're in. I don't put whole files in there; I just extract the pieces that I tend to forget and pop them in there.
They do tend to build up as time goes on, so just putting the smaller pieces in is much more efficient for fast lookup.

Tracking changes to a (functional) design document

I am looking for a good way to keep a design document up to date with the latest decisions.
We are a small team (two developers, game designer, graphic designer, project manager, sales guy). Most of our projects last a couple of months. At the start of the project a design is made but we generally find ourselves making changes or new decisions throughout the project. Most of these changes are improvements, so we want to keep our process like that. (If the changed design results in more time needed this is generally taken care of, so that part is OK)
However, at the moment we have no nice way of capturing the changes to the initial design document and this results in the initial design quickly being abandoned as a source while coding. This is of course a waste of effort.
Currently our documents are OpenOffice/Word, and the best way to track changes in those documents will probably be adding a changelist to the top of the document and making the changes in the text in parallel — not really an option I'd think as ideal.
I've looked at requirements management software, but that looks way to specialized. The documents could be stored in subversion but I think that is a bit too low level to give insight in the changes.
Does anyone know a good way to track changes like these and keep the design document a valuable resource throughout the project?
EDIT: At the moment we mostly rely on changes to the original design being put in the bugtracker, that way they are at least somewhere.
EDIT: Related question
Is version control (ie. Subversion) applicable in document tracking?
I've found a wiki with revision logging works well as a step-up from Word documents, provided the number of users is relatively small. Finding one that makes it easy to make quick edits is helpful in ensuring it's kept up to date.
Both openoffice and word include capaiblities for showing/hiding edits to your document. Assuming there's resistance to changing, then that's your best option - either that or export to text and put it into any source control software.\
Alternatively, maintain a separate (diffable using the appropriate tool) document for change-description text, and save archive versions at appropriate points in time.
This problem has been a long standing issue in our programming shop too. The funny thing is that programmers tend to look at this from the wrong optimization angle: "keep everything in one place". In my opinion, you have two main issues:
The changes' descriptions must be easy to read ("So what's new?")
The process should be optimized for writing of the specification to agree upon, and then get to work already!
Imagine how this problem is solved in another environment: government law making. The lawbook is not rewritten with "track changes" turned on every time the government adds another law, or changes one...
The best way is to never touch a released document. Don't stuff everything into the same file, you'll get the:
dreaded version history table
eternal status "draft",
scattered inconsistencies,
horribly rushed sentences, and
foul smelling blend of authors' styles
Instead, release an addendum, describing only the changes in detail, and possibly replacing full paragraphs/pages of the original.
With the size of our project, this can never work, can it?
In my biggest project so far, I released one base spec, and 5 consecutive addenda. Each of around 5 pages. Worked like a charm!
I don't know any good, free configuration management tools, but why not place your design under source control? Just add it to SVN, CVS, or whatever you are using. This is good because:
1) It is always up to date (if you check it in, of course)
2) It is centralized
3) You can keep track of changes by using the built-in compare feature, available in almost any source control system
It may not be the 'enterprisish' solution you'd want, but you are a small team of developers anyway, so for that situation, it is more than perfect.
EDIT: I see now that you already mentioned a source control system, my mistake. Still, I think it should work well.
Use Google Docs. Its free, web based, muti-user in real time, you can choose who has access to your documents, and keeps versioning. You can also upload all your word documents and it will transform them for you.
For more information:

One man bugtracker?

Recently I've been doing lots of weekend coding, and have began to really need a bugtracker as things are gaining speed. This is probably the worst case scenario because I basically have to let things cool down over the week,so I simply can't remember the bugs in my head. So far I've been using a text file to jot down bugs,but I'd rather use something a bit better.
The biggest points here are ease of use and very little setup time.Don't want to spend more than an hour learning the basics and trying to install something. Also in my case I'm on a Mac so that would help, but solutions for other platforms are welcomed as they will likely help others.
FogBugz has a student/startup edition that's free indefinitely, for 2 or less users.
Personally, I use Excel. (Wait, come back, I'm not crazy!) For a bigger / team project, I've gotten a ton of mileage out of Bugzilla, but that tends to be kind of overkill for a one-person project.
But, a well-organized spreadsheet, with columns for things like "status", "description", "code module", "resolved date," etc, gets you pretty close to what you'd need for a small project. Sorting a spreadsheet by column isn't anywhere near a search, but its a whole lot better than "find in text file."
Heck, if you use Google docs rather than excel, you can even publish the thing as an RSS feed and get it anywhere.
And, the major advantage is that the setup time and learning curve are both effectively nil.
Addendum: And of course, the instant your "One-Person Bug Tracker" becomes a "Two-Person Bug Tracker" you must switch to something better. Bugzilla, FogBugz, anything. Trust me, I've been there.
Trac or Redmine are both pretty good. I don't know how easy they are to set up on a Mac.
It's worth mentioning that FogBugz also has a free version for up to 2 users, which would suit you. It is hosted so there is no installation and you can use something like Fluid to access it in its own window.
I don't think you need a full blown bugtracker for your scenario.
Try tiddly wiki, store each bug in a tiddler and give them tags like 'open' or 'closed'.
There is no installation required (only one html file), and it's very easy to use.
And platform neutral.
If you're working on a LAMPP stack, then for ease of setup and use I would probably recommend Mantis. It's written in PHP / MySQL and the only installation involved was specifying where the database should be created and what credentials should be used.
Oh, and its FOSS.
I would suggest Omnigroup's Omnifocus - it's an excellent task tracker, and if you just make the mental leap from bug to task, I think it works famously for one man projects as well as being an excellent way to organize your no doubt burgeoning task queue.
Eclipse has a really interesting system--I don't know why so few people seem to know about it.
It's tied in with their to-do list. It gives you the ability to enter bugs with as much or as little info as you like. You can tie it to versioning or an external bug tracker if you like. It's a decent bug tracker in itself.
The real trick is how it works with your source code.
Before you begin work you select a bug from the list. All the time you're coding, it tracks what files you are editing. It can close old tabs for you, and will also highlight areas of the source tree that you have modified a lot.
The nice thing is, you can go back to any bug you've edited an you will get your "Environment" back. Not only all your notes and stuff, but the same tabs will open up and the same sections of code in the navigator will be highlighted.
Also eclipse works with virtually any language, it's not just restricted to Java...
let me put in a good word for ditz - it's a bit bare-bones, but it has the invaluable feature that bugs are checked into your repository. it's also very easy to use once you get used to its way of doing things
You can use fogbugz for free if you're a one man team.
It's super easy to use and quick to learn.
They made it so that bugs are really easy to enter, no mandatory fields.
I'm the author of BugTracker.NET mentioned in another post. If I were looking for a tracker for JUST ONE PERSON with MINIMUM hassle, I'd use FogBugz, because it's hosted. No installation, no need to worry about backups.
But, what are you doing about version control? Don't you have to worry about that too, and backing that up? If so, consider something like Unfuddle or CVSDude where you can get BOTH Subversion and Trac, or Subversion and Fogbugz.
I use Mantis at home and I'm happy with it. It can be a pain in the arse to get it working so you can choose to download a free and ready-made VM installation. Cannot be easier than that,
Maybe a spreadsheet would be the next logical step? I know it sounds really un-sexy, but if you're the only user, you don't have to worry much about others mucking it up, and it adds a few basic features over a text file like sorting. Then if you later need to graduate to something RDBMS-backed, you would likely have a feasible import path. I just know that for me, when working by myself, I don't tend to get around to putting bugs in anything that requires more care and feeding than that (of course when working with others the collaborative needs make a more defined repository a requirement, but that's a different story).
EDIT: After noting the availability of free, hosted access to FogBugz, I'm re-thinking the bar for care and feeding...
RT from BestPractical is great.
I also get a lot of mileage out of just keeping a list of items in a text file with vi, if I can express them all in one line. This is usually for many small todo items on a single component or task.
I've tried and even though it's a little bit rough on the edges, it's free and was built with ASP.NET:
Are you using a source control repository as well? If not, you really should, even though you're only a one-man team.
My personal preference is to use a VMWare Virutal Application (free) that offers no-hassle setup gives you access to both Trac and Subversion. You can find many different virual appliances through searching. Here is one example of getting a Trac/SVN virtual appliance up and running:
Trac is an excellent project management tool that sports a bug tracker, wiki, and integrated source control management. It's adaptable to your needs, and fits me very well personally.
I use bugzilla for this purpose. Plus for me was that it has integration with Eclipse (precisely with Mylyn). FogBuzz has it to but AFAIK it is nonfree.
Plus it sits on my laptop so I can code and add/remove bugs when offline (it was biggest disadvantage of hosted solutions for me)
Installation was not a problem in Ubuntu (and any debian-based distro I suppose).
I dig ELOG in those cases, it's more of a personal blog, but it's easy to handle and install, the data is local on your computer and you can search all entries via fulltext. Always sufficed for me.
If you have a Windows box with IIS and MSSQL (including SQL Server Express), you should look at It is free and open source (you get the source code), and it is extensible.
Even if you are a one man shop, having a free bug tracking system with this much power will allow you to grow over time, because it is fairly easy to add future users into the system.
You can also customize it for the look of your organization, business or product.
Ontime 2008 by Axosoft is free for a single user licence. It's industrial strength and will give you alot more that just bug tracking!
Jira which now has free personal licenses.
I am using leo for this purpose. To be more specific, its cleo plugin.
Of course you might need to spend some time to get used to leo, but it will pay off.
A flat text file is just a list, an Excel spreadsheet is a two-dimensional list.
leo lets you keep the data in a tree! And it also has clones.
